Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 158 Assassination of the Lion on Zhuma Day

Chapter 158 Assassination of the Lion on Zhuma Day
As if cursed, the city of Kashgar is lifeless. Although the food in the city is enough to feed an army of 10,000 people for more than half a year, there are not only troops in the city, but also more than 30,000 civilians. At first, the defenders would distribute meager rations to the people based on population every day. Later, the "Lion" Xiri Ahong issued an order that food would only be supplied to the army and no longer to the people.

This decision had disastrous consequences. After three months of siege, the rich families might still have some food left, but most of the poor families had no food to eat. All kinds of crimes began to breed, including murder and robbery, people selling their bodies to soldiers in exchange for food, and even evil people killing people for meat. The air was filled with an aura of despair, making the old capital of Yarkand Kingdom lifeless.

Lieutenant General Larmu was patrolling the city. On the west day, Ahong had an order. He found people gathering. He must be treason and kill them. He faithfully carried out the "Lion's" military orders, but he knew in his heart that Azim's move was on the one hand to prevent the Baishan faction from responding to the Mongols; on the other hand, it was also to reduce the population and thereby reduce food pressure.

A few people who were too hungry to walk stared at Larm approaching with wide eyes.

"Allah, please forgive me," Lalm murmured a prayer in his heart and winked to the left and right. The wolf-like soldiers pulled out their scimitars and chopped them down hard, quickly wiping out this group of "rebellious" people.

In the Id Kah Temple in the city, Wuyigul was praying devoutly. He was really devout. He prayed five times a day at dawn, noon, afternoon, dusk and night, with very few interruptions.

"Elder", a voice came from the rafters, but it was Sha Yiran, a loyal follower of the Baishan Sect.

"Why are you here? The whole city is now under martial law, and the army will kill people whenever they see people gathering. Do you want to die?" Uygur said in shock.

"Are you going to starve to death if you don't come?" Sha Yiran said angrily: "Except you have some food here, where can I get food?" He was right. Id Kah Temple is the largest temple in the local area. It was originally Kashgar. The royal temple of your ruler naturally had some food stored.

"Waiting", Wuyigul walked to the side room, quickly returned, took out a baggage and said, "Here."

Sha Yiran opened it and saw that there were more than ten naan buns. He shook his head and said, "Not enough. I have a hundred people there."

"What! One hundred people!" Uygur said anxiously, "Don't you know how precious food is today? How dare you help the people?"

"They are all young and strong, they will be needed in critical moments," Sha Yiran said coldly.

"Young Zhuang? Are you talking about taking action?" Wuyigul trembled.

"Yes, if we don't do something, we will starve to death sooner or later, so we have to fight to the death." Sha Yiran looked ferocious.

"We can't rely on these hungry people alone. You can take ten bags of wheat from me later and tell them to wait for a few more days for news from me," Uygur said in a deep voice.

The so-called "waiting for news" actually means waiting for news from a woman. On Friday's Juma day again, as a devout believer, Lalm's wife came to Id Kah Temple and listened to Elder Uygur reciting "Khutubai" and speaking "Wolz". Today's ceremony was very short and ended quickly. The elder suddenly knelt down to her and asked, "Madam, please save the people in the city."

"Elder, I am just a woman, how can I save the people?"

"Now that the food and grass are running out, the city cannot be defended. If it is used up, it will only hurt the lives of the people. Please persuade your husband to dedicate the city."

"I heard that the Mongols like to massacre cities."

"That is a rumor made by Xiri Ahong. Kashgar is the city of Baishan sect. Yusufu and Zhuo have defected to Sultan Hutaiji. After surrendering, he will definitely protect the people of Kashgar," Ti said Upon hearing He Zhuo's name, Wuyigul's eyes lit up.

"Okay, I'll try."

Lalm returned home and sighed.

The wife asked, "Why are you sad?"

"Alas! Today the Mongols took the prisoners of Yingjisha City around the city to persuade them to surrender. The reinforcements were defeated, and Kashgar is finished."

"In that case, why don't you leave a way for yourself and the people to survive?" "What do you mean?"

"Today I went to Id Kah Temple to pray. Elder Wuyigul said to me that if you are willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, he will speak kindly for you in front of Yusufu Hezhuo. I heard that Hezhuo is very trusted by the Mongolians. People want to make him the governor of Yarkand."

Lalm thought about it and finally agreed. After discussing with Wuyigul and Sha Yiran, he decided to take action at the Id Kah Temple on the next Sunday.

In order to deceive the "Lion", Lalm reported to him that there was a large amount of food hidden in the Id Kah Temple.

As soon as he heard the word "food", Xiri Ahong became energetic and went to grab it.

"Aqimu, we don't know the authenticity of the news now, so why not bring more sergeants with us on Juma Day to investigate on the pretext of praying to Juma.

"Well, what you said makes sense, so let's do it." Xiri Ahong nodded.

The word "Juma" is the transliteration of "Juli", which refers to believers gathering together to pray collectively. But because of the "Lion" ban, no people could be seen in the Id Kah Temple.

On the west day, Ahong and Lalm each came to the temple with their armored soldiers. Elder Wuyigul hurriedly came out of the temple to greet them.

Xiri Ahong listened absently to his hosting and speech, gesturing to the left and right with his eyes. The guards realized this and scattered in search of food.

Lalm and Uigul looked at each other and nodded slowly.

"Slaughter the lion," Wuyigul suddenly shouted.

Sha Yiran, who was hiding in the side hall, led a hundred dead soldiers to fight out.

The bodyguards had already scattered in search of food, and at this time, there were only about thirty bodyguards left around Xiri Ahong.

After all, he is a battle-hardened warrior, resisting while calling for reinforcements.

Reinforcements arrived, and Larm came over with a team of soldiers and horses.

"Lalm, come and help me," Siri Ahong shouted.

"Yes, Azimu." Lalm approached and suddenly stabbed the lion's heart with a knife. Because the stabbing was so deep, Xiri Ahongshang died before he could even express his pain. A poor generation of powerful generals died inexplicably.

Lalm, Uygur, and Shayuan led their troops to kill Sansiri Ahong's personal guards, and then took control of Kashgar. Then they opened the city gate and asked the Mongols to surrender.

"Slave, please visit Hutaiji and Hezhuo." When Sultan's army arrived at the gate of Kashgar City, the three people who surrendered came forward to pay homage. After "Hutaiji", they added the word "Hezhuo". .

Suletan was frightened and glanced at Yu Sufu and Zhuo. Seeing that he was smiling happily and frequently gesturing to the generals with his eyes, as if he had returned to his own home, he became increasingly vigilant. But he changed his smile and ordered all the surrendered generals to stand up. He also said to Yu Sufu: "He Zhuo has contributed a lot to the capture of Kashgar. Come on, follow me into the city." He held his hand and entered the city together. But when I saw the surviving Baishan sect people in the city, they cheered and cheered as if they had saved their ancestor.

After entering the city, Sultan ordered to rest for five days and then capture Yarkand City; Lalm was made the capital of Qianhu, Uygur and Sha were still the heads of Qianhu, and three thousand surrendered troops were appointed as the vanguard.

(End of this chapter)

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