Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 141 The great monk has great mercy

Chapter 141 The great monk has great mercy (Part )
On the bank of the Emin River to the west of Hoboksali City, there are green grass and flocks of cattle and sheep. A monk about forty years old, wearing a "banxia" on his head, seven robes (monastic robes), five robes ("Zen skirt", following the Indian tradition, wearing a skirt without trousers), and a half-moon cloak, Riding a white horse, he drove silently. Although he was dusty, his eyes were full of determination.

The Dzungar herdsmen who were coming and going saw the "Banxia" hat on his head and the cloak made of brocade satin, and they all paid homage to him. Only great monks can wear this costume, so they must be respected.

Monks in this era, regardless of their sect, had strict rules on how to dress.

For example, hats, the great monks of the Gelug sect wear the Five Buddha Crown, the great monks of the Gelug sect wear the Pansha hat, the great monks of the Kagyu sect wear the Dabo meditation hat; The Ju sect wears the emptiness feather hat when practicing the deep emptiness method; in addition, there are mountain hats used by escapist practitioners, and the Dakini power hat worn by yogis when they use the powerful mantra to seek help from the Dakini. Another example is the upper garment, which is divided into three types: ancestral garment (also known as "duplicate garment"), Qiyi (ie dharma garment) and armpit covering garment (commonly known as "Phi single"); lower garment, shaved garment, wound covering garment, waistcoat, Cloaks and all.

In short, my Buddha is compassionate and my disciples are well dressed.

The middle-aged monk came to a large felt tent where a young novice monk was studying sutras. Seeing what he was wearing, he hurriedly put his hands together and saluted.

"Where is Master Wensa?" The middle-aged monk's tone was very kind and refreshing, and he was obviously well-educated. He was none other than the famous Gelug sect monk Zanya Bandida; the so-called "Master Wensa" was a senior monk from the lineage of the great monk from Shigatse and one of the two leaders of Tantric Buddhism.

The young novice pointed to a tall red pine tree by the Emin River and said, "My master is meditating."

Zanya Bandida did not dare to make any mistake, so he ordered his entourage to tie up the horse and walk to the tree.

A Wu Jian lotus hat leaned lazily against the tree trunk. This hat is not trivial, it is the style worn by Master Padmasambhava. There is a person under the hat, sitting cross-legged, breathing long.

Zanyabandida secretly admired: The Buddha once said in the Mahasatipaṇa Sutra: "Monks, here, the monks go to Alanruo, go under the tree, or go to a free place, sit in lotus position, and remain His body is upright, so that his mindfulness appears in front of him. He only thinks about the in-breath, and only thinks about the out-breath." My teacher really got the true meaning of it!

There was a sound of snoring under the big tree. It turned out that the great monk was not meditating, but fell asleep.

Zanyabandida was a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to neglect him at all. You must know that he was facing the highly respected Master Wensa! Therefore, he stood respectfully and waited for the great monk to wake up.

It was a sweet sleep, and he slept from noon to the end of Shenshi, when the great monk woke up slowly.

"Are you awake?" Zanya Bandida asked respectfully.

"Young monk comes to see the old monk, what's going on?" The great monk Wensa smiled and called the forty-year-old monk the young monk.

But Zanyabandida took it for granted. There was only respect in his tone without any displeasure, "Have you received instructions from Lhasa? Nowadays, the civil war in Oirat has devastated all lives. All the people who died are Gelug's people. The two great masters But I am very anxious. Amitabha!"

"Well, the great master did write to me, asking me to mediate the conflicts between the Heshuote, Junggar, and Huite tribes, stop the civil war, and go to Lhasa to protect the teachings." Wensa smiled.

So instead of going to the various ministries to mediate, you're just sleeping here? Although Zanyapandida cursed in his heart, he said: "My Buddha is merciful. You must have a profound meaning in meditating here!" "Alas! The old monk's move has no profound meaning. He just saw Oirat bleeding like a river, but there was nothing he could do. "My heart is so depressed that I can only sleep soundly." Wen Sa sighed.

"What? Could it be that even with your prestige, you can't stop the killing?"

"Once a war breaks out, how can it be stopped? Zhasak Tuhan Subadisu is on good terms with Batur Hutaiji of the Junggar tribe, and Chechen Khan Shuolei is Suletan of the Khite tribe. Hutaiji's brother-in-law (Namuzhong's sister is Shuolei's first wife). I'm afraid it won't be long before Khalkha Mongolia will follow in the footsteps of Oirat Mongolia."

"What! Are you saying that the war will expand to Khalkha?" Zanyabandida was shocked. "Master, you have to find a way to save the people! They are all Gelug's subjects."

"Amitabha, haste makes waste in some things. So I can only wait. When I get bored, I sleep." After saying this, the great monk Wensa stretched his body.

"Please be merciful!" Zanyabandida burst into tears. In addition to being an eminent monk, he was also the adopted son of the avant-garde Rat Khan worshiping Bagas, and he had deep feelings for Oirat.

"Compassion is easy to show, but the opportunity is hard to find. Fortunately, the opportunity has come now, and I am also awake," said the old monk Wensa.

"What time are you referring to?"

"The Qing Dynasty in the east is at its peak. I heard that even the Ming Dynasty's Jinan City was captured. Such a huge city is filled with blood. What a tragedy! What a tragedy!"

"I'm sorry for my disciple's stupidity. The Qing Dynasty came to rob Ming Kingdom's land. What's the matter with guarding Weilat?"

"Amitabha," the old monk proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said slowly: "If the Qing Dynasty can rob the Ming Dynasty, it can rob Khalkha and Oirat. Once faced with a common threat, all tribes will naturally respond to the outside world in unison, and the civil war will naturally be eliminated. This is what is sung in Han Chinese poetry: 'Brothers are jealous of each other, and they resist their insults from outside.'"

Zanya Bandida understood and bowed hurriedly, "You are so merciful when you wake up at this time! When will you leave to mediate with various ministries?"

"My Buddha is merciful. Old monk, I will set off right away. There is no delay. Malay~ Malay~" After saying this, the great monk Wensa waved his hand, and immediately a disciple came over with a fast horse.

"Huang Taiji, you despicable villain!" As if to confirm what the great monk Wensa said, the Chechen Khan Shuolei of Khalkha Mongolia really scolded the Qing Emperor's mother!
As an in-law of Lin Dan Khan, Shuolei Khan had always been afraid of conquest by the Qing army, so he sent a mission to Shengjing to donate supplies to the Qing Dynasty as early as four years ago. Huang Taiji was a fastidious person and sent an envoy to Chechnya the following year to bring a letter to Shuolei Khan and his subordinate Jinong. While expressing friendship, he also asked them to sever relations with the Ming Dynasty. Seeing that the other party was so polite, Shuolei Khan agreed.

Unexpectedly, the envoy was very insidious. During his mission, he tried to win over and seduce the Chechen Khan's subordinates. News has just arrived: Tengjisi, the leader of the Sunit tribe, betrayed Chechnya and led his troops to surrender to the Qing Dynasty. This Tengjisi was originally a subordinate of Lin Dan Khan. He was famous for being a weakling and falling on both sides. He defected to him eleven years ago, and today he surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. It is said that Huang Taiji wooed the Sunit tribe, married Daishan's granddaughter to him, and awarded Heshuo the title of consort.

Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji, you really know how to win people's hearts! "Bah!" Shuolei Khan spat fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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