Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 130: Entering Lhasa

Chapter 130: Entering Lhasa (Part )
Kham District refers to the vast land east of Shandong La Mountain, west of Dadu River, south of Bayan Har Mountain, and north of Gaoligong Mountain. This is the territory of Baili Chieftain Dun Yueduoji. When the big chieftain stamps his foot, the whole Kham area will tremble.

But Lingtian, Dunyue Duoji, who had always been domineering, no longer had the domineering spirit of the past, but instead picked up the brush and wrote a letter with a heavy look on his face. The letter was written to Zangpa Khan Tengyong Wangpo, "It is very frustrating that our ally Chuoktu tribe has been eliminated. Despite this, I will gather an army in Kham next year and lead it Come to the guard. At the same time, you should also bring the soldiers from the back, and together we will destroy the Gelug sect so that they can't even find their shadow."

After writing the letter, Chief Baili summoned his confidants and seriously told him, "Be sure to give this letter to Zangba Khan!"

The atmosphere at Drepung Monastery in Lhasa was solemn. The 68-year-old Fatai Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen of Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse closed his eyes and meditated without saying a word. The 22-year-old Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso of the Three Great Monasteries looked at him without saying a word. There are many eminent monks in Gelug, but only these two are the supreme ones.

Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen finally opened his eyes, his eyes were full of vicissitudes, and he had experienced many storms.

Seeing the teacher open his eyes, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso said quickly: "Master, there is news from Suonan Qunpei that Suletan Houtaiji of the Huite tribe has sent his subordinates to station in Damu grassland before he entered Lhasa. This person is very ambitious. Once he enters Lhasa, he may be in trouble!"

"Amitabha! Which one of Arslan and Tulubaihu has no ambition? And he is not the only one? The Khans in the world only pursue worldly power, and they cannot destroy me. What we can worry about are other factions. Besides, Nasu Letan has already arrived at the city. If he is not allowed to enter the city now, won't he be pushed into the hostile camp? I heard that he has taken in the remaining troops of Lin Dan Khan and Sharba Hutuktu of the Sakya sect," the old monk murmured. Tip said.

"I understand, Master, it seems that we can only invite him to the city and grant him a title." Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso was a little frustrated. There were times when the Supreme Being couldn't help himself.

Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen showed a sly smile, "You must remember that you can give him a title, but you must not make him the khan of Oirat. If this son is allowed to unify Oirat, it will be really difficult to control it." Got it!"

"Thank you Master for your teachings," Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso was sincerely convinced this time. That's right, the Oirat tribe is as strong as a forest. As long as the Huite tribe is controlled by other tribes, they will not dare to be too domineering!

"What? Those two great monks refused to name me 'Sarula Bilig Khan' (Light Wisdom Khan), and only agreed to name me 'Tenzin Triji Zaleb'! What's the reason? I want to know the reason! "Sultan was so angry that he threw his wine glass and shouted at Tiemoer.

Another very important reason why he stayed in Damu Grassland and refused to leave for Lhasa was to wait for a price and negotiate with Lhasa. He sent Tiemoer to Lhasa first and asked for the title of Oirat Khan. He even thought of the name of the Khan: "Sarula Bilig Khan (Khan of Bright Wisdom)". What a domineering sweat! With it, Oirat can be unified legitimately. Unexpectedly, he was rejected!

"They said that the Khan of Oirat was traditionally held by the Heshuote tribe. If you were made the Khan of Oirat, the Heshuote tribe would be dissatisfied. However, according to the slaves, the two great masters are dissatisfied with your unauthorized presence in Da. "Muchuan is dissatisfied, so he refuses to grant the title of Khan." Tiemo'er is an experienced man and sees the problem sharply.

"Oh, I was too complacent! I have aroused their fear even before I entered Lhasa. Things will be difficult to handle later!" Sultan slapped his forehead in regret.

"Huntaiji, I think that no matter what title the two great masters grant you, you must accept it and enter Lhasa as soon as possible. Only by bathing in the majestic Buddha's light can the expedition be justified in front of the world! You know The Dzungars are still staring at us with glaring eyes!"

The tiger is watching with eager eyes and wants to chase him away! When he thought of Batur Hutaiji of the Junggar tribe, Suletan nodded repeatedly, "You are right, we will go to Lhasa tomorrow."
It is still in the Jokhang Temple, there is still a grand ceremony, and the title is still conferred, but the character has changed. It is no longer the national preceptor Khan Tulubaihu, but Huitaiji Sultan.

There are still many eminent monks and dignitaries. Under the spotlight, Sultan accepted the title of "Tenzin Trigyi Zaleb" awarded to him by the great monk Ngawang Losang Gyatso, thus giving himself the title of war of aggression. Put on the sacred apologetic cloak.

Regarding this canonization, the "Biography of Wei Gaozu" made the following record: "In the Vajra Seat of Lhasa - Luosuo Shenbian Temple (Jokhang Temple), Gaozu accepted the crown of kings and the title of being able to bring peace to all living beings. and position"

Now that a political compromise has been reached, all that remains is nauseating flattery.

The highly esteemed monk Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen praised Sultan as: "Sultan Houndaiji has the wisdom of Brahma, the merits of the Izhāra, and the power of the heavens. He is brave and good at martial arts, magnanimous, wise and noble."

In order to show respect to the Gelug sect and to win over the powerful aristocrats in Lhasa, Suletan gave titles to the dignitaries in Lhasa. Sonan Qunpei was granted the title of Qiangzu, Zhongmeinai was named Zaisangdiba, Dashpensuke was named Urqindiba, Mergenzhanba was appointed Otoqi, and Dadong was appointed Zhuolik Tudarhan. However, the effect was not good. Except for Zhong Mino who showed interest in the olive branch he extended, the other nobles still only listened to the two great monks.

Next, it is time to divide the power. This issue is extremely important and is directly related to who Lhasa will listen to in the end. The eminent monks who were supposed to have nothing to lose showed unprecedented unity and stubbornness on this issue.

After a fierce confrontation, the two sides agreed: to retain the thirteen original local official positions in Lhasa; to set up Diba and Kashag at the central level. The Diba was jointly appointed by the great monks Hutai Ji and Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, and was in charge of the administrative power of Lhasa. The first Diba was Sonam Chunpei, the strong assistant of Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso. The Kashag is composed of eight Gabuluns, including four Mongolian zaisangs and four Lhasa nobles, which is equivalent to the parliament of the nobles; as for the army, it is divided into Mongolian soldiers and Tibetan soldiers. The Mongolian soldiers are stationed in the Damu grassland. Although the Tibetan soldiers have names such as Daiben, Jiaben, and Ruben, they are only in name. The real army is in the hands of Diba, large and small in various places.

The result of the struggle was: all local power in Lhasa belonged to the Gelug; central power was divided between Mongolia and Gelug. In fact, apart from collecting some taxes in Lhasa, Sultan received almost no other benefits.

The great monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, who was the same age as Suletan, showed an unusual interest in power. Not only did he obtain a large number of political and economic privileges, he also had the power to levy taxes on Lhasa.

Under pressure from countless believers, Sultan endured it until he couldn't bear it anymore.

"That's too much!" Young Huitaiji threw his wine glass again.

(End of this chapter)

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