A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 390: The circle surrounded by thorn fence is compared to a palace, and the cavalry attack is

Chapter 390: The circle surrounded by thorn fence is compared to a palace, and thousands of cavalry attack like heavenly soldiers.

A farmhouse was surrounded by a thorn fence. At this time, a dense crowd of ordinary soldiers were squatting on the fence, looking at the group of noble men in front of them, having a court meeting that they had never seen in their lives.

"Look, that person is Taichang of the current dynasty. I heard he is the head of the Nine Qing Dynasty. He helped me carry the bucket yesterday."

"What are you talking about? Did you see that middle-aged man wearing a hat on his head? That's Sikong. He gave me a slap on the back yesterday."

"Hmph, Lieutenant Sili once pinched my feet!" "The servant gave me a beating."...

Hearing the humiliation of the soldiers outside the fence, the ministers inside looked ashamed and humiliated.

Yang Feng, Li Le, Dong Cheng and others all turned a blind eye to this, because even if they were the commanders of these soldiers at this time, they could not stop them well and might cause a mutiny.

Yang Feng was Dong Zhuo's old general and Li Jue's general, and his soldiers were the main escort force. Li Le was the general of Baibo Army in Hedong, and his soldiers were the second largest.

Then came Han Xian, who was also an old general of Dong Zhuo. Dong Cheng was the uncle of the state, but he had the fewest troops. Therefore, Yang Feng was the one who made the decision at this time. Fortunately, he was more reasonable than Li Jue, Guo Si and others.

"Your Majesty, further south is Hanoi County now. Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, is one of the Guandong princes loyal to the imperial court. Once you enter Hanoi County, Your Majesty will be safe. Then you can cross the Yellow River from there and reach Luoyang."

A minister said so.

"No, I think Your Majesty should stay in Hedong County. Who knows whether Zhang Yang in Hanoi will be the next Li Jue, Guo Si, or Dong Zhuo.

Now that His Majesty is under the protection of this general, is he still afraid of being harmed? It is better to stay in Hedong. His Majesty's safety is the most important thing. "

In fact, in Yang Feng's heart, he was really unwilling to go to Luoyang. If he stayed in Hedong and Liu Xie was there, it would mean a steady stream of wealth and official titles, just like Grand Master Dong before him.

"Humph, safety is safety, but is it decent? Now look at the environment in which Your Majesty lives. Emperors of all dynasties and generations held court meetings like Your Majesty's in the midst of hedges and in public.

This is simply a humiliation to the Han Dynasty. As a Han minister and general, your Majesty is in this situation. Doesn't your face look bright?

Besides, these soldiers under your command not only show no dignity at all, but also kill the princes of the court at will. Is this something that the world can know?

If the world knew that Your Majesty was in this situation, how would the world view you? Would you still be able to gain a foothold in the world? Could it be that he wanted to leave a sin of Qijun in the history of Zhaozhao? "

Faced with the accusations and warnings from the servants, although Yang Feng and Li Le were a little angry, what he said was true. The soldiers under his command were indeed too lax.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Dong Cheng said: "Two generals, you also know that your Majesty traveled all the way from Chang'an to Chang'an. What is the reason? Isn't it because the tombs of the ancestors are all in Luoyang?

Now, if they stay in Hedong, it will be very inconvenient for the two generals, and may even cause unprovoked troubles. It is better to follow His Majesty's idea.

Arriving in Luoyang by then, it would be legitimate to be promoted to an official position, so that the world would not think that the two of you were able to coerce His Majesty into being promoted to a noble position. "

Although Dong Cheng was Dong Guiren's father, he was also Dong Zhuo's old subordinate. He also talked to Yang Feng, which made Yang Feng relax a little. Seeing that Yang and Feng were not that angry, Dong Cheng continued:

"Besides, there is a severe drought in the world, locusts are flying all over the sky, and Hedong is a barren land. How can it be the capital of the Han Dynasty?
Even thousands of us can't feed them, and the food supply in the army has already reached the bottom. If we don't go looking for food, I'm afraid we won't be able to control those tough soldiers by then.

If they go north, not only will they not receive food support, but they will also be threatened by barbarians. If Your Majesty is captured by the barbarians, then you and I will really leave our names in history, and we will be infamous throughout the ages.

It's different going south. Hanoi has always been prosperous, but it's very easy to maintain thousands of us. And beyond Hanoi is Luoyang.

In this way, not only can the army receive food, but also His Majesty's long-cherished wish can be fulfilled. It is a pleasure to have the best of both worlds. "

Yang Feng and Li Le went aside, discussed in detail, and finally came back and said: "We agree, let's go south to Hanoi according to General Dong's proposal.

But Zhang Yang's troops cannot enter our military camp. They can only stay outside the camp, and only Zhang Yang can enter. This is also for the sake of His Majesty's safety. "

Liu Xie, who was already as thin as a beggar on the street, was relieved when he heard Yang Feng agreed.

"Your Majesty, please leave it to me to contact Zhang Yang!"

At this time, Taiwei Yang Biao volunteered to go out.

Although Liu Xie was confused, he still agreed, and Yang Feng and others had no objection to who should go, or in other words, they were not wary.

When everyone dispersed, the soldiers on the fence saw that the court meeting was over and felt bored and left one after another.

At this time, Yang Biao asked Liu Xie for a talisman and stayed alone. Liu Xie also knew that Yang Biao had something to tell him, so he asked Queen Fu to go down first.

"If you have anything to do, Lieutenant, just tell me!" Seeing that there was no one around him, Liu Xie still lowered his voice and said.

Yang Biao glanced around and found that no one was paying attention here. He approached Liu Xie and whispered: "This time, the old minister recommended himself. In addition to ordering Zhang Yang to come and serve, he also wanted to recruit reinforcements.

If this reinforcement comes, His Majesty can get rid of this humiliating state. "

Liu Xie's eyes lit up, and then he suppressed his excitement and said, "Please tell me in detail, Lieutenant Commander."

Yang Biao wrote the word "white" on Liu Xie's hand.

Liu Xie hesitated: "Will he come? And, will anything else happen?"

Yang Biao smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, if he is no longer loyal, no one in the world will be a Han official.

And now the Han Dynasty cannot be destroyed. They understand this better than us. If we ask them for help, we will definitely succeed. By then, your Majesty will be able to return to Luoyang safely and honorably. "

Liu Xie bit his lip, frowned and thought carefully for a moment, then agreed: "Okay, you will draft an edict now and I will stamp it."

Then the two secretly drafted an edict. Yang Biao carried two edicts in his arms, and in the name of asking Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, for help, he successfully left Yang Fengying, and then galloped all the way towards Hanoi.

Half a month later, Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, came to Hedong to escort him and brought a large amount of food, which alleviated Yang Fengying's food shortage.

Liu Xie issued an edict to appoint Zhang Yang as General Anguo, and asked him to accompany Yang Feng, Li Le, and Dong Cheng to escort him back to Luoyang.

Che Yu set off from Anyi again. The second year of Xingping
New Year
Liu Xie's chariot was about to arrive in Hanoi County. Dong Cheng and Zhang Yang still decided to escort the chariot to Luoyang, but Yang Feng and Li Le had some regrets.

The carriage had no choice but to stay at the junction of Hanoi County and Hedong County.

Then the generals were confused and suspicious of each other. Since Zhang Yang brought few soldiers, he was afraid that Yang Feng and others would attack him, so he led his troops back to the Yewang garrison in Hanoi County at night.

Han Xian led his army to attack Dong Cheng. Dong Cheng was defeated and fled to Yewang to rely on Zhang Yang. While Han Siam was stationing troops in Wenxi County, Yang Feng and Hu Cai planned to attack Han Siam, but Liu Xie persuaded them to stop.

Liu Xie sent someone to ask Yang Feng, Li Le, and Han Xian to escort the car to Luoyang, and Yang Feng and others obeyed. When the chariot entered Hanoi County and was about to arrive at Bo County, Yang Feng and Hu Cai regretted it again. They were afraid of falling into the trap of publicity, so they discussed with Li Le to take the chariot back to the west.

They told Liu Xie that the front was a peak area where the Huns were infested. They were afraid that it would be dangerous to move forward rashly. It was better to go to the east of Mianchi to avoid the Huns.

Liu Xie knew that they had gone back on their word and were unwilling, but they were still forcibly taken away by Yang Feng and others and returned to the west.

As the carriage began to return to the west, a figure flashed past in a hidden mountain forest.

After walking five or six miles, Yang Feng and others suddenly heard a "rumbling" sound.

Yang Feng and others are frontier generals who have been on the border all year round. Naturally, they can hear the sound of cavalry. Could it be that the Huns are coming?
So they immediately organized their troops to prepare for war.

Yang Fengjun has more than 4,000 troops, which are the result of the gathering of various tribes. Among them are Li Le's tribe, Han Xian's tribe, and Hu Cai's tribe. The formations are divided into multiple formations.

On the horizon, a thick smoke billows, and a continuous line of cavalry is coming towards them. Everyone is wearing a strong sword, and you can tell that they are elite cavalry at a glance.

Yang Feng licked his dry lips and asked around: "Where is this army? The Huns will not have such sophisticated equipment."

Only when the cavalry got closer did Yang Feng clearly see the "white" flag flying in the enemy's formation.

"It's the White Army!!!"

Like a tiger descending from a mountain, like a wolf descending from a flock of sheep.

The Bai Kingdom's 1,500 cavalry rushed straight into Yang Fengjun's army. Yang Fengjun's soldiers fell down piece by piece like the wheat they cut down.

"Go quickly! The White Army is so fierce that it can't be stopped!"

Seeing that he was about to come to him, Yang Feng quickly led his generals to escape. There was no time to care about Liu Xie and his party behind the team.

"Your Majesty, run quickly, the enemy is coming!"

The waiter eagerly pulled Liu Xie and wanted to run away with him.

"No, I don't want to run anymore, run, run, keep running, I've run enough!" I don't know whether he was really tired or discovered something, but Liu Xie was determined not to run anymore.

When the other ministers saw that Liu Xie did not move, although they were extremely panicked, they also stayed behind and surrounded Liu Xie on the chariot.

Just when all the ministers were nervous, a figure came to Liu Xie from the charging enemy troops and said: "Is your Majesty okay?"

"It's Captain Yang!"

Liu Xie seemed to have been drained of energy and collapsed in the car.

"Your Majesty, Yang Biao, came late to rescue me. Please punish me!"

Liu Xie came back to his senses, and then he was ecstatic. He quickly jumped off the carriage and came to Yang Biao. He helped him up and said with tears in his eyes: "The captain came at the right time, at the right time!"

"The last general, Bai Cai, the commander of the five thousand battalions of the Bai Kingdom, has met His Majesty the Emperor for ten thousand years."

A middle-aged White Army general came to Liu Xie and said a military salute.

"Captain, please get up. Fortunately, Captain came to the rescue. I am very grateful!"

Bai Cai said expressionlessly: "This is based on the order of my king. Your Majesty is serious."

Only then did Liu Xie realize that these were guest troops, not Liu Xie's subordinate troops.

"I was negligent. Don't worry, Captain. I will write a letter to thank King Bai and express my gratitude to the Captain."

Only then did Bai Cai open his face: "Thank you, Your Majesty. Please get in the car. Your Majesty will be escorted to the north bank of the Yellow River. Please rest assured that with my Qingqi Camp here, no one will dare to offend Your Majesty." "

"Good good."

Liu Xie's respect for Bai Cai was very useful. He didn't know how long it had been since he had seen such a loyal officer.

Yang Feng and others were defeated by the Bai army and fled back to Hedong. Liu Xie's chariot continued eastward and arrived at Bo County smoothly.

The Bai Kingdom's Five Thousand Battalion is the regular army of the Bai Kingdom and is an army recognized by the imperial court. It was originally called the Bai Guojun, but because the number of soldiers was 5,000, it was gradually called the 5,000 Battalion.

There are four more camps under the Bai Kingdom's five thousand camps, which are the light cavalry camp, the heavy cavalry camp, the sharp soldier camp, and the strong crossbow camp.

The chief officer of the 5,000th Battalion is the Protector Colonel, and the chief officer of the 4th Battalion is the Duwei.

The light cavalry camp has 1,500 men, all of whom are elite cavalry wearing light armor; the heavy cavalry camp has 500 men, all of whom are heavy cavalry with armor; the sharp pawn camp has 2,000 men, all wearing armor and armed with elite troops, and they are all recruited from the frontier. Old pawn, very powerful in combat;

The strong crossbow camp has a thousand men, eight hundred strong crossbowmen, and two hundred fine archers. They are all warriors in close combat when they put down their crossbows.

These equipment and people are the result of hundreds of years of cultivating soldiers in the Bai Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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