A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 337: Wine Sword Immortal, Gong Clan Mansion, Border Guard

Chapter 337: Wine Sword Immortal, Gong Clan Mansion, Border Guard

On the rippling Waihe River, the old ferryman stood on the bow of the boat and gently rocked the oar. He also listened to the unknown Taoist secrets discussed by the master and the apprentice in the boat canopy.

Zhang Jiao listened intently to Bai Taibin's description, and also learned about his sect's orthodoxy.

"Master, please tell me about yourself. We have known each other for so long, and I still don't know anything about you. If others ask about you in the future, how should I answer?"

Zhang Jue asked curiously, Bai Taibin smiled slightly, held his beard and laughed: "If anyone asks in the future, what kind of person Bai Taibin is, just say: 'An old Taoist in Haoling Temple, a wine and swordsman in the world of mortals. !'"

After speaking, he raised his wine gourd, raised his head and drank heavily. The slightly turbid wine wetted his clothes along his silver-white beard, and the sky-blue priest's robes, which had been washed starchy white, were stained with dark blue around them.

Bai Taibin, the Bai clan of the Bai Kingdom, not the Bai clan of Taihang. Since childhood, he has hated evil and regarded himself as a knight, and loves swordsmanship. Later, he was accepted as a disciple by Zhenxian Zhenren of Haolingguan. He learned the "Thirty-six Styles of Taoist Sword" of Tianshi Mansion, and finally created his own "Taibin Sword Technique". He was a rare great swordsman in the world.

But because he didn't like quiet skills, after being saved by the Heavenly Master, he saw that the world was getting more and more chaotic, so he began to travel around the world, punishing traitors and eradicating evil, killing bandits and bandits. He also liked drinking, and the world called him the Drinking Sword Immortal.

I don’t know since when, people all over the world have classified Bai’s pulse.

The clan of the Baiwang lineage is called Taihangbai, which means the clan of heavenly descendants who came out of the Taihang Mountains. They are divided based on the divine seal between the eyebrows. Those without the Divine Seal between the eyebrows are all members of the public clan.

Because the Bai clan is very strict about giving surnames and surnames, there are very few people with the surname Bai and clan name Bai in the world, at least compared to other wealthy clans.

However, the Bai family has a genealogy, and there is also a special public house where there are dedicated people responsible for writing and collecting almost all the genealogies in the world.

Therefore, in the Duke's Mansion of the Bai Kingdom, there are not only the Bai family that originated from the Bai family since the Zhou Dynasty, but also the largest and most complete number of others in the world that have nothing to do with the Bai family, such as the Jiang family and the Ji family. , Liu family, Lu family, Zhao family, Wang family, etc., which have relatively complete pedigrees.

Even those who have lost their family names can be found in the Baiguo Gongfu.

The Bai family can clearly find the descendants who have changed their surnames from the Bai family through the Gong clan mansion. If other major families in the world want to reopen their family trees, most of them will go to the Bai country to trace their roots.

Nowadays, in addition to Taihang Bai, there are other three Bais who changed their surnames in the past three generations but were specially given by the Bai family to retain their surnames: Hedong Bai, Luoyang Bai, and Xiuwu Bai.

Hedong Bai is the male clan of the Bai family. When the descendants of the Bai family who have made great contributions to the Bai country in the past change their surname, they are recognized by the master's family and are given the special gift to retain the Bai family name and continue to have the Bai family name.

Later, the number of Bai clans increased, and the same surname made them naturally close. They continued to unite and form alliances, and gradually became the Bai clan of the Bai Kingdom, which was different from the main clan.

Since Hedong Bai and Taihang Bai are both located in the Bai Kingdom, many people confuse the two and confuse them together. Both Taihang Bai and Hedong Bai are called Hedong Bai, Baiguo Bai or Hebei Bai.

Luoyang Bai, because his residence is in Yuzhenfang, he is also known as Yuzhenfang. He has many resources such as court connections, Taixue wine sacrifices, Xuanguo Gong Temple, Wencheng Hou Mansion and many other resources. He also has many cooperation with the three industries of Bai Kingdom. .

Xiu Wubai, because of their years of hiding, their names are rarely heard except by people in the military. He has connections in the military circles, the Xiuwu Marquis' Mansion, the Zhenbei General's Mansion and other resources in his hands, and he can guard the northern border all year round.

Since the Han Dynasty, the division of surnames in the world has been very blurred. Many people no longer follow the surname distinctions of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, but only use surnames to distinguish families.

Nowadays, those who can be called surnames must at least be from families above the powerful. Most of those below are called surnames.

Such as the Liu family, the Bai family, the Yuan family, and the Yang family, these four major families are the most top aristocratic families in the world.

Among them, the Liu family belongs to the royal family, and the Bai family belongs to the Ya family. Needless to say.

The Yuan family originated from the Yuan family, one of the five major clans in the Bai Kingdom. The Yuan family in the Bai Kingdom derived from many large families, such as the Changshan Yuan family, Bohai Yuan family, Runan Yuan family, etc.

At first, the Yuan family of Bohai and the Yuan family of Runan served under the Bai Kingdom. Later, the Yuan family of Runan became dissatisfied with the suppression of the Bai Kingdom, broke away from the Bai Kingdom, formed its own line, and became the leaders of many large clans in Henan. The Yuan family of Bohai was supported by Bai Guo and came to the stage to confront it.

When there was a situation in the court where the Yuan family had two sons together, many people who did not know the inside story collectively called them the Yuan family and listed them as one of the big clans.

The Yang family came from Hongnong County and was a new big clan after the Han Dynasty. Their ancestor was Yang Xi, a cavalryman who snatched Xiang Yu's limb and was named a marquis. The Hongnong Yang family flourished from then on.

Later, after Yang Zhen, there were two San Gong and many Jiu Qing in the Yang family, making it the largest among the emerging clans. In addition, he maintained good relations with all parties and became a major force in the court. However, most of them have cooperation with Yuzhenfang.

To be precise, the Yang family is more powerful than the Yuan family. Due to Yuan's special reasons, the two Yuans not only cannot cooperate, but also fight more. The two Yuans combined are even better than the Yang family, but a single Yuan family is still worse than the Yang family.

The master and apprentice took a boat from Ren County to Nanhe County and arrived at Daguandao Road, which leads from Ji County in Youzhou to the Yellow River. Then they walked all the way and arrived at Chaoge half a month later. This Daguan Road, also known as the Straight Road, starts from Ji County, Guangyang County, Youzhou, goes south through Zhuo County, Fanyang County, enters Jizhou, and passes through Zhongshan County, Changshan County, Julu County, Zhao State, and Bai County. , arrived in the territory of Bai Kingdom, and then entered Hanoi County from Dangyin County, Chaoge County, and Ji County, from Xiuwu County to the bank of the Yellow River.

This was the fastest channel for the Han imperial court to mobilize troops to the Youzhou border.

In fact, since entering the Bai Kingdom, the scenery along the way has been very different.

Before entering the Bai Kingdom, Bai County was under the direct control of the imperial court. Due to the very chaotic political situation at this time, Bai County was also deeply affected by the powerful mergers and acquisitions, and the people had to become tenants. They were in a state of food shortage for at least two to three months a year.

Helpless, everyone had to go around digging wild vegetables and begging.

Because they knew that Bai Country was rich, famous and kind-hearted, many people from counties and counties close to Bai Country gathered towards Bai Country.

However, the White Kingdom naturally knew that taking in a large number of refugees would cause domestic unrest, so it had no choice but to reluctantly refuse the entry of these people and keep them out of the White Kingdom on the grounds that they were not citizens of the White Kingdom.

The Bai Kingdom specially organized a border guard, which was located under the Situ Mansion and was responsible for inspecting the border between Bai County and the Bai Kingdom, and Hanoi County and the Bai Kingdom.

Therefore, as soon as the master and apprentice arrived at the border between Bai Kingdom and Bai County, they saw a large number of refugees gathered in front of the roadblock set up by the Bai Kingdom border guards. The tattered tents were in a mess, but they did not place them randomly. The official roads flowed out and were set up in the wilderness on both sides of the road.

Fortunately, the Bai Kingdom did not really ignore them, but instead gave porridge in front of the border every day to prevent the refugees from rioting. Officials were also sent to Bai County and Hanoi County, asking them to work with Bai Guo to appease the victims.

The prefects of the two counties were a little happy. The problem of refugees was solved by the Bai Kingdom, and they felt relieved. Who knew that the Bai Kingdom would directly exert pressure on the two counties through the central government.

As a result, the two counties had to work together with the Bai Kingdom to deal with these refugee problems. With the help of the assistance team sent by the Bai Kingdom, the two counties began to investigate the illegal gangs and solved the survival problems of some refugees.

They also launched an anti-corruption operation and eliminated a group of corrupt officials who used their hands to collect taxes under clever pretexts. This allowed the problem of refugees on the border of the White Kingdom to be solved to some extent and prevented major problems from arising.

But even after doing so much, there are still many refugees gathering at the border, hoping that they can be valued by God. After getting lucky, they can be valued by the nobles of the Bai Kingdom, be hired as hired workers, or be valued by Taoist priests in Taoist temples. If you become a Taoist boy, you can enter the Bai Kingdom and live a prosperous life.

There was even a refugee who had read books and was rejected by the Bai Kingdom. He covered his face and cried: "I hate that I can't be a Bai Kingdom in this life. Reading thousands of books is not in vain. In the next life, I wish to be a dog and pigeon in the white land." I don't want to be ignorant."

It is precisely for this reason that knowing that the Bai Kingdom is religious, the refugees on the border believe in Taoism and Buddhism more firmly than in other places, which makes these two sects have to open temples again.

So the road into Baiguo was used as the dividing line, with Jiku Temple in the south and Jiumin Temple in the north. The people on both sides are clearly distinguished, one side is chanting the Infinite Heavenly Lord, and the other side is chanting the Amitabha Buddha.

Among the refugees in the south, you can often see shaved monks walking around holding wooden roots to maintain order. When you encounter a bully, first talk to him nicely. If he doesn't listen, he will be given a stick. If he doesn't listen again, he will be arrested in the temple and accepted. The baptism of Buddhist scriptures.

In the north, there are mostly Taoist priests with wooden swords on their backs. When they see an injustice, they go up to them with punches and kicks to ward off demons and defend the Tao. When they encounter people fighting, they will fight on both sides regardless of the reason, and then slowly reason with them. .

It was precisely because of the existence of the temple that the thousands of refugees gathered here actually maintained a strange order, lining up in an orderly manner, and receiving the porridge served by Bai Guoshi.

After asking Luka's soldiers to check their identities, the master and apprentice successfully entered this sacred place that people yearn for. Even Zhang Jiao could clearly feel the envious eyes behind him.

Entering the White Kingdom is a different story. Because the White Kingdom can control the population very well, constantly export talents, and has a clear political situation, the White Kingdom can operate very well.

In addition, the Bai Kingdom has eliminated the oppression of the powerful, liberating the enthusiasm of the people to open up wasteland, and the government's continuous construction of water conservancy projects has made the Bai Kingdom's fertile fields all over the country, and there are houses along the way.

The two of them are different from the bare wasteland on both sides of the road in Julu. The roads in Baiguo are mostly covered with flowers, which shows that the people here live a very poor life.

"Master, why are the people here different from the people here? Can they have enough to eat?"

When they were about to arrive at Haoling Temple in the north of Chaoge, Zhang Jiao finally asked the doubts in his heart.

Bai Taibin smiled and said: "It's up to you to see it yourself. If you practice Taoism, you should practice the word. If you don't practice, how will you know?"

Zhang Jiao nodded vigorously, his eyes becoming clearer, as if he had a new goal.

Bai Taibin looked at the enlightened Zhang Jiao, holding his beard, and became even more satisfied with this disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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