A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 370: The legacy left behind at the end of his life was empty, and the government discussed m

Chapter 370: The legacy left behind at the end of his life was empty, and the government discussed matters and executed the eunuch.

Zhongping six years
The kingdom's rebels besieged Chencang for more than eighty days from winter to spring, but could not be conquered. The tribesmen were exhausted and had to relieve the siege and retreat. Huangfu Song immediately raised his troops to pursue him. He fought successively and defeated the people of the kingdom, killing more than 10,000 people.

Liu Hong was already ill and bedridden at this time, worried that Liangzhou's army was out of his control. Huangfu Song was okay, and he knew his loyalty, but Dong Zhuo was really too worried.

He ordered Dong Zhuo to be recruited as the Shaofu.

Who knew that Dong Zhuo wrote a letter: "My subordinates from Huangzhong and the Huns soldiers came to stop my car and begged me not to abandon them. I really couldn't stop them and could only stay to comfort them. If the situation changes, I will report to the court again."

Faced with Dong Zhuo's helplessness, the court had no choice. Who said Dong Zhuo had more than 20,000 soldiers under his command? At this time, Liu Hong became seriously ill again.

Finally, Liu Hong issued an edict to appoint Dong Zhuo as Bingzhou Mu, and his subordinate troops were transferred to Huangfu Song.

Dong Zhuo knew that if he didn't accept it, Huangfu Song's swords and guns would be waiting for him. However, if he gave up military power and went to Bingzhou alone, he would die without a burial place, so he wrote again:

"I have been in charge of the army for ten years. The relationship between the soldiers and me is very good. They all said that they would sacrifice their lives for me. I begged to take this group of soldiers to Bingzhou to serve the Han Dynasty together."

Huangfu Song's nephew Huangfu Li persuaded Huangfu Song to simply take the opportunity to get rid of Dong Zhuo, so as to eliminate a harm to the Han Dynasty. However, Huangfu Song thought about it and refused because Liangzhou was closely connected with Dong Zhuo.

And if Dong Zhuo is in the army and is not caught immediately and runs away, he will lead his soldiers to collude with the rebels in Liangzhou, which will cause great disaster.

Therefore, he only reported Dong Zhuo's unwillingness to hand over military power to the court.

Liu Hong directly issued an edict to blame Dong Zhuo, saying that if he did not take office again, he would send the Xiyuan Army to force him to take office, and agreed that he could only take up to 5,000 people to take office.

Dong Zhuo knew that this was Liu Hong's last line. Finally, he took 5,000 people and set off for Bingzhou, but he stayed in Hedong County and did not leave because he received an insider report from Luoyang. At this time, Liu Hong was already seriously ill and could not say anything. Having spoken, he was ready to wait and see how the situation in Luoyang would develop.

Youzhou shepherd Liu Yu and Zhonglang general Gongsun Zan put down Zhang Chun's rebellion. Liu Yu was awarded the post of Taiwei for his contribution to pacifying the nomadic people and was named the Marquis of Xiangben.

Due to his meritorious service, Gongsun Zan was promoted to General Fenwu and granted the title of Jihou. Anxi County Lieutenant Liu Bei was also promoted to Gaotang County Magistrate because of his contribution in suppressing the rebellion.

Liu Hong died in the Jiade Hall of Nangong. Because when Liu Hong was in office, the world was not really stable, and the political situation was also unstable. The officials gave him the posthumous title of "Ling". Not doing harm is called spirit, not obeying orders is called spirit; virtue of being shrewd is called spirit.

Regarding the new emperor, various parties have different opinions.

Liu Hong had two sons together, one was the eldest son Liu Bian, born to Queen He, and the other was the prince Liu Xie, born to Wang Meiren.

Because Liu Hong believed that Liu Bian was frivolous and unworthy of being an emperor, he wanted to make the prince Liu Xie, who was raised by Empress Dowager Dong, the crown prince.

However, because of Queen He and General He Jin, Liu Hong delayed the matter of establishing a crown prince for a long time, and he did not establish a crown prince until his death.

In order to prevent the He family's relatives from gaining too much power and causing the Wang family to usurp power in the late Han Dynasty, Liu Hong finally decided to make the talented Liu Xie the new emperor.

He entrusted Liu Xie to his particularly trusted eunuch, Lieutenant Jian Shuo of the Military Academy. Let him rely on the military power in his hands to protect Liu Xie's successful accession to the throne.

Therefore, Jian Shuo planned to kill He Jin first and then make the prince Liu Xie emperor, so he invited He into the harem.

As a general of the dynasty, He Jin naturally had no dealings with the eunuchs. In order to fight against the eunuchs, he formed an alliance with the scholar-bureaucrats. Therefore, in addition to Jian Shuo, many officers in the Xiyuan Army had connections with He Jin. .

Jian Shuo wanted to use the Xiyuan Army to kill He Jin, so he naturally leaked the news.

Not long after He Jin entered the harem from the outer court, Jian Shuo's Sima Pan Yin reported Jian Shuo's conspiracy to him.

He Jin was shocked and hurriedly left the harem and returned to the military camp through the sidewalk. He then lied that he was sick and could not enter the palace. Jian Shuo's plan failed.

Therefore, with the support of the ministers and Queen He, the prince Liu Bian was able to successfully inherit the throne and become the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Bian respected Empress He as the Empress Dowager, and Empress Dowager Dong as the Empress Dowager.

Because Liu Bian was young and did not have Yuan clothes, Empress Dowager He came to the court to take the throne. In the same month, she announced a general amnesty, changed the Yuan Dynasty to Guangxi, and conferred the title of King of Bohai on his nine-year-old brother Liu Xie.

Later, Taifu Bai Ya was appointed as the right general, and Situ Yuan Wei was appointed as the Taishi and the rear general. Together with the general He Jin, he recorded the affairs of the Secretariat. Promote Yuan Xu to Situ...

After Liu Bian came to the throne, Jian Shuo still wanted to change Liu Xie to the throne of Bohai. He was also afraid that He Jin would kill him after he came to power, so he turned to other eunuchs such as Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong for help.

But these people, either because they were close to He Jin or to protect themselves, not only did not listen to Jian Shuo's words, but instead sold Jian Shuo to He Jin. May 9
He Jin ordered Huangmenling to arrest Jian Shuo and execute him.

After killing Jian Shuo, the entire Xiyuan Army was in the hands of He Jin, which meant that He Jin was the actual holder of the country's military power at this time.

After taking control of the military, He Jin wanted to further control the political power, so he planned to kill the eunuchs.

He Jin asked Queen Mother He for permission to kill Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and other eunuchs, but Queen Mother He refused and said:

"Eunuchs rule the forbidden provinces. From ancient times to the present, the old rules of the Han family cannot be abolished. Besides, the late emperor has just passed away, how can I work with the scholars openly?"

Because at this time, the palace attendants had heard the rumor that He Jin was going to kill them, and they had collectively surrendered to Queen Mother He, and became Queen Mother He's right-hand assistant in suppressing Queen Mother Dong in the palace.
In addition, with the help of Zhang Rang and others, he can also control part of the political power, so he naturally disagrees with He Jin's request.

General's Mansion
He Jin sat in the main seat and discussed with his confidants and staff whether to maintain the previous consensus of killing the eunuchs and how to kill them despite the Queen Mother He's obstruction.

The scholar-bureaucrats welcomed He Jin's initiative to eliminate evil and sent their core disciples to attend the mobilization banquet.

Therefore, the people who could be here were either He Jin's relatives; or the middle-level officials with aristocratic backgrounds who held official positions in the court; or the young talents recruited by He Jin with the power of the general to open the government.

For example, Bai Dian, the official of the Sili school; Yuan Shao, the commander of the auxiliary military school; Yilang, Cao Cao, the commander of the Dian army; Yuan Shu, the general of the Huben army; Chen Lin, the chief secretary of the general's palace; Xun You, Feng Ji, and He Yong, the aides of He Jin etc.

Originally, the person who came to attend this meeting was Lieutenant Bai Xing of the Military Academy. Bai Dian was promoted to a quasi-high-level official and was about the same age as He Jin. He should not be so public.

However, Bai Xing went to Qingzhou to pacify the Yellow Turbans at this time and had not returned yet, so Yuzhenfang had to ask Bai Dian to come and make up the numbers.

"Gentlemen, although I want to get rid of the eunuchs, the Queen Mother does not agree. She believes that these eunuchs have lost the protection of the late emperor and are no longer a threat. What do you think?"

"General, Dou Wu wanted to kill his favorite in the past but was killed instead because what he said was leaked out. All the officials in the five battalions obeyed and were afraid of the eunuch.

Now the general has such an important position as Dou Wu, the brothers command the powerful troops together, and the generals under his subordinates are all handsome and famous people, willing to do their best to serve. The situation of the time is to be grasped. This is the opportunity of God's help.

No matter what you say, the Empress Dowager is still a woman. She only sees the internal struggles within the palace and ignores the interests of the world. Therefore, I believe that generals should eliminate harm for the world and make their names famous for future generations. "

Yuan Shao was the first to come out and persuade He Jin.

He Jin nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the others. Cao Cao also came out and said:
"Today's situation is a gift from heaven to the general. The eunuchs are now like a group of rats in panic, seeking protection from the Queen Mother. This is because they know that what they are doing is against Han law.

If we do not get rid of them now, and wait until His Majesty takes over the Yuan Dynasty and takes charge of the government, for the sake of the overall situation, we will have to rely on these eunuchs. At that time, they will rely on the power of the emperor to do whatever they want and bring trouble to the world.

Isn’t the world already in trouble enough due to them? There was the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the Liangzhou Rebellion in the northwest. In either case, it was not because they accepted bribes that the people rose up.

Now God has given the general the opportunity to clear up the political situation. If he seizes the opportunity, won't the general be able to achieve Huo Guang's achievements? "

He Jin looked at Bai Dian, who had been drinking, and asked, "Does Colonel Sili have any unique insights?"

Bai Dian saluted and said: "The harm of eunuchs needs no explanation. In today's world, eunuchs are despised by everyone and are as filthy as a cesspool.

It is self-evident that Zhang Rang and other twelve permanent attendants, relying on the late emperor's trust, seized much wealth and interests from the Han Dynasty.

If we don't take action and wait for them to return home smoothly, as officials of the imperial court, we will watch helplessly as they take the wealth that belongs to the people of the world to ourselves. When the time comes, how will we explain to the world and how will we explain to the people? "

He Jin felt relieved when he saw that everyone was trying to eradicate the eunuchs. If he had been reckless and rushed forward in a hurry, and the scholar-bureaucrats reconciled with the eunuchs, he would have been embarrassed.

"In this case, how to get rid of these eunuchs will become a big problem. If the Queen Mother agrees, it will be very easy to mobilize the Nangong guards. However, the Queen Mother has clearly told this general that she does not agree with me using force to kill them.

You can't mobilize the army and attack Nangong without the Queen Mother's order, right? This is tantamount to conspiracy. I want to be Huo Guang, not Wang Mang. "

The eunuchs had been in power at the emperor's side for decades. They were granted titles and favors, and their internal and external collusion was extremely consolidated. As he had taken on a new important position, he was also very wary of them. Although he was famous outside, he still couldn't make a decision in his heart.

In addition, he did not want to turn against the Queen Mother, so the matter of how to eradicate the eunuchs could not be determined for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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