A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 319 It’s unnecessary, the five-year period has arrived

Chapter 319 It’s unnecessary, the five-year period has arrived
The eighth year of Jianchu
The Han envoy Li Yi escorted the Wusun envoy and his servants to the Western Regions and was on their way to Shule.

While Ban Chao and others were waiting for the Wusun envoy and his servants escorted by Li Yi in Shule, Qiuci State launched another attack on Shule and sent thousands of people to besiege Shule City.

Because of the annexation of Gumo State, the national power of Qiuci State has been improved again, so this offensive is very fierce.

When Li Yi arrived in Khotan, he heard that Shule was in a war. The Qiuci State that was attacking had thousands of soldiers, but Shule City only had two or three thousand soldiers, so he felt very anxious.

In addition, the Yarkand Kingdom and the Qiuci Kingdom on the road ahead are together. If the Yarkand Kingdom discovers him and he cannot be rescued by Shule City, then his life will be lost in this desolate Western Region. If you don’t believe it, you are a Marquis of Wei, how can you die in a foreign country?

It was decided to wait in Khotan and see what the situation ahead was.

But this time Qiuci was very determined. After a month of siege, they did not retreat. Li Yi saw that if he waited like this, he might not be able to justify it and would be blamed by the court. In order to cover up his cowardice, he decided to send someone back to give them to Qiuci. The court wrote a letter to explain.

"Since I entered the Western Regions, wherever I look, I have seen a sky full of yellow sand. There is not only an acre of good farmland, but also not a single stable of good livestock.

Moreover, the Western Region is more than ten thousand miles away from the Han Dynasty, and the country is small and the people do not follow it. I also saw that the number of people in the country was less than three hundred, and they were even inferior to the people within one mile of the Han Dynasty. I really don’t know what is the use of conquering the Western Regions and the Han Dynasty? It is a great disadvantage to work hard without success.

I also heard that Ban Chao had married a wife and had children in the Western Regions. As the saying goes: "Gentle Country, Tomb of Heroes", surrounded by beauties and with a young son on his knees, I am afraid that he has been deeply involved in it and has no mind to think about domestic affairs.

He has sought assistance from the country many times, just to continue his wealth in the Western Regions. I have deep feelings for you and hope that your majesty will investigate. "

When Li Yi's petition arrived at Luoyang, Liu Jing handed his memorial to his ministers for evaluation. At that moment, the next minister came out and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to say."


"I believe that the importance of the Western Regions to the Han Dynasty is self-evident. Whether it is to deal with the Xiongnu or to communicate with the great powers in the West, it is necessary.

It is also said that Ban Chao was a man who became famous at a young age. He was originally a scholar and joined the army by writing. What an ambition. Then he followed General Dou Gu in his northern expedition. He was praised by General Dou Gu many times and recommended him to Emperor Ming in order to conquer the Western Regions. .

And Ban Chao did not live up to the expectations of the court. In the Western Regions for more than ten years, he helped stabilize most countries for the Han Dynasty and was willing to recognize the status of the Han Dynasty. This is not something ordinary people can achieve. Even Zhang Qian of the former Han Dynasty had many Not as good as.

To say that Ban Chao is content with warmth may be Li Yi's one-sided statement, or he may be afraid of the environment in the Western Regions and intentionally slander Ban Chao.

Your Majesty, Ban Chaoyuan has been in the Western Regions for many years and has fought for the Han Dynasty through life and death, but he has never made any personal requests to the court. If he makes a rash decision, wouldn't it hurt the loyal ministers' hearts again. "

This man was none other than Bai Zhi's father, the censor Zhongcheng Bai Guang, who was ranked as high as a thousand stones. When Bai Guang heard about the situation in the Western Regions and how his son was not interested in it, and that someone was framed against Ban Chao, he immediately spoke out against it and spoke for Ban Chao.

Because Bai Guang knew that his son was interested in having an affair with Ban Zhao, a woman from the Ban family. Besides, his son followed Ban Chao and was his deputy. Ban Chao would be beaten, and Bai Zhi would not be able to get away with it either.

Liu Jin nodded, then looked at Dou Gu, who was already Da Honglu, and said, "Qing Honglu, do you think it is possible for Ban Chao to do what Li Yi said?"

Dou Gu came out and said very impartially: "Your Majesty, Ban Chaochen knows that there are few people who have great ambitions and practice. It is definitely not something that can be deceived by ordinary things. To say that you give up lightly, the possibility is too small."

Liu Jin said: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Bai Guang winked at an official not far from him in his seat. The official nodded helplessly, and then made a sign of three with his hand, which meant three cans of Baiguo's finest tea. Bai Guang nodded slightly in pain. .

The official came out with satisfaction and said: "Your Majesty, I have a plan. I wonder if I should talk about it?"

When Liu Jing saw this man, his face was pleasant and he said, "Doctor Pu have any brilliant ideas? Let me tell you."

Pu Mian was Bai Guang's good friend and drinking buddy. Both of them were classmates at Bai's academy. Later, they entered Taixue together. They had always had a good personal relationship. They also had the same rank and salary. One was Qianshi's imperial censor, Zhongcheng. , one is Taizhong doctor from Qianshi.

"I am frightened and do not dare to adopt the clever plan. I just have an ordinary way. As the saying goes: 'Listen both and you will be enlightened, but believe only and you will be dark.' Just what Li Yi's family said may not be accurate.

It is better to send envoys to question Banchao, and then secretly send envoys to investigate the situation of Li Yi and Banchao. With a three-pronged approach, the truth should emerge, and there is no need to be afraid of slandering the heroes. "

Liu Jin said with satisfaction: "Just follow what Doctor Pu said."

Then the imperial court sent two groups of people, one to investigate Ban Chao and the other to investigate Li Yi.

After going to court, Bai Guang immediately wrote to Bai Zhi about the situation at the court meeting, asking him to decide what to do, and then sent his family soldiers to travel day and night to deliver Shule.

By the time Bai Guang's letter reached Shule, it was already October, and Shule City had successfully blocked Kucha's attack. Kucha had already withdrawn its troops as early as May.

However, the imperial envoy has not arrived yet, which makes Ban Chao and Bai Zhi confused. After sending people to investigate, they found that the envoy stopped in Khotan and refused to leave, and they were even more confused.

Now that they received Bai Guang's letter, the doubts in their hearts were finally resolved.

"Alas, my Ban Chao is not as good as Zeng Shen but has the ability to slander me, so now some people will doubt me."

"Brother Zhong Sheng, what should we do? Why don't we write a letter to the court and explain it. If I drag my father around in the court, it won't be a big problem."

Ban Chao shook his head: "It is normal to be jealous of the monarch when you are outside. I have read a lot of history books. If you do more, you will make more mistakes. Brother Bai Zhi, please don't worry about this matter. I will handle it myself." "Zhong Sheng Brother...”

Ban Chao stopped Bai Zhi from continuing, and Bai Zhi had no choice but to leave harshly and write a letter to his family, asking them to help Ban Chao deal with it.

After Ban Chao persuaded Bai Zhi to leave, he was lost for a long time, and then entered the house angrily. After a long time, a foreign woman covered her face and left, leaving only the ashamed Ban Chao, holding his son Ban Yong.

Soon, the investigation results from all parties gathered in Luoyang.

"Bang" Liu Jin slapped several cases, the anger in his eyes could only be calmed by a head.

He said to the eunuch on the side: "I almost blamed Zhongliang wrongly, and I almost made a mark in the history books."

But after all, Li Yi was a prince and a relative, so it was not easy to be punished severely.

So Liu Jin issued an edict to Li Yi, first scolding him severely in the edict: "Even if Ban Chao embraces his beloved wife and holds his young son, there are more than a thousand soldiers who miss their hometown. If they have no ambition and are content with pleasure, this will How can more than a thousand soldiers be of the same mind as Ban Chao?"

Then he ordered Li Yi to accept all arrangements from Ban Chao and not to disobey any of Ban Chao's orders. All his responsibilities would be handled by Ban Chao.

He also issued an edict to Ban Chao, asking him to take back his wife. The court had found out that Li Yi's memorial was all about trumped-up charges, and left all this to Ban Chao himself to decide whether to let him go according to the situation. Li Yi stayed in the Western Regions.

After Ban Chao received the imperial edict, he burst into tears and didn't know what to say. Bai Zhi comforted Ban Chao and calmed him down. The first thing Ban Chao did was to go to his father-in-law's house and bring his wife back.

Then it was decided to let Li Yi return to Luoyang with Wusun Shizi.

Bai Zhi said in confusion: "Li Yi slandered you before and tried to make our efforts to pacify the Western Regions fail. Now why don't you follow your Majesty's will to keep him and send someone else to escort the servant?

In this way, Wusun Kingdom can also be contacted, and great things can be accomplished. How can it be changed at will just because of Li Yi? "

Ban Chao shook his head and said, "You can't think so. It's precisely because Li Yi slandered me that I sent him back to China now. I have a clear conscience, so why should I be afraid of what others will say? It's unfair to keep him here just to vent my personal anger. Considered a loyal minister. Doesn’t this prove that I have different intentions?

All our actions are based on the help of the imperial court. If the imperial court does not trust us, we will achieve nothing in the Western Regions. "

In the end, Bai Zhi agreed with Ban Chao's suggestion.

By the time these matters were dealt with, it was already the ninth year of Jianchu, and the plan to unite with Wusun to attack Kucha was still in vain, so the target had to be turned to Yarkand.

The ninth year of Jianchu
The imperial court also sent He Gong as a fake Sima and led 800 troops to reinforce Ban Chao.

Ban Chao received reinforcements and prepared to launch an offensive against Yarkand. He also planned to mobilize troops from the vassal states of Shule and Khotan to attack from the north and south to attack Yarkand.

The King of Shache also heard the news. Ban Chao was so powerful that he was frightened, so he immediately sent someone to secretly contact King Zhong of Shule and bribed him with a large sum of money, saying:

"Ban Chao is a foreigner after all. He is using his soldiers to achieve his great cause. Why not join forces with the Shache Kingdom and the Qiuci Kingdom to drive out the Han and Xiongnu and establish a country for the people of the Western Regions? Why do you have to live under others for a long time?"

Zhong listened to King Shache's slander and prepared to give Ban Chao a blow in the back. Because the Han army was stationed in Shule City, Zhong's power in Shule City was very small, so he went to Wuji City, launched a rebellion, and occupied Wuji City. That is the city.

Ban Chao was preparing to go on an expedition, and the troops and horses in Khotan were all connected. Now that King Shule had betrayed him, Ban Chao was so angry that he had to suspend his plan to attack Shache and instead deal with King Shule first.

He first changed the title of Fu Chengda to King of Shule, and mobilized troops to attack Wuji City, hoping to capture Zhong at once.

However, he did not expect that Zhong got help from Kang Juguo's elite soldiers, and Ban Chao was unable to attack for a long time.

At this time, Ban Chao knew that Kang Ju and Dawan had just gotten married, so he sent people to give generous gifts to King Yuezhi and asked him to take advantage of King Kang Ju. In the end, King Kang Ju decided to withdraw his troops, but he also brought Zhong with him. Returned to the country.

Ban Chao didn't care until then. As long as Wu Jicheng came down, he would have no worries.

Time came to the third year of Yuanhe. It had been five years since Bai Zhi entered the Western Regions. Bai Zhi was very anxious. He was still trapped in Shule and could not move forward. He had not completed any major achievements, so how could he dare to talk about marriage.

Then he had to write to Luoyang, urging Ban Zhao to find someone else to marry.

Then he vented all his anger on Zhong, who was occupying the loss center.

After Zhong retreated from Wuji City, he borrowed troops from Kangju State, occupied Shenzhong City, and continued to harass Shule. Therefore, Banchao did not dare to launch an offensive against Yarkand.

After sending the letter, Bai Zhi drank a jar of wine. Seeing that it was almost dawn, he grabbed the helmet on the side and covered his head. Then he picked up the big gun and got on his horse.

After asking his entourage to tell Ban Chao where he was going, he took five hundred cavalry and ran towards the sunrise towards Xinzhong City.

(End of this chapter)

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