Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 126 Big and small Ulan blood stained red

Chapter 126 Big and small Ulan blood stained red (Part )

Sandan Zaisang and Deputy Qianhu Dash defrauded the beacon tower in the upper reaches of the Buha River, and disarmed Zhaha Qin and the two hundred defenders who were defending the beacon tower without losing a single soldier.

Then three fires were lit by the river. It was the dry season at this time. Seeing the signal, groups of Huite soldiers and horses swam across the river.

"My slave has fulfilled his mission." Generals Dash and Sandan respectfully greeted Sultan's arrival.

"Two generals have worked hard. I wonder if we can fight again?" Suletan asked gently.

"This slave is willing to die for Huitaiji!"

"Okay! Dash, you and Bolu will lead 700 elite cavalry together to pull out the beacon towers in the middle and lower reaches."

"My slave accepts the order." Dash and Bolujie, the two generals, accepted the order heroically and proudly.

Sultan smiled and said to Sandan again: "Please ask Zaisang to be our army's guide to make a surprise attack on the Khan's court of Quetu Khan."

"Yes! Huitai Ji", Sandan replied with a sudden change of heart. He knew that he had no way out. Since he had become the second minister of Quatu Khan, he could only be the loyal minister of Sultan Hutaiji.

The Chuoktu tribe’s pastures are mainly located in the Ulan area near Qinghai Lake. It is surrounded by mountains and is flat in the middle. It is bordered by Qilian to the north and Kunlun to the south. From east to west, there are Chakachimoge Mountain, Kekesai Mountain, and Buyi Mountain. Tan Mountain, Chakanan Mountain, Harihatu Mountain, Xiligou Nan Mountain, Yak Mountain, etc., are one mountain after another, forming a wavy and narrow terrain with high northwest and low southeast. The folds of the north and south mountains cut this area into many intermountain basins.

The Khan's court of Quitu Khan was located in the Xili Gou Basin at the foot of the south mountain of Xili Gou near the west. There were two hills in the north and south of the basin. Because of the bloody battle more than a year ago, they were called "Big and Small Ulan Heshuo". .

There are mountains to the north and south, but the west side is flat. In order to prevent enemies from attacking from the west, Quatu Khan, who had experienced hundreds of battles, set up his court at the foot of the south mountain of Xiligou, the second peak in the west. In this way, even if an enemy comes from the west, they must first conquer Yak Mountain, the first peak in the west. He set up camp on Yak Mountain and stationed a thousand soldiers. It relied on the mountain and was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Suletan's 12,000-strong army secretly sneaked into the foot of Yak Mountain. They saw that the mountain was steep and the military flags of Chuoktu's tribe were hunting on the top of the mountain. I couldn't help but cry out in pain, "We captured Tianjun, outsmarted the beacon tower, and were about to kill Quetu Khan's court. Unexpectedly, we encountered this natural danger again! God of longevity! Why do you always like to joke with me!" "

"Huntaiji, although Yak Mountain is dangerous, there is a small road leading to the back mountain!" Sandan Zaisang offered another strategy.

Sultan's eyes lit up and he asked the generals with a smile: "Who will take the Yak Mountain for me?"

"The last general is willing to go~ I am willing to go~" Generals Tuoli, Balsi, Narisong, Suhe, Dash and Sabir all asked for battle in unison.

"This~" Suletan hesitated for a moment, not knowing who to send.

"Huntai Ji, the last general was originally a hunter in the mountains. He walks over mountains and ridges as if he were walking on flat ground. I am willing to capture Yak Mountain for you," Sabir said.

"Huntai Ji, when I was young, I often went to the mountains to hunt falcons. Even if I was on a cliff, I could just take it easy. I am willing to go." Tuoli also asked for a fight.

"Okay, Tuoli and Sabir, you two will take two thousand warriors from the path to the back mountain to attack the enemy. The rest of the troops will hide in the mountains and forests." Sultan made up his mind.

"Aha (brother), I am also willing to go", Sumur also asked his brother for help.

This makes Huitai Ji worried. Fighting over mountains and ridges is extremely dangerous, and your life may be in danger if you are not careful. I only have this one younger brother. If something goes wrong, how can I be worthy of my dead father! But just because he is his biological brother, what will the soldiers think if he is not allowed to go?
"Huitai Ji, the general is willing to go." Sumur asked for a battle again. This time he did not call his brother, but Huitai Ji.

"You must be careful when saving (brother)." Sultan's nose felt sore, he hardened his heart, and agreed to his brother's request.

Haile Zaisang, the guard of Yak Mountain, was also a Confucian general, and he was familiar with all poems and songs. This resembles Quatu Khan very much, so he got the nickname: "Little Khan King".

Spring is here, the trees and grass are still there, and the "Little Khan King" is suddenly in a state of elegance, and he rushes to the back mountain for an outing.

"Huh? What is this?" He saw long ropes and soldiers climbing along the ropes. "No, the enemy is attacking~ the enemy~" "Whoosh!"

A carved feather arrow hit his throat. The "Little Khan King" covered his throat and fell to the ground in horror, with blood oozing from his ears and nose.

The archer Tuoli put down his longbow with a grin. Unlike most cavalry who shoot with horn bows, he likes to use the longbow used by infantry, which can shoot farther.

"Kill me!"

With a roar, Sumur and Balsi generals were like tigers among the flock of sheep. Unexpectedly, the defenders lost their leader again and were quickly wiped out.

Wild beasts often sense danger before they encounter it, and so do fierce men. In the Xiligou Basin and in the sweat tent of Chuoketu tribe, Quetu Khan suddenly woke up from his nightmare. In his dream, he was being chased by a pack of wild wolves. He tried desperately to get away, but he couldn't!
"Uh~uh~uh~" He breathed heavily, trying to calm down. It was just dawning.

"My Khan, what are your orders?" Bagan, the head of the guard army, asked respectfully.

"Well, I had a very scary dream! Bagan, is there anything going on outside?"

"No, my sweat, today is as calm as ever."

"Okay, send someone to tell the sentries on the top of Wulanheshuo Mountain to keep their eyes open when they are on duty." Butu Khan felt relieved and continued to sleep deeply.

"As you command, my Khan!"

The Huite army led by Huitai Jisuletan arrived at the mouth of the valley between Da and Xiao Ulan and Shuo. The densely packed army could not conceal it from the observation posts on the tops of the two mountains.

"Enemy attack~Enemy attack~Enemy attack~" the recruits roared in horror.

"Woo~wu~wu~" The veteran blew the alarm horn.

"Line up in a diamond formation and charge!" Sultan roared.

At this time, the Huite cavalry mainly continued to use the old tactics handed down from their ancestors. They dealt with the cavalry in a diamond formation and the infantry in a wedge formation. They found the right breakthrough and plunged in. After penetrating the enemy's formation, they returned and repeatedly attacked until the enemy's formation was reached. collapse. As for the "Mangu evil tactics", "side attack tactics", "heavy cavalry charge tactics", "wolf pack guerrilla tactics", etc., they are all the special skills of the Mongolian cavalry. They relied on these tactics to conquer Asia. European invincible hand.

"What's going on? Why call the police?" Quetu Khan jumped up from the bed and asked.

"Great Khan, there is an enemy invasion." Bagan's voice was filled with panic.

King Khan, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, calmed down and said, "Don't panic. Immediately beat the drums to gather troops and form a formation to resist. Then send people to inform the tribes in each mountain to come to Xiligou to meet me as soon as possible."


The herdsmen of the Chuoktu tribe gathered at the sound of drums. Teams of ten people, teams of hundreds, teams of thousands, and even teams of ten thousand people.

Quitu Khan was so calm in the face of danger that even though many of his tribesmen were scattered in various mountains, he still assembled an army of 20,000 people. Although many people lacked armor and weapons, they finally gathered together.

"Line up! Hurry up!" King Khan roared.

(End of this chapter)

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