Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 156 Encirclement, reinforcements and annihilation of the enemy

Chapter 156 Encirclement, reinforcements and annihilation of the enemy

"I said that the lion was at the end of his rope. Why didn't he surrender? It turned out that he was counting on the defenders of Yingjisha City to save him." Suletan said to everyone calmly, with a calm look, obviously he was sure of victory.

"Huntai Ji, I thought I could use the trick to lure the Yingjisha defenders to rescue Kashgar, encircle and destroy them, and then take advantage of the situation to capture Yingjisha City. This city is the northwest gateway of Yarkant. If you can defeat this place, you can take it directly. Yerqiang," Liu Haogu said.

Hey, isn't this just about gathering support? Suletan smiled, "I heard that the Qing Dynasty used this method when fighting with the Ming Dynasty. They surrounded a city and deliberately did not attack, luring the Ming army to come for reinforcements. Then they chose a plain to wipe out all the reinforcements, and then vigorously eliminated the Ming army's effective strength. , and then break through the isolated city. Hehe, the Daling River in the past and Jinzhou today are all like this."

Hearing what he said, after all, it was his former homeland, Liu Haogu, Xue Zongzhou and other Han officials couldn't help but look dark. Now the Ming and Qing Dynasties are fighting on the front line of Songjin. Jinzhou has been besieged for a year. Huang Taiji has not taken Jinzhou for a long time. This may be his intention.

Seeing that the teacher was worried, Suletan hurriedly yelled, "I heard that Hong Chou, the governor of Jiliao, is a talented general. Master Liu, please don't worry too much."

Liu Haogu sighed, "Although the Ming Dynasty was Yu's homeland, Yu and Hutaiji's status as monarchs and ministers have been determined. I only know that there is Hutaiji, but I don't know that there is an emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

"I am also willing to be loyal to Huitaiji and go through fire and water without hesitation," Xue Zongzhou and other Han officials also said in unison.

Sultan was greatly moved, "I have loyal ministers like you, so why worry about failing to accomplish my great cause?"

The morning light is beautiful, and the girl dances with the sword in the morning light. The sword spits out a message like a white snake, hissing through the wind, and the red gauze skirt floats in the wind, like a swimming dragon. She is so beautiful! Her eyes are bright and clear, her eyebrows are trimmed, her nose is pointed, and her cheeks are slightly dimpled. Her skin color is crystal clear and as soft as jade. Different from women in the Central Plains and Mongolia, her skin color is extremely white, her nose is high, and her eyes are faintly blue like sea water.

The wonderful man moved, and his sword merged into one. Sometimes he was as light as a swallow, and he lifted up his sword, and sometimes he was as sudden as lightning, causing fallen leaves to fall apart.

"The white feathers of the shooting star are inserted into the waist, the sword flowers and autumn lotus light come out of the box, and the swordsmanship of Seng Eli (sister) has become more and more exquisite." A handsome young man praised loudly, drew his sword and danced with him, swimming with dragons and golden phoenixes, it was so lively .

Yingjisha City was under the jurisdiction of the Western Region Protectorate during the Han Dynasty, and was guarded by Daruhuachi during the Yuan Dynasty. Mongolian, Han and Uighur ethnic groups were mixed together, and most of the residents knew Chinese. The woman knew Li Bai's song "Hu No Man", and then chanted: "The enemy can be destroyed, and he will be destroyed by shaking his head. Walking on Hu's intestines and wading through Hu's blood. Hu is hanging in the sky, and Hu is buried beside it. Hu has no one, Han Dynasty Daochang. Your Majesty's life span is three thousand frosts. But when the wind and clouds are flying in the song, there are strong men guarding the four directions."

After chanting, she pursed her lips and smiled, revealing two charming dimples, very charming! Dimples, long eyelashes, hopelessly charming!
Suddenly, the girl frowned, "Brother, why are you singing this song "Hu No One"? Could it be that the Mongols have attacked Yingisha City?"

The man is the guard general Aman of Yingjisha, which means "peace and prosperity"; the girl is his little sister Gulishati, which means "flowers in full bloom". Because they were born as generals, the brother and sister were good at dancing with swords. Especially Gulishati, although she is only sixteen years old, her martial arts skills are actually superior to those of Brother Nai.

"My little sister is really smart. I just received a letter asking for help from General Ahong of Xiri. The Mongols have surrounded Kashgar, not far from my city of Yingjisha. Brother Yu only has 6,000 soldiers and horses. I don't know whether to rescue him or not."

"Did Aka (brother) ask the messenger in detail? Is the letter genuine?"

"I recognize Xiri Ahong, it is indeed his handwriting, and the seal on it is also authentic. I also asked the messenger in detail, and he knows the situation in Kashgar very well. It should be true," Aman said.

"In this case, my little sister thinks it's time to save her. Kashgar and Yingisha are dependent on each other, and if their lips die, their teeth will be cold." Gulishati expressed her thoughts, and she was not inferior to men.

"Well, what my little sister said is that since we want to rescue, we must go all out. I will lead five thousand soldiers and horses to the expedition, leaving only one thousand soldiers and horses to defend the city," Aman said solemnly.

Aman led five thousand soldiers and horses to the city gate, but was stopped by fifty horsemen, all of them wearing armor and holding swords, and looked heroic. The first general, holding a pair of long hooks and looking majestic, is his little sister Gulishati. The long hook in her hand has a sickle-like head, which is a weapon commonly used by Yue people and Liao people in the mountains.

"Seng'eli (sister), why are you here?"

"I want to go on an expedition with Aka (brother)". "Nonsense, what happened on the battlefield was not done by a female prostitute like you?" Aman said anxiously.

"Now that powerful enemies are approaching, it's time for everyone to rise up, no matter men or women! In ancient times, Hua Mulan joined the army for her father. I heard that Qin Liangyu, the Shizhu ambassador of the Ming Dynasty, was a female general. Because of her bravery in battle, she was awarded the Royal poem. How can Akka look down on women?" Gulixiati said angrily and chanted loudly: "Learn from the eight formations of Xichuan. The mandarin ducks hold military talismans in their sleeves. This is because women are willing to accept it, so why should the general be her husband?"

"Yaxia~Yaxia~Yaxia~" The fifty knights behind Gulishati cheered in unison, it sounded great! The lingering sounds of the Yan language and the warblers are actually all members of the Detachment of Women.

Aman knew that his little sister was young but stubborn in temperament, and could not get back what she was determined to do, so he said helplessly: "That's alright, you just go with the Chinese army."

"Yes", Gulishati made a serious military salute and led his troops into the queue.

"The Yarkand people have arrived in Tilik, Qianhu in the capital," his subordinates reported to Bolu Zhi, Qianhu in the capital of the Huite army. This man was originally a reduced general. Because he surrendered early, he gained the trust of the Huite people and was promoted to the rank of Du Qianhu due to his merits in battle. Most of his men were Yarkands from Kuqa, Baicheng, and Luntai, who were sent by Sultan as bait.

"Send the order, promise defeat but not victory, abandon the city and leave," Bolu only ordered angrily.

The Mongolian army abandoned the cities of Tilik and Togusak and lured the Yarkand army to the valley plains of Kashgar.

Aman drew his saber. Although he was a general and had experienced battles, it was his first time to lead an army alone. He couldn't help but feel proud and fierce.

"Warriors, follow the direction of my saber and move forward!" he shouted, leaping on his horse and crossing his sword. "Yasha~Yasha~Yasha~" the soldiers shouted and moved forward.

On the slope near the plain, Sultan saw that the densely packed enemies had entered the battlefield he had carefully arranged. He smiled slightly and said, "The fish has been caught in the net. I want to see who can stop my Mongolian cavalry in the plains."

The poignant horn sounded, which was the signal for the Mongol warriors to attack.

Luobuzang, Narisong, Suhe, Alatancang, Saihan, and Mandu Latu each led their own cavalry to fight out from the woods by the river. Fifteen thousand Mongolian cavalry surrounded five thousand Yerqiang troops, but they were not in a hurry to attack. Instead, they circled around the enemy and shot arrows.

Arrows are like locusts, and people keep falling.

Oman's face was pale. His army only had a thousand cavalry, and the rest were infantry. Fighting on flat ground, you can't run, you can only form a formation and defend.


The Mongolian army's cannons fired, and flowers bloomed in the sky among the Yarkand army, disrupting their phalanx.


Their cavalry lined up in a "335545" formation and rushed toward the Yarkand people. If you can't break through in front, you will rush past, and you will rush in behind until you break through. The Yarkand people's military formation collapsed, and tigers and wolves rushed into the formation, killing them wantonly.

A strong Mongolian slashed with his sword, and with a crash, General Aman's banner fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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