Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 113 Huang Taiji sends envoy to Moxi

Chapter 113 Huang Taiji sends envoy to Moxi

In the sweat tent of the Heshuote Department in Urumqi, 41-year-old Dayan Eqil's eyes widened and his expression was solemn. Sitting in front of him were his eldest brother Hanak Tushetu and his sixth brother Dorji. These two were his think tanks, and he liked to discuss important matters with them.

"Uncle and sixth brother, what do you think of these two letters?" King Khan's voice contained grief and anger.

Of these two letters, one was written by Khutei Jisultan of the Huite Department, asking him to convene a meeting of the various ministries in Chulkan, and once again raise troops to attack Quitu Khan in Qinghai to avenge the national division Khan; the other was written by Junggar Written by Huitaiji Batur of the Ministry, he believed that the death of the national teacher Khan was strange and suspected that it was the work of the Huite Ministry. Because both letters mentioned my dead father Khan, I was naturally sad and angry!

"Great Khan, no matter what the truth is, you must preside over the Chulgan Conference and name the instrument before you can achieve great things," Hanak Tushetu said.

"Yes, brother, no matter how your father Khan died, you must preside over the Chulgan Conference and clarify your position as Oirat Khan," Dorzi also said.

Dayan Ozil understood clearly that now the two khans of the Heshuote tribe coexisted. Only by presiding over the Chulgan Conference before his younger brother Ozil Khan could he clarify his status as the leader of the Oirat alliance and the minister of the Heshuote tribe. As for finding out the truth and avenging his father, that is a matter for the future.

Dayan Ezier suppressed the grief and anger that surged into his heart, and breathed heavily: "Now, the strength of the Shuote tribe and I is not as good as before. If it is found out that it was the Huite tribe in the future, how can we take revenge?" ?”

"Great Khan, you can use the power of the Qing Dynasty", Hanak Tuxietu offered a strategy.

Dayan Ezier frowned, "I have no contact with the Qing country, how can I borrow power? Do I have to surrender to them?"

"Brother, we have the same clan as the Horqin tribe. Why don't you write a book to thank Tujinong Badali in Tujin and ask him to come forward to show his goodwill to the Qing Dynasty?" Dorji said.

The Horqin tribe is a large tribe in Mongolia. Like the Heshuote tribe, they are all descendants of Genghis Khan's second brother Hesar. They live in the Hulunbuir Prairie and the outer Xing'an Mountains in the Ergun and Hailar river basins. The famous Nen Horqin, Alukorqin, Sizi, Maoming'an, and Urad tribes in Mongolian history are all branches of the Horqin tribe.

In 1624, the Horqin tribe surrendered to the Manchus. In 1626, Nurhachi named his leader Oba Tushetu Khan. Later, the ministry participated in a series of wars in the Qing Dynasty and made great achievements. It also married with the Qing Dynasty. Many noble women entered the harem as concubines, and won the trust of the Manchu dignitaries.

After Oba's death, his eldest son Badali took over the post of Tushe Tujinong. After Huang Taiji pacified Chahar, Badali, Taiji, Wu Keshan, Manzhu Xili, Budaqi, Hongguoer, Shixi, Dongguoer, as well as Zhalaite, Guoerluosi, Kalaqin and Tumo The ministers of Te, Aohan, Naiman, Bahrain, Zalut, Alukorqin, and Wengniute came to congratulate Jie, and together they recommended the lord of the Jin Kingdom Huang Taiji as "Bokda Chechen Khan" and changed the country's name to "Great Qing" .

Because of this relationship, the Manchu emperor trusted the Horqin tribe very much.

After hearing this, Dayan Ezier nodded slowly, "I will write a letter to Badali of the Horqin Department and make good friends with the Qing Dynasty through him."

In the Qingning Palace of the Shengjing Palace, Chongde Emperor Taiji rubbed his tired eyes and dealt with piles of memorials. The emperor had just returned from Korea. Dissatisfied with North Korea's defeat and disobedience, he led his army to invade North Korea and captured the North Korean princess, prince and cabinet ministers. He forced the North Korean king Li Zhu to kneel on the ground in front of him to plead guilty, which was known in history as "Ding Chou Goes to the City". From then on, the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty and turned Korea into a vassal state. Soon, he sent Azig to lead troops to conquer Pidao and kill the general Shen Shikui and others, completely eliminating the Qing Dynasty's worries about attacking the pass.

Then, he was so talented and strategic that he planned a war against the Ming Dynasty. Cutting down a tree is like cutting down a tree, it must be chopped slowly, one ax at a time! Because of the obstruction of Shanhaiguan, he has not yet swallowed the ambitions of the Ming Dynasty in one go. He just wants to accumulate strength and slowly pursue it. War also aims at plundering people and wealth.

A thick pile of memorials, mostly reporting to him on war preparations. However, two of them caught his attention.

One copy was given to Tuji Nongbada of the Horqin tribe, saying that the national advisor Khan of Erut Mongolia (the Manchu name for Oirat Mongolia) died, and the newly succeeded Dayan Erqil Khan did not have enough prestige. , it was difficult to order the various ministries, and they had the intention of relying on the Qing Dynasty.

Haha, not enough prestige! The more disorganized Erut Mongolia is, the easier it is to control it. Well, since this Dayan Eqil has shown favor to me, I should give him a sweet date and canonize him as Dayan Eqil Khan. No, no, this person only expressed his goodwill to me through the Horqin Ministry, and did not formally pay tribute to me. If he is canonized but not accepted, where is my majesty? It would be safer to first give him armor, bows and arrows, and order him to take charge of various ministries to test his attitude. If he accepts it, he will be asked to send envoys to the capital, pay tribute, and then canonize him.

The second copy was from Huetaiji Batur of the Junggar tribe. This Batur was very respectful to me. He sent envoys to express his homage to me and also gave me a lot of gifts. Since you are obedient, you should be conferred a distinguished title to set an example for the tribes of Erut. Well, he was named Junggar Jinong (Prince, meaning "Deputy King" or "Deputy Khan").

However, one thing mentioned in this person's letter should arouse caution. Khutei Jisuletan of the Mongol Huite tribe in Naerut actually dared to take in the rest of Chahar's tribe, married Lindan Khan's Ketun, and was said to have an affair with Lindan Khan's national advisor and Sarba Hutu of the Sakya sect. Ketu hooks up.

I don't care what sect he believes in. I have also canonized a lot of gurus myself, from each sect. It really doesn’t matter whether you believe in Sakya or Gelug.

Indeed, in order to win over the major forces, this shrewd emperor treated all forces equally and impartially.

He wrote to Zangba Khan: "The Kuanwen Rensheng Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (Huang Taiji's title) told Zangba Khan: "The Buddhist teachings are beneficial to our country, so I sent an envoy to write a letter." Things should be paid as a legacy.”

He also wrote a letter to the Imperial Preceptor Khan: "The Kuanwen and Rensheng Emperor of the Qing Dynasty wrote to the Imperial Preceptor Khan: I heard that those who violated the Tao and violated the law have been punished. I think that since ancient times, the sage kings have governed, and the Dharma in Foshan has not been discontinued. Now I want to pay homage to the eminent monks of the Tubait tribe, so I have sent an envoy to go with Tuktu, the three ancient Iraqi tribes. They will visit everywhere regardless of whether their eyes are red or white, and they will promote Buddhism and protect Nuo Zuo. You will know it."

The letter was written very tactfully, and no one could be offended until the outcome of the fight between the various factions in the Snowy Land was decided.

But Suletan of the Nahuite tribe actually married Lindan Khan's Ketun, and it was said that this Ketun was pregnant before the marriage. I don't know whether it is true or not. If it is true and a boy is born, this boy is the legitimate son of Lin Dan Khan and the co-owner of all Mongolia! If it is not in my hands, there will be endless troubles! No, we have to send someone as an envoy to Erut to find out more about this matter, and at the same time test the attitude of various departments in Erut towards our Qing Dynasty.

Who to send? He thought of Ganglin, a scholar of the Academy of Chinese History.

(End of this chapter)

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