A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 502: Yizhou rebels against the wall-riding master, Zhao Ren rebels against Li Te and takes a

Chapter 502: Yizhou rebels against the wall-riding master, Zhao Ren rebels against Li Te and takes advantage of the situation

If God fails to fulfill people's wishes, it seems that God is warning the world that they need to follow the right path and not accept crooked ways as the rule of life.

An urgent report came from Liangzhou. Li Te, the leader of the Yongzhou refugees, gathered tens of thousands of refugees and local thieves, occupied the prefectures and counties, raised troops to rebel, and asked the court to send reinforcements.

The imperial court decided that Liangzhou affairs belonged exclusively to Sima Yong, the Taiwei and Hejian king, and asked them to be transferred to Sima Yong of Yongzhou.

Sima Yong is the grandson of Sima Fu and inherited the title of his father, King of Taiyuan. He is far from the royal family of Sima Zhao, and as a rule, he cannot guard Guanzhong.

However, because of his talents, he was specially appointed. He was appointed by Sima Yan as General Pingxi, moved to Hejian King, guarded Guanzhong, and commanded the Yongliang Prefecture.

Later, Sima Lun usurped the throne. Although Sima Yong responded to Sima Juan's rebellion, he did so many times.

First, they thought that Sima Juan was weak, so they captured Sima Jiong's envoy who came to deliver the message and gave him to Sima Lun.

Seeing that Sima Yong was obedient, Sima Lun asked him to fine-tune his troops.

Sima Yong was preparing to send his general Zhang Fang, who was close to Sima Lun, to lead General Guan Youqiang to help Sima Lun.

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Fang arrived in Huayin, he heard that the two kings Sima Juan and Sima Ying were powerful, while Sima Lun's main force was lost, and the defeat was at hand.

He also ordered Li Han, the commander-in-chief, to be conferred the title of General Longxiang, and supervise the guard Xi Chuan and others to quickly recover Zhang Fang's troops, and let Li Han lead the troops to respond to the two kings Sima Jiong and Sima Ying in their crusade against Sima Lun.

When Li Han led his troops to Tongguan, Sima Lun, Sun Xiu and others had been killed, and Sima Zhong was restored to the throne. Seeing that there was no military merit to be gained, Li Han led his troops to retreat.

When Sima Jiong was judging his merits, although he was very angry that Sima Yong was different from him at the beginning and had repeated repeated mistakes one after another, he thought that he could eventually help the big things and that he was not hostile because of his consideration of the overall situation, so he promoted him to the rank of Shizhong. Taiwei, add the gift of three tins.

Now that Sima Yong received the report and authorization from the imperial court, he sent the governor Ya Bo and the prefect of Guanghan Zhang Zheng to attack Li Te, while he himself paid full attention to Luoyang and prepared to go to Luoyang.

Li Te was originally from Yongzhou. Because of Qi Wannian's chaos in Guanzhong, the imperial court and Qi Wannian's army came to fight many times. In order to avoid military disasters and famine, he had to follow the refugees into Hanchuan.

At that time, tens of thousands of households, as many as 100,000 people, fled to Hanchuan to escape the war.

Because during the migration, Li Te and his younger brother Li Xiang often provided relief and protected the sick and poor people, and they have won the hearts of everyone since then.

Yan Shi, Zhao Su, Li Yuan, Ren Hui and others who were more talented among the refugees were all amazed and thought that Li Te was not an ordinary person, so they immediately regarded Li Te as their leader.

In the first year of Yongkang, when Sima Lun killed Queen Jia Nanfeng and took control of the government, the court suddenly issued an edict to recruit Zhao Yan, the governor of Yizhou, to serve as the governor of Changqiu, and let Geng Teng, the internal historian of Chengdu, replace Zhao Yan as the governor of Yizhou.

Logically speaking, this should be a promotion, but because Zhao Yan was related by marriage to Jia Nanfeng, he was afraid that Sima Lun was trying to trap him, so he was unwilling to enter the capital.

In addition, Sima Ying, the king of Chengdu who guarded Yizhou, was recruited by the imperial court to serve as the general of Zhenbei and left Yecheng.

As a result, the Sima clan in Shu had very little military strength and very low influence. It was even inferior to the reputation of the Han Dynasty. This made Zhao Yan think there was an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Then he opened the official treasury privately, took out the food and provided relief to the refugees to win over the people.

I also heard that the leader of the refugees, the Li Te brothers, were strong and brave, and their men were all from Brazil County, the same county as Zhao Lian. Zhao Lian treated them very well and treated them as his minions.

However, Li Te and others relied on Zhao Yan's power to gather people to act as bandits and plunder the local Shu people, which made the local people hate them very much.

This led Geng Teng to secretly report to the court many times, stating Zhao Yan's crimes. This was also the main reason why the court issued an edict to recall Zhao Yan to Luoyang.

On the other side, the officials of Yizhou Prefecture learned about the imperial edict and saw that Zhao Yan had not taken any action, so they sent more than a thousand civil and military officials to Chengdu to welcome Geng Teng.

Geng Teng was unprepared and led everyone into the state city to prepare for taking office.

However, he was attacked by Zhao Yu's followers, and the two sides fought at the west gate. Geng Teng was defeated and died.

In the same year, Zhao Ren claimed to be the governor, general, and shepherd of Yizhou. He also arranged for the appointment of subordinates and replaced the prefects and county magistrates appointed by the imperial court. In view of Zhao Ren's strength, officials in various counties and counties did not dare to disobey him.

When Li Te's younger brother Li Xiang and his brothers-in-law Li Han, Ren Hui, Shangguan Chang, Li Pan, Fei Tuo, Fu Cheng, Wei Bo and others heard that Zhao Ren was independent, they immediately led 4,000 cavalry to join Zhao Ren.

Zhao Lian immediately appointed Li Xiang as General Wei Kou and granted him the title of Marquis of Yangquan Pavilion, treating him as a close confidant.

He also asked him to recruit strong and brave men from the six counties of Yizhou, so that the number of sergeants under his command increased to more than 10,000, and he was asked to garrison at Mianzhu to cut off the road from the north.

But as time went by, because Li Xiang was brave and popular, he was known as a good general of Eastern Qiang. This aroused Zhao Yan's suspicion, but in view of the large number of soldiers under Li Xiang, he did not say anything clearly.

In the first year of Yongning, Zhao Yan, under the instigation of his subordinates Chang Shi, Join the Army and others, deceived Li Chu and his generals into Chengdu on the grounds that he wanted to become emperor and wanted to negotiate with them, and beheaded them on the spot. He also killed more than ten of Li Chu's sons and nephews in Chengdu.

At this time, Li Te, Li Liu and other brothers of Li Itch were leading troops outside. Zhao Ren sent people to comfort them, saying that Li Itch said something treasonous and unethical, so he was killed.

Li Te and Li Liu resented Zhao Ren, but now that the troops and horses were in Zhao Ren's hands, they did not dare to make any move, so they took hundreds of their men back to the Mianzhu refugee gathering place.

After dealing with Li Itch, Zhao Ren was worried that there was no one stationed in the north, and the imperial court took the opportunity to enter Sichuan. He then sent Chief Shi Feiyuan, Shu County Prefect Li Mi, Superintendent Chang Jun and others to lead more than 10,000 people to cut off the road from the north.

When Fei Yuan's army arrived at Mianzhu, Li Te secretly communicated with his brother Shi Ting, the Mianzhu guard who had a good relationship. The two gathered more than 7,000 people, attacked and set fire at night, and defeated the army led by Fei Yuan and others.

Thousands of people were beheaded and burned to death, and more than 2,000 people were recruited and surrendered.

Then the two led their troops and took advantage of the momentum to go south and attack Chengdu.

Zhao Yan learned that the soldiers and horses were coming, but he was unprepared and panicked.

Fei Yuan, Li Mi and others who had escaped knew Li Te's bravery, so they opened the city gate and fled that night, and all the civil and military officials in Yizhou fled.

Zhao Lian wanted to escape with his wife and children in a small boat. When passing by Guangdu, he was killed by his follower Zhu Zhu, who asked Li Te for a reward.

Li Te led his troops into Chengdu that night and allowed the soldiers to loot and plunder, killing Jiang Fa, the guard of the Western Yi, and killed Yuan Zhi, the chief historian of Zhao Lian, and the officials appointed by Zhao Lian. Then he sent his Yamen Wangjiao and Li Ji to Luoyang to state Zhao Lian's crimes and ask for a reward.

However, Sima Lun, who was in power at the time, not only did not reward Li Te, but instead followed the advice of Luo Shang, the governor of Liangzhou, and regarded Li Te as a treasoner.

Luo Shang was ordered to be appointed as General Pingxi, concurrently serving as the captain of the Yizhou Guard and the governor of Yizhou. He led more than 7,000 troops into Shu to quell the rebellion.

Li Te and others were originally thinking about the reward from the imperial court, but the reward did not come. Instead, they waited for the heavenly soldiers of the imperial court, and they were very scared.

He immediately sent his younger brother Li Xiang to greet him on the way south from Hanzhong and presented him with treasures and antiques.

Seeing this, Luo Shang was very happy and thought that he had the intention to surrender, so he ordered Li Xiang to be appointed as the cavalry governor.

When Luo Shang's army arrived in Mianzhu, Li Te and his younger brother Li Liu personally rewarded Luo Shang's army with cattle and wine.

Luo Shang's subordinates warned Li Te and others who knew how to be thieves and should take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of them, otherwise they would be trouble in the future. But Roshan did not listen.

He thought that Li Te and others would surrender as soon as they saw the heavenly soldiers. There was nothing to doubt, so they ignored them and went to the imperial court. Yizhou was decided.

Seeing that Yizhou was settled, the imperial court believed that the root cause of Li Te's rebellion was the refugees from Guanzhong entering Shu, so they prepared to follow the orders of the previous dynasty and ask Qinzhou and Yongzhou to recall the refugees who had flowed into Shu, and sent Yushi Feng This, Zhang Chang supervises the execution.

At this time, Li Te's brother Li Fu came from Guanzhong and told him that there had just been an incident in Guanzhong and it was not good to go back.

Li Te thought it was reasonable, and under the dissuasion of his subordinate Yan Shi and others, he came up with the idea of ​​occupying Bashu and ruling the roost.

He asked Yan Shi to visit Luo Shang many times, asking for accommodation until autumn, and bribed Luo Shang and Feng Gai with the gold, silver and jewels plundered from Chengdu.

Luo Shang and Feng Gai agreed to Li Te's request.

Then the imperial court discussed the merits of pacifying Zhao Yan, and appointed Li Te as General Xuanwei and the Marquis of Changle Township; Li Liu was made General Fenwei and the Marquis of Wuyang.

As the imperial edict requiring the refugees to be repatriated back home became more and more urgent, Luo Shang had no choice but to send Xin Ran, an official, to urge the supervisor to repatriate the refugees and ordered them to go on the road in July.

However, Xin Ran was greedy and violent. When he saw that the carts of Li Te and other refugee leaders were filled with gold and silver, and that the other refugees who participated in the attack on Chengdu had money, he planned to kill them and plunder their property.

Then he told Luo Shang:

"The refugees took advantage of Zhao's rebellion and stole a lot of property. Official documents should be issued to set up checkpoints to collect these properties."

Luo Shang then sent a message to various places to request the repatriation, and sent Zhang Yan, the prefect of Zitong, to set up checkpoints at various intersections to search for treasures.

On the other side, Li Te and others repeatedly asked for instructions, asking the refugees to wait until after the autumn harvest when they had food before returning north, but Luo Shang always refused.

At that time, the refugees were distributed in Liangzhou and Yizhou areas, working as domestic servants. When they heard that the states and counties were forcing them to repatriate, everyone was worried, resentful, and at a loss.

After learning that the Li Te brothers frequently requested to stay for a while, they were both grateful and dependent on them.

At this time, the crops had not been harvested, and the refugees had no money to travel, so they went to see Li Te in a group.

Li Te sent people to build a camp in Mianzhu to resettle the refugees, and wrote to Xin Ran asking for a few more days of grace.

Xin Ran was unwilling, so instead he sent people to post a list at the main road entrance, offering a reward for catching the Li Te brothers, and promising a heavy reward.

After Li Te saw it, he was very frightened. He sent people to quickly take down all the articles on the list and bring them back. He and Li Xiang and others rewritten the reward content as follows:

"Anyone who can send the heads of the mighty Li, Ren, Yan, Zhao, Yang, Shangguan and Di and Sou princes from the six counties will be rewarded with a hundred pieces of cloth and silk."

As soon as the announcement came out, the refugees were greatly frightened and all went to join Li Te. Herdsmen from the Di, Sou and other tribes also rode horses and carried bows and went to Li Te.

In less than a month, there were more than 20,000 followers.

In October, Li Te stationed himself at Chizu and divided 20,000 people into two camps. Li Te lived in the north camp and Li Liu lived in the east camp.

But at this time, Li Te still did not attack Chengdu. Instead, he repeatedly sent envoys to ask Luo Shang for a few more days of grace.

However, Luo Shang did not agree. Instead, he dispatched Guanghan Captain Zeng Yuan and other generals to secretly lead 30,000 infantry and cavalry in preparation for an attack on Li Te's camp. He also sent Governor Tian Zuo to lead troops to assist Zeng Yuan.

Li Te had already sent out sentry cavalry and learned of the arrival of Zeng Yuan's army. He first held his troops stationary. When Zeng Yuan's men and horses were halfway in, the ambush soldiers suddenly attacked them.

In the end, Tian Zuo and Zeng Yuan were beheaded, and their heads were sent to Luo Shang by Li Te.

After this battle, Li Te became famous and the refugees in the six counties unanimously elected him as their leader.

Subsequently, the general Li Han, the magistrate of Shanggui County Ren Zang, the magistrate of Shichang County Yan Shi, the admonishment official Li Pan, the magistrate of Chencang County Li Wu, the magistrate of Yinping County Li Yuan, the general and commander Yang Bao and others jointly submitted a letter:
According to Liang Tong's past experience with Dou Rong, he requested that Li Te be elected as the general of the Northern Army, and that Li Te should be appointed as an official and be knighted in accordance with formal procedures.

After Li Te established himself as the General of Zhenbei, he appointed his younger brother Li Liu as the General of Zhendong and the Governor of the East to guard and lead one side; his brother Li Fu was the General of Hussars, his brother Li Xiang was the General of Hussars, and the remaining generals and counselors All are sealed.

Soon Li Te reorganized his internal affairs and began to march to attack Xin Ran, who was garrisoned in Guanghan on the Chengdu side.

Not long after, under Li Te's strong attack, Xin Ran was exhausted in Luocheng and was defeated. Finally, Xin Ran broke through and rushed to Jingzhou, and Guanghan County was taken over by Li Te.

Then Li Te began to march into Chengdu and attack Luoshang.

Luo Shang knew he was outmatched, so he defended the city and sent people to Liang and Ning states for help.

This was the reason why the imperial court received Li Te's rebellion and sent troops.

(End of this chapter)

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