A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 421: The wall of strict military discipline is broken, and young heroes are no longer needed

Chapter 421: The wall of strict military discipline is broken, and young heroes are no longer needed

The eighth year of Jian'an
The first day of the first lunar month

This was supposed to be a happy day for the whole family, but in Xiapi, the brutal city defense battle was still going on.

In order to recapture the section of the city wall occupied by Cao's army yesterday, Gao Shun personally led his 3,000-strong wall camp and recaptured the city wall after half an hour of fighting.

However, our losses were not small. The Jianbi Camp, which had not been used until now, lost a thousand people in just one day.

Cao Cao's cold eyes scanned the retreating elite camp. There were more than 5,000 of them.

This elite battalion originally had ten thousand people, but after these days of consumption, these are the only ones left. It was an extremely elite infantry battalion compiled and trained by Cao Cao when he was in Xudu, and given the name Pojun. The leader of this Pojun camp was Yu Jin, a close confidant of Cao Cao.

Yu Jin, like the other soldiers, had his hands tied and knelt on the ground.

"You are a branch that I have high hopes for. I have given you the best military equipment and the best military pay. Is this how you repay me?"

Yu Jin said to Cao Cao with a face of shame: "Lord, please give us another chance. I don't want to say some other reasons. Next time, I will definitely be able to retake the city wall. Otherwise, I and my brothers will not come back again." Meet the Lord."

Cao Cao looked at this group of tied elites with cold eyes. At this time, their life and death depended on his own thoughts.

"Okay, since Qin Yujin has issued a military order, I will give you a chance, but only this time. Tomorrow, you will join the first siege sequence.

The Prime Minister has only one request for you. Either the city wall can be taken down and you come back, and the Prime Minister will give you a generous reward, or the city wall cannot be taken down and you die there. How about that? "

"Thank you, Lord!"

"The Prime Minister is merciful." When the other soldiers heard that their lives had been spared, they knelt down and worshiped overjoyed.

"But since you are guilty, the truth is that I will take back the flag of Pojun Camp. Now you are a death row camp. Those who kill three people will be exempted. If I kill ten thousand people, I will return the flag of Pojun Camp to you." .”

When Yu Jin heard this, he immediately stood up and said to the soldiers behind him: "Brothers, kill the enemy, kill the enemy!"

These soldiers responded loudly like a pack of hungry wolves: "Kill the enemy!"

Cao Cao looked at these people and knew that he could only use this one time. If he succeeded, he would be able to get an elite army of thousands of people. If he failed, this army would disappear completely.

The second day of the first lunar month
Due to the addition of the death row camp, a section of Xiapi's city wall was occupied by Cao's army, and the gap continued to grow too large, and the city wall was about to fall.

Gao Shun hurriedly took the remaining two thousand Jianbi Camp to make up for it, but at this time, the death row camp was already ready to die, and no matter how hard the Jianbi Camp tried its best, they could not drive them down.

Even at night, one-sixth of the city wall was occupied by Cao's army.

Facing this group of elite Cao troops, Gao Shun had no choice at this time. At this time, he had no elite troops in his hands to use. There are only a few hundred people left in Jianbi Camp, while there are still more than 3,000 people left in Cao Jun's death row camp.

If ordinary soldiers were relied on, not only would they not be able to take back the city wall, Cao Jun would even find an opportunity to push back, and then lose Xiapi's strongest defense facility.

Just when Gao Shun frowned and his mind was running at high speed, a group of young soldiers came in front of him.

"General Gao, let us go up. We have been practicing martial arts with our father since we were young. We have also been on the battlefield and killed the rebels. Now if the city wall is broken by Cao's army, our family is small, and our mother and sisters will not be able to defend themselves. , please let us go."

Gao Shun looked over and saw that it was a group of second generations. The leader was Guan Yu's eldest son Guan Xing, followed by dozens of others including Zhang Fei's son Zhang Bao, Bai Xing's son Bai Guan, Zhang Liao's son Zhang He, and his own son Gao An. Descendants of generals.

They brought with them the family soldiers who belonged to their own mansion, all of whom were retired veterans, totaling more than a thousand people.

Not only them, but also a group of female soldiers, led by Guan Yu's daughter Guan Yinping, Lu Bu's daughter Lu Yunlu, and Liu Bei's adopted daughter Liu Lanling, followed behind their brother.

Gao Shun looked at this group of teenagers whose average age was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He usually rarely had any emotional fluctuations, but his eyes were a little blurry at this moment. He hesitated for the first time.

If these second generations are damaged, his future in Liu Bei's camp will be over, and his reputation will definitely be ruined, and some generals will even come to fight for him.

"General Gao, agree with them!"

At this time, Bai Dian came to the city wall and sighed to Gao Shun: "Now Cao Jun's offensive is in a hurry. Our soldiers and civilians in Xiapi have lost more than 40,000 people. Could it be that the sons of the common people are sons, and our sons are not sons?" ?
They are indeed our future, but if Xiapi City is destroyed, even if they are alive, what is the difference between them and dead? "

After finishing speaking, Bai Dian shouted to his son Bai Jin in the crowd: "Bai Jin, are you sure you understand the risks involved in this battle? If you decide to join in, don't regret it and lose my name as the Bai family. "

Bai Jin squeezed past the brothers in front of him and came to Bai Dian. He was only fifteen years old, and his slightly immature face revealed a perseverance that did not belong to him:

"Father, you have often told me that as a scholar and a descendant of the Bai family, you must study hard, take your family and country as your ambition, have a heart for the people, and be down-to-earth.

Today, Cao Cao's offensive is becoming more and more urgent, and he is about to capture the city. As a descendant of the Bai family and your son, I will not surrender to Cao Cao for the sake of my life.

Since death is inevitable anyway, why not die on the road fighting Cao Jun instead of dying in your own home. As you said, the sons of the common people can sacrifice, don’t we, the sons of wealth, have the courage to die? "

Old Bai Dian burst into tears and nodded happily: "Okay, very good. He is worthy of being my son, Bai Dian, and worthy of being a descendant of the Bai family. Go ahead and do what you want to do."

Bai Dian turned around and looked at Gao Shun: "General Gao, give the order. If the lord is blamed later, I will bear the responsibility."

"Okay, since Bai Changshi is not afraid, what do I, Gao Shun, have to fear." Then he analyzed the young men in front of him: "Now, our army can resist Cao's army's attacks from other directions, except for the fifth section of the city wall on the left. Cao's army was really elite and looked forward to death. My 3,000 strong wall battalions were not able to drive them down, but they only lost a few hundred men.

The task I give you is to capture this section of the city wall and drive the invading Cao army down the city. As long as this part of Cao's army suffers all casualties, counting the time, General Zuo's reinforcements will arrive in a short time. "

Guan Xing, the oldest, directly cupped his fists and accepted the order: "General, don't worry, we will hand over this section of the city wall to us. We will definitely be able to drive this Cao army down the city."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, looked at his brothers and sisters and shouted: "Brothers and sisters, do you have confidence?"

All the young girls said with high spirits: "Brother, don't worry, we will definitely fulfill our mission!"

In order to recapture the city wall tomorrow, this young man quickly went down to the city wall to rest and prepare his armor and weapons.

The people in Xiapi City heard that the young masters and ladies were going to the city wall to confront Cao Jun. This made them feel unbelievable. After receiving the accurate news, the people in Xiapi City burst out with high spirits again. Confidence.

People from various wealthy families in the city, and even boys and girls from commoner families, were constantly coming to gather at the camp under the city wall.

After discussion by Guan Xing and others, they gave themselves a banner, Champion Camp.

The third day of the first lunar month
After a night of preparation, the number of young men from the Champion Camp and their own soldiers and guards has reached 4,000. This is almost all the soldiers of every family in Xiapi City. Even the guards of General Zuo's Mansion only left With the exception of ten people for protection, all were sent out.

Cao Cao was at the foot of the city, looking at the military flag with the word Cao planted under a section of the city wall on the right, and said proudly to the generals on the side: "They say that Gao Shun is good at defense and is known as the Strong Wall General. They say that no one can break his defense, haha.

I looked at each other, but that's all. Look, Xiapi City will be destroyed today, and tonight I will stay in Liu Bei's mansion. I heard that Liu Bei's wife, Mrs. Mi, was beautiful in life, but I don't know if it is true or not. "

The generals and scribes on the side looked at each other, always feeling some bad premonition. The last time this happened was in Wancheng.

Guan Xing wore his father's old armor and held the Yanyue Sword. He encouraged the brothers and sisters in front of him: "Now the fate of Xia Pi is in our hands. Everyone knows the cruelty of Cao's thieves. If we wait until Cao's army enters the city, our fate will How could my mother, sisters, and younger brothers escape the hands of Cao's thieves?

Do we still want to place our own safety on the mercy of Cao Cao? "


"Brothers, kill the thief with me!"

Guan Xing pointed his sword at the death row camp where Cao Jun was waiting, and took the lead in charging forward.

The battle was very fierce. On one side were the men who wanted to die and were on death row, and on the other side were the young heroes who were fighting for their loved ones.

Although these young men are not as experienced as the veterans of Cao's army, the martial arts skills taught by their father and brothers cannot be faked.

"Brother Wu! Thief Cao, I'm going to kill you!" When a young man saw his friend being killed, his eyes were blood red. He yelled angrily and went to kill him with his sword. Several soldiers behind him hurriedly followed. .

Cao Cao was still looking at the battle situation at the top of the city. Suddenly he felt something was wrong. Why were there fewer flags with the word "Cao" on the top of the city?
"Send the order, urgently order Cao Hong to take the original guard battalion to go up to support, and hurry up!"


With the support of Cao Cao's personal guard camp, the death row camp finally established its position and stopped retreating.

Seeing that this was not possible, Guan Xing had to find a way.

"Brother Xing, I have an idea, please wait for me!" Bai Jin analyzed the situation in front of him, shouted to Guan Xing, and then turned around and left with dozens of people.

After a while, Bai Jin came with hundreds of crossbowmen.

"Brother Xing, follow my orders. If I tell you to squat, just squat."

Guan Xing chopped down a Cao soldier in front of him and agreed without looking back.

"Squat!" Guan Xing and the brothers around him squatted down immediately, "Let go!"

The densely packed crossbow bolts hit Cao Jun, who did not react, and because of the close distance, an area was cleared.

Guan Xing saw this and said happily: "It's useful! Brothers, kill!"

In the following time, every time the crossbow team led by Bai Jin made a rapid fire when Cao Jun was not expecting it, making Cao Jun unable to guard against it.

As the sun gradually set, the battle came to an end. The last batch of Cao's troops still on the city wall were also eliminated by the Champion Battalion.

"Hurry up and garrison, don't let Cao Jun come up again." Guan Xing chopped down the last Cao Jun, shook the blood on his knife, and ordered the other brothers in the Champion Battalion.

"Don't worry, Brother Xing."

Guan Xing came to Bai Jin, who was constantly rubbing his arm, and punched him on the left chest. "You really are a kid."

Bai Jin chuckled, and some of the sadness on the city wall was relieved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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