Chapter 124 You can’t let people run away
Principal Gu only felt a little numb on his scalp.

Although it has been confirmed that the paper was published by Zhang Wei, this truth is not reasonable!
It is normal for a graphene researcher to publish a material science paper, and it is also reasonable to publish a physics paper. Even papers on aerospace and electronic engineering can be understood by anyone who is related to graphene.

But if you publish a computer science paper, it’s like pole vaulting in the toilet. It’s too much!
The gap between computer science and graphene is really big. One is theoretical science and the other is applied physics. They are not the same discipline. It cannot be said that the two have nothing to do with each other, they must be completely unrelated!
This is not only a matter of different disciplines, but the nature of the research is completely different.

The paper on graphene is a pure application operation, which is to do experiments and then draw conclusions based on the experimental results. This is the basis of the entire paper, using factual results to prove scientific research results.

Although writing this kind of paper requires a lot of physics knowledge, the core of the paper is actually the experimental results.

The paper on zero-knowledge proof is completely a computer theory paper. It does not require experiments. It only needs to propose a theory or clarify an idea.

Writing this kind of paper relies on rich theoretical knowledge, a deep understanding of these theoretical knowledge, and unique insights. Experiments are basically not needed. It relies entirely on the logic of thinking to form scientific research results.

To put it simply, one is for operation and the other is for imagination.

Now, Zhang Wei, who plays operations, suddenly started to play with his imagination, which made Professor Gu feel incredible.

If you want to play with your imagination, you must understand the theoretical knowledge of computer science!

If you want to play with your imagination well, you must have a deep understanding of this knowledge!
To use your imagination to your advantage, you must have unique insights into this knowledge!
These three levels progress one by one, and each level is a threshold. Only when you cross the threshold of the highest level can you write a paper with the level of zero-knowledge proof.

But there are so many different fields. You are not a scholar studying computer science. Why did you jump into this field and jump through three levels in a row?
Principal Gu switched from physics to materials science back then. He knows how difficult it is for high-end scholars to change majors.

Physics and materials science are somehow related and can be understood across majors, but are these two subjects even remotely related to computer science?

If two completely unrelated majors could switch at will, Principal Gu would really not believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"Why? Why can Zhang Wei write a paper on computer science! It's still a top paper! This is unreasonable! How can a scholar achieve top scientific research achievements in two completely unrelated fields at the same time? Einstein couldn't do it either, right? !

Although there is a precedent for Marie Curie to win the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry at the same time, her award-winning achievements are ultimately related to radioactive elements. There is no leap from graphene to computers. "

Principal Gu's mind was filled with the word "unreasonable".

It is indeed difficult for a science and engineering professor to believe something that seems very unreasonable.

At this time, the secretary continued: "Principal, when I called to confirm just now, I asked Zhang Wei why there was University of California, Berkeley in the signature.

Zhang Wei told me that this paper was revised by a professor from the Department of Computer Science at Berkeley, and the professor at Berkeley also signed the name of the second author and wrote a letter of recommendation to the journal, so when signing, he wrote Berkeley. "

"Which professor at Berkeley is the second author?" Du Zhiqiang asked immediately.

The secretary took out his notebook, looked at the names on it, and replied: "There are two professors from Berkeley who signed Zhang Wei's name as the second author. One is named Sophie Goldwasser."

Principal Gu immediately looked at Du Zhiqiang, asking who this guy was?
After all, he does not study the field of computers and does not know much about experts in this field.

Du Zhiqiang was surprised when he heard the name. He immediately replied: "Sophie Goldwasser is an authoritative expert in cryptography and an academician of the American Academy of Sciences."

"Very powerful?" Principal Gu asked subconsciously.

"Very impressive!" Du Zhiqiang went on to introduce; "Let's put it this way, compared to physics, a scholar of her level is a Nobel Prize-winning scholar! I didn't expect that a scholar of this level was not the corresponding author, but only the third author. Second author!”

Principal Gu nodded as if he was enlightened, and his comment of "promising Nobel Prize" instantly made him understand Goldwasser's status in the field of computer science.

"How important is Zhang Wei's paper that a distinguished scholar who is about to receive a Nobel Prize can serve as a foil!"

Principal Gu sighed, and then asked: "Who is the other second author?"

The secretary looked at the notebook again: "Leonard Aardman!"

"Who are you talking about?" Du Zhiqiang screamed directly.

The secretary thought he had said the wrong name, so he checked the notebook again and then said, "Leonard Aardman!"

At this moment, Du Zhiqiang's face instantly turned pale, as if he had lost all color. His lips were slightly opened, but he could not say a word for a long time. The whole body seemed to be stiff and unable to move. Only the eyes that seemed to jump out of their sockets were staring at the secretary, the source of the information, as if trying to find some explanation from there.

This expression actually made the secretary shrink back in fright. He looked at the name on the small book again, recalled the content of the call just now, confirmed that he had indeed said it correctly, and then carefully repeated it a third time. This name:
"Leonard Aardman."

"Old Du, drink some water first!" Principal Gu's voice finally made Du Zhiqiang come back to his senses.

Du Zhiqiang picked up the tea cup and took a reluctant sip. He didn't even blow away the tea leaves floating on his mouth, causing a piece of tea leaf to stick to his lips.

After taking a deep breath, Du Zhiqiang asked: "Secretary Wang, are you sure your name is Leonard Adelman?"

"That's the name Zhang Wei mentioned. How about I check it again on the paper search and confirm it?" the secretary asked.

"It's best to confirm!" Du Zhiqiang continued, minding his own business: "Because Leonard Adelman is the winner of the Turing Award!"

"Turing Award!" Principal Gu was also shocked.

Although he is not an expert in the computer field, he also knows the value of the Turing Award, which is the Nobel Prize in the computer field!
A certain award is the Nobel Prize in a certain field. This description often appears, but most of it is flattery. Can the achievements in those fields have a contribution to mankind comparable to that of the Nobel Prize?
But computer science is different. Computer science’s contribution to mankind is no less than that of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. Breakthroughs in the computer field can also bring revolutionary development to all mankind.

Therefore, the Turing Award, the highest honor in the computer field, is really qualified to compete with the Nobel Prize.

It’s also that the Nobel Prize came out early, but the computer was invented late. Otherwise, there might really be a Nobel Prize in Computer Science among the Nobel Prizes.

Letting a Turing Award-level expert be the second author is equivalent to letting a Nobel Prize-winning expert be the second author! This is something that Principal Gu cannot even imagine. After all, in 2004, there was no Nobel Prize winner in China.

After a while, the secretary hurried back and said, "Principal, we have checked and it is indeed Leonard Adelman, the Turing Award winner from the University of California, Berkeley!"

"It's really Ademan!" Du Zhiqiang took a breath of air and sat paralyzed.

Principal Gu also had a look of disbelief on his face. At this moment, he felt like his mood was like a turbulent ocean wave, and he could not calm down for a long time. His expression was slightly distorted, as if he was trying hard to convince himself that this was all real and not a dream.

It was still unacceptable to him to have a Nobel Prize scholar as the second author.

I know that there are many top academic experts in the United States, and you can also grab a lot of scholars who have won Nobel Prizes, but even if there are many, they will not lead such blind people!

How can I only name the second author? A scholar of this caliber should be signed as the corresponding author!

"How on earth did Zhang Wei hook up with a Turing Award winner! And he even made the Turing Award winner his second author!"

Principal Gu frowned slightly. Scholars of this level may not be able to get in touch with Tsinghua University's Computer Science Department, let alone Zhang Wei, who is just an ordinary college student.

Are Zhang Wei and Aardman related? Definitely not possible. How can a purebred Chinese be related to a purebred American?
Or is it that Zhang Wei rewarded Aardman with a few thousand starting coins and became the top one on Aardman's list?

Not to mention whether a scholar like Aardman would charge money, even if he did, Zhang Wei couldn't afford it!

The only explanation is that Zhang Wei impressed Adelman with his academic skills.

The next second, Principal Gu suddenly realized how important the content of this paper was for a Turing Award winner to be willing to sign as the second author.

"Oops!" Principal Gu slammed the table.

"Principal, what's wrong?" the secretary asked quickly.

"Zhang Wei might not be able to come back!" Principal Gu said with an annoyed look on his face.

"That's true. You've already joined Professor Aardman, so you can definitely stay at Berkeley. There's no need to come back." Du Zhiqiang nodded with deep understanding.

"That's not possible. Zhang Wei must come back! If he stays in Berkeley, I will fly to Los Angeles myself to bring him back!" Principal Gu said without hesitation.

What a joke! Qingdao University has been waiting for almost a hundred years to finally get a Nobel Prize, but we can’t let people go!

When Zhang Wei returned to the dormitory, the oil man was sitting in front of his laptop, browsing the photos on the screen.

"Zhang, you're back, come over and take a look!"

Zhang Wei came over and saw the oil man looking at pictures of camels.

"What do you think of this camel?" the oil man asked, pointing to a photo.

"Why is this camel so thin? The hump is even gone!"

"This is just a camel that specially participates in racing. Although it is thinner, it runs fast!"

"A camel that specializes in racing? Compared with a horse, which one is more expensive?" Zhang Wei asked.

"It's hard to say, but this racing camel only costs more than 30,000 US dollars! But the prize money for racing camels is not less than that for racing horses!"

The oil man flipped to the next photo and asked, "How about this camel?"

"This camel is so beautiful, it feels like its fur has been specially trimmed!"

"This is just a camel that specially participates in the camel beauty pageant! In Saudi Arabia, the winner of the camel beauty pageant can get millions of bonuses! Look at this one again."

This time, the oil guy found a photo of a white camel.

"White camel! This kind must be rare!"

"Yes, in Saudi Arabia, white represents the Spring Festival and sanctity. White camels are usually used in weddings or celebrations."

The oil man said, pointing to the computer screen: "Choose whichever one you like!"

"Pick one? You want to give me a camel?"

"Yes, when you wanted to ride a camel, didn't I say, I can give you two!" The oil man nodded.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Wei looked at the oil man warily. The so-called showing courtesy for nothing is either a traitor or a thief.

"Abdul, are you hiding something from me?"

"Hehe..." The oil man scratched his head in embarrassment and continued: "My driver's license was accidentally lost in the mail!"

"You mean, I still have to be your driver?"

Zhang Wei suddenly felt that the big white camel was not handsome anymore!
 The first chapter has been delivered. Thank you to all the food and clothing parents for subscribing and thank you for your monthly votes. I had a hole in my tooth after passing the exam, so I made an appointment with the dentist. I don’t know what time I’ll be back in the afternoon, so I worked overtime at noon and tried to write it out as much as possible so as not to delay the update.

(End of this chapter)

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