A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 559 King Murong Wei violently attacked Liao, and the fox died in Liaodong.

Chapter 559 King Murong Wei violently attacked Liao, and the fox died in Liaodong.

Besides, since Murong Chui traveled thousands of miles to defect to the State of Qin, the State of Yan followed suit.

Murong Ping, who originally wanted to kill Murong Chui, his great enemy, was rewarded by Murong Qiang, who was pursuing him, saying that Murong Chui and his party were missing.

But Murong Qiang knew what Murong Ping was worried about, so he vowed:

"Taifu, I can swear to the Immortal Heaven that Murong Chui will never return to Mobei. According to my opinion, he should have fled to another country to seek survival."

Murong Ping felt relieved when he heard that he had not returned to Mobei.

But how to solve the garrison problem in Mobei?
In the end, Murong Xing changed the position of Murong Chong, Murong Wei's younger brother, to take over the position of Duke Mobei left behind after Murong Chui left.

In December of the third year of Yanping, Yang Qian, who was also a powerful minister, died of illness. Murong Ping, the only surviving auxiliary minister, took charge as the Taifu.

But King Murong Wei of Yan was not satisfied at all. He only had control over the situation of thousands of imperial guards, and he wanted to restore the grandeur of the Yan Kingdom.

With Pushe Yuewan's petition, he adopted the "stop the military and seal off all households in the shadows in order to release the population to enrich the country and prevent the population from hiding." The memorial was adopted.

In the end, relying on the support of his brothers Murong Chong, Duke of Mobei, and Murong Kai, Duke of Duolun, and under the specific planning of Yue Wan.

Tens of thousands of military households in private hands in various places were released, and a total of more than 200,000 people were once again in the hands of Murong Wei.

In addition, after the death of Yang Zhuang, the Han people were no longer united, and a situation emerged where the three families of Chongqing Gong Fengyu, Changli Gong Yangyao, and Bintu Gong Gengzhan emerged.

At the same time, they gave full play to the traditional artistic skills of the Han people and competed for power. The three families had to rely on Murong Wei to gain advantage.

Therefore, many powers were taken back by Murong Wei.

With this basic population, Murong Wei successfully expanded the Imperial Guard to 20,000 people and saw the royal power once again flourish.

But Yuewan's move not only harmed the interests of the powerful Han people, but also harmed the interests of Murong Ping and other Murong nobles.

So in February of the fourth year of Yanping, with the support of all forces, Murong Ping sent people to assassinate Yue Wan.

Yue Wan's death represented the beginning of a counterattack by various forces against the royal family represented by Murong Wei.

In March, after several years of analysis and investigation, Wang Meng, who was stationed at Linyu Pass and was in charge of the war in Yan State, clarified the domestic political struggle in Yan State.

I went to the imperial court and requested to send troops to Yan State.

In April, the imperial court appointed Wang Meng as the governor of Youzhou and general Pingbei, and Bai Tie, the governor of Youzhou, as general Dingbei. Together, they led 30,000 infantry and cavalry men to attack the Yan State, vowing to conquer Liaodong, the ancient Han land. Take back the summer soil.

In June, Wang Meng and Ba Tie stormed Tuhe City, the southern gateway to Yan State.

Yantu Hegong and Zhennan General Geng Zhan, who were stationed in Tuhe, were afraid that their military strength would be damaged and they would lose in future political struggles.

After only resisting for three days, he led his 10,000 troops and fled to Bintu City along the northern gap left by the Xia army.

The man stationed at Bintu City was Yan general Murong Zhu.

Geng Zhan, who successfully escaped the pursuit of the Xia army's cavalry and had six to seven thousand men left, joined forces with Murong Zhu with fifteen thousand men to jointly guard the small town of Binding.

On June 21, the Xia army attacked the guests for several days.

On July 3rd, 20,000 reinforcements sent by Murong Wei, led by his brother Murong Zang, Duke of Le'an, arrived at Jicheng on the flank of Bintu.

After learning that reinforcements from Yan State had arrived, Wang Meng discussed with Ba Tie and decided to leave Ba Tie to lead 20,000 people to continue besieging the guests, while he led 10,000 people to fight Murong Zang.

On July 5, the two sides fought near the mouth of the Eagle's Mouth.

Because Bai Kai assigned Mo Dao Camp, one of his six central battalions, for this battle, Murong Zang's army was severely defeated, with more than 10,000 people killed.

Then the two sides locked horns near the mouth of the olecranon.

Murong Zang was worried about Xia Jun's Mo Dao camp and did not dare to advance easily.

On July 20, Murong Zhu and Geng Zhan surrendered Bintu City to Baitie because the reinforcements did not arrive.

On July 23, Bai Tie arrived at Yingzuokou with reinforcements, and the two sides fought again.

During this battle, Xia general Liu Meng led his troops to attack Yan, killing more than 3,000 Yan troops and capturing Murong Zang's general Yang Qua.

Fortunately, reinforcements led by Feng Yu and Yang Yao arrived quickly, making up for Murong Zang's shortage of troops.

In September, the weather in Liaodong began to turn cold, and the Xia army began to retreat. Wang Meng led ten thousand people to garrison the guests and maintain Xia's stronghold in Liaodong.

Murong Zang also left enough defenders in Jicheng and returned.

The reason why the Xia army wanted to attack Bindu and Jicheng was because after passing Jicheng, Longcheng was right behind them, and the hasty march would only take two or three days.

In October, Bai Kai appointed Wang Meng as the governor of Liaozhou, General Anbei, and Shizhong, and he was granted the title of Marquis of the countryside with the rank of fourth rank.

Liu Meng was the Sima of Youzhou, ranking fifth.

Baitie is still guarding Youzhou as before, and has added food to thousands of households in the city.

In March of the fifth year of Yanping, Bai Kai once again sent Wang Meng and General Zhang An to lead an army of 70,000 to attack Yan.

Wang Meng attacked Jicheng, and Zhang An attacked Changli.

Murong Wei seemed to know that this was the final decisive battle, so he sent Taifu Murong Ping and others to lead more than 100,000 internal and external troops to resist.

When the army attacked, Murong Weiqian sat in the palace, waiting for his upcoming fate. He felt very uneasy and summoned his close ministers to ask:

"How are the soldiers of the Xia Kingdom? Now that the large army has been dispatched, can they defeat Wang Meng and others?"

Someone replied:

"The Xia Kingdom has spent a lot of time on an expedition, with a small number of troops and a declining power. How can it be our opponent? Moreover, Wang Meng's talent is mediocre, and he cannot compete with our Taifu. It is not worthy of your Majesty's worry."

But Liang Chen, the minister of Huangmen, and Le Song, the minister of Zhongshu, came forward and said:
"No, according to the principles in military books, if you think the enemy is capable of fighting, you should use strategies to defeat them.

If you hope that the enemy will not fight, it is not a foolproof solution.

Qing Zheng had this to say: "Although the number of scholars in the Xia Kingdom is small, the number of soldiers who are good at fighting is twice that of ours." "

It can be seen from this that it is difficult for us to interfere with the number of scholars.

Besides, the Xia army marched thousands of miles and asked to fight as soon as they arrived. How could they seek victory without fighting? "

Murong Wei was not happy, but reason told him that what the two of them said was correct.

Here Wang Meng's army confronted Murong Ping and others in Jicheng.

Murong Ping believed that Wang Meng's army was deep into the distance without support, and a quick victory would be in their favor. He suggested that long-lasting tactics be used to subdue them.

But Wang Meng had already planned this, so he sent his general Guo Qing to lead five thousand cavalry, and took advantage of the darkness of night to walk up the mountain via a trail and light a fire. The baggage stored in the rear of Murong Ping's army was burned down. The fire was so powerful that it could be seen from a distance in Longcheng.

Because Murong Wei's mother was in the Hun family, she often interfered with government affairs.

However, Murong Ping and others were very greedy for financial gain and took bribes for political affairs. Most of the officials in Yan State were recommended not because of their talents. Therefore, many capable officials resented this.

Furthermore, Murong Ping was greedy and vulgar by nature. He blocked mountain springs, sold firewood and water, and accumulated money and silk as high as hills. All the soldiers of the three armies lost their fighting spirit.

Here Murong Wei saw that a month or two had passed and Murong Ping was still confronting Wang Meng, and the uneasiness in his heart reached its peak.

This uneasiness drove him to send his attendant Lan Yi to the front line to urge Murong Ping to defeat Wang Meng quickly.

Lan Yi, who had never been used to Murong Ping's greed, took this opportunity to reprimand him:

"As the son of the great ancestor, you should be concerned about the ancestral temple and the country. How can you not strive to establish meritorious deeds and instead focus on amassing wealth!

How can I begrudge you the precious treasures stored in the national treasury?
If the bandit army invades and the country is destroyed, where can you put so much money and silk?
If there is no skin, there will be no hair!
The money and silk can be distributed to the three armies, and the primary task is to wipe out the enemy invaders and win the army! "

Murong Ping was frightened by Murong Wei's harsh words, and under the watchful eyes of the generals, he had no choice but to announce that he would send troops on a different day.

In June, Murong Ping led tens of thousands of troops to fight Wang Meng in Yichuan.

Because most of the Yan army were ordinary soldiers forcibly recruited from various places by the generals in order to fight for power.

Moreover, they were often in arrears with food and wages and lacked armor and equipment, which led to low morale.

The Xia army was mostly elites from the central government mobilized by Bai Kai from Qiyang. At the worst, they were border troops who guarded the border all year round. They had standard equipment uniformly issued by the imperial court. Although they were small, they were excellent.

On June 3, with the Xia army's counterattack, the Yan army was defeated. The defeated army spread over the mountains and plains. More than 40,000 people were pursued and killed by the Xia cavalry army, and more than 30,000 people were captured.

Murong Ping and other senior generals fled back to Dragon City alone on horseback.

On June 7, Wang Meng led his troops to Longcheng.

On the same day, the guard general Zhang An, who had defeated Changli, also led an army of 40,000 to join together to attack Murong Wei.

Here, Murong Wei had already asked Duke Rouran Murong Xun (son of Murong Khan) for reinforcements.

Murong Xun sent his younger brother Murong Huan to lead more than 10,000 Monan elite cavalry to come to aid.

At that time, Murong Huan stationed troops in Shating as a backup for Murong Ping and others.

When he heard that Murong Ping was defeated, he led his troops to Lingcheng and prepared to surround Longcheng.

Unexpectedly, news came from Monan that Bai Lang, the general manager of Northern Xia Xinjiang, led more than 10,000 soldiers from six towns on a long journey to attack Zimengchuan, the core area of ​​Monan.

Murong Huan couldn't care about Longcheng because he had all the elite cavalry in Duke Rouran's hands, so he had to lead 5,000 Xianbei people to retreat to defend Zimengchuan, leaving 5,000 people to be led by the generals to continue to threaten the Xia army. flank.

On June 11, Xu Wei, the minister of Sanqi of Yan State, and other Han people, led more than 500 people sent as hostages from Fuyu, Goguryeo and Monan Sanbu to secretly open the gate of Longcheng in the middle of the night to welcome the Xia army. Enter the city.

Murong Wei, Murong Ping and dozens of others saw the Xia army entering the city and quickly rode on horseback, preparing to flee to the Mobei area.

Wang Meng sent Guo Qing to lead the cavalry to pursue them, and caught up with Murong Wei and his party near Wucheng River.

Guo Qing's general Ju Wu captured Murong Wei and ordered him to be tied up.

Murong Wei said: "What a villain you are, but you dare to tie up the King of Heaven!"

Ju Wu sneered and said:
"I am a giant warrior from Liangshan. I accept the order to bind thieves, so why should I be called the king of heaven?"

So he sent Murong Wei to Wang Meng and Ba Tie.

Wang Meng and Ba Tie had already learned the news that the emperor was coming, and ordered people to take the officials of Yan State into custody, and sent troops to guard the road from Liaodong to Changli.

Clean up the broken troops and stragglers in various places in Changli.

To prevent thieves from attacking the Emperor Luanjia.

On the other side, Guo Qing led troops to pursue Murong Ping and Murong Huan to Zimengchuan, but only captured Murong Ping but not Murong Huan.

Murong Huan, who had already predicted that the Yan Kingdom had been destroyed, took one step ahead of Murong Ping and killed Murong Liang, the general of Zhenxi who was guarding Zimengchuan.

He annexed all his tribes and led more than 10,000 people to bypass Changli County and go to Pingchuan to attack Han Chou, the prefect of Yan and Liaodong, in order to separate Liaodong.

When Guo Qing learned of this, he immediately sent his general Zhu Ni with 3,000 cavalry to pursue him.

In the end, Zhu Ni and Meng Jing, the governor of Xiaping Prefecture who was attacking Pingzhou, successfully surrounded Murong Huan's troops outside Pingzhou City and captured him.

On August 21, Emperor Xia Bai Kai visited Liaodong in person and met Murong Wei in Longcheng.

In the palace of the original King of Yan, Bai Kai sat high, facing the bound Murong Wei, and scolded him for fleeing.

Murong Wei retorted:

"When the fox was about to die, he still turned his head towards the hill where his lair was. I just wanted to go back and die in the graves of my ancestors! What can I be harsh on?"

Bai Kai knew that Murong Wei was a rare king, but he was limited by the general defeat.

Feeling sympathy, he ordered his release, appointed him Guanglu doctor, and conferred the title of Marquis of Guiyi.

He was then asked to return to the palace and lead the civil and military officials to surrender. He also sent a message to the Liaodong troops who were still resisting to surrender to the Xia army.

In September, Liaodong was completely pacified by the Xia Kingdom, along with the Monan and Mobei regions.

In order to appease Liaodong and Monan and Mobei, Bai Kai continued the Yan State's imperial edict on Murong Xun's Duke Rouran, and also recruited many Yan State surrender ministers to join the Xia State court.

During the appointment of Murong Ying, most of the Murong nobles such as Murong Huan relinquished their military power and moved to Qiyang to separate them from their tribes.

He also established the three counties of Changli, Xuantu and Liaodong as Liaozhou, appointed Wang Meng as the governor of Liaozhou, general Zhenbei, minister in the middle, and granted the title of Pinghou, with the fourth rank remaining as before.

General Guo Qing was appointed General of Anbei and Sima of Liaozhou, and was granted the title of Marquis of Ting, with a rank of fifth rank.

Juwu was the general who fought against the captives, and was granted the title of Marquis of Ting, with a rank of fifth rank.

The town was moved to Youzhou to guard it, and Guangning King Baitie was moved to Liaozhou to guard it. Three thousand households were added to the city, and he was granted a title of extension.

Liaodong County was divided into two parts, with Liaodong County in the north and Anping County in the south, belonging to Pingzhou.

On October 20, the heads and leaders of the Fuyu Kingdom, the Goguryeo Kingdom, the Louyi Kingdom, the Monan tribes, and the Mobei tribes all gathered in Longcheng to meet Xia Zibai Kai.

After Bai Kai appeased the nobles one by one and gave them seals and property, he set off back to Beijing on October 23.

At this point, the events in Liaodong were over, and the Xia Kingdom unified the north, suppressing the grassland, Baishan and Heishui tribes, and the name of Great Xia spread throughout the northern tribes.

(End of this chapter)

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