Quickly wear: Your Highness is too clingy

Chapter 103 Picked up by a wild robot 3

Chapter 103 Picked up by a wild robot 3
The blond boss Hawthorn finally gave Yunzhi a pair of star rings, one black and one white, and waved his hand, "I'll give you a discount, five hundred star coins."

It couldn't be any less, and the price was given because of their appearance and the fact that Ling had helped him.

Yunzhi thanked her with a smile. She held two star rings in her hand and looked at the robot, "Which one do you want?"

The robot finally picked the black one.

The girl said next to her, "Men are on the left and women are on the right. You have to wear your left hand."

The robot obeyed obediently.

The star ring with the texture of black unknown mineral is worn on his jade-like wrist bone, making his hand bones become more slender and white, which is a true sense of beauty with clear joints.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the white star ring the girl wore on her right hand, and blinked her long artificial eyelashes slowly.

Those are micro-expressions that ordinary robots don’t have.

After they both put on the star rings, stood by the grocery store, activated the binding, and entered information, Hawthorn felt more and more something was wrong.

How to co-write it like he is selling a pair of couple star rings...

Why did I gain weight after eating dog food for no reason?

Seeing that she had no money now, Yunzhi decided to first see what kind of job the scraps mentioned about collecting supplies. It seemed that it was a temporary job and there was no need to sign a contract. She could follow it for a while and earn some capital.

Wild Robot Zero said in a calm voice, "Okay, please allow me to take you with me."

Some of the honorifics he used in his speech were unclear whether they were set like this or just a simple hobby of robots. Yun didn't think about it carefully.

The two left side by side.

The grocery store owner who stayed there covering his face, with the corner of his mouth still twitching, was doing temporary work such as collecting supplies... He could only say that he had learned the art of robot speaking quite well in the past two years.

Commonly known as, speaking skills.

When Ling brought Yunzhi to the garbage dump, the robot naturally took out a half-bad and half-good energy device from a pile of discarded garbage, and then looked at her with its black eyes made of beautiful gems. "This is valuable."

Yunzhi realized.

She was simply enlightened.

Why isn't this a type of job unique to Junk Stars?

How can it not be considered a temporary worker?

You can work whenever you want, and you'll be paid on a daily basis. There's simply no job more free than this.

Moreover, this type of work is open to everyone equally, regardless of age, profession, or species.

There may be other planets, but the scale is definitely not as large as here, and the "resources" are definitely not as abundant as here. You can still see a dozen heads moving around on the garbage mountain not far away.

The garbage at that time was different. It might have a little smell, but mostly it smelled like engine oil, which were waste products of technology.

Yunzhi looked at the mountain of garbage in front of her and felt like she didn't know where to start. She was new here and didn't know much about the market here and didn't know what garbage was valuable.

She asked in a low voice, "What kind of things did you usually look for before?"

Another stream of data emerged from the robot's chip. He tilted his head slightly and politely told her, "Energy, ore, metal."

Then, through precise scanning, he accurately dug out semi-waste instruments containing energy blocks, dusty useful ores, and deformed objects containing rare metals. He used these practices to teach her the skills of this job.

The trash pickers on the side were a little surprised when they saw this scene. A robot actually taught an aristocratic lady to pick up trash. It seemed ridiculous.

But he didn't have the time to think about this, he was too busy making money.

Speaking of which, robots can easily make money in this business, and they have built-in scanning capabilities. It's not like they have to try their luck or use detectors that have long been obsolete on the market.

After Ling's teaching experience, intern Yunzhi is about to start practical operations. She found a stick and started rummaging through the garbage. Not long after, she found something shiny.

She bent down to pick it up, raised the metal in her hand and asked, "Is this useful?"

Yun felt that it should be of some value, although she didn't recognize it.

If nothing else, just rely on Yun’s intuition.

There was a lot of useful garbage piled up in the open space next to the robot. When he heard the sound, he stopped what he was doing and walked towards the girl.

The program contained in the eyes automatically scans everything in front of him and converts it into a data stream that flows into his core chip.

He stopped suddenly, and his dark eyes looked at the girl's hand holding the metal. That hand was that of a noble lady, slender and white, but stained with black waste engine oil.

The robot took the piece of metal and scanned it, and said in a calm voice, "This is a rare metal. 1g is worth 50 star coins. This piece is expected to weigh g."

After wearing the star ring, the chip automatically connects to the star ring and can easily obtain some information.

The scavenger on the side was jealous. He couldn't stand it any longer. Why was he neither a robot nor a man of incredible wealth who bumped into him? The new girl he picked up was worth 25,000 yuan.

Yunzhi let out a sincere sigh and rolled his eyes, "Then how can this be realized?"

The value of this metal is about the same as that of modern gold. It's not bad. Luck will work as usual.

Zero reacted slightly to the word "realize", and then replied after a long while, "Hawthorn accepts these, and there is an uncle who also accepts them."

Yunzhi understood that it was a grocery store after all, so it was normal to collect these.

"Which uncle?"

The robot's voice was still calm, "Second uncle."


Yun fell into deep thought.

The robot took out a silk scarf from nowhere, lowered his head and wiped her hands carefully, and said in a polite and serious voice, "You'd better not do this in the future. If you see something suitable, you can tell me."

The scavenger spoke quietly and asked Yunzhi, "Is he your housekeeper?"

Otherwise, why would he feel as if he had been wronged when he picked up rubbish? Twenty-five thousand dollars for picking up a piece of rubbish? Is it okay for him to accept this grievance?

Yun was a little confused.

Then Yunzhi followed Ling to meet the second uncle. Not far from the garbage mountain, the second uncle set up a table and chairs, and seven or eight people lined up to receive the nutrient solution with today's spoils.

When the second uncle saw Yunzhi and Ling, he raised his eyelids and said, "Is this the person you picked up? He looks weird and lovable."

Yunzhi responded to this sentence with a smile and gestured to Ling to take out what they had gained today.

Since wiping her hands, Zero insisted on taking them by herself. Sometimes robots are very stubborn, so she had to keep her clean hands empty.

The second uncle looked at the objects displayed by Ling one by one, and said in a calm tone, "It's probably worth eight hundred star coins. Do you want to replace it with a C-level energy box or save it?"

He glanced at Yunzhi again and said, "Should I switch to strawberry-flavored C-level nutrient solution?"

Robots also have to keep nutrient solution to nourish beautiful humans, right?

When Ling took out the piece of metal, the second uncle was surprised and said, "When did you get so lucky? You actually found a piece of liquid gold, and it's such a big piece?"

As soon as the gold came out, the scavengers nearby started to commotion and looked over with envy and jealousy.

The robot stood tall and straight, and said in a calm voice, "The lady next to me found it."

(End of this chapter)

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