Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 150 The chess pieces are ready to move

Chapter 150 The chess pieces are ready to move

Near Beishkerim Village in Kashgar, countless Baishan sect believers wearing white hats and raising white military flags gathered here to defend their faith and resist the attack of the Black Mountain sect. In fact, the teachings of the Baishan and Heishan schools are basically the same. Except for the different colors of their clothing, the Baishan school advocates silent recitation while the Heishan school advocates recitation during fasting and worship. Just this little difference would lead to bloodshed.

Yu Sufu and Zhuo were praying silently, and their confidant Aheqi came to them. "Aheqi" means "money", "currency" and "finance" in Uighur. He is indeed good at managing money. He increases revenue and reduces expenditure in Kashgar, giving the Baishan faction the financial resources to arm the army.

"What's the matter?" He Zhuo asked calmly. Years of exile had already made him calm.

"The Montenegrin army captured Tilik and Togusak, and is only fifty miles away from Kashgar." Ahemu's voice was panicked. Although he was good at managing money, he had never fought in a war, so he was naturally a little timid.

"Don't panic, you immediately transfer the money in the treasury, go north from Aksai to the Tianshan Mountains, and go east on the mountain road to Baicheng. That is the place of the Huite people, and the Black Mountain Sect does not dare to do anything," Yu Sufu said calmly .

"He Zhuo, what about you?"

"I want to stay here. Wherever the people of the Baishan Sect are, their Hezhuo should be there," Yu Sufu said loudly. At this moment, my whole body was filled with holy light.

The long Kashgar River flows quietly. On the north bank of the river, more than 10,000 troops from the Baishan Sect, under the command of Zaipel, formed an array along the river. "Zaipaer" means "triumph" in Uighur language. He is a local Yimi (tribal leader). Because of his pious faith and spending his family property to support Baishan, he was appointed by Yu Sufu as the Aqim of Kashgar. Burke (Governor).

"He Zhuo, you are a man of ten thousand gold, just stay in the rear and hold the formation." Zaipier shouted to the two generals behind him: "You two are here to protect He Zhuo. If anything goes wrong, come and see me."

"Yes!" The two generals responded in unison, their voices as unified as one.

Yu Sufu saw that the two men had almost the same figure and appearance, with big shoulders, round waist, and majestic physiques. Except that one of them had slightly darker skin, there was almost no difference. "Who are these two?" he asked strangely.

"These are twin brothers from Congling (Pamir Plateau). The eldest is named Ai Shan and the second is named Yu Shan. They are from Orions. They are all brave and unstoppable. With them guarding you, you can protect your health. "Foolproof", Zaipel's tone was somewhat proud, and he was obviously very confident in the bravery of his subordinates.

Yu Sufu nodded. He knew that the Uighurs named twins and liked to call the one born first "Ai Shan" and the one born later "Yu Shan". This is really an ordinary name. What was extraordinary was the majestic aura of these two warriors, which made him feel much more at ease.

The Montenegrin army came and formed a formation on the south bank of the river. The number is similar to that of the Baishan Sect, which is also more than 10,000 people. The difference is that most of the troops of the White Mountain faction are recruited temporarily and lack training; while the troops of the Black Mountain faction are regular troops and are well-trained. There was silence during the formation, and the murderous intent struck directly at the other side.

In order to completely eliminate the Baishan Sect, Shadi and Zhuo sent the famous Yarkant generals Xiri Ahong and Yaolivas. In the Uighur language, the names of these two characters are "lion" and "tiger", and they are as fierce as lions and tigers in battle.

"Commander, the Baishan faction is defending along the river. It may not be easy to attack by force," Yaolivas, who was experienced on the battlefield, said to Xiri Ahong.

"Well, the enemy's battle formation is not orderly, and they are not a strong army. They can only rely on this river. You lead three thousand cavalry to swim across the river from the shallow water upstream, go around to the enemy's rear, and attack from both front and rear. This battle will be inevitable. "Victory", Xiri Ahong, who was also experienced in hundreds of battles, issued the military order.

The Battle of Kashgar begins.

Both sides have varying numbers of light artillery, but due to insufficient range, they are almost useless. The real main force was the infantry of both sides. On the west, Ahong ordered his men to march across the river in a platoon; Zaipel went to the front line to supervise the battle and chopped off heads one by one with a machete. Although the Black Mountain faction's army is more elite, the White Mountain faction has the advantage of the river, and the two sides are fighting inextricably.

Yaolivas led three thousand cavalrymen to swim from the shallow water upstream to the rear of the Baishan faction. He saw a large white banner, and behind the banner were Yu Sufu and Zhuo.

"Long live Yaxia", he shouted and ran towards the big banner.

"Yaxia~Yaxia~Yaxia~" the Black Mountain cavalry shouted, coming like a tide. "Don't worry He Zhuo, let's watch the two of us kill the enemy," Ai Shan shouted at Yu Sufu, and rushed towards Yaolivas with his younger brother Yu Shan, but did not notice He Zhuo's pale face.

The two armies fought fiercely, and Ai Shan gradually couldn't resist. Suddenly, he heard Yu Shan exclaim, "Brother, look, He Zhuo has escaped." Looking back, I saw that the big white banner was indeed moving backward.

The battle was about to begin, but the commander-in-chief fled first, causing the Baishan faction to be in chaos.


Ai Shan sighed and said to Yu Shan, "Second brother, leave quickly. I will break up the rear."

"My elder brother is already married and has children, and my younger brother is alone. It's up to me to be the heir," Yushan insisted.

Aishan couldn't defeat his younger brother, so he had to hit his horse and gallop away. He looked behind him from time to time and soon discovered that his brother's flag had fallen down.

Yaolivas led his army to annihilate Yushan's troops, and then led his troops to attack Zaipei's rear formation.

"Alas! He Zhuo, how could you run away without a fight?" Zaipel stamped his feet and shouted. At this time, the soldiers had no fighting spirit. Xiri Ahong in the front had crossed the Kashgar River and entered his army formation; Yaolivas in the back had penetrated directly into his middle army, slashing and slashing. Killing is like entering a deserted place.

"Shuzi dareer!"

Zaipel was so angry that his beard was flying, and the sword in his hand met Yaolivas' spear.

What a fierce tiger, the spear body swings open the sword, and the spear point takes advantage of the situation, straight into the enemy's chest. "Huh?" As if he didn't expect victory to come so easily, Yaolivas screamed in surprise, and saw a black thing coming towards him. It turns out that Zaipel has had the idea of ​​dying together, and there is a meteor hammer hidden in the sleeve of his robe. Fighting to get a spear, but also giving the enemy a fatal blow.

"Bang", the hammer smashed Yaolivas' head, and the two fell off their horses almost at the same time.

After completing the marriage with Oqirtu Khan, Sultan could safely deploy his troops and generals to prepare for the battle to destroy the Yarkand Kingdom. He personally led 10,000 guards and forbidden troops; mobilized 7,000 guards from various places; ordered Huite Wanhu Mansion, Qinghai Wanhu Mansion, and Xiyu Canjun Mansion to recruit 2,000 soldiers each, and all went to Baicheng to assemble. He also ordered Batu Hetan, Tiemoer, Nasutu, and Balsi to stay on the Yuledus grassland.

Twenty-three thousand troops marched straight into Baicheng.

"Huntaiji, the last general requested to be the vanguard", Luobuzang, Narisong, Suhe, Alatancang and Boluji were all murderous.

"Don't be anxious, wait a moment," Suletan said calmly, thinking of sending someone to contact Yu Sufu of the Baishan Sect. The chess pieces he had laid out many years ago were now coming into play.

"What are you waiting for?" the generals asked.

"The secret must not be leaked," young Huitaiji waved his hand confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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