A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 360 The arrest operation is dead, Huang Tianli

Chapter 360 The arrest operation is dead, Huang Tianli

Xiyuan, small greenhouse
This is a mini greenhouse built after the Greenhouse Hall of Luoyang Nangong, called a small greenhouse. It was a place where Liu Hong needed to temporarily handle some urgent and important matters or receive some important ministers during his visit to Xiyuan.

The small greenhouse occupies a very small area in Xiyuan, less than one thousandth of the size of Xiyuan, and it also reflects Liu Hong's character.

Because it is small, in order to create the emperor's sense of mystery, the light in the entire small greenhouse appears slightly dark. Especially where Liu Hong is, there are only two candles illuminating it, which makes Liu Hong's figure extremely shadowy.

"Are you Tang Zhou, a disciple of Zhang Jiao of Taiping Dao?"

Liu Hong's majestic and cold voice came out from the darkness.

Tang Zhou trembled all over as he heard this, feeling that his life would be lost in the next moment.

So he quickly said as fast as he could: "The villain is Tang Zhou, a direct disciple of Zhang Jue of Taiping Dao. The villain wants to report Zhang Jue for wanting to rely on Taiping Dao believers to rebel."

"Oh? I'm very curious. Since you are Zhang Jiao's direct disciple, why did you betray Zhang Jiao?"

Tang Zhou trembled and said: "Taiping Dao is a bandit army composed of a group of untouchables. How can it resist the Han's brilliant heavenly soldiers? This villain's move is to save his life. It is a wise move."

After waiting for a long time, Tang Zhou didn't get Liu Hong's reply. Just when he was worried, Zhao Zhong walked out of the darkness and said to Tang Zhou:
"Your Majesty has said that he will tell you everything you know, and you will be allowed to make meritorious deeds. If what you say is true, you will be rewarded generously."

Tang Zhou swallowed his saliva and said: "The villain understands that I promise to say whatever I say and dare not hide anything.

Because the villain is a direct disciple of Zhang Jiao, oh, no, Zhang Ni, so he knows all the plans of Taiping Dao. They plan to sign the word "Jia Zi" on the gate of the government on March 5 this year as the symbol of the uprising. .

He used the slogan "The sky is dead, the yellow sky is standing, the year is Jiazi, the world is auspicious" as the slogan to confuse the people, and started revolts in eight states in the world at the same time.

Among them, the area around Luoyang is the top priority of Taiping Road. The villain was appointed by Zhang Ni as the person in charge of contacting the internal affairs in Luoyang City. Only then did he appear in Luoyang. "

"Eight states? Which eight states are they? Also, who is the spy in Luoyang City?"

A figure suddenly stood up from the darkness, causing the candlelight beside him to shake. Tang Zhou buried his head lower and replied:
"There are followers of Taiping Dao in the eight states of Qing, Xu, You, Ji, Jing, Yang, Yan and Henan. Luoyang's internal officials are Zhongchang Shi Feng Xu and Zhongchang Shi Xu Feng, as well as some Forbidden Army generals and several court ministers. "

Liu Hong's face turned red, and he was obviously very angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "Feng Xu, Xu Feng, okay, you dare to want my big man, you are so brave, a group of rebellious people, it is not a pity to die."

So Liu Hong immediately ordered: "Go and arrest Feng Xu and Xu Feng for me, interrogate them carefully, give me the final result, and then execute them yourself. Order the messenger of embroidered clothes to arrest them according to the list provided by Tang Zhou. No one will be left behind." .

Order Yin Hejin of Henan to arrest the traitor Ma Yuanyi and put the rest of the Taiping Dao members to death. Belief in the Taiping Dao is prohibited throughout the country, and the discoverers will be punished as treason.

In addition, I issued an edict to Jizhou and ordered the governor of Jizhou to arrest Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang and a group of Taiping Dao bandit leaders. The rest of the states must issue arrest warrants for the Taiping Dao bandit leaders. No traitor can be let go. "

February 15th

As Liu Hong's order was issued, all the city gates of Luoyang were closed tightly. Tiqi from Luoyang County galloped around the city, arresting officials who colluded with Taiping Road one by one according to the list provided by Tang Zhou.

After Henan Yin Hejin received the order, he personally led the Tiqi of Henan Yin's government office and successfully captured Ma Yuanyi near Songshan Mountain, who was preaching the teachings of Taiping Dao to the people.

The entire Taiping Taoist congregation, leaders, and internal officials in the court in Luoyang and Henan Yin were all captured, and Taiping Tao fell into a power vacuum in the Henan region.

At the same time, Jizhou also issued arrest warrants for the three Zhang Jiao brothers, and arrest warrants for Qu Shuai of the local Taiping Road were also on the way from other states.

When Zhang Jiao learned that his three brothers were wanted, he understood that the uprising was known to the court. Although he did not understand how it was leaked, he had to be prepared.

At this time, I can only go to one person for help.

Zhang Jiao was alone, dressed as an ordinary person, and rode horseback to Bai County in one day. He spent another hour climbing up an unknown hill with an abandoned Taoist temple on it.

When he opened the door, several masked men in black rushed out and put a knife on Zhang Jiao's neck.

Zhang Jiao quickly raised a jade pendant. The leading masked man took it and looked at it carefully. The whole body was made of unique variegated jade. On the front was the word "Dark", and on the back was the word "Baijun" with complex words on it. pattern.

The masked man returned the jade pendant to Zhang Jiao, waved his hand, and everyone else disappeared in an instant. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't find their hiding place. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared again in the same place just now. Hiding place.

"Come with me!"

The leader led Zhang Jiao through the abandoned Taoist temple, which was filled with dust, spider webs were growing in every corner, and the statues on the altar were also gray, and it was clear that no one was inside.

But there are obviously many people moving around here, which is really strange.

The two came to a huge alchemy furnace. The masked man opened the door of the alchemy furnace and motioned for Zhang Jiao to go in. After entering, there was a huge place leading underground. It seemed to be created on the basis of the original cave.

The lights were brightly lit inside, and many people were coming and going in a hurry. Obviously there is more than just the exit of the alchemy furnace.

Arriving at a cubicle, Zhang Jiao pushed open the door and walked in. Standing inside was a similarly masked man, but with a stronger aura.

The masked man looked at Zhang Jiao and said nothing.

Zhang Jiao took out the jade pendant he had just given, handed it to him, and said, "I need help!"

The masked man took the jade pendant and deliberately lowered his voice and said: "Okay, please say it."

"I need you to convey the words I provide you to the eight states of Qing, Xu, You, Ji, Jing, Yang, Yan, and Yu within ten days." The masked man said coldly: "This is impossible , the five states of Qing, You, Ji, Yan, and Yu can barely be reached, but the three states of Xu, Jing, and Yang are too far away. If there is another way to convey it, the fewer words, the better."

Zhang Jiao pondered for a moment and said: "In this way, the five prefectures of Qing, You, Ji, Yan, and Yu, plus Nanyang County in Jingzhou, can be done within ten days? The rest of the places can be done within a month."

"Okay, what message do you want to send, address, name."

Zhang Jiao took out a list of canal commanders from various states and their contact points from his arms. This list was important to the Taiping Dao. If it fell into the hands of the imperial court, there would be no need for Taiping Dao to start an uprising. Forget it.

"Things have changed, February 25th."

The masked man took the list, wrote down these eight words, nodded and said: "No problem, but I have to remind you that you only have one last chance to ask us for help." After that, he returned the jade pendant.

Zhang Jiao nodded calmly and said, "I understand."

The masked man didn't speak any more, just looked at him directly, as he was saying goodbye.

Zhang Jiao turned around and left the room, following the man just now.

After Zhang Jiao left, the masked man who was talking to Zhang Jiao walked out of the room, handed the list and a note in his hand to someone and said:
"Within ten days, the words on the note were spread to the ears of the people whose addresses were in the five prefectures of Qing, You, Hebei, Yan, and Henan, as well as Nanyang County in Jingzhou. Within a month, the words on the note were spread to the ears of Xu, Yang, and the remaining people in Jingzhou. In the ears of people in the state and county.”


The man took the list and note and hurried down to give instructions.

The man who sent Zhang Jiao out came back and said to the masked man: "State envoy, do we need to change places?"

"Need not."

This masked man is the person in charge of the Bai family's secret guard in Jizhou, and the secret guard in Jizhou is Quan Kong.

After Zhang Jiao met with the old Bai Wangshan, Bai promised Zhang Jiao that he could seek help from Bai Guo three times.

In order to spread the word and establish the Yellow Turban Warriors, Zhang Jiao used it once against the Bai family. Only then did Taiping Dao have followers in eight states in more than ten years.

Bai did not count helping Zhang Jiao to preach and donating materials as two things, but generously counted them as one.

Now in order to speed up the contact with the commanders in various states, I used it again and the last time.

After returning to Julu County day and night, Zhang Jiao sent many messengers to various states and counties, agreeing to raise troops together on February 20th.

He did not place all his hopes on Bai.

February 24th
In order to help the Taiping Dao uprisings in other prefectures and counties attract the attention of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Jiao gathered tens of thousands of believers from many counties around Ren County at the Taiping Temple in Ren County.

I saw Zhang Jiao, surrounded by Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang and many Taiping Dao members, ascending to the south of Taiping Temple, which was built by thousands of carefully selected believers in three days.

The yellow flags on the high platform were stretched out, various Taoist flags were fluttering, and a bonfire was lit. Zhang Jiao walked up to the last floor alone and burned the "Book to Heaven" written by himself on the bonfire.

The general meaning is that you are innocent and have caused the people to suffer. We have decided not to believe in you anymore. You can retire and let Huang Tian, ​​who protects the people, take over.

Moreover, the words inside are very strong, with a commanding tone, expelling Cangtian from the Taoism of Heaven.

I saw the green smoke produced by the burning flying towards the sky in a winding way, but at a certain height, it suddenly broke off, as if it was stopped by some barrier, and dispersed in all directions.

But I don't know what happened after that. The barrier seemed to disappear, and the blue smoke returned to its straight line again, heading straight towards the distant sky.

Zhang Jiao watched all this happen, and suddenly felt a pain in his heart. A mouthful of blood spurted onto the "Taiping Sutra" and the fire in front of him, and his face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After wiping away the blood, Zhang Jiao turned around, steeled himself and shouted loudly to the tens of thousands of believers in the audience: "The sky is dead, Huang Tian is standing, and at the age of sixty, the world will be blessed!"

Thousands of Taiping Dao believers carried densely packed yellow flags and wore yellow scarves. They looked at the yellow-robed Taoist on the high platform, raised their right hands, looked fanatical, and shouted at the top of their lungs:
"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, and the age of Jiazi will bring good luck to the world!"

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, and the age of Jiazi will bring good luck to the world!"

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, and the age of Jiazi will bring good luck to the world!"

Zhang Jiao announced his title as Taoist Master of Taiping Dao, calling himself "Great Master" and "General Tiangong". Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were called "General Di Gong" and "General Ren Gong" respectively.

Led by five hundred yellow scarf warriors, these thousands of believers took out thousands of swords, spears and other weapons from the Taiping Temple, as well as hundreds of leather armors. They were divided into three groups.

Led by Zhang Jiao, he had 200 Yellow Turban warriors, 300 armored elite Yellow Turban troops, and 3,000 ordinary Yellow Turban troops heading south to attack Baijun.

Led by Zhang Bao, one hundred Yellow Turban warriors, two hundred armored elite Yellow Turban troops, and two thousand ordinary Yellow Turban troops headed north, all the way into Changshan County, and joined Changshan County's commanders Zhang Niujiao and Fan Kai.

The last group, led by Zhang Liang, consisted of 200 Yellow Turban warriors, 300 elite Yellow Turban troops, and 3,000 ordinary Yellow Turban troops, occupying Julu County on the spot, attacking Julu County's city, and wiping out Julu County.

(End of this chapter)

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