People live in the Ming Dynasty, evil spirits are soaring into the sky

Chapter 166 The reform begins! Introducing the test method! The civil servant's head was buzzin

Chapter 166 The reform begins! Introducing the test method! The civil servant's head was buzzing after hearing this! !

After Kong Shangxian sprayed blood, his face turned pale and he collapsed to the ground.

Emperor Wanli immediately ordered, "Hurry up and call the imperial doctor to carry Duke Yansheng down. We must not put Duke Yansheng's life in danger."

Kong Shangxian was so stunned by Chen Han that he vomited blood and left the stage.

After Chen Han scolded Kong Shangxian after vomiting blood, he looked at the civil servants.

Except for Zhang Juzheng, all the civil servants lowered their heads.

Zhang Juzheng gave him an affirmative look.

That means awesome.

He had actually wanted to scold the Kong family for a long time.

But he could not throw the blame with Confucianism's rice bowl, so he could only swallow his anger.

Of course, when I was young, I couldn't see through the evil of the Kong family, but after I became middle-aged, especially when I joined the cabinet and saw the memorials from the Ministry of Revenue and the World, I realized that there was not much difference between the Kong family and those treacherous and evil people.

But there was no way to deal with their affairs, and everyone in the world regarded the Confucius family as their sect.

If you deal with them, then people in the world may not take the imperial examination.

Then who will be the official? Who will govern the world?

It would be chaos, and politics still needs this group of people.

After Kong Shangxian was carried down, Emperor Wanli looked at the ministers.

"Now I want to make Chen Aiqing the Duke of Liao. Do you have any opinions?"

Any other comments?

Kong Shangxian, the Duke of Yansheng who we relied on, has become like this. If we have any opinions, we should not be scolded by him.

The party that had kept everyone confident these past few days was brought to a halt by Chen Han before it even started.

Without Yan Shenggong charging forward, who would dare to compete with Chen Han?
After seeing that everyone had no objections, Emperor Wanli said, "Since all of you, Aiqing, have no objections, then the matter of making Chen Aiqing the Duke of Liao has been decided."

Chen Han immediately thanked the emperor for his kindness.

Then Chen Han said: "In this Liaodong war, I would rather Bo Li Chengliang, which is also quite meritorious.

The minister recommends him to be the Marquis of Ningyuan, and please Your Majesty to grant him the honor! "

Emperor Wanli was very happy: "Yes, yes, from the reports sent back from Liaodong, Li Chengliang is still trustworthy. He is a capable minister and general, and he should indeed be commended.

Well, since it was recommended by the Duke of Liao, it was natural to express it.

I announce that Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, will be granted the title of Marquis of Ningyuan. As for the rewards for the generals of Liaodong, I also ask the Duke of Liao to draw up a detailed list. I will definitely follow the list of the Duke of Liao. "

Chen Han thanked the emperor again for the reward, and then said: "Your Majesty, now that more than half a year has passed, the preliminary investigation of the reform has been completed and the cabinet can start the reform.

Mr. Zhang Ge, do you think so? "

Zhang Juzheng stood up, hugged the ivory wat and said, "Your Majesty, what the Duke of Liao said is true.

After more than half a year of investigation, and based on the 200,000 taels of silver that Duke Liao had added to the treasury,

Our Ming Dynasty can now initiate reforms. "

When it comes to reforms, the civil servants and generals present are all very angry.

They have done so much to block reforms.

But it still seems to have failed.

Then Chen Han said: "If you want to implement the two reform laws - the sharing of land between farmers and the gentry, I'm afraid you have to add the law of passing the examination."

Chen Han came to take credit from Zhang Juzheng in front of him.

It is a pity that Zhang Juzheng proposed these reforms ten years later.

Chen Han was ten years ahead of schedule, so of course he can take credit.

Zhang Juzheng listened to the unfamiliar vocabulary and asked, "Mr. Liao, I don't know how to implement the examination method?"

Chen Han then explained, "The examination method mainly includes two parts. First, the six ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate set deadlines for the matters that their officials should handle, and register them in four account books. One is kept by the Six Ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Make a base book, one for the six subjects, one for the cabinet, and the last one for the tax inspection department;

Second, the Sixth Department and the Metropolitan Procuratorate register according to the account books and conduct inspections on a monthly basis. Every time a matter undertaken by the subordinate officials is completed, one item will be written off. Otherwise, it must be reported truthfully, otherwise it will be punished; the Sixth Section can also be registered according to the account books. , requiring the six departments to report their implementation status every six months, and violators will be dealt with in specific cases;

Finally, the cabinet also verified the audit work of the six departments based on the accounting books.

In order to prevent local magistrates and county magistrates from bullying the people after setting clear targets but failing to meet them. A tax audit department will be established in every state capital in the world to supervise.

The Tax Inspection Department selects qualified officers from the Jinyiwei. In addition to supervising the implementation of the examination law, it also supervises the collection of tax banks. "

The civil servants are all powerful characters, and it makes my hair stand on end when I hear them.

Because once this examination method is implemented, it will mean that it will be more difficult to commit corruption.

And if they have a clear goal, how can they fool their superiors?

Why use chicken feathers as arrows?
So the civil servants were anxious.

Someone stood up to criticize, "Liao Guogong, the examination method sounds very good at first, but take the simplest summer tax and autumn grain as an example.

Each state has its own situation, so how should the time for completing tax collection be defined?
Furthermore, assessments are only conducted every six months. If a natural or man-made disaster occurs within these six months, how will the target be achieved?
If it cannot be completed, will I be dismissed from office?

In this case, who dares to do anything as an official?

If this test method comes out of this capital, everyone should scold you. "

Chen Han knew that as soon as he said it, these officials would use this thing to test the law.

The examination method is actually the performance appraisal in modern enterprise management.

But why doesn’t everyone like it?
First of all, I have set a high level of tasks, and I am afraid that I will not be able to complete them.

If the setting is too low, your superiors will ask you, are you unmotivated?
How do you answer?

This was especially true for being an official in the Ming Dynasty.

Originally, when I was an official, I loved being friendly.

The assessment every year is hello, me, hello, everyone.

You fool me once today, and I will fool you tomorrow.

Isn’t the maintenance of official connections a matter of worldliness?
Now that the test is so successful, no one can escape?

Another official stood up and said: "If the examination law is implemented, it will definitely scare all officials away from doing anything. The people will still suffer by then. Please think again, Duke Liao."

"Your Majesty, I believe that the test method must not be implemented. It is a method that harms the people."

However, after hearing what Chen Han said, Zhang Juzheng actually agreed.

Nothing else, he just saw the mediocrity of the officials.

If there is no whip behind them to drive them away, they will not want to do anything.

They think every day that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

The rules and regulations stipulated in the examination law are too strict, which is not conducive to them taking advantage of loopholes.

Chen Han explained: "The examination method is just a tool, which can naturally be flexibly mobilized under certain circumstances.

That's why I want to set up a tax inspection department office outside the state government office.

Let them understand the local situation in a timely manner and adjust the established goals in a timely manner, so as to not only restrain the behavior of officials, but also make flexible arrangements.

Naturally, there are different requirements for a good year and a bad year.

In times of natural and man-made disasters, of course there are compromises. "

In fact, from today's perspective, the examination method created by Zhang Juzheng is undoubtedly epoch-making.

However, under the historical conditions at that time, the maturity of Kao Cheng Legal Theory was greatly constrained by the political environment.

There is an irreconcilable contradiction between the huge expenses of the imperial court and the development of local economy.

Therefore, Chen Han first filled up the imperial treasury as soon as he arrived, and at the same time, he immediately solved the problem of the clan, so as to solve the problem that the Kaocheng method lacked the flexibility to control the goals up and down, and would not let the Kaocheng method come to an end.

An important reason why the examination law can be strictly implemented is the sound supervision mechanism.

The three-level supervision of these three account books comes not only from the various yamen and the Supervisory Yuan, but also from the six departments and the cabinet at all levels, thus ensuring the seriousness of implementation in the system.

After Zhang Juzheng's death, his successors simply believed that there were disadvantages in the imperial examination. In fact, it was because the imperial examination hindered them from corruption and bribery.

In fact, if those in power encounter bad times later and can adjust the goals instead of abolishing them, perhaps the Ming Dynasty can usher in an era of resurgence.

It can only be said that it is not that the policy is not flexible enough, but that the people who implement the policy are themselves bound by the policy, and they do not want to be bound...

PS: Fifth update! ! It’s the fifth update again! Readers, give me a monthly pass! ! Reward! Can you take a walk? !

(End of this chapter)

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