Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 161 The Black Mountain and the White Mountain are all gone

Chapter 161 The Black Mountain and the White Mountain are all gone (Part )
Altun Temple was originally a temple of the Yarkand royal family, closely adjacent to the Khan Mausoleum. The Mausoleum of the Khan King is also called "Altun Mazar". In Uighur language, "Altun" means gold and "Mazar" means tomb. The eleven kings of the Khanate, the collector and organizer of "Twelve Muqams", the female poet who shined with wisdom, the princess Emmanisha Khan and her daughter who died in infancy are buried here. After long years and vicissitudes of life, it is still at peace.

Now this place has become a place of prayer for Shadi Hezhuo. The devout Hezhuo prayed silently. General Parhat broke in and said, "Hezhuo, the city is broken, and I will escort you to break out."

"How can we break out of the three-level siege? Don't worry about me. Just surrender. There is still a way to survive."

"This~" Parhat hesitated for a while, and then said after a while: "Sutan Ah Heima Khan was killed by a slave, how can he survive?"

"If you surrender by my head, you will have a way to survive."

"What kind of person does He Zhuo think of this slave? I will never do anything that betrays my master for glory. I am willing to die with you, and my name will be left in history."

"Parhat, I didn't misjudge you after all." Shadi and Zhuo looked at him seriously and nodded, "If you hold my head and surrender to the Mongols, Sultan Hutaiji will definitely summon you. , I have a sleeve crossbow here, tied to my arm, it can be fired when the mechanism is touched. The arrow is filled with poison, and the blood seals the throat. If you can shoot this thief, you will be the great hero of our Black Mountain sect and the real Qing Shiliu. name!"

After saying this, he swallowed the poisonous wine that he had prepared and drank it all in one gulp. In a moment, blood started to flow from his mouth and nose, and he collapsed to the ground.

"My slave understands, let's go on good terms with Zhuo", Parhat shed tears and cut off his head.

"Oh, someone offered Shadi's head? It was an advantage for him. I originally planned to cut this guy into pieces to relieve his hatred!" Suletan said angrily. He always thought that his father Nomudale was He died young after being assassinated by Shadi and Zhuo's men, so he naturally hated him to the core.

"Call the surrendered general into the tent. I want to see who killed Shadi."

Parhat stepped into the tent and fell to his knees, "The crime will be punished by Huitaiji."

Suletan took a look. He was strong and energetic, looking like a good man. He asked gently: "What is the name of the general? How did you kill Shadi?"

"The guilty general's name was Parhat. He was originally stationed in Hezhuo Mansion. When he saw Shadi trying to escape, he beheaded the thief and offered his head to Huitai Ji."

"Huntaiji, this person is the murderer of Sutan Ah Heima Khan. You must not be deceived by him. It is better to kill him to comfort the Yarkand people," Yu Sufu Hezhuo of the Baishan Sect said loudly. He did not say this to avenge King Khan, it was just a political statement to win over the relatives and friends of the powerful people killed by Parhat.

Sultan frowned, this guy was used to winning people's hearts. snort! A good man cannot let him act alone. He is just a subordinate general. Killing him can win the hearts of Yarkand's powerful people. How can I not let him go?

"Come here, tie up the traitor who killed Yerqiang Khan, drag him out, and kill him!" he shouted.

Several wolf-like guards rushed over. Parhat, who was kneeling on the ground, was a little confused. He originally wanted to wait for the captive chief to let him stand up, but unexpectedly, they didn't even shout "Ping Shen" and killed him directly.

Since he is a ferocious tiger, how can he be willing to surrender without mercy? He immediately stood up and fired a crossbow arrow at the target. The arrow was very fast, as fast as a meteor, but because of panic, it lost its accuracy and shot through the tent with a "pop".

"This guy is actually an assassin! Shadi, Shadi, I didn't expect you to have a back-up plan before you died!"

Because of his father, Sultan hated the assassin the most in his life. He widened his eyes and said angrily: "Chop this thief into pieces!"

Huetaiji's words were a military order, and several guards slashed with their swords, cutting the iron-tower-like Khan into countless pieces.

The smell of blood made Yu Sufu and Zhuo turn pale, but Suletan remained calm, regained his composure, and sneered: "Bring up all the captured enemy generals."

More than ten prisoners, all tied up with five flowers, were brought up. They were all higher-ranking officers in the Yarkand Army. Huitaiji pointed his hand towards the "meat sauce" and said, "This is the consequence of refusing to surrender. Will you surrender if you wait?" The generals were frightened by the Mongols' brutality and their faces turned pale.

"We are willing to surrender," they said.

"If I don't surrender, you can kill me quickly." But one person refused to surrender.

"Come, kill all those who shout to surrender, and leave those who do not want to surrender." Huitaiji opened his mouth.

"Huitaiji, what do you mean?" Zuo Zuo was confused.

"Hmph! Nine times out of ten, those who are willing to surrender are assassins arranged by the traitor Shadi, who want to trick me into surrendering. Those who are unwilling to surrender are fine," Sultan said with a sneer. Then he smiled and asked the one who refused to surrender, "Who is the general? Are you willing to submit to me?"

"I am Rejiefu. If you don't want to surrender, kill me immediately," the man shouted.

"What a good man! We Mongolians like this kind of good man the most!" Sultan was full of praise. "Someone, let this strong man go."

"What? Let me go?" This time, even Re Jiefu himself was surprised.

"Yes, I like gratification. If the person wants to kill me, I will chop him into pieces. You and I have no grudges and will not surrender. Why kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

"But what about those people who were willing to surrender but were killed by you?" Re Jiefu continued to ask.

"I'm not sure if they are assassins sent by Shadi, and I don't like cowards, so I just killed them to avoid future troubles." The young man's face was very calm. Killing a dozen people was just a small matter to him.

"Thank you Huitaiji for not killing me." Rejiefu thanked him and left the tent. After leaving, he suddenly found that he had nowhere to go. The entire territory of Yarkand has been occupied by the Mongols. Will they be exiled to other countries in the future?

After walking a few steps, he suddenly returned and said, "The general is willing to surrender, please ask Huitai Jin for permission."

"Okay, okay! I can be a general, just like a fish in water! Hahaha", hearty laughter sounded in the big tent.

Because he was angry with Shadi and Zhuo, Suletan ordered the search for their relatives. He wanted to eradicate them, and also get rid of the influential Montenegrin elders. A single gang could easily expand, and more than 500 people were arrested, including Shadi's two young sons: eight-year-old Mamut and seven-year-old Summut.

"Kill them all and then execute them in the market in the city. I want the Yarkand people to know the consequences of resisting me," he shouted.

Because there were so many people to be killed, they had to be executed in groups of fifty. The blood dyed the earth red, and the sun shone on the red earth, which was particularly dazzling.

The bloody massacre shocked the kind-hearted people of Yarkand, and also made the Black Mountain faction unable to recover. But Suletan was not satisfied. He worked hard to conquer Yarkand, not as a wedding dress for Yu Sufu and Zhuo, but because he wanted to be the master of this vast land himself. Therefore, the Baishan faction became a thorn in his side of monopolizing Yarkant.

Before you use thunder, sprinkle some rain.

He ordered a general amnesty for the whole country, and a large number of Baishan sect believers who had been imprisoned were released. This move effectively confused Yu Sufu and Zhuo and the senior officials of the Baishan sect, making them think that Huitaiji was friendly to them.

(End of this chapter)

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