Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 163: 2 Great Monks Leaving Lhasa

Chapter 163 Two Great Monks Leave Lhasa (Part )
The two great monks in the snowy region: Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso and Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen came to Nagqu, not to enjoy the mountains and rivers, but to escape, and they were chased to Nagqu like rabbits.

It’s a long story!

After the more than 30,000 coalition forces of Chieftain Baili and Zangba Khan joined forces in the area of ​​Dorje Dra Monastery in southern Lhasa, they headed north towards Lhasa.

The coalition's momentum was very strong, and they reached all the way from Kenan Mugaggang, Nie Dang, and Niu'er Zongzhai to the gates of Chaliba City. Along the way, all the temples of the Gelug sect were destroyed and their belongings were robbed. If any monks resisted at all, they would be killed without mercy. When the news came, the monks of Gelulu fled one after another.

In Drepung Monastery, two great monks, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso and Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen, were enthroning the throne. Sonam Chunpei, the regent of the Gelug sect, came in. As a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, his face was calm and his words were clear, "The enemy is approaching Lhasa, please ask the two great masters to leave the city immediately to take charge."

"Has the situation developed to the point where we have to evacuate? The troops and monk soldiers from all Diba areas should be gathered together. There should be no less than 20,000 soldiers. There are still 1,000 Huite soldiers in Lhasa City and 4,000 in Damxung Damu Grassland. Huite soldiers, these armies together are worthy of a battle!" Monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso said reluctantly. He and Suletan were of the same age, both twenty-five years old this year. They were young and energetic, so naturally they refused to withdraw.

"Amitabha, if Lhasa is lost, where will the three major monasteries be? Qiang Zuo, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, you should not give up," said Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen. Lhasa is the fundamental place of the Gelug sect, and no one is willing to leave unless it is absolutely necessary.

"I understand. Let's gather the troops and ask the two great masters to prepare to evacuate in case of unexpected events." Suonan Qunpei bowed and requested.

"Qiang Zuo, just prepare for battle and don't worry about us," Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso ordered loudly.

"Yes", Suonan Qunpei took the order and left.

After he left, Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen said to Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso: "It seems that we are getting ready to leave!"

"Don't worry, Master, I have made arrangements."
"Amitabha", Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen said no more and silently recited the Buddha's name.

Suonan Qunpei issued a conscription order. Diba, Daiben, Jiaben and Ruben from all over the country responded to the order and came to Lhasa with soldiers and horses. Although the good and bad were mixed, the number was quite large, reaching 20,000. The number of people makes them bolder, and the Gelug sect is full of fighting spirit.

However, the former allies, the Whits, were not very effective. Sumurtaiji, the younger brother of Sultan Hutaiji who was stationed in Damxungdam grassland, was "greedy for life and afraid of death" and refused to send troops to rescue Lhasa. Instead, he kept building fortifications and only wanted to protect himself; He simply led a thousand of his men to flee to Damu Grassland and joined forces with Sumurtaji.

snort! You can run away if you want. Without the Mongols, our Tibetan army will still fight! The two divine monks ordered Suonan Qunpei to be the commander-in-chief and Zhongmeinai to be the deputy commander-in-chief. They led Dashopensuk, Mergen Champa and Dadongnai to guard Lhasa.

As a result, the coach and assistant coach had another disagreement. Suonan Qunpei advocated withdrawing from Tsariba City and relying on the Lhasa River to defend it; Zhongmeina advocated holding on to Tsariba City on the south bank of the Lhasa River. On the surface, it was said that guarding this city would prevent the enemy from crossing the river with all their strength. In fact, they had There are a large number of estates in Tsariba, and they are reluctant to abandon them. The two sides argued fiercely, and in a rage, Zhongmei led more than 7,000 Diba troops who supported him to defend Tsariba City alone. The troops were weak, so in desperation, Suonan Qunpei had to lead his army across the Lhasa River, join forces with Zhong Meinai, and prepare for a decisive battle with the enemy at Chaliba.

Unlike the chaotic Gelug sect army, their opponents Baili Chieftain Dunyue Dorje and Zangba Khan Xinshaba Tenjong Wangpo were very united. Since their old friend Chotu Khan was eliminated, they were determined to unite. Confront the enemy unanimously.

In 1641, the Year of the Iron Snake in the Tibetan calendar, on August 8, Chieftain Baili personally led his army to capture Woka City in the east of Tsariba City, eliminating the worries of attacking Tsariba City.

On August 8, the two sides fought fiercely for three days and nights in the south of Tsariba City. Zangba Khan and Baili Chieftain attacked the Gelug army from east to west. Zangba Khan's fierce general Galpa Yapsai killed the Gelug Army's heroic general Dashpensuk in the cavalry battle; another fierce general Sangye Tsering defeated the Gelug Army's Dadonnai tribe and forced Suonan Qunpei had to retreat to the camp.

On August 8, the anti-Gellu coalition forces stormed the camp and killed the Gelug general Mergen Champa. Suonan Qunpei couldn't hold on and had to retreat to Chaliba City. Unexpectedly, Zhong Mei, who was guarding the city, saw that the situation was not good, abandoned the city and fled across the Lhasa River. The defeated troops huddled together on the south bank of the Lhasa River. Because there were not enough ferries, they even fought for the ferries and killed each other in order to escape. The pursuers arrived, killing everyone, and corpses filled the Lhasa River. Of the 29 Gru troops, only escaped across the river.

"Great Master, I am incompetent. Please leave Lhasa as soon as possible." Suonan Qunpei knelt on the ground, crying in his voice.

The great monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso's face was ashen and he could not say a word.

"Amitabha, things in the world are vicissitudes, and comings and goings are always ordinary. Let's go~ let's go~" the great monk Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen murmured, but his voice could clearly reach everyone's ears.

After hearing the teacher's words, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso finally reluctantly ordered the evacuation. The evacuation team was very long. Well-known masters such as Reting Hutuktu, Cemeling Hutuktu, Jilong Hutuktu, and Dimu Hutuktu followed with their entourage; the monks and officials commanded their men. , driving a cart filled with scriptures and treasures, and trudging forward; there were also a large number of Gelug sect believers and their livestock. The long queue stretched for more than ten miles.

In order to protect the great monk, Suonan Qunpei sent troops to stop the pursuing troops at Jiangtanggang. Zangba Khan's general Sangye Tsering led two thousand cavalry to pursue him. At this time, the Gelug army had no fighting spirit and collapsed immediately upon contact.


Suonan Qunpei galloped on his horse, followed closely by a general behind him.

"Ugh!", the horse suddenly foamed at the mouth and fell down, but it lost its strength.

"Alas!" Suonan Qunpei sighed and stood proudly waiting to die.

"Eh? Isn't this the dignified strongman of the Gelug sect? Why is he so embarrassed?" the chasing general sneered.

"It turns out it's you." Suonan Qunpei saw this person and retorted, "I'm not the only one in this world who is in a state of embarrassment. Those who are deceived by evil slaves are even more embarrassed. You can hold my head and show it to the leader of the former slave. reward".

The visitor was Ngawang Jikezhak of the Renbungba family. Originally, the Renbungba family was the royal family of Shigatse. Now Zangba Khan's Xinshaba family is just a retainer of their family. Decades ago, the Xinshaba family rebelled while the Rinbungpa family was fighting on the front line, deceiving their masters with their ministers, and established the Dishe Zangba regime. That's why Suonan Qunpei said that he was bullied by an evil slave and was even more embarrassed.

These words deeply stimulated Rinbungpa Ngawang Ji Kezak, and his dark face turned red. He pulled out his Tibetan knife and chopped it off viciously.

The long knife passed by, and Suonan Qunpei thought he would die, but unexpectedly only a strand of hair on the top of his head was cut off.

The long knife was pointed directly at his throat, and Ngawang Ji Kezak's hoarse voice came to his ears, "Get out of here before I change my mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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