A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 486 The Bai Kingdom is angry and the crowd is excited, and the Bai soldiers come out to the

Chapter 486 The Bai Kingdom is angry and the crowd is excited, and the Bai soldiers come out to the court to take countermeasures

Pingnan seventh year
The Bai Kingdom received the news that the king and the prince were under house arrest by the court. The government and the public were shocked, and the entire Bai people were ignited like a fire.

Some students summoned all the people's letters, stamped their fingerprints, and presented them to the White House, requesting that troops be sent to Luoyang to rescue the country's leader.

There were wealthy businessmen who spent all their wealth, purchased supplies, and donated them outside the Baiguo military camp, asking to rectify the name of the Baiguo.

Hundreds of students from the White House sat quietly outside the White House, just to express the single-minded determination of the White House.

Inside the White House, the situation was as quarrelsome as a vegetable market on the street, without any scholarly demeanor.

"Now that the king is under house arrest by the imperial court, we should rally the people and rise up to rescue him. Otherwise, how can we repay the kindness of the king."

"Lord Gongsun, I will fight for the last time. If I don't rescue the king, I will never turn back."

"Master Gongsun, no, the military is a major matter for the country and should not be touched lightly. I think we should inquire about the situation in Luoyang and get in touch with the king and prince of Luoyang to see what they say."

"Yes, our country, Bai, has never taken the initiative to use troops. Now if we use weapons without permission because of a rumor, we may be jealous of the court, so we should be more cautious.

After all, in today's world, we are the only princes and kings with real power in the Bai Kingdom. Don't be given the leverage to create a gap with the Liu family. "

"Lord Gongsun..."

Gongsun Baiyan was sitting on the couch below his Majesty's steps, looking at the ministers who were constantly having conflicts in the palace, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

The Bai Kingdom has always governed the country through the palace, that is, political affairs are handled in the Bai Palace.

Since the founding of the Yanhan Dynasty, Bai Kang, the head of the family at that time, believed that it was inappropriate to call it the Baifu of such a scale, so he decided to abolish the palace meeting and change it to the White House, which was called the palace meeting. equal.

However, although the name has changed, the core has not.

The country is still governed by the White House and is based on palace politics.

The layout of the entire hall is similar to that of Luoyang Chaohui Hall, but the regulations are much smaller.

Since King Bai and Duke Bai had not returned home, the two seats above the imperial court had been vacant.

Bai Yan looked at the silent Prime Minister Su Zhe: "What do you think, Prime Minister?"

Su Zhe cupped his hands and said:
"The old minister is just a civil servant and cannot understand the whole matter, so the decision should be made by Gongsun.

Gongsun thinks it's time to fight, so the veteran officials will do their best to raise food and grass to support Gongsun.

If Gongsun thinks that the fight should not be fought, the old minister will appease the subjects to prevent the crowd from getting excited. "

Bai Yan returned the greeting, which was regarded as acknowledging Su Zhe's statement, and then looked at Guo Wei Yuanye.

Yuanye also saluted and said: "Old ministers are just like the prime minister. They obey Gongsun's orders in everything."

Subsequently, the Secretary-General, Shangshu Ling, Yushi Zhongcheng and other important ministers all spoke out, taking Gongsun Baiyan's decision as the highest directive.

"I respectfully obey your orders."

Bai Yan stood up from his seat. He was in his forties and in his prime when he was young and strong. He said loudly:
"Okay, since everyone wants to hear my decision, I will tell you.

According to reports, the imperial court was now controlled by the Sima clan, and the emperor was reduced to a puppet. Both the king and the prince were placed under house arrest by the Sima clan in Baifu, Luoyang, and were heavily guarded. No news could be spread at all.

If we remain silent and make no movement, we will definitely be looked down upon by the Sima clan, and even harm the king. This is something that our country, Bai, cannot tolerate.

Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, no one in the world has dared to offend our Bai Kingdom. The Sima family is the first one, and I hope that it will also be the last one.

Therefore, I decided to send troops on a certain day to attack Luoyang.

The purpose of this battle is to force Sima to return to the king, so it is different from ordinary battles.

I decided to fight in person. "

"I will obey Gongsun's orders."


Yuanye came out and said, "I'm here."

"Issuing a national conscription order to the Bai Kingdom, summoning the old soldiers who have disarmed and returned to camp. I want to use the general trend to oppress the Sima clan. I will also take this opportunity to let the world know that the Bai Kingdom is not only benevolent, righteous and loyal, but also has strong military weapons."

"I obey your order."

As the recruitment edict stamped with the national seal of the Bai Kingdom was issued across the country, the entire Bai Kingdom was mobilized. In the city and in the countryside, the old soldiers who had been disarmed and returned to their fields reported to the Bai Kingdom military camp in Chaoge.

Even some old soldiers who had gone abroad to do business heard the news and rushed back to the White Kingdom to enlist in the army.

A young man from the Bai Kingdom who had never joined the army requested to join the army, but was rejected by Bai Kingdom officials because the troops at this time were already sufficient.

March 2
Bai's 50,000 men are ready for war and are ready to go to war at any time.

Bai Yan, wearing armor and stomach, climbed onto the oath-taking platform, looked at the solemn military formation below and the people of Bai Kingdom watching around, and said loudly:
"It has been more than four hundred years since the founding of the Bai Kingdom by Emperor Gaozu, and more than a thousand years since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty.

The Bai family has been king for generations, and they have never treated the people harshly; they have never rebelled against the Han Dynasty.

Even during the two times when the world was in crisis, he assisted Guangwu and Zhaolie and helped the tripod to rebuild. His achievements are not unworthy, and his virtues are not unkind.

But now, without asking the reason or looking at the past, the imperial court has imprisoned our country's leader without authorization and prevented citizens from visiting him. If this is not a breach of trust, what is it?
Now I am sending troops, firstly to ask for an explanation from the imperial court, and secondly to welcome back the lord and the prince, and to demonstrate the national prestige of our country, Bai.

Bai Guo, mighty! "

"Bai Guo, mighty!" "Bai Guo, mighty!" "Bai Guo, mighty!"

Not only the troops in the audience, but also the people watching on the sidelines also shouted excitedly along with the troops. Bai Yan pulled out the sword from his waist, pointed diagonally toward the southwest, and shouted: "Attack the entire army!"

Following Bai Yan's order, the Bai army slowly moved towards the southwest.

Although the Bai Kingdom only has half a county, it has a lot of citizens.

Due to terrain reasons, the population of counties in the Han Dynasty varied, ranging from tens of thousands in border counties to millions in counties near Gyeonggi.

The Bai Kingdom supports more than 600,000 people in half a county. The entire Bai Kingdom has been developed to the extreme, with almost no wilderness.

Although the White Army only has 50,000 soldiers, they are all wearing armor, and their equipment and training level are no less than the elite troops of the Han Dynasty.

Bai Yan recruits 50,000 people, not that he can only recruit 50,000 people, but 50,000 people will not harm the Bai Kingdom.

If the maximum recruitment is carried out, without considering tomorrow, the Bai Kingdom can recruit 200,000 people, which is probably a matter of life and death.

March 10
Thirty miles north of Huai County, Hanoi, the Bai army defeated 30,000 Hanoi county soldiers and occupied the entire Hanoi county. The Han army lost its stronghold in Hebei.

At this time, the news of Bai Guo sending troops had reached Luoyang.

Sima Zhao immediately summoned his confidants to discuss countermeasures.

Zhongshu Ling Wang Ji said:
"The Bai Kingdom is just one vassal king. No matter how many soldiers there are, how many more can there be?

I thought that the Prime Minister did not need to worry. He only needed to send a general with tens of thousands of troops to wipe out the White Army, and then summon the troops from Jizhou to attack its back.

At that time, there will be our army in front, and the country will be attacked by the Jizhou army. If there is no front or rear, the Bai Kingdom will be defeated. "

Shangshu Lingzhou Taique objected:
"The Bai Kingdom is not that simple. Originally there were only 5,000 people in the Bai Kingdom. Overnight, 50,000 people could be summoned, and they were all veteran soldiers who had experienced battles. Who knows if they could summon another 50,000 people? .

If the imperial army is defeated by the White Army, Jiang Wei in Yangzhou, Wang Hun in Liangzhou, Xu Ping in Yongzhou, and Pang Xuan in Yizhou will take advantage of the situation and raise their troops.

By then, the world will fall into chaos again, and Wu will definitely take the opportunity to attack the city and seize territory. This is not what we want to see. "

At this time, Sima Yan interrupted:
"Prime Minister, please give me an army. I will definitely defeat the Bai army and let them know that the world does not belong to the Bai family."

Sima Zhao was a little undecided, and Sima You said again:
"Prime Minister, isn't King Bai in our hands? Why not use this as a threat to make Bai Kingdom withdraw its troops?"

"No, Prime Minister, the Bai Kingdom has not used weapons for hundreds of years. Why is it doing so now? Isn't it because King Bai is under house arrest and is unbalanced and wants an explanation.

If we can persuade him with good words, we may be able to eliminate this disaster without using weapons. If King Bai threatens him, according to the character of the Bai people, it may be counterproductive, but he doesn't know the arrogance of Aibing. "

Seeing that Sima You had unfavorable thoughts towards Bai Yu, Jia Chong immediately stopped him.

Sima You glanced at Jia Chong, ignored him, and continued:

"Prime Minister, why don't you send someone to Bai Mansion and ask for a handwritten letter from King Bai, asking him to withdraw his troops. If he agrees to do so, he will give up. If he doesn't agree, there will be no loss if he threatens."

Sima Zhao finally spoke:

"In this way, make two preparations. Sima Yan, I will order you to lead one hundred thousand troops to guard the northern part of Luoyang to prevent the White Army from crossing the river.

Sima You, go to the Bai Mansion quickly and try to get the handwritten letter from King Bai. Remember, you can threaten, but never do anything.

In addition, the Donglai Navy was ordered to send ships to cruise on the Yellow River to prevent the Bai Kingdom from crossing the river. "

Here Sima Yan went down to prepare his troops and horses, and Sima You led a group of people to the Bai Mansion.

"Open the door, open the door! Open the door quickly!"

Sima You ordered a sergeant to step forward and slap the door very unceremoniously.

The gate of Bai Mansion creaked open, and several Bai Zhan guards looked at the door knocker with murderous intent.

The door knocker was so frightened that he backed away and almost fell down.

Sima You stepped forward, looked at the Baifu sergeants in front of him, and said proudly:

"Hurry up and let us know that Sima You, the cavalry general of the court, is coming to visit, and ask the imperial master to come out to greet him."

But he didn't hear the sergeant in front of him move his feet for a long time. Sima You just felt that his face was dull and he became furious:
"Bold, how dare you ignore me like this? Someone come and force your way into this house with me."


Suddenly, dense crowds of sergeants appeared at the gate of Bai Mansion, some even armed with crossbows, pointing at Sima You. The sergeants brought by Sima You also confronted him with swords.

Seeing that the war is about to break out.

"I heard that the general of chariots and cavalry is visiting. Your Majesty has invited you!"

A White House steward came to the door and saluted Sima You.

Hearing this, the White Guards moved out of the way. Sima You snorted and took the lead into the mansion.

"Only five people are allowed into the house, the rest are waiting outside the house."

The commander of the White Guards said coldly to the general behind Sima You.


"Hold on, you stay outside the house later, I will go back as soon as I can."

Sima You organized the action of the generals of the bodyguards and only brought unknown bodyguards into the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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