Mystery: Two or three things between me and Tianzun God

Chapter 42: Caring for the Empty Nest Elder

Chapter 42: Caring for the Empty Nest Elder

"Humph╯^╰, if you really want to thank me, you should kneel down and kowtow a few times, or dedicate your soul to me instead of using this so-called social etiquette..."

The blond boy curled his lips inwardly and forgave the ignorant trespasser in front of him.

After ending the hug, he took a step back slightly, bent down and picked up the monocle that had fallen to the ground.

The hug just now was a feeling he had never experienced before.

The gratitude that burst out from the depths of his heart was so pure that it unconsciously made Ron feel joyful in his heart.

This is different from those creatures who feared his power and believed in him in the past.

It is also different from those praise prayers composed of gorgeous words.

This is the purest emotion that bursts out from the depths of a living being's heart, which makes Little Bubble, who has never received such praise, feel at a loss for a moment.

Although he wanders in the present, past and future, he has the ability and authority to know everything.

But in the past, no living creature had ever expressed such gratitude to him.

Because his essence is too tall, these things that are easily accessible to mortals can never enter his eyes.

Because those creatures who believe in him will only chant those stinky and long prayers back and forth for days and nights in order to get the attention of the great being.

But most of the time the great being would be impatient with the noise and would unilaterally cut off the prayer ceremony that kept making noise.

Unless those weak ants can come up with something that makes him shine, they can't even hope to get a response from him.

"Sothos, your will has been shaken!"

"This means you have a weakness!"

The grand voice of the original will sounded in Ron's head. He did not cover up what he saw because he did not bother to do so. As an omniscient and omnipotent person, he had his own unique style of acting.

"Actually, I think it's pretty good. At least the ball won't become as stiff and boring as a narcissistic maniac!"

Tianzun, on the other hand, will most likely hide what he sees in his heart, and wait until the critical moment to reveal it to others.

"I think you're just jealous!"

"Original, let me ask you, do you have such followers who are respectful and grateful to you!?"

The original will is silent for a moment, and his followers will only sing about his greatness and praise his existence.

Although those are facts and there is no exaggeration or beautification in the slightest, as a pillar with authority in the spiritual realm, He knows best why those people follow Him.

As for Tianzun, don’t mention it, everyone knows it...

"But he is not your follower. He just got benefits and has a good impression of you."

After a long while, Lao Shibajiao's original will suppressed these words.

This is a true statement.

"He is indeed not one of my followers, and none of my followers are like this."

"In addition to seeking knowledge, they seek power, or else they seek money and eternal life!"

"They are so despicable, so greedy, and so ignorant. They always want to get abilities from me that are unimaginable to mortals, and treat me as a machine that can realize any wish!"

"Their praises make me sick. Their songs contain ulterior secrets, and they are not as good as one ten thousandth of the young man in front of me!"

"Although he is more grateful for the good luck, he really thinks that I helped him, and he never asked me for anything!" Ron Sotos used his many years of experience to confront the original will. Every word he said was full of philosophy, as if he had analyzed the facts and restored the truth, silencing the original will again.

"You two, you two are so ridiculous. You can actually be deceived and used by your own followers, but not mine, hahahaha."

Seeing the two opponents arguing and not knowing why they suddenly fell silent, Tianzun Will immediately became interested. He seized the opportunity to laugh and began to ridicule these two incompetent guys.

"Shut up, you are the only one among us who is not qualified to discuss this matter!"

Two loud voices spoke in unison, instantly overpowering the harsh laughter that could drive any creature below an angel crazy and out of control.

"Deceive, you can lie to us, and you can lie to anyone, but you can never lie to yourself, do you understand!?"

At the end, Ron also stabbed him with a knife, which made the lonely old man scream and roared that he wanted to fight Ron for his life.

Closing his golden eyes and suppressing the weak emotion of joy, the blond boy blocked out the noisy little theater in his head again.

"We should take this opportunity to get more so we don't have to worry about food in the future!"

"Yeah! Roy, I agree with your idea!"

As soon as Ron came to his senses, he heard three half-year-old children discussing the next course of action.

He pushed up his monocle again, not surprised by their behavior.

In this land full of oppression and discrimination, they finally had good luck. How could they easily let go of the opportunity for a great harvest?

The three and a half-year-old children revised their plan and decided to follow Roy Moore to the escort's logistics storage location.

After all, Roy Moore's description there is simply three words.

You are stupid, you have a lot of money, come quickly!

A crunching sound sounded, and the dilapidated wooden door groaned in resistance again. Three sneaky figures and one slightly embarrassed sneaky figure appeared on the outskirts of Putuo City.

They trotted all the way, and soon arrived at their destination with a somewhat excited expression.

"Look, Elsa, little Jold, they didn't find anything unusual at all!"

The green-eyed boy excitedly raised his hand and pointed at the material storage area, which was unchanged from before, and put down his worries.

His biggest worry was that the guards there would discover that the ham was missing and would increase their vigilance so that they could not sneak in.

"You guys meet me outside, I'll go in first..."

Before the green-eyed boy could finish his rough plan, the sound of several heavy objects breaking through the air suddenly came out.

The sound roared down from the dark night sky, and with an extremely heavy feeling, it hit the place where the food was piled.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A dazzling white light suddenly appeared, causing Roy and others to shed tears and couldn't open their eyes for a moment.

Huge wind pressure appeared out of thin air, causing Roy and others to retreat and sit straight on the ground, unable to get up for a while.

The hot air carried the pungent smell of gunpowder, undoubtedly announcing something to this small town in the midst of a celebration.

Air strike!

An air strike from Roen or Fusac!
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(End of this chapter)

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