A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 440: After hearing the bad news, the old illness relapsed, and when he got drunk in Tongguan

Chapter 440: After hearing the bad news, the old illness relapsed, and when he got drunk in Tongguan, he blamed the general

"Xu Chu! Xu Chu! Doctor, I want a doctor!" Cao Cao suppressed his headache and shouted loudly.

Xu Chu quickly opened the curtain, rushed in, took a look, and then went out at a very fast speed. A moment later, he came with an old man in his arms: "Heal the king quickly, or I will kill you with a knife."

The doctor crawled to Cao Cao, fiddled with it, and then took out the silver needle and pricked it on Cao Cao's acupuncture points. After a while, Cao Cao felt much better.

The doctor pulled out the silver needles one by one, and then quickly fell to his knees, not daring to raise his head.

Cao Cao opened his eyes with tired eyes, looked at Xu Chu and said:

"After passing the order, the solitary head disease recurred, and we could not fight for a long time. We needed to return to the new capital to recuperate. The entire army slowly withdrew from Yizhou and ordered Li Dian to station 10,000 soldiers in Nanjiang to guard the gateway to Shuzhong.

Tell him that if there is a chance, he can ask Hanzhong for help and then seek greater interests in Shu. "

When Xu Chu went out to deliver the order, Cao Cao looked at the doctor and asked coldly: "Can Gu's illness be cured?"

The doctor trembled and replied: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty. My medical skills are meager. I may not be able to cure Your Majesty's illness. However, there is one person who may be able to cure Your Majesty."


"There are three people with the best medical skills today.

One is Dong Feng, named Junping, who was born in Houguan County, Yangzhou. He originally served in the imperial medical office. After the turmoil in the capital, he entered the Baiguo Physician's Palace and became the guest minister of the Physician's Palace and the master of the Baiyuan. Now he is practicing medicine and teaching in the Baiguo. He is the best in medicine and stone. There may be a way.

The two were Zhang Ji, named Zhongjing, who was born in Nanyang, Jingzhou. He was originally the governor of Changsha. During his tenure, he continued to treat the people of Changsha. He rarely died of illness, which shows his superb medical skills.

But he was tired of officialdom and retired to the fields. He didn't know what he was talking about. It was rumored that he was writing medical books and never paid attention to worldly affairs.

The third person, Hua Tuo, a native of Qiao County, Pei County, was named after Hua Chen, a disciple of the famous doctor Bian Hong. He passed on Bian Hong's golden acupuncture technique and was very good at internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology and golden acupuncture.

Dong Feng had previously announced that he would no longer go out to practice medicine, and would make teaching medical skills his ambition for the rest of his life. Zhang Ji lives in no fixed place and does not know where he is. Therefore, only Hua Tuo can cure the king's illness. "

Cao Cao asked: "Where is Hua Tuo now?"

The doctor felt a little guilty and said, "Hua Tuo practices medicine regardless of whether he is far or near. Maybe he is on the way to practice medicine, so I don't know about it."

Cao Cao snorted coldly, and the doctor buried his head even lower: "Well, you have been successful in relieving Gu's headache many times. I will reward you with a hundred taels of gold. Go down to Xu Chu and receive the reward.

However, if you hear about Hua Tuo's traces and inform him as quickly as possible, you will be rewarded generously. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The doctor was very excited to receive the reward and agreed repeatedly.

This doctor was originally from Bai County, and later studied medicine at the Bai Kingdom Medical Palace. Although his medical skills were superb, his character was not good. He refused to treat common people many times and invited rich people instead.

It was contrary to the ethos of the doctor's office, and as a doctor, he did some things that harmed patients, which was against medical ethics. Therefore, he was fired by the doctor's office and banned from practicing medicine in Baiguo.

Later, Cao Cao issued an order to recruit talents, regardless of their virtues and talents. He happily accepted them. Isn't he so cautious and humble just for the sake of glory and wealth?

Here, Zhuge Liang also got the news of Cao Cao's retreat, and immediately found Liu Qi and asked him to raise troops to pursue Cao's army. He could not let them leave Shu so smoothly.

After Liu Qi heard this, he ordered Huang Zhong and Liao Hua, as well as Wei Yan who came from Wanyuan, to lead five thousand troops each, and take turns to attack the retreating Cao army to delay their retreat. He personally led the remaining troops and held them back as support.

May 20

The withdrawal journey that originally took several days was actually taken by Cao's army for more than ten days. This was largely due to the achievements of the Shu army.

With Li Dian blocking the pursuers in Nanjiang, Cao Cao's army accelerated a lot. In order to facilitate the transportation of grain, Cao Cao ordered to recruit the surrounding people and repair the rice warehouse roads for more than two months, which made Cao Cao's army march faster. It has improved a lot.

June 10
Cao Cao finally returned to Hanzhong with his army. In order to stop Liu Bei's march, Cao Cao ordered Xu Huang, who had already retreated, to lead his troops to Chang'an to establish a defensive line.

June 23
Cao Cao finally passed Baoxie Road, arrived at Xi County in Fufeng County from Hanzhong, and officially arrived in Guanzhong.

At this time, Liu Bei took advantage of the fact that most of Cao's army had not arrived during these days and continued to mobilize troops.

Taking advantage of the fact that he had more troops and Xu Huang had fewer troops, he stationed a large army in Chiyang and Gaolingtun to threaten Xu Huang in Chang'an across the Wei River. At the same time, he crossed the Wei River in Zheng County and successfully reached the south bank of the Wei River.

After crossing the Wei River, Lu Bu led 20,000 troops and marched westward along the south bank of the Wei River, attacking Xinfeng, Baling and many other cities, until they reached the city of Chang'an.

Zhang Fei then led 30,000 troops along the south bank of the Weishui River and headed eastward to capture Tongguan, intending to break through this pass and occupy the important position guarding the pass in one fell swoop.

Later, relying on the cover of Lu Bu's army, Liu Bei personally commanded an army of 50,000, and successfully crossed the Jingshui River, the main tributary of the Wei River from Chiyang, and surrounded Chang'an with Lu Bu.

Because Guanzhong is flat and the cavalry has an obvious advantage, Liu Bei prepared more cavalry for this trip. There are 30,000 cavalry in the army.

He also ordered the deployment of the Youzhou cavalry and the Zhenbei army led by Yuan Zhao and Bai Gong to go south from the north to attack the key points, and sent others to garrison the northern border. Now everything in the Zhao Kingdom must make way for the capture of Guanliang.

Therefore, this time Liu Bei was in a hurry and could still use nearly 120,000 troops, which shows that he is confident and powerful.

Tongguan was built by Cao Cao to prevent military rebellion in Liangzhou and Guanzhong. Because Hangu Pass was abandoned by the Han Dynasty for many years and was in disrepair, with many areas collapsing, and the Yellow River channel shifted southward, it was extremely difficult to repair Hangu Pass, and many walls even collapsed into the Yellow River and were flooded by the flowing water. Disperse.

So Cao Cao ordered that Hangu Pass be abandoned and a new pass be built fifty miles west of it at the peach forest and named Tongguan.

Therefore, as long as Tongguan is broken, Luoyang will be exposed to the iron hoof of Guanzhong. Similarly, Guanzhong was also exposed to the military front of Guandong, which shows that it is an important location.

Although it was built in the first year of Jian'an, twenty-one years have passed since then. Ma Chao and other Xiliang generals also attacked Tongguan, so the traces of the old battles are still visible on the tall walls of Tongguan.

In order to seize Tongguan, Zhang Fei ordered generals to lead the follow-up troops, while he personally led 5,000 cavalry to see if he could take advantage of the unpreparedness of the Tongguan defender to seize the pass.

Unfortunately, the Tongguan garrison was vigilant and had several warning posts ten miles away from the east and west. As a result, Tongguan had already discovered Zhang Fei's galloping cavalry and was well prepared and put down a heavy gate. Therefore, Zhang Fei's surprise attack failed.

Zhang Fei rode out alone and came not far from Guanqiang. He shouted: "This is Zhang Yide from Yan. Who dares to come down and fight?"

The guard general of Tongguan was named Han Hao. He was from Henan County and was known as a good general. He was appointed by Cao Cao as the guard general of Tongguan and commanded three thousand Tongguan garrison troops.

"Zhang Fei is fierce and has the reputation of being an enemy of ten thousand people. Even the two generals Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun can't take him down. We only need to hold on to the city wall and wait for the king's army to arrive.

The order is passed, no matter how Zhao Jun insults or invites a fight, anyone who dares to fight will be killed regardless of victory or defeat! Leave half of the people to garrison at the pass, and the rest will go down to the pass to rest. The general will have his own measure. "

Han Hao was very aware of the gap between himself and Zhang Fei, so he decisively chose to retreat.

No matter how Zhang Fei cursed him at the pass, Cao Jun remained indifferent.

"I am so angry!" Zhang Fei was so angry that he had no way to vent his anger, so he had to lead his troops to retreat to the stronghold fifteen miles west of Tongguan, waiting for the follow-up army to attack the city.

It was night, the moon and stars were sparse, and the thick moonlight scattered on the ground, just like daytime.

Han Hao called everyone together: "I won't let you fight during the day because Zhang Fei's momentum is strong, our army is small and weak, and it doesn't have much morale. Once defeated, Tongguan may be in danger of falling.

However, when defending a city, the most important thing is the military spirit and morale. The people are united as one. Even if the walls are low and the stronghold is low, they are particularly unable to defend. However, if people are not united and have different aspirations, even if the walls are high and the city is strong, it is still easy to fall.

Today, our army has few generals and low morale. Zhang's army has many generals and high morale. If we don't make changes, the day the city falls will be the day when you and I will perish.

This general heard that among the Zhao generals, Zhang Fei was the most irritable and conceited. The moonlight tonight was the best time to launch a night attack.

Therefore, I want to take advantage of Zhang Fei's unsteady footing and unable to express his depression during the day, and attack him at night to boost the morale of our army. "

All the generals praised him for his kindness and expressed their willingness to go with Han Hao.

Seeing that the morale of the army was available, Han Hao was happy and added: "Although the night attack can destroy the morale of the Zhao army, after all, Zhang Fei is so brave that none of us can match him, so bring more bows and crossbows to shoot him from a long distance." .

If we can keep flying under Tongguan, it will be a great achievement for you and me. "

The generals followed the order and immediately summoned the remaining 1,500 people who had not been on duty during the day. They brought more bows and crossbows, prepared their weapons, killed chickens and cows, had a good meal, and then quietly closed the door under the cover of night. Disappear into the night.

On the other side, Zhang Fei was very unhappy because the depression during the day could not be dissipated. When he set up camp, he immediately gathered the generals and asked them to drink with him.

After three rounds of drinking, Zhang Fei's generals Fan Jiang and Zhang Da noticed Zhang Fei's drunkenness and kindly reminded him: "General, you are drinking too much. However, after all, in wartime, you should pay more attention. The moon is bright tonight, so be wary of the Korean army's night attack."

Zhang Fei drank a large glass of wine, let out a pleasant "ha", casually wiped the wine on his beard with his sleeve, and laughed loudly:
"You two are too cautious. Today, the Japanese general has been yelling and cursing in front of the pass for more than half an hour. The Korean guard general seemed to have lost his eyes and ears. He didn't say a word. He must have heard Zhang Yide's name. Nuonuo did not dare to reply. He only dared to act like a mole. There is nothing to be afraid of.

The general guarding Tongguan is an unknown person. He is not a hero. Otherwise, he would not have been sent to guard the pass by Cao Cao. Even if he had a hundred courages, he would not dare to steal the general's camp.

If he dares to come, I will stab him one hundred and fifty holes. If you don't want to talk too much, it's better to drink first and then have sex with them tomorrow. "

Fan Jiang is a veteran who has followed Liu Bei for many years, and he still has a basic sense of battlefield. He said uneasily: "Tongguan is an important place. Cao Cao knows soldiers and is good at military strategy. He will not place mediocre people in such an important place.

And before leaving, the king deliberately advised the general to drink less to avoid any trouble. "

"Hmph!" Zhang Fei suddenly threw the wine glass on the wine table, frightening Fan Jiang and the two of them.

"You two are just my generals. How dare you use the king's orders to suppress me? Are you more than just generals? How do you know the superiority and inferiority of superiors and inferiors?

In this case, I will also give an order. I want you two to drink the wine from this wine jar in one go.

If there is even the slightest omission, I will enforce the military law. If I can do it, the offense you two committed against me can be written off. "

Seeing that Zhang Fei, who was already a little drunk, deliberately made things difficult for the two of them, and the other generals tried to say good things to them, but Zhang Fei was not willing to listen and only forced the two of them to drink.

The two of them were afraid of Zhang Fei's force and official authority, and they were unable to get down. In grief and anger, they had to drink the wine in the wine jar in one breath.

After drinking it, I just felt like my stomach was churning, I was out of breath, like a boiling kettle, and I wanted to vomit.

Zhang Fei looked at the two people who were so uncomfortable, laughed loudly, exempted them from the blame, and then continued drinking with the others.

(End of this chapter)

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