A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 493: Sun Hao, the leader of the Conquer Wu Dynasty, is in a state of confusion, and Jianye i

Chapter 493: Sun Hao, the leader of the Conquer Wu Dynasty, is in a state of confusion, and Jianye is in danger and rewards the meritorious officials.

Xianning five years
Sima Yan began to spread the news of the Southern Expedition in advance in the court, wanting to see the reaction of the ministers.

However, as soon as it was proposed, it was opposed by the conservatives headed by Jia Chong, the Minister of Imperial Records.

Jia Chong, in particular, believed that the reason why the Yan Han Dynasty perished was that they were repeatedly defeated at the hands of Soochow and used weapons without permission, so that the people of the world could not live in peace for a day.

Now that the Jin Dynasty was first established, it was a time to rest with the people, and Sima Yan also set the policy of governing by doing nothing. Now that the southern expedition was underway, wouldn't it mean that the order was changed at night?

He also said: Wu has the natural danger of the Yangtze River and is good at water warfare, so it is difficult for the northerners to win. Moreover, the Xianbei people are raising their troops to attack the Jin Dynasty. The war in the northwest has only temporarily come to an end, but the Xianbei rebellion has not yet completely subsided.

What can be expected is that Bald Tree Function will not be willing to surrender to the Jin Dynasty, so it is not the right time to attack Wu at this time.

However, Yang Hu, Zhang Hua, Du Yu and others from the main war faction believed that Wu Emperor Sun Hao was extremely corrupt. He not only brutally exploited and suppressed the people under his rule, but also excluded dissidents within the court and used cruel torture.

As a result, countless Wu people crossed the river to join the imperial court every year. At this time, Sun Wu was "separated from above and below". If he sent troops at this time, he "can win without fighting."

If the opportunity is missed, the people of Wu will establish a new leader and work hard to govern, and it will be very difficult to destroy Wu.

The two factions had a very heated debate in the court.

But when it comes to whether to send troops to destroy Wu and unify the world, Sima Yan is on the side of the main war faction.

Because this is not decided just by patting one's head, but with sufficient preparation.

When Sun Xiu was in power, Sima Yan was worried about Sun Xiu, so he never sent troops and was instead concentrating on accumulating strength.

Not only did he send Yang Hu to guard the important military town of Jingzhou, he also started preparations to destroy Wu. He also asked him to implement benevolent governance and compete with Soochow for the hearts of the people.

So after Yang Hu took control of Jingzhou, he reduced taxes and stabilized the people. Jingzhou was closest to Shicheng, the important town of Dongwu. He adopted the strategy of "win with good" and extended great favors to the Wu army.

In contrast, Sun Hao was extravagant, and his soldiers often did not receive military pay and did not even have enough to eat.

For this reason, Yang Hu repeatedly sent people to the Wu camp opposite to deliver wine and meat to undermine the Wu army's fighting spirit.

Over a long period of time, the Wu State, from its generals to its soldiers, had long been looking towards the Jin State step by step, hoping that the Jin Army would attack as soon as possible and rescue them from the sea of ​​misery.

In addition to Yang Hu, Sima Yan also continued to train the navy and build warships in Yizhou. After ten years of preparation, coupled with the foundation of Yanhan's Yizhou navy, the Jin army's navy on the Yangtze River The strength is no less than that of Wu Jun, or even surpasses it.

Therefore, Sima Yan kept persuading Jia Chong and others, and finally passed the resolution of war against Wu despite all opinions.

Sima Yan officially issued the "Edict Notifying All People in the World to Attack the State of Wu".

Then the formation of troops began.

After analyzing with his generals, Sima Yan finally decided to seize the Kingdom of Wu with lightning speed.

It was ordered that Jia Chong be appointed as the chief governor, General Zhendong Sima Nian, General Wang Hun from Andong, General Wang Rong from Jianwei, General Hu Fen from Pingnan, General Du Yu from Zhennan, General Wang Jun from Longxiang, and General Tang Bin from Guangwu. The army was divided into six groups and launched a massive attack on Wu.

Among them, five armies marched towards the Wu army along the north bank of the Yangtze River.

The Sixth Route Jin Army set out from Badong and Yizhou, went eastward along the Yangtze River, and under the cover of the Yizhou Navy, went straight to Jianye, the capital of Wu State.

This deployment has a total strength of more than 200,000 troops.

News of the large-scale attack by the Jin army quickly spread throughout the country of Wu. Some were frightened and some were happy.

But Sun Hao was obviously angry. He immediately mobilized his troops and went to garrison in important places.

The Jin army came all the way along the Yangtze River. The iron cones and iron chains set up by Wu State in Wu Gorge to block Jin State's Yizhou Navy and block the river were all eliminated one by one by Wang Jun and Tang Bin who came from Yizhou. .

Wherever the Jin army went, they heard the wind and descended, almost entering uninhabited territory.

Sun Hao was puzzled. On the advice of his ministers, he decided to establish eleven kings including Zhongshan and Dai, and also granted amnesty to the whole world, in order to restore his reputation in the country.

But it seems to be too late now.

Soon, the Yizhou Army, which went straight down the river, was not far from Jianye, and near Dongting Lake, it defeated the navy deployed by Soochow in Dongting Lake. Just when the two were preparing to attack Jianye.

In order to disperse and attract the Wu army guarding Jianye, the governor Jia Chong ordered Wang Hun and others in the northern theater to lead a Jin army from north to south to attack Jianye.

Sun Hao quickly ordered Prime Minister Zhang Ti to lead the main force across the river to the north to meet Wang Hun.

As a result, Prime Minister Zhang Ti, Danyang Governor Shen Ying and others were beheaded by Wang Hun's formation. Wu Yan, the governor of Wuchang who was stationed in Wuchang, was beheaded by Du Yu. Eight out of ten Soochow troops were defeated.

What was even more dangerous was that not long after the main force of the Wu army crossed the river to the north, the navy from Yizhou had already appeared on the river in Jianye.

The "Jin" flag hung on the warship that blocked the sky and the sun seemed to tell the people of Wu that the day of Wu's destruction was now.

The Kingdom of Wu was established. In the palace, hundreds of ministers kowtowed and begged Sun Hao to find a solution.

But at this time, Sun Hao had no choice but to ask everyone for a way to survive. Everyone said:
"Now that the Jin army has come to the capital, they are fighting without blood wherever they go. This is all due to Cen Xuan's treacherous flattery, which allowed His Majesty to build a lot of construction projects and caused great hardship to the soldiers.

If Cen Zhen is not killed, the army and the people will not be able to endure it for long, and Jianye will be destroyed. If Cen Zhen is convicted, the people and soldiers will definitely defend the city for His Majesty and wait for the arrival of reinforcements. "

Sun Hao was panic-stricken at this time and said to Cen Zhen beside him without thinking: "In this case, you should be the one to apologize to the people."

Upon hearing Sun Hao's words, the ministers below immediately went up to arrest Cen Xin in court and pushed him out to behead him.

But Sun Hao soon reacted and wanted to stop him, but Cen Zhen had already been killed.

At this time, Tao Jun, who was sent by Sun Hao to rescue Wuchang, saw that Wuchang had fallen and it was meaningless to ask for help, so he led the army back to Jianye.

Sun Hao immediately summoned him and asked him about the current situation of the navy and whether it could defeat the Jin army's navy.

Tao Jun replied: "The ships in Shu are all very small, not as good as the big ships in our country of Wu, let alone the two great ships in the world, Feiyun and Gaihai, and even the Chang'an, which was built during the reign of the emperor. .

Now Your Majesty has given me 20,000 troops to fight in big ships. It must be enough to deal with them. "

Sun Hao was overjoyed after hearing this. He immediately gave Tao Jun the holiday ax and set out tomorrow to defeat the Yizhou navy.

But as soon as the soldiers of the Soochow Navy heard that they were going to fight the Jin army tomorrow, they knew that Wu would be destroyed soon and Jin would unify the world, and they were unwilling to lose their lives anymore. Coupled with Sun Hao's reputation, that night, the entire Soochow Navy, tens of thousands of people, was gone overnight.

Second day

More than 10,000 Jin troops led by Wang Jun first arrived near Jianye. Sima Nian and Wang Hun also led their troops to approach the border.

Sun Hao could only use the plan of Guang Luxun Xue Ying and Zhongshu Ling Hu Chong, and sent envoys to write letters to Wang Jun, Sima Nian and Wang Hun respectively in an attempt to divide them.

But these are all outstanding figures in the world, so how could they go against the trend, so they naturally rejected him.

June 5th
Because Jianye City is high and deep, Wang Jun only has more than 10,000 people to defeat Jianye's wishful thinking.

They set up camp six miles west of Jianye, waiting for the follow-up army to besiege Jianye together.

After the Soochow Navy was gone, Sun Hao had already understood the situation and finally followed Hu Chong's suggestion and decided to follow the example of the Han leader Cao Rui in surrendering to the Han Dynasty and surrender to the Jin army.

In the afternoon of that day, while Wang Jun was handling military affairs, he received a report from his subordinates. Sun Hao, the leader of Wu, requested to surrender and asked the general if he agreed.

Wang Jun was immediately overjoyed, as if a golden pie had fallen from the world. How could he disagree? He immediately agreed to hold a surrender ceremony tomorrow.

Sun Hao prepared the ceremony of subjugating the country. He wore a plain chariot with white horses, his flesh was uncovered and his face was bound, he held a bib and led a sheep.

On behalf of Sima Yan, Wang Jun accepted Sun Hao's surrender, personally untied him, accepted the jade, burned the coffin, and sent someone to escort Sun Hao's family to Luoyang, the capital of Jin.

At this point, the Soochow regime that had occupied Jiangdong for decades was declared dead.

After Sun Hao decided to surrender, in order to let Sima Yan see his sincerity and value and allow the Jin army to successfully take over various places, he widely sent letters persuading surrender to his officials, asking them not to resist the Jin army.

After receiving Sun Hao's edict, the remaining counties and counties of Wu happily waited for Jin to send people to accept it.

This is different from when Wu State was united in dealing with Han State.

When the Han Dynasty became the Jin Dynasty, it meant that the policy in the north had changed. It was no longer the harsh rule of the Han Dynasty that suppressed wealthy families, but became a dream country for the wealthy families.

Not only does the aristocratic family control the power of the world, but the criteria for selecting officials and appointing talents have also become family background, which no longer leaves little opportunities for the children of poor families as before.

Therefore, the local tycoons and influential families of the Wu State were not opposed to the Jin State, and were even eager to play the role of their families on a higher political stage, rather than being limited to a corner of Jiangdong.

This battle against Wu was different from that of the previous Han Dynasty. It lasted for four months in total. Generally speaking, surrender was the main trend. In four months, both sides lost a total of no more than 30,000 soldiers.

With the fall of the Wu Kingdom, all counties, prefectures, and counties in Soochow were officially incorporated into the territory of the Jin Kingdom.

Since Dong Zhuo, the world has been divided and finally reunited. Counting it, it takes a hundred years.

June 29
Sun Hao came to Luoyang and was received by Sima Yan, the emperor of Jin Dynasty. He was given the title of Gui Minghou and a mansion was built for him in Luoyang City, so that he could live in Luoyang forever and never leave Luoyang.

His treatment was much lower than that of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and Cao Rui, the last emperor of Cao Han. I don't know if Sun Hao ever regretted it.

Sima Yan held a court meeting and rewarded the heroes who had contributed in the battle to destroy Wu:
The first is Sima Min, the general of Zhendong and king of Langya. He is a descendant of the clan. Although his contribution is not great, Sima Yan still worships him as the general and the founder of the Yitong Sansi.

He was also appointed as the governor of Qingzhou, and he was given the attire of a servant. His two sons were appointed Marquis of Ting, with three thousand households each, and six thousand bolts of silk.

General Wang Hun of Andong had great achievements in killing the main force of the Wu army, and was ranked first among the generals in terms of merit. Therefore, he was promoted to the Duke of Jingling, and eight thousand households were added to the town. He was also promoted to the general of the East Conquest, where he once again guarded Shouchun and pacified the East. Wu Yimin.

Jianwei General Wang Rong entered Anfeng County, increased the number of households by 6,000 households, and granted 6,000 pieces of silk to appease the newly attached Soochow survivors.

Pingnan General Hu Fen failed to make any meritorious deeds during this process, but instead rushed his troops to the walls of Wuchang. Had it not been for Du Yu's rescue, he would have been routed by the Wu army, so his merits were offset by his faults.

Du Yu, the general of Zhennan, made outstanding achievements in the entire battle to destroy Wu. He killed and captured 14 senior officials such as the governor of Sun Wu and the army supervisor, and as many as 120 mid-level officials such as Yamen and county guards. people.

He was granted the title of Marquis of Dangyang County, and the number of households in the county was increased to 9,600. His son Du Dan was granted the title of Marquis of Ting, and the number of households in the county was increased to 8,000 bolts of silk.
Although Longxiang General Wang Jun accepted Sun Hao's letter of surrender and was the first to arrive in Jianye, he repeatedly violated military orders.

First, he was dispatched by Zhao Du and captured Jianping. After arriving at Moling, he was controlled by Wang Hun.

When Wang Jun was about to arrive at Moling, Wang Hun sent an envoy to order Wang Jun to stop and discuss matters with his own army. Wang Jun set sail and sailed forward, reporting to Wang Hun: "The wind is strong and the ship cannot stop."

Wang Hun had long defeated Sun Hao's army and killed Wu Prime Minister Zhang Ti and others. However, he was afraid of being attacked by the Soochow Navy halfway across the river, so he did not dare to advance.

Wang Jun took advantage of the victory and accepted Sun Hao's surrender. Wang Hun felt humiliated and angry, so he reported to the court that Wang Jun had violated the imperial edict and was not subject to his control.

Therefore, an official impeached him for violating the imperial edict and not following Wang Hun's control. He should be charged with lese majesty and handed over to the Tingwei.

However, Sima Yan believed that Wang Jun had contributed to the conquest and destruction of Wu, and a small mistake was not enough to cover up his great achievements, so he worshiped Wang Jun as the general of the auxiliary country and led the infantry captain.

He also granted Wang Jun the title of Marquis of Xiangyang, with a settlement of 10,000 households, and his son Wang Yi was granted the title of Marquis of Yangxiang Ting, with a settlement of 1,500 households. He also granted him 10,000 pieces of silk, a set of clothes, 300,000 yuan and some other gifts. food.

General Tang Bin of Guangwu played a great role in this battle. At first, he and Wang Jun traveled eastward from Bashu along the Yangtze River to Jianye, serving as the vanguard to continuously attack cities and territories along the way.

The counties and counties east of Baling and Miangkou in Wu State all defected and surrendered because they were afraid of Tang Bin's offensive.

Tang Bin knew that the enemy was in a desperate situation and Sun Hao was about to surrender, so when he was still 200 miles away from Jianye, he claimed that he was ill and had stayed behind to prove that he was not claiming credit.

Later, there was a dispute between Wang Jun and Wang Hun.

Tang Bin was also worshiped by Sima Yan as a lieutenant in the Yi Military Academy, and was granted the title of Marquis of Shangyong County. He was granted a settlement of 6,000 households and was given 6,000 bolts of silk.

Finally, there is the highest commander of the army, the Grand Governor Jia Chong.

Jia Chong was originally opposed to sending troops, but Sima Yan wanted him to be the leader of the generals to silence other people who opposed the southern expedition. He also threatened that if Jia Chong refused, he would personally lead the army to attack. Jia Chong was forced to Had to accept the appointment.

Sima Yan immediately ordered Jia Chong to envoy Chijie, Fake Huangyue, Dadudu, and President of the Sixth Army.

Jia Chong led the Chinese army to the south and stationed at Xiangyang to provide military control for the armies, which was equivalent to ensuring logistics for the armies and deploying troops for support at any time.

After Sun Hao surrendered, because Jia Chong originally opposed the attack on Wu and had admonished his troops to withdraw, now that Soochow was overthrown, Jia Chong was very afraid of Sima Yan's punishment and planned to plead guilty and resign, but Sima Yan only offered comfort and did not ask for punishment. .

After discussing the merits and deeds, Sima Yan changed the name of next year's year to "Taikang" because he had pacified the state of Wu this year.

(End of this chapter)

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