Chapter 304: Master in Prison

Fran made a flower-shaped hand with his hands and said with a smile: "To be reborn in a pure Buddha land, you must first believe in the Buddha. Only by believing in the Buddha can you have the opportunity to obtain the method of transcendence and achieve the fruition status, either as an Arhat or as a Bodhisattva.

Entering my Buddhist door, there is a Bodhisattva who has accomplished ten kinds of dharma.

One: Achievements in the precepts, no defects, no impurities, no stains in the precepts, the precepts are pure; second: achieving equality in the mind of a sentient being;

The third one: to be able to achieve vast roots of good deeds; the fourth one: to cultivate the name, respect and praise the mind and always be free from contamination;

The fifth one: gain pure faith and have no doubts in the mind; the sixth one: practice constantly and get rid of laziness;

Seventh: Ability to enter tranquility without any distracting mind; Eighth: Ability to hear a lot without evil wisdom;

Ninth: Achieved wisdom, not dull; Tenth: Compassion, no intention to harm. "

The jailer outside the prison asked eagerly: "Master! Do you think these ten methods must be fulfilled before you can be reborn? Can those who have deficiencies be reborn?"

Fran chuckled and said, "Donor, the Buddha said: 'If there is a Bodhisattva who has accomplished one Dharma, with no defects, no violations, fresh and pure, then that Bodhisattva will have accomplished the Ten Dharmas.'

That is to say, as long as one has achieved one, there are no shortcomings in what he said or did, there are no minor violations, and the execution is pure and without obstacles, such a Bodhisattva can also be said to have achieved the ten conditions. "

"Master, can you explain these ten in detail?"

"First, the precepts must be accomplished without defects or impurities. The precepts must have no stains and stains, and the precepts must be pure. This is the purity of the precepts, which means truly understanding what the precepts are and how to do them.

The first is to be good at studying the classics and laws. As long as you can learn the classics and laws well, you must be good at studying them. Those who enter my Buddhist door should not distinguish between different ethnic groups, should not be prejudiced, should not look at power, and should not care about the shortcomings of all living beings. They should have respect.

The second is to know the time and place, speak according to the trend, and do not do anything excessive, so that the public will not lose their respect. Pay attention to the image, the sound is soft, concise, free from attachment, practice silence constantly, and the color is pleasant. This is how to maintain the ritual.

The tenth is the purity of the three rounds, that is, the body, speech and mind are pure, and all evil deeds in the body are forever removed. Do not kill, do not take without giving, do not desire evil industries, and always stay away from these, so the body is said to be pure.

The bad words and deeds include lying, divisiveness, swearing, dirty words, etc. They are often kept away from each other, so they are called pure speech. The evil deeds of the mind include greed, anger, and wrong views. Keeping these away makes the mind pure.

The two are equal as one sentient being. ···”

With Fran's explanation, everyone had a sufficient understanding of Buddhist teachings and precepts.

Everyone listened in ecstasy, as if that beautiful country was beckoning to them, and they could be in the Buddha's country, standing next to the Buddha, chanting sutras, cultivating righteousness, getting rid of their stinky skin, and free from illness and pain.

When Fran gradually stopped, someone suddenly cried: "I really deserve to die. I have done something evil. What should I do in the next life?"

Fran said without sadness or joy: "Those who do evil must perform more good deeds than ordinary people. The Buddha said: 'The sea of ​​suffering has no end, turn around and find the shore, put down the butcher knife, and become a Buddha immediately' is nothing more than this."

As long as you have good intentions in your heart, even if you do evil deeds, as long as you stop them in time and seek forgiveness from the Lord of Suffering, you will have a chance to be reborn in the Buddha's Land of Ultimate Bliss.

If you have evil thoughts in your heart, do hypocritical things, and are unwilling to stop, you will cause suffering to the suffering master, and you will be reborn in Avici Hell, but you will also have your way.

It should be noted that Buddhism not only includes Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with low eyebrows and compassion, but also Vajra Arhats with angry eyes that eliminate evil. Those who do good will be guided by the Buddha, and those who do evil will be punished by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. "

"I plead guilty, I plead guilty. I shouldn't be jealous of Li San next door who is richer than me and has a beautiful wife. Then I teamed up with Wang Er and framed him for tax evasion. As a result, he was punished by law officials, imprisoned, and his wife and children were separated. I am not a human being! "

As he spoke, the man began to cry.

"It turned out to be him, so I said that Li San was a good-hearted person who often helped his neighbors and was kind in business. Last time my family had an emergency, I gave all the money I had to my son to Shu Xiu, who happened to be short of money.

If my brother Li hadn't lent me dozens of pennies, my mother wouldn't even have enough money to bury her. How could she have evaded taxes? I would have said she was framed.

This man actually shamelessly said that my brother Li and I were on the same team, and even locked him up for me. You are a heartless person. My brother Li helped your family so much last time, and you repaid your kindness with a grudge. I will beat you to death. you! "

This man was in the same cell as the framer. As he spoke, he stood up and started hitting the person. However, the framer was only weeping and repenting, with no intention of fighting back.

"Donor, please don't be angry. Good and evil are all determined by the human heart. If you accidentally kill him, even if you have good intentions, you will have to bear a huge responsibility. You should leave it to the jailer."

The jailer immediately stood up, scolded the two of them to separate, and then hurried out of the prison.

After a while, the jailer came in with three middle-aged men.

"That's him. He confessed and said that he and Wang Er framed Li San."

A livid-faced legal official snorted: "Do you want to retract your confession?"

The framer had cried until he was exhausted, but he still insisted: "I plead guilty. Wang Er was greedy for Li San's family wealth and collaborated with me to frame Li San." "Hmph, I hope what you said is true and don't retract your confession again. , if you speak unabashedly and capriciously, I will definitely let you taste the power of the whip."

Everyone felt a dull pain in their backs when they heard the magic whip.

The legal whip is the weapon of the legal officials. Each legal official has three weapons equipped by the judicial government: the legal book, the legal pen, and the legal whip.

The legal book is made of bamboo boards, using a special method to prevent imitation. Each legal book has a number and is used by the legal officials to record evidence and prisoners' remarks. Once written, it cannot be changed. If there are any traces of modification, the legal book will not be changed. Officials will be punished with serious crimes.

The brush is used in conjunction with the law book. It was developed by the Baiguo Research Institute in order to facilitate writing. It uses jianhao (made from a variety of animal hairs in different proportions). It is hard in quality and writes like a knife. .

The legal whip is used for punishment. It is made of tanned leather and is nearly two meters long. If someone disturbs the court, or speaks frivolously, or defies the judge, he will be punished with whipping and slight punishment. Some punishments are for minor crimes, or Special punishments are also administered with the whip.

If someone disrupts order on the street, fights, drinks too much, defecates everywhere, litters, etc., they will be stripped of their shirts and caned in full view of the street. If he is a habitual offender, his crimes will be superimposed, and I don’t believe he will not be superimposed on hard labor.

This legal official was the presiding judge in the case of employee Wang Er who exposed his employer Li San's tax evasion. Wang Er was the shopkeeper of Li San's shop, and the two were related. Li San saw that Wang Er's family was poor, so he recruited him. As your own shopkeeper.

It stands to reason that Li San has his own account books, and he can just check them, but Wang Er said that this person had a private transaction with his boss Li San, which was not recorded in the account books, and this person also admitted that he had a transaction with Li San Then, he took out the products sold by Li Sanjia.

In fact, Wang Er secretly gave this product to him.

As a result, if there is a transaction but it is not recorded in the accounting books, there is tax evasion. According to the law of the White Kingdom, it is a felony to confiscate all the family property. The law of the White Country also stipulates that as long as someone reports tax evasion and tax evasion, the criminal can be punished. One-third of the reward will be given to the whistleblower.

So Li San was imprisoned.

Originally, the evidence chain of the case was complete and the verdict was about to be announced. The judge himself also wrote down the case in the legal book. Now that the person who testified has retracted his confession, he will be implicated. At least one of them did not investigate deeply, closed the case easily, and was in danger of becoming an unjust case. There is no escaping job reviews.

Following the gloomy questioning of the law officials, the perjurer also confessed his crime and had to go to court again.

Since this case has not yet been concluded, all relevant personnel are being held in prison for both protection and surveillance. As the main personnel, Li San, Wang Er, and the perjury witness are all being held separately.

The person who just hit someone was angry that Li San was wrongly accused and took the initiative to go to the court to prove that Li San would not evade taxes. However, because he was an outsider, what he said was of no use to Li San, so he beat Wang in a hurry. A few times later, he was sentenced by the law officials to disturbing the order of the court and imprisoned for three days.

The law official and a minor official on the side went out with the perjury, leaving only one minor official.

The person who follows the legal officials in and out is the censor. As long as he stands aside in official uniform, everything the legal officials say and do will be recorded by the censor's office.

The little official who was left behind was the warden in charge of the prison. He heard that this man confessed his crime after being persuaded by a foreigner. He was very interested and followed him to have a look.

"You must be Master Flan!"

The jailer asked with some respect.

Fran stood up and saluted, "Namo Amitabha!"

The jailer said with some emotion: "Use words to judge cases, use words to explore people's hearts. I have only seen it from great Confucians, great sages, and everyone in the academy. A master like you actually works in detail. That means the country that sent you must be Lost your mind.

Please also tell me what happened, so that I can find a way out of prison for you. "

Fran didn't feel impatient at all, and said again: "The poor monk is a Buddhist monk from Tianzhu. He was invited to explain the scriptures to the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Now he comes to the court to ask for an audience with the White King."

The jailer nodded and said, "Is there anyone with you?"

Frank said frankly: "I came with Grand Tutor Shi Baihe, but the poor monk got off the bus by himself on the way, so he didn't have any identity documents."

"When was that?"

"About an hour or two ago."

The jailer nodded and said to the jailer behind him: "Go to the city gate and find Zhang Sima. Tell him what I said and ask him to check the city gate records to see if a nobleman named Bai He has entered the city."

After hearing Frank's scriptures, the jailer had already respected him very much, but he was unable to rescue him because of his duties, so he went to his superior and reported the matter.

Not long after, the officer surnamed Zhang Sima, who was responsible for the inspection of Chaoge Ximen, followed the jailer to the temporary prison in person.

I saw the warder and Fran sitting across the prison railing. The warder was worried, but he was very focused on listening to what Fran was saying.

Zhang Sima coughed, and the jailer behind him also stepped forward to remind him. When Fran fell silent, the jailer came back to his senses.

(End of this chapter)

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