People live in the Ming Dynasty, evil spirits are soaring into the sky

Chapter 124 More than 7 2 silver! Shanxi merchants are so rich! The harvest from the first robbery w

Chapter 124 More than seven million taels of silver! Shanxi merchants are so rich! The harvest from the first robbery was so huge!
The three thousand Tatars returned to the Datong barracks where they had arrived earlier, and spread their treasures, gold and silver on the ground.

Ma Gui, who came to the scene to see the situation, was frightened.

Why is there so much gold and silver, piled up like a hill?
Antique calligraphy, paintings, vases and the like are also neatly placed on the ground.

Magui was worried at first whether these Tatars would obey orders.

He was also very worried about this. If the Tatars were allowed to go to Datong through his own hands, he would be guilty of a great crime if they burned, killed and looted these people.

But what I didn't expect was that this group of Tatars didn't know what was going on, so they listened to Cao Zhengchun's words.

Cao Zhengchun asked them to kill the Sun family members. These people were like puppets and did not harass the people at all along the way.

He had heard that the Talahan Army only knew how to burn, kill, and loot, but its combat effectiveness was not good.

In other words, they will carry out inhumane looting of the people.

But this time was different. This time the team didn't know if they were trained too well or if Ma Gui was hallucinating.

He sent several small soldiers to follow him to see if there would be any confusion in the Tatar army.

But what surprised those little soldiers was that when they saw these Tatars in the past, they were all screaming and showing no military discipline. When they rushed up, they would only burn, kill and loot.

But this time, they were arranged neatly and there was no confusion at all.
And he seemed to be walking on tiptoes without making any noise.

On the huge main street of Datong City, they were like dark elves, not disturbing the ordinary people nearby.

Their purpose was clear, their methods cruel, and their actions simple. They rushed into the Sun family compound and started burning, killing, and looting.

How cautious he was on the street just now, but how wild he was after running to the Sun family compound.

People in the Sun family compound basically had no reaction.

You must know that this army is accustomed to robbery, but they actually carry rope hooks. Even though the Sun family compound has a wall more than three feet high, it is much shorter than the city wall.

These burly men were not only very good at riding horses, but they were also as good at climbing walls as if they had been chased by dogs. They were very strong.

After climbing over the courtyard wall, the gate was opened, and the Tatars filed in and began to burn, kill, and loot.

How cruel he was to the people before, he is now so cruel to the people in the Sun family compound.

When these soldiers came back to report to Ma Gui, Ma Gui wondered if he had heard wrongly or if there was something wrong with his ears.

How could this be?
Those Tatars are obviously beasts, but they can be so restrained.

When all the gold, silver, jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, and valuables were neatly arranged for Cao Zhengchun to inspect, Ma Gui couldn't believe that all of this was really happening in front of his eyes.

This Tatar army is not like the previous legends, without any military discipline.

Now look at these three thousand people standing neatly and silently, everyone standing very straight.

Although the smell on their bodies was very strong and unpleasant, their aura made Ma Gui, who often led troops in battles, feel that this was a well-trained army that was accustomed to fighting.

Of course, Ma Gui couldn't imagine that these three thousand people saw Cao Zhengchun acting like a murderer in their military camp as if they were in a no-man's land, killing their colleagues without leaving a single intact corpse.
These people will never forget that scene. Now even if their biological father asks them to resist Cao Zhengchun, they would rather kill their biological father than resist.

Just kidding, if we resist Eunuch Cao, do we have eight heads or nine lives?

Ma Gui just watched Cao Zhengchun walking back and forth in the Tatar square formation like he was reviewing troops.
After making sure that none of the Tatars had any personal belongings, they took the people to clean up the harvest this time. Although the Sun family is not as wealthy as the eight major families, their years of smuggling have allowed them to accumulate considerable wealth.

After more than an hour of inventory, it was discovered that the silver alone amounted to more than 3.2 million taels and the gold amount was more than 100,000 taels.

The remaining gold and silver jewelry, jewelry and jades, antique vases, celebrity calligraphy and paintings are also the best of the best.

A rough estimate shows that this time the value of celebrity calligraphy, antiques, gold, silver and jewelry should be around 7 million taels.

Even though Cao Zhengchun was in the palace and was used to seeing gold, silver and jewelry, he could not help but be shocked by the wealth piled up like a hill in front of him.

It seems that these Shanxi rich people are really wealthy.

Just one family near the border of Datong had so much treasure taken out. You can imagine how much other families had.

After Cao Zhengchun saw it, he waved his hand: "Affix the seal and we will escort him back to the capital at that time."

The Tatars obviously didn't understand what he said, but after the translation, the Tatars, like a professional packing team, began to cut the felled trees into wooden boards, and then nailed them into wooden boxes.

Put the gold and silver neatly, put vases, jade and other delicate things on straw, and pack them neatly.

Ma Gui was watching the whole process.

He really wanted to see these dishonest Tatars who only know how to rob houses and hide some property secretly.

But something happened that shocked his jaw to the floor.

Even though the Ming army hid in the dark and watched secretly, they did not find a Tatar secretly hiding gold or silver.

Moreover, they work all night long, and they are very agile when doing their work.

It's hard to imagine that a strong man weighing more than 200 kilograms could package a piece of jade the size of his thumb with great care, just like Zhang Fei's embroidery. The work he did was so meticulous that Ma Gui was watching from the side. Stunning.

What kind of stimulation did they receive to train them like this?

The only blame is that Ma Gui has no knowledge.

If he were a Tatar and saw Cao Zhengchun killing Tatar corpses everywhere like a god of war, then he would probably become like a little wife.

After packing all the gold, silver and jewelry, neatly stacking dozens of large wooden boxes and stacking them in the temporary stronghold, Cao Zhengchun let the three thousand people go to rest.

Then he deployed another three thousand troops and attacked the other family non-stop.

Cao Zhengchun was very clever. He divided the more than 12,000 Tatars who were captured and still able to move into three teams, and let them go out to rob in turns, and never let the Tatars idle.

Ma Gui's family has been guarding this place in Shanxi for generations. If they are said to be honest and honest, they will never be able to sit in this position.

But compared to those rich people, they are pretty good.

In the late Ming Dynasty, when all officials were corrupt, it was considered good that the Ma family only got some scraps and did not take the initiative to engage in smuggling business, so Cao Zhengchun did not settle the score with Ma Gui first.

But even so, Ma Gui still felt like a light was on his back...

(End of this chapter)

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