Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 154 The wind sweeps away the fallen leaves

Chapter 154 The wind sweeps away the fallen leaves

"Huntaiji, this thief hid poison in his mouth and committed suicide by taking the poison," Alatancang reported.

"Humph, he got an advantage! Everyone in this thief's house must be an accomplice, kill them all." Sultan's face turned pale, and he killed more than two hundred people in one sentence.

"Yes", Alatancang took the order and came out.

Suletan changed his smile and said to Ji Jike: "Thanks to Ji Baihu today, if it weren't for you, my life would be over!"

"This is my duty, I dare not take credit." Ji Ji was neither humble nor arrogant.

Suletan nodded, "Ji Baihu really has the magnanimity of a general!" He promoted Ji Jike to be the deputy of Qianhu, in charge of Isam's subordinates. He also appointed the head of Qianhu, Urigendalai, to lead the five hundred Huite army. Two thousand surrendered troops stayed to guard Asu City; he led more than 26,000 troops to Wuchi City to fight.

There was a fire in his heart, and he wanted to take revenge, so he sent an order to the entire army: "Move quickly and attack the thieves with the force of a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves!"

Wuchi, also known as Wushi in later generations, is said to have been built by the Kirgiz hero Kurmanbek in the ninth century when he conquered a powerful enemy and triumphed. This is an ancient city surrounded by mountains and rivers, bordered by the surging Toshgan River to the north and the towering Karatek Mountains to the south. It is divided into two cities: the inner city is equipped with city defense facilities and residential areas, and the outer city is equipped with city walls and observation towers.

Shadi and Zhuo Ming's general Harike stationed five thousand troops here. Looking at the boundless Mongolian army, he did not dare to fight and stayed in the city.


Suletan took his advisers Liu Haogu, Xue Zongzhou and Aheqi around the city to observe the enemy's situation.

"Huntaiji, the trench in this city is too close to the city. Filling it in may hurt the lives of the soldiers. The range of the camel cannon is too short, so heavy artillery fire can be used to cover the trench filling," Liu Haogu offered advice.

"Our army only has twenty heavy artillery. There are also artillery in this city. We may not have the upper hand in cross-fire. We can order the soldiers to erect firewood beside the trench to avoid the cannon stones," Xue Zongzhou also said.

Suletan was deep in thought. He had just observed carefully and found that there were fourteen heavy cannons on the city wall. From a high position, his own artillery might not have the upper hand.

"Huntaiji, I know how to make artillery carts. There is a lot of wood and stone here. If we build more artillery carts to assist the heavy artillery, we will be able to suppress the artillery on the city wall," Ah Qi said with a charming smile.

The so-called "gun truck" is a trebuchet. In this era, with the widespread use of artillery, the counterweighted lever trebuchet has been abandoned, but the traction lever trebuchet with simple structure and fast firing rate is still in use. In history, the Battle of Jinchuan and Jinchuan during the Qianlong period, Jinchuan The chieftain soldiers used this method to cause great damage to the Qing army.

"Wonderful! I didn't expect the Lord to have such a talent!" Sultan was overjoyed and praised Ahqi profusely and ordered him to supervise the creation of this thing.

After being praised by Huitaiji, Azimu felt his whole body become numb and he worked extra hard. The tractor-type lever trebuchet has a simple structure and is not difficult to manufacture. Under full supervision, thirty simple gun carriages were built in only five days.

On the sixth day, the Huite army began to attack the city.

Ji Jike commanded two thousand Yerqiang surrender troops pushing carts at the front, and Aishan commanded two thousand surrender troops pushing carts and ladders behind him. It is an old tradition of the Huite Army to use surrendered troops to attack cities. After fighting a few more battles, the surrendered troops and generals will become their own.

"Woo~wu~wu~" the attack horn sounded.

Far away from the city, twenty heavy cannons and thirty trebuchets were deployed. The soldiers erected thick wooden boards beside the trench to avoid the arrows fired from the city.



Cannonballs and cannon stones were shot out like raindrops. The trebuchets not only fired out the cannon stones, but also placed strong fire oil in clay pots, ignited them and shot them towards the city head. Although this type of incendiary bomb was not directly lethal, the thick smoke released effectively interfered with the defenders' sight, making it difficult for their artillery, muskets, and bows to find their targets.

The surrender soldiers pushed the bucket cart towards the trench and dumped the soil bags on the bucket truck into the ditch.

Although suppressed by artillery and artillery vehicles, there were still scattered artillery shells, muskets, and arrows fired at the surrendering troops filling the trenches. The thick wooden boards erected by the Jiangjun blocked most of the attacks. The occasional unlucky guy who was shot could only blame it on bad luck. The trench was not deep, and it took Ji Jike's men only two hours to fill up a distance sufficient for the army to march.

"Yaxia", Ai Shan, who was hiding behind the carriage, pulled out his long sword and took the lead in shouting and rushing towards the city wall.

"Yaxia~Yaxia~Yaxia~" the surrendering troops shouted, pushing the ladders forward.

"Order the archers to move forward to cover," Sultan stood on the temporary high platform and ordered calmly. The wind lifted his robe, leaving him alone to protect himself from the cold wind.

Mongolian eagle shooters, in groups of three and 500, approached the city and shot directly. When they saw the defenders with their bodies exposed, they shot them like eagles; another 3,000 archers fired towards the city.

Arrows rained from the sky towards the top of the city, and the sound of "swish" was horrifying and tragic.


As soon as a defender emerged from behind the arrow stack, he was chopped down by Ai Shan who threw himself on the city wall with a sword.

"Bang", another spear held his knife. Without looking, Ai Shan slashed the knife along the barrel of the gun, cutting off four of the man's fingers; then he flew up and kicked the other man off the city wall.

"Dong~dong~dong~" On the high platform, Suletan personally beat the war drum, which meant: the city will be captured today.

Seeing Huitaiji beating the drum in person, Saihan and Mandu Latu, the heads of thousands of households, each led a Mongolian team of thousands, followed Aishan, and bravely climbed to the city.

Harik could no longer resist, abandoned the city and broke out, but was killed by random arrows.

In just one day, the Mongolian army defeated the six major Wu Chi troops who returned to the city.

Huitaiji's anger did not weaken after he captured Wuchi, and he also attacked Qilan and Kelibin. These two small cities had few defenders and did not dare to confront the large army, so they both surrendered without a fight.

The army then marched to the small town of Aksai, where residents of 70 villages took refuge. The Mongolian soldiers drove prisoners of war and attacked it. After attacking for seven days, the town was broken and the people were driven into the wild.

"Which city is in front of you?" Sultan asked lazily, sitting on the rouge horse.

"Huntaiji, in front of us is Ateba Lost City, which is considered a relatively large city locally," Yu Sufu and Zhuo said respectfully. After seeing the combat power of the Huite army, he no longer dared to be arrogant, but wholeheartedly took on the role of guide. Thanks to this person, the mountains and terrain of Yarkand Kingdom are under full control.

"Old rule, if you write a book in the name of He Zhuo to persuade him to surrender, those who surrender will live, and those who violate it will be punished."

"Yes", Yu Sufu and Zhuo wrote the letter obediently and ordered their followers to enter the city to persuade them to surrender.

In a moment, the round head was thrown from the city wall.


Sultan became angry and ordered his subordinates to drive out 3,000 prisoners captured from Wuchi and Aksay to attack the city. The attack began on the seventh day, killing all the people in the city and setting them on fire.

Soon, the army crossed the Turugart Pass and arrived at Toyunbashi. This place is close to Kashgar and has many followers of Baishan Sect. Before the city could be attacked, the residents of the city tied up the garrison and dedicated it to the city. The cities of Mirzatelek, Boshsuq, Wosala, and Heishiha all surrendered.

"What's going on? Why are the enemies marching so fast? Why don't the defenders from all over the place resist? Waste! What a bunch of waste!" A lion roared in the city of Kashgar.

(End of this chapter)

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