Chapter 216 Shuofang City, Fog of War
While Wei Qing and others were thinking hard, the vanguard Bai Li came out and said: "General, the reason why we can't find the location of the main Xiongnu force is because the local tribes did not cooperate and concealed the reason. According to the general's wishes, several tribes were massacred. , they will know how powerful our Han army is, and someone will definitely reveal their location."

"No, general, according to your majesty's wishes, we want to capture this Hetao area. If the killing is excessive, it will be very difficult for the Han to subdue it, let alone establish a county to manage it." A general said. objected.

"Hmph, we have to defeat it before we can think about how to manage it. Now that we haven't defeated it, we are just thinking about governance. If we don't defeat it, everything will be like a moon in the water and a flower in the sky.

What's more, these Huns have always worshiped the strong, and they are all powerful but unethical people. If you are too kind to them, they will think that you are weak, and they will look down on you even more. If you are strong to him, he will treat you badly. You are very loyal.

Let me tell you, if you kill some of them, you can even better bring them under my control in the future. "

Wei Qing thought about it again and said, "Just do what Bai Li said."

Seeing what the general wanted to say, Wei Qing waved his hand to stop him: "Bai Li is right, we have to wait until we successfully occupy it before we can think about how to win over people's hearts. Now that the two sides are at war, without occupying it, everything is empty talk!
I leave this matter to you in Baili. I will allocate another 100 people to you, plus the original 1,000 people, for a total of 2,000 people. Find traces of the Huns and report back quickly. "


Bai Li happily agreed.

Soon, fires continued to rise on the Hetao grassland. This was the Han army led by Bai Li, who was questioning the movements of the Xiongnu army from tribe to tribe. He did not block the news, and the survivors who escaped did not pursue them. Soon most of the tribes learned that a Han general was questioning the Xiongnu army's movements.

If you can't answer, your clan will be destroyed today. If you can answer, the bounty and power will be at your fingertips.

"Let's talk! Where are the Xiongnu troops?" Bai Li, who was wearing a armored stomach, a light red robe, and a light red cloth strip on his head, was asking the tribe leader expressionlessly in a small Xiongnu tribe of several hundred people.

The clan leader looked at Bai Li who was riding on the horse with trembling eyes. The original white cloth was stained with blood many times and could not be washed clean, so it turned into a light red cloth. The strong smell of blood on it reverberated in the nose of the Xiongnu clan leader. .

"Sir, my lord, I, I, I really don't know." The clan leader said tremblingly.

"Oh? Don't know? Then there is no need for your tribe to exist." Bai Li said coldly.

"Sir, have mercy on me, my lord, have mercy on me, I really don't know?"

Bai Li looked at the Huns kneeling in front of his horse, constantly begging for mercy. A feeling of revenge arose in his heart, and he was about to order the massacre.

"Slow down! I know the location of those Huns." An ordinary young Huns pushed through the crowd and came to the field.

"Oh? You know?" Bai Li looked at him with interest.

The Hun young man nodded, ignoring the Hun leader's lowered head and looking at his vicious eyes, and said, "I know that a few days ago, the leader went out with a batch of supplies. I secretly followed him to see where they were. I know where they are."

Bai Li said happily: "Okay, it seems there are still smart people?"

Looking back at the group of kneeling Huns, everyone who looked at him lowered their heads.

"You are very lucky, someone came out to save you." After saying this, he cut down the Xiongnu chief who was kneeling on the ground with a knife, and ordered that everyone within three generations of him be dragged out and killed as a warning to others.

After doing all this, Bai Li looked at the Huns who were kneeling on the ground, with their heads firmly on the ground and their whole bodies shaking, and said: "From now on, he will be your new clan leader. Do you have any objections?"

"Meet the clan leader!" Everyone was very interested.

The young Xiongnu man was very excited. He was just an ordinary tribesman and was often bullied by them. He never thought that this day would come to him.

"You go with me. If you really find the movement of the Huns army, I will reward you."

After that, he sent more than a hundred people to collect all the weapons of the tribe and put them into custody. No news was allowed to be released. Anyone who came close to the tribe would be killed without mercy.

Then he took the guide back to the Han army camp.

"I didn't expect it to be here." After Wei Qing got the news, he was also very surprised by its location.

"Pass my general's order, and the entire army will set out immediately. The target is Gaoque!!!"

It turned out that more than 10,000 people from the two kings were hiding in an unnamed valley less than five miles southwest of the fortress Gaoque. This place was not marked on the map.

The 20,000 wolf-like Han troops rushed into the valley and completely blocked the Huns army that had not yet fully assembled in the valley.

Under constant attacks and arrows, they found no way to retreat. In despair, the Huns quickly collapsed and surrendered.

Looking at King Aries and King Loufan who were tied under his horse, Wei Qing ordered: "Take these two people to Chang'an and let your Majesty decide."

In this battle, Wei Qing's tribe beheaded more than 2,000 people, captured thousands, and captured millions of cattle, sheep, and horses. The bigger gain was the complete control of the Hetao Grassland. From then on, the Han army had its own very large horse farm, which could continuously provide the Han army with war horses.

After completely wiping out the organized Xiongnu forces in the Hetao area, Wei Qing hurriedly ordered to go north to support Gaoque, which was being attacked by the Huns.

Wei Qing did not go directly north, but bypassed Jilu Pass, from west to east, and directly rushed into the flank of the Xiongnu army attacking Gaoque. The Xiongnu army was defeated and fled.

The Huns knew that the Hetao area had been lost, so they no longer sent troops to fight for it because it was meaningless. Not only that, after this battle, the direct threat to Chang'an from the Huns' cavalry was eliminated, and the Han Dynasty also established a forward base for further counterattacks against the Huns.

After the army triumphantly returned, the Han emperor rewarded him for his merits. Almost all the Han army returned with only a few casualties, and the main contribution of the general Wei Qing was indispensable.

Therefore, he ordered Wei Qing to be granted the title of Liehou, Changpinghou, with a settlement of 3,800 households; Military Marquis Baili was promoted to Yulin Zhonglang General, in charge of Yulin Cavalry; Su Wu, the general of the Department, was promoted to Taizhong Dafu; General of the Department. Zhang Cigong was granted the title of Aantouhou...

Then he ordered that in order to further control the Hetao area, Shuofang City was built here, and Wuyuan County and Shuofang County were established. 100,000 people from the interior were moved to settle in the two places. He also ordered that the border fortresses built by Mengtian during the Qin Dynasty and the fortifications along the river be repaired. .

Han three years

Zhang Qian and others who went on a mission to the Western Regions to seek alliance with the Dayue clan finally returned to Chang'an today after more than ten years of journey.

The Emperor of the Han Dynasty ordered a large court meeting to be held. Although Zhang Qian was put on brand new clothes, Zhang Qian's weather-beaten face and almost no blemishes showed that this mission was unusual.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Qian/Tang Yifu, is on a mission to the Western Regions on your Majesty's order. I hereby return to my country and resume my mission. Your Majesty will live forever." Zhang Qian and Tang Yifu saluted the Han Emperor.

Only those who have been away from home all year round can understand Zhang Qian's mood at this time.

"My peace!" Emperor Han looked at Zhang Qian, who was young and now mature, and sighed repeatedly: "Thank you for your hard work, Zhang Qing. I wonder what Da Yuezhi would say?"

Zhang Qian replied: "Your Majesty, the Yueshi are not willing to join forces with my great Han to attack the Xiongnu."


"The King of Yuezhi said: They are now weak in strength and have no intention or ability to avenge the Huns. In addition, the Han Dynasty is too far away from the Yuezhi Kingdom. If they jointly attack the Huns, if the Yuezhi Kingdom is in danger, it may be difficult to get help from the Han Dynasty. . I have stayed in Yuezhi for more than a year, but I have never been able to convince the Yuezhi people to join forces with me to attack the Xiongnu. Please forgive me."

Hearing that the Yuezhi people were unwilling to unite with him, Emperor Han also had some hope, but he still said: "I don't blame you. You can go through countless hardships and thousands of miles away, and finally return to Chang'an. You are already an ordinary person." It's beyond your reach. In this case, you go down and rest first, and I will call you into the palace another day to talk to me about the Western Regions."

"I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything!" Zhang Qian thanked him.

The Han Emperor nodded, and then said: "Zhang Qian's achievements are beyond the reach of ordinary people. As for how much impact his news will have in the future, it is still unknown. Therefore, I will promote him to the rank of Taizhong doctor first, and he will always be with me so that he can Consultation.

Tangyi father, guarded Zhang Qian on his mission and performed meritorious service. Although he was a Huns, he cared about the great Han people and would not reward him. I was afraid that many people in the world would complain, so I decided to make him the Envoy Lord to show my intention. "

"Your Majesty is wise, your Majesty will live forever!!" All the ministers bowed and saluted.

in a few days

Jianzhang Palace, where the Han Emperor's self-proclaimed "Inner Dynasty" was held, included several Taizhong officials, Zhonglang generals, Zhonglang, ministers, Lang, and the main eunuchs in the inner palace.

Among them, those who favored civil servants were mainly the Taizhong doctor Zhu Fuyan, the military commander Changping Hou Wei Qing was the main one, and the eunuchs accompanied the Han emperor.

Zhang Qian was in the middle telling them about the Western Regions.

"There are dozens of countries in the Western Region. Among them, the big ones have dozens of cities, while the small ones have only one city. The big ones have tens of thousands of people, and the small ones may only have a few hundred people.

Among them, the larger countries include Dayuan Kingdom, Xiaowan Kingdom, Cheshi Kingdom, Wusun Kingdom, etc.; the smaller ones include Shanshan, Qiemo, Xiaowan, Jingjue, Ronglu, Mumi, Qule, and Khotan. , Pishan, Wucao, Xiye and so on.

I also heard from them that further west, there are Wusun, Yancai, An'an, Tiaozhi, Shendu, etc. These countries are much larger than the countries in the Western Regions. Some countries even have hundreds of thousands of people. Millions, their combat effectiveness is even as good as that of the Huns.


After listening to Zhang Qian's detailed description of the kingdoms in the Western Regions, the kingdoms of Dayuan, Kangju, Dayuezhi and Daxia further west, and even the specific conditions of Anxi and Shendu further west, including but not limited to where they are located. Specific location, special products, population, city, military strength, etc.

Following Zhang Qian's description, on the map of the Han Dynasty behind the Han Emperor and the surrounding countries, there were many more specific countries in the northwest, and even vaguer outlines appeared further west.

Looking at it this way, although the Han Dynasty is the largest of the surrounding countries, a large part of it is still in a barbarian land.

"In the past, I only knew how big the world was, but now it seems that I still sit in a well and look at the sky. Wouldn't it be a pity not to accept such a vast land as the territory of the Han Dynasty." Emperor Han looked at the new map that expanded the map area by one-third. The district sighed sincerely.

"Your Majesty, people's power will always be exhausted, and the power of the country will still be the same. Nowadays, there are still many places in the Han Dynasty that have not been completely conquered. It would be too greedy to open up other places." Master Yansheng was afraid of the Han Dynasty. The emperor's nature arose, and he organized a large army to fight all the way to the west. He used military force to work for the country and the people, and he quickly persuaded him.

"Yes, Your Majesty, now that we know how big the world is, we are even more motivated. Even if we can't take it all in, we must at least let them know the name Dahan, and we will not let down the expectations of the past emperors."

Wei Qing also spoke up at the right time.

Emperor Han said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone. Although I am indeed a little moved, I will not overestimate my ability and make such a move like swallowing an elephant with a snake."

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

But no one noticed that in the corner, a young man looked at the huge map, his eyes glowing darkly.

(End of this chapter)

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