Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 175 Surprise Attack on Langkazi Encounter

Chapter 175 Surprise Attack on Langkazi Encounter (Part )
When you are extremely happy, you will be sad. This is the eternal wisdom.

The Mongolian army successfully crossed the holy lake and headed into the mountains. They traveled unimpeded and gradually came to a canyon.

First the sentinel cavalry and then the vanguard entered, nothing was different. Sultan was very proud. Who else in the world dares to stop my army? "The Chinese army will follow up," he issued the military order.

Group after group of soldiers entered the valley, in an endless stream, like a giant snake winding, with no end or end visible.

"Bang~bang~bang~" Suddenly a large number of stones and large trees rolled down the mountain.

"咴迿迿~崴迿迿~崴迿迿~" the frightened war horse neighed.

"Form up and protect the Great Khan!" Duqianhu Alatancang immediately ordered, and the battle-experienced Huite soldiers quickly got rid of their panic and began to form an array.

A Zen staff with a head like the tip of a shovel was used to cut off Alatancang's head. "The robber shall die," Tenzolje's voice resounded throughout the valley, and the Buddhist Vajra roared like a lion.


Sultan discovered that those who attacked him turned out to be monk soldiers. Unlike the monk soldiers elsewhere, these monk soldiers not only had monks, but also nuns. Buddhists are supposed to be compassionate, but these monks and nuns are ruthless and merciless.

"Ah", the right arm of a guard beside him was slashed hard by a Tibetan knife, and a long and deep gash was made on the sleeve of his shirt. The white flesh was turned over, and bright red blood seeped out from the flesh, staining it. The shirt turned red, and the screams resounded throughout the world

"Dare to hurt my soldiers!"

Sultan was furious when he saw that the assailant was actually a monster with a body and a pig's face, or a man wearing a pig's head mask, so he stabbed him with a bright silver spear.

The cold light from the tip of the spear reflected on the mirror-like ice and snow between the mountain walls, emitting a cold air, and a fierce wind rushed straight towards the front of the pig-headed monster. "Poof", it seemed to be stabbed, but it seemed to be missed. The monster's body made a strange arc and slowly fell to the ground.

"Hmph," the Great Khan grunted, thinking he had killed the monster, and lowered the gun tip.

Suddenly, brilliant light spread in all directions with a strange fragrance, like pollen in the mountains, blocking everyone's sight. The monster's body jumped up like a dragon and flew towards the Great Khan. She rose into the air, spun around in the air, and wielded the hidden sword with a brilliant curtain of light, like a meteor falling from the starry sky. The dazzling sword light connected with the wind and clouds in the sky, and struck down on her head.


The Great Khan, who has experienced hundreds of battles, felt the sharp sword light and murderous intent. It turns out that I am also a mortal, and I will die after being stabbed! No, I can't die!

It was too late to block with his gun. At the critical moment, the Great Khan abandoned his gun and rolled over the rouge horse in a very disgraceful posture. The poor horse was stabbed and fell to the ground neighing miserably.

The sword was too fierce and the pig-headed monster couldn't hold it back, and its body rolled down along the horse corpse, rolling together with the Great Khan.


The two struggled together, and Suletan felt that the monster's body was very flexible and could always attack him with its palms, elbows, and even knees from angles that ordinary people could not. After being severely beaten, the Great Khan burst out with ferocity and held the pig-headed monster tightly with his arms and legs.

"You, let go!" He heard a panicked scream.

"No." Suletan increased his strength, raised his elbow, and pushed down the monster's mask, revealing a stunningly beautiful face. What a nice view! His eyes widened. "Be bold!"

In desperation, the girl bumped her head away. The Great Khan felt dizzy and lost consciousness.

"Khan, are you awake? This slave is guilty and failed to protect me." Alatancang knelt on the ground and apologized to Suletan who woke up leisurely.

"I can't blame you for this. I was careless. Have you ever asked clearly where those monks and nuns came from?" Suletan asked leisurely.

"Great Khan, except for a few monk soldiers who escaped in this battle, our army killed a total of 200 enemies and captured more than 600 enemies. According to the prisoners' confession, they were monk soldiers from the Sangding sect, a branch of the Podong sect. Dorje Pam ordered us to attack our army."

"Sangding Temple? I have no grudges against them. Why is this so?"

"My servant has interrogated her, but the female Bodhisattva, no, the female assassin is very stubborn and refuses to tell the truth."

"Don't want to say anything?" Sultan's face turned green, "Bring the female assassin into the tent, I will personally interrogate her."

According to legend, Dorje Pam appears in two forms: a girl or a pig-headed monster. The goddess at this time is an extremely beautiful girl, as pure and pure as the fireworks of the world.

"Are you the physical body of God Dorje Pam?" Suletan sneered and said mockingly: "I heard that the red light all over your body has spread all over the ten directions and three generations. Why can't I see it?"

"The divine light only saves those who are destined to be saved. You are not worthy." The girl's words were cold.

"Hmph! I ask myself, I have no enmity with Sangding Temple, why do you want to assassinate me?"

"You Huite people believe in Gelug and want to eradicate all other sects. After entering the snowy land, you will burn, kill and loot all the way. Our Sangding Temple is enshrined by the people of the Langkazi Sect, so we naturally want to keep the people safe. Kill the demons and eliminate them. It is my duty as a Buddhist."

"Burn, kill and loot? Eradicate all other factions?" Sultan was stunned. "Who did you listen to?"

"Master Quyin Dorje of the Kagyu Sect".

"I see, you have been deceived by Quyin Dorje. The two countries are at war, and each is his master. He is protecting Zangba Khan, so he naturally tries every means to slander me. I have always advocated freedom of belief for all sects and have never eradicated them. All sects only respect Gelug's ideas. In fact, I also worshiped Sharpa Hutuktu of the Sakya sect as my teacher. And you, Potong, are all treated equally. If you don’t believe it, you can ask the great master of Tianjin, Sherpa Hutuktu.” Sultan talked eloquently and almost shed tears in grievance.

Tianjin and Salpa were both eminent monks from the Anti-Gelug Alliance. When he mentioned their names, the girl's expression suddenly changed. Did Master Quyin Dorje really lie to him? If that's the case, wouldn't the monk soldiers I sent to die in battle have died in vain? She clenched her silver teeth, her jade face covered with frost.

"If you don't believe it, you can send people to ask everywhere in the snowy region. I have always cared for the people and never committed any crimes. When did I start burning, killing, and looting?" the Great Khan said again.

Yes, Quyin Duoji said that all the Mongolians were bandits, burning, killing and looting everywhere. If this is true, why is there no news about this?
The girl Bingxue is smart and gradually realizes that she has been tricked by Qu Yin Duoji to sow discord. It's a pity that so many innocent believers lost their lives because of their gullibility. For a moment, all thoughts were lost, and guilt and regret came over me heavily.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, please kill me," she murmured, closing her eyes, waiting for Suletan to draw the knife and chop herself.

The expected sword light did not appear, but a word floated over, "I have seen countless temples, but only the altar in Rusangding Temple is for women. Tell me about the origins of your sect's techniques, I am very curious." , the Great Khan said curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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