A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 387 Analyze the pros and cons and worry about the king, but he died when he saw the light

Chapter 387 Analyze the pros and cons and worry about the king, but he died when he saw the light

Facing Lu Bu's inquiry, Bai Yun did not tell him directly but asked:

"What did Dong Zhuo do to the general?"

After thinking about it, Lu Bu said: "It's fair. He's much more generous than Ding Yuan, but he has a bad temper. Even I am sometimes scolded by him."

"The general abandoned Ding Yuan and joined Dong Zhuo, firstly for the high salary, secondly for the military reputation, and thirdly because of Ding Yuan's narrow temperament. Now that the general has been promoted to Zhonglang General, the military reputation is resounding all over the world, which has basically been realized.

As the general said, Dong Zhuozhi was indeed more generous than Ding Yuan. But has the general ever thought about what would happen to the general if Dong Zhuo left? "

"Sir, what you said is wrong. Grand Master Dong is now so powerful that even the emperor is wary of it. All the troops and horses in Guanzhong are controlled by the Grand Master.

The prefectures, governors, and pastors in Guandong are all obsessed with attacking and no longer focus on entering the Pass. There are no internal or external worries, so what is the danger? "

Bai Yun patiently analyzed: "The general has superb martial arts and a distinguished military reputation, but he obviously has not made much achievements in court matters and strategic matters.

On the surface, Dong Zhuo seems to have great power and power in the world. However, the world cannot continue to be in chaos. If we divide for a long time, we will unite, and if we unite for a long time, we will divide. This is the trend of history.

When Dong Zhuo built Yinwu, it was obvious that he was a wealthy man and had no ambition. Firstly, he could not expand his power, and secondly, he could not control the people. He just closed himself up in Guanzhong and dreamed of Yelang's dream.

But when the heroes of Guandong decided on a winner, brought millions of soldiers, swept the world, and invaded Guanzhong, where could Dong Zhuo escape?
Could it be that Dong Zhuo's Yinwu is more solid than Bai's Taihang? I can't believe that Dong Zhuo's failure is inevitable.

Secondly, despite the fact that both the government and the public were surrendered to Dong Zhuo's lustful power, both officials and ordinary people could no longer tolerate the wanton behavior of Dong Zhuo and his soldiers.

Everyone wants to eat their flesh, taste their blood, break their bones, suck their marrow, sleep on their skin, and pluck their hair. It can be seen that Dong Zhuo has completely lost the hearts of his subjects.

He has offended the loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty by deposing the emperor at will; he has offended the powerful people of Guandong by exterminating two Yuan clans; he forcibly moved the capital to Chang'an, causing a lot of bones along the way and offending the people; he also burned Luoyang and unearthed the secrets of the emperors and ministers of the past dynasties. The mausoleum offended hundreds of officials again.

He has offended everyone in the world. Apart from the thousands of soldiers who follow him, who is willing to join him?
Looking at "Historical Records", "Hanshu", and "Spring and Autumn" and "Countries", the history books have told us very clearly that people who lose the support of the people will not escape the punishment of heaven, and it will be difficult for those who follow his rebellious party to do so. escape punishment. "

Lu Bu was restless after being told by Bai Yun, and the sweat on his forehead could not stop. In order to relieve the tension in his heart, he had to keep drinking to cover up his panic.

Bai Yun stopped and waited for Lu Bu's response.

Lu Bu took another sip of wine, but ended up feeling lonely because he had finished the wine in the wine glass unknowingly. He looked at the empty wine glass, suddenly threw it away, and said solemnly to Bai Yun:
"Please sir, save me!"

Bai Yun hurriedly helped him up: "I just said that the general saved my Bai family in Luoyang. Now the general is about to be in trouble. That's why I'm here."

The two of them sat down again. Bai Yunti poured wine into Lu Bu's cup and said, "The only plan for now is to correct the chaos and make a defection."

"You want me to do what Ding Yuan did?"

Seeing that Lu Bu was hesitant, this is not to blame Lu Bu. He had little education at the beginning and was deceived by Li Su. As a result, he received a lot of criticism afterwards, but he did get what he wanted. This is the unspeakable pain.

Bai Yunkai answered: "Yes and no. When the general killed Ding Yuan and defected to Dong Zhuo, he did it for small gains, so he was criticized by the world. Now the general has set things right. He killed a national traitor and acted righteously. The world will only praise him. , in no way sarcastic.

Moreover, Dong Zhuo harmed the people and slaughtered officials, and he was already regarded as an enemy by the officials and the people. If the general eliminates the harm for the people, the people will definitely regard the general as a reborn parent. This is a heroic act.

If a general eliminates great harm for the court, restores the Han Dynasty, and kills the traitors with his own hands, he will definitely be regarded as a great achievement by the court. The high official and generous salary are just to praise the general. Isn't it better than Dong's traitor privately giving it to him? More recognized by people all over the world? "

Lu Bu kept drinking wine, and it could be seen that he was very moved. Bai Yun continued to add:

“In the past, when the world talked about generals, they were just Dong thieves and eagles, pests of the country. When the generals turn around, when the world talks about generals again, they will be great heroes, heroes of the Han Dynasty, and pillars of the country.

At that time, fame and wealth will be gained, and lives will be saved. Isn't it a great blessing? "

After hearing Bai Yun's analysis, Lu Bu finally decided to join Bai Yun and the others in slaying the Dong thief.

After getting Lu Bu's promise, Bai Yun told Wang Yun the next day that everything was ready.

Wang Yun was overjoyed and held another banquet to unify the time and specific measures.

The emperor has just recovered from a serious illness, and all officials from the imperial court will gather in Weiyang Palace to wish the emperor good health.

Wang Yun planned to take action on this day.

Dong Cheng and Bai Yun obtained the imperial edict from the emperor, and the imperial edict Sun Rui handed it over to Lu Bu.

With the edict in mind, Lü Bu sent Li Su, the commander of the cavalry command in the same county, and others to lead more than ten close soldiers, put on the uniforms of the palace guards, and lurked on both sides of Beiye Gate. And he followed and guarded Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo wore court uniform and entered the court by car. The road from the military camp to the palace was heavily guarded on both sides, with infantry on the left and cavalry on the right. They were heavily guarded and guarded by Lu Bu and other trusted generals at the front and rear.

As soon as Dong Zhuo entered the door, Li Su raised his halberd and stabbed him. Unfortunately, Dong Zhuo was wearing iron armor under his thick robe and could not penetrate. He only injured his arm. In panic, he fell under the car.

Dong Zhuo turned around and called Lu Bu, who was guarding him: "Where is my son Fengxian?"

At this time, Lu Bu drove his horse to Dong Zhuo, looked at Dong Zhuo condescendingly, held the imperial edict in his hand, and shouted: "Kill the thieves according to the order!"

Dong Zhuo discovered that Lu Bu had betrayed him and cursed Lu Bu: "How dare a mediocre dog do such evil!"

Lu Bu ignored Dong Zhuo's barking and killed Dong Zhuo with a halberd. Tian Jing, the master of the Taishi Mansion, and his servants came forward and hugged Dong Zhuo's body. Lu Bu killed them again. After killing these three people. No one else present dared to move.

There was an eerie calm on the field.

At this time, Wang Yun hurriedly ran out holding Liu Xie's pardon edict: "The emperor has an edict, only to punish the first culprits and absolve the thieves!"

After hearing this, the densely packed Dong Zhuo soldiers dropped their weapons and surrendered. Following the couriers, pardon edicts were delivered to various government departments. News of Dong Zhuo's death spread quickly. The soldiers shouted long live, and the people sang and danced on the road. Many people exchanged their jewelry for wine and meat to celebrate.

Immediately afterwards, the imperial court sent the imperial censor Zhongcheng Huang Fusong to lead troops to attack Dong Zhuo's Xiwu. They quickly captured it and killed all the men and women of Dong Zhuo's clan in Xiwu.

Then the imperial court abandoned Dong Zhuo's body on the market for the people of Chang'an to be flogged to relieve public anger. Later, two disciples and former officials of the Yuan family crushed Dong Zhuo's bones and raised ashes to avenge his old master.

Soon, the harvest in Yinwuzhong was counted, and the treasures inside contained 20,000 to 30,000 jins of gold, 89,000 to 90,000 jins of silver, brocade, silk, silk, and plain ornaments, which were piled up like hills and mountains.

October 11

The imperial court recognized Wang Yun as a minister, promoted Lü Bu to General Fenwei, and made him Marquis of Wen. The two were in charge of the government together, with Wang Yun in charge and Lu Bu in charge of the army. He also sent envoy Zhang Zhong to appease Shandong and regulate the war between the governors, governors, and herdsmen of various counties.

Especially the wars between Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, and Liu Biao.

After Dong Zhuo's death, Wang Yun's attitude seemed to have changed dramatically, and he seemed to be a little distraught.

He often said to the people around him: "Even an arrogant traitor like Dong Zhuo died at my hands, what else do I have to fear?"

So he didn't care about anyone or anything, and even took credit for it. Whenever ministers gathered together, Wang Yun rarely discussed expediency with everyone as he did before. Instead, he sat upright with no trace of harmony on his face.

Slowly, the officials no longer respected and supported him as before.

Because Cai Yong was Dong Zhuo's old minister, when he saw that no one was collecting Dong Zhuo's body after his death, for the sake of morality in his heart, he took the initiative to collect Dong Zhuo's body and built an unmarked grave for him on the outskirts of Chang'an.

When Wang Yun heard about it, he was furious. He believed that Cai Yong was a remnant of Dong Zhuo, and ordered him to be taken to the court for questioning.

Hearing that his father was imprisoned, Cai Wenzhao was very anxious and asked Bai Yun: "I thought that my father was in danger under Dong Zhuo, but now that Dong Zhuo is dead, how could my father be imprisoned instead?

My father is an upright man and has always said that he will never collude with Dong Zhuo. Husband, you know this. I think he collected Dong Zhuo's body just because Dong Zhuo was his master. This does not mean that what he did Same as Dong Zhuo.

Husband, aren’t you familiar with Wang Situ? Didn't you help a lot in eradicating Dong Zhuo before? Can we find him? My father was definitely wronged. "

Bai Yun, who was promoted to Lang Zhongling due to his meritorious service, sighed: "Madam didn't know something, and the person who ordered the arrest of my father-in-law was none other than Wang Yun. Now he is different from before. Not only has his temperament changed drastically, but he is also arrogant about taking credit and cannot listen at all." What others say, let alone me."

Seeing Cai Wenzhao so sad, Bai Yun was heartbroken and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Taiwei Ma Rixi and his father-in-law are good friends. In addition, he has an old relationship with my family. I will look for him, maybe there is a chance of survival."

So with Cai Wenzhao's help, Bai Yun found Ma Rixi and explained the situation to him.

Ma Rixi naturally knew Cai Yong's character, and he readily agreed to Bai Yun's request and agreed to intercede with Wang Yun in person.

At this time, Cai Yong, as a literary master and historian, in order to complete his unfinished work and continue to write the history of Han Dynasty, he apologized and was willing to endure the torture of stabbing his feet with a sword to save the rest of his life, just for the sake of completing the Han Dynasty. History of Han Dynasty.

Ma Rixi took the opportunity to persuade and said: "Bo Zhe is a rare and unique talent. He is knowledgeable and well-informed. He especially knows a lot about the stories of this dynasty. He should be given the opportunity to continue writing history books;

Moreover, Bo Zhe was well-known among the scholar-bureaucrats for his loyalty and filial piety. Now to convict him in an unwarranted name would probably disappoint the public and disappoint the hearts of the people! "

However, Wang Yun did not listen to the advice at all and retorted to Ma Rixi: "During the former Han Dynasty, it was precisely because Emperor Wu did not kill Sima Qian that he was allowed to write a slanderous book that was passed down to future generations.

Nowadays, the country is in decline and the society lacks the spirit of the times. Cai Yong cannot be allowed to slander and slander the young emperor like Sima Qian did. This is not beneficial to sacred moral education, and will also expose us people to criticism and criticism. Accusation! "

Ma Rixi had no choice but to withdraw, and in the end Cai Yong had to die unjustly in prison.

When Cai Wenzhao learned that his father had passed away, he was very sad and went to the prison to personally take out his father's body.

Cai Wenzhao said to Bai Yun: "My father compiled many poems, songs, and poems in his life, and wrote many works. He also thought about continuing to write history books after the "Book of Han".

But now I am suffering from hardships, so that the middle path has collapsed. I do not have the literary talent of Ban Zhao to help my father and brother organize and continue writing the "Book of Han". However, I have a photographic memory since I was a child, and I have read most of the books in my family.

When he came from Luoyang, his father's thousands of books were either burned at home in Luoyang or lost on the migration road.

I want to use my memory to organize my father's works and compile them into a volume to fulfill my father's ambition. Do you think it is feasible? "

Bai Yun looked at Cai Wenzhao who was crying and said with great distress: "It works, my father-in-law is not only my father, but also my teacher. He has many masterpieces. I have read them all and memorized them all. Now you Have this idea.

As for the Chang'an court, I think there will be many disasters if we stay here any longer. Why don't you and I resign and return home to sort out the legacy of our father-in-law? Most of the classics were burned and lost before the capital was moved. This would be no less than a heavy blow to the cultural context of the Han Dynasty. .

Although there is Bai Guo to continue the lineage, people of our generation must not wait for help, we must fight for everything by ourselves. It just so happens that I am not really talented when it comes to becoming an official, so it would be a good idea to go back home with you to sort things out. "

So after the couple sorted things out, Bai Yun resigned as doctor Zhongling, took his wife and several carts of books, and headed for Yin Yanshi, Henan.

With Bai Yun's resignation and return home, it was no less than a big blow to Chang'an's officialdom.

Because Bai Yun was not only one of the Nine Qings, he was also the one who killed Dong Zhuo, and he was also the person in charge of the Bai family in Chang'an. With Bai Yun gone, there was no one from the Bai family in the entire Chang'an court, which made many officials feel emptiness.

Throughout the ages, can a court without people from the Bai family still be called a court? Wang Yun couldn't even keep such a person, and it seemed that he couldn't stay in Chang'an for long.

Within a few days, officials continued to resign and return home, including many famous people. They were not at all like the magnanimity of a central court, and could not even be compared with Dong Zhuo's period.

However, Wang Yun had no idea about all this, and instead continued to go his own way. Not only was he extremely harsh on his courtiers, but he even changed his orders erratically and his attitude towards Dong Zhuo's old troops was very careless.

Lu Bu was also quite dissatisfied with Wang Yun's behavior. He repeatedly tried to persuade Dong Zhuo's former subordinates to be more tolerant, and also suggested that some of Dong Zhuo's property should be given to ministers and generals, but Wang Yun refused.

Not only that, Wang Yun usually looked down on Lu Bu and always treated him like a swordsman. This made Lu Bu quite angry, but remembering what Bai Yun warned him before leaving, he had no choice but to endure it, but gradually became alienated and discordant with Wang Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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