Please call me Huanxian

Chapter 128: Adults speak up, children, don’t interrupt

Chapter 128: Adults speak, children don’t interrupt
Under the sunshine, the cold mountain wind blows.

Several people were sitting, standing, or lying down, but they didn't want to move. They were in a good mood after escaping from death.

Looking at the desolate grass and wild rocks, it is also a beautiful and moving scenery.

Qi Zaixing was injured the most, with several broken bones. He was attacked by a bone puppet and pierced through his waist and abdomen, which almost cost him his life.

The bones have been reattached, the wound has been treated and bandaged by Lao Shi, and he has taken detoxifying and healing elixirs. After a few days of recovery, he is a lively and vigorous man again.

"Lao Shi, there must be some good treasures in that ruins. What are you going to do with them?"

Lao Qi lost two protective weapons and was so heartbroken that he could not speak.

That was what he earned through frugality and by breaking a spiritual coin in half from between his teeth.

If we don't make up for it from the ruins, we will suffer a big loss.

Shi Wangchen shook his head and said: "Old Qi, let alone you, even I am not qualified to get involved in the subsequent exploration. But don't worry, you will definitely share in the credit we have made this time, and we will not be deprived of you."

Unexpectedly, the ruins hidden in this abandoned cave are actually related to Zeng Wanglou.

He knew some inside information from his boss. Even though it was a long time ago, Zeng Wanglou, a remnant of the previous dynasty, was still involved in an extremely important and secret case. Anyone who could provide clues would be rewarded heavily.

In that ruins, there was a big demon that Zeng Wanglou suppressed that guarded the cave.

Still alive, this news is so important.

It will probably alarm all the big guys in the capital.

When Qi Zaixing heard the word "credit", he laughed and wanted to laugh, but the wound was pulled, causing him to gasp in pain.

Shi Wangchen smirked and slapped Lao Qi on the shoulder, adding insult to injury to Lao Qi's pain. He rolled his eyes and couldn't curse for a while.

Lao Shi had already stood up with a laugh, and greeted Xu Yuanchang, who was sitting next to him and was resting in a state of embarrassment. The two of them walked to one side, thinking carefully about the words to use and asked via voice transmission:

"Brother Xu, tell the truth between you and me. How did you learn about Zeng Wanglou? Can you accurately name Zeng Wanglou's appearance?"

Xu Yuanchang smiled and said: "The boss already knows that I know Zeng Wanglou. When the boss comes later, you can ask her."

This is a bit convoluted, but it is the truth.

The statue of Zeng Wanglou enshrined in Xianqiao Village is wearing a purple gold crown and a big beard. It is not too different from the real person he once saw in Jiuhuan Palace.

All matters involving Sin God and Zeng Wanglou are confidential and must be reported immediately. The boss specifically told him, so after leaving the cave, he and Lao Shi issued separate summonses.

In fact, they are all sent to the boss.

Shi Wangchen stared at it for a while, confirming that the other party was not joking. Putting aside this question, he sent a message again and asked: "How do you know that the person you are suppressing is a monster?"

He was worried that Brother Xu would suffer if he didn't ask questions in advance.

This matter is of great importance, and if there are some minor mistakes, they can take advantage of the time to fill in the gaps and cover up the past.

Xu Yuanchang pointed towards Liu Xianfeng, who was playing with Huabei and watching the wind on the top of the mountain in the distance, and said through a message: "Xianfeng noticed that she often hangs out with Yuanbao, Douya and the others, and has learned some side skills."

Shi Wangchen nodded and cursed: "That guy with Huabei is so useless. He broke into the hall and didn't realize he was a monster."

Huabei turned around and "hissed" several times in this direction.

Liu Xianfeng smiled and explained kindly: "Huabei scolded you for being stupid. It already knew that there was a big demon causing trouble in the formation, but you couldn't understand its words."

Shi Wangchen was so thick-skinned that he didn't even notice the embarrassment and waved his hand in that direction.

"Adults speak, children don't interrupt."

Xiao Shumei was so angry that she turned around and ignored him.

Shi Wangchen sent another message and asked: "Brother Xu, you seem to have a way to fight against the ubiquitous phantom energy? That monster said you have a treasure with you."

Xu Yuanchang heard the reminder from Lao Shi and said, "I have a treasure that, in conjunction with the secret method I practice, can keep my mind calm and not be troubled by phantom energy."

He reached out from the bun on his head and pulled out the bamboo stick given to him by Taoist Master Yanshan.

He had a feeling that the ring on his finger, which others could not tell, must be a valuable treasure.

It cannot be exposed, otherwise you will be asking for trouble again.

Taoist Master Yanshan is an expert in the world, so there should be no problem with his identity. He can use a bamboo stick to put away all doubts. Even if others find out about Taoist Yanshan, it will be nothing to him.

Shi Wangchen did not reach out to take the bamboo stick, but he recognized it at a glance. It was the bamboo stick of the blind old Taoist who drew lots and told fortunes on the streets of Jietian City last year. Except that it was smaller, the color, material, and especially the unique shape were exactly the same.

He suddenly thought of something and shouted in surprise: "Is it him?" Xu Yuanchang smiled and nodded.

Shi Wangchen slapped his legs and shouted: "Brother, you are not interesting enough. You have to tell me anyway so that I can thank the old Taoist priest in person for his life-saving grace."

He felt quite regretful in his heart that he had missed a chance with a reclusive master from the outside world.

It's just a little bit different, the fate is shallow.

Xu Yuanchang inserted the bamboo stick back into the bun on his head and said with a smile: "Don't waste your time to send a message to Jietian City's demon hunter to find him. The ancient Taoist priest has already left. The idle clouds and wild cranes are floating in the world. I don't know who he is." Whereabouts, maybe you will have the opportunity to see it in the future."

Shi Wangchen nodded vigorously and leaned closer to inquire curiously: "Brother, how high is the old Taoist priest?"

He didn't notice it at all at first.

But Lei Gongchong, Deacon Song and the others were helpless against the poison of the divine poison. The old Taoist priest did not show up and saved his life under the pretense of Brother Xu. How could it not be a big deal?

Xu Yuanchang stretched out four fingers to gesture and said via voice: "At least this."

Shi Wangchen almost screamed, it was so scary, and slapped himself again, feeling very annoyed.

We don't know each other in person by fate.

Brother Xu, for example, perseveres. Even if the old Taoist master disowns him, he will stick to his cold butt with a warm face, and persist in pestering him. He, an old man in the world, should learn from this.

Xu Yuanchang sent a message and told him: "Brother, you just know it in your heart. He saved you with a talisman, and he is destined to you. Don't talk about it outside. The master has a weird temper. Don't turn a good thing into something." Disaster."

Shi Wangchen nodded hurriedly, "Don't worry, brother, don't worry, I know what I'm talking about."

After chatting with the old Taoist priest for a while, the two returned to the adventure.

Lao Shi's voice message gave many instructions for attention. After the business conversation was finished, he nuzzled in the direction of Qi Zaixing, who was lying on the ground several dozen feet away recovering from his injuries, and said through the voice message: "Brother, Lao Qi is very unlucky this time. He unintentionally interfered. He is a secret, and he is not an official monk. If he gets into fatal trouble, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape smoothly."

Xu Yuanchang was silent for a long time. He didn't expect the matter to be so serious. He sent a message and asked, "Is there any way to help him escape?"

It can be seen that Lao Shi and Qi Zaixing have a close friendship.

Shi Wangchen said in a message: "Lao Qi and I got to know each other in the early years. We practiced Buddhism together and went on adventures together. He saved my life and I also saved him. We have been friends for decades.

"This time he was unintentionally involved in a major confidential matter, and he is likely to face interrogation by the monks from the capital's Yamen.

"I would like to ask you to ask for a favor from the boss later, and arrange Lao Qi to live in the courtyard of Heiji Inn to take care of some external chores, so that he can be regarded as half of his own.

"The rules of the inn are that two demon hunters must recommend outsiders to join the courtyard, and there will be some follow-up inspections. As long as the boss agrees, it's no big deal. Yamen monks will not embarrass their own people. If Lao Qi is a casual cultivator, But it’s hard to tell, because if he is taken to the capital, the consequences will be serious.”

Xu Yuanchang nodded and agreed: "I owe Lao Qi two favors. I will help recommend him later." He then reminded: "You'd better discuss it with him first."

Fortunately, Senior Brother Yin and Lan Yinger left in time and did not participate in the subsequent exploration.

They may also face interrogation, but that's no problem.

He couldn't send a message in advance to say hello, otherwise it would be a good intention with bad intentions, and he would be involved.

He guessed that Zeng Wanglou's case had been pending for eight hundred years and he was still being pursued. It must be related to the Nine Fantasy Cauldron and the Nine Fantasy Palace?

He had already told Liu Xianfeng not to reveal even a single word to anyone until he died.

In the past, when they discovered the Nine Fantasy Cauldron and Nine Fantasy Palace for the first time, they reported it in time. If they didn't covet the spiritual springs and treasures, they might be rewarded generously, but if they delayed it until this point, the result would be hard to say.

The heavier the treasure, the more unpredictable the consequences of good and bad will become.

For now we can only wait and see.

If handing over the treasure can ensure safety, he will choose to hand over the treasure through a trustworthy and important person to avoid future troubles.

"It's important to save your life. If there's anything to discuss, he has to go even if he doesn't."

Having said that, Shi Wangchen went to discuss with Lao Qi.

Xu Yuanchang faced the winding and majestic canyon alone, admiring the beautiful scenery of heaven and earth.

The mountain breeze ruffled his robes, and his heart was as calm as water.

The road to spiritual practice may seem smooth, but in fact it is difficult and difficult, and you may encounter danger at any time.

Only by constantly striving for self-improvement.


(End of this chapter)

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