I am a fairy in the world of mortals

Chapter 143 Immortals and demons coexist in the world

Chapter 143 Immortals and demons coexist in the world

A female envoy who heard the news reached out and knocked on the stone on the floor in the corner. Almost instantly, a hole that could accommodate one person was revealed in the originally empty place.

The female envoy jumped in immediately.

Then there is another female envoy besides Tianshan Yue.

After the two entered the cave, Tianshan Yue walked up to Li Lang, took Li Lang's hand, and whispered: "If you want to go in, remember to follow us closely. We are wearing Wenfengshi's official uniform. No one below usually dares to provoke him."

"You are different. In Yujing City, you are the Monk Xuelang that everyone knows and admires."

"When you get down there, you will become the prey of many people."

Tianshan Yue turned her head with a slightly awkward expression as she said this, thinking about some special rewards for Li Lang in the underground hidden city.

After thinking about it, I decided not to tell Li Lang these things.

He just said to Li Lang: "You'd better put on some disguise before going down. Your bald head is too eye-catching."

Li Lang nodded when he heard this, then took out his cloak and put it on his body, covering his bald head.

No way, Master Xue Ya shaved his hair and received some kind of blessing, but because of this, not even a blade of grass would grow.

Holding Tianshan Yue and jumping into the cave entrance, the two people crowded in and out of the narrow cave passage. They only felt that the cave passage continued downward, winding and twisting for about one or two hundred meters in length.

After gliding along the narrow cave for about a dozen breaths, my feet were empty, and then I felt like I had landed steadily.

Looking up, this place is a fairly wide platform.

There was a row of torches lit on the platform, and the torches were swaying and burning, proving that there was circulating air here and it was not completely closed.

Look into the distance along the faint light.

In the distance, there are faint lights and figures on the jagged cliffs, rocky roads, and dark islands.

It just looks quite blurry and not clear.

"That's part of the underground hidden city, a relatively peripheral area."

"Let's go there first to get information." Tianshan Yue had already distanced herself from Li Lang again.

However, the other two female envoys who were aware of the situation obviously did not have the time to notice this.

They were busy recruiting a small black boat.

Looking down, just above the pitch-black underground river, some pitch-black ebony boats were shuttled through the underground river below the platform. Each ebony boat had a scarlet lantern hanging on it. The atmosphere that originally had a bit of a gloomy feel has become even more eerie.

These boats carry passengers, blending them into the black mist in the distance, like sending them into the hungry mouth of a dark beast.

Just standing on the platform and looking out gives people a creepy feeling.

"Is there a place like this below Jade Capital City? Doesn't the Queen care about it?" After Li Lang followed the three women onto a boat, he discovered that the person in charge of rowing was not a real person, but a bamboo and paper dummy. Wearing a black linen cloak, there was an evil smile on his blushed face, which made people very uncomfortable.

It was not Tianshan Yue who answered Li Lang, but a female envoy traveling with her: "It's not that Your Majesty doesn't want to take care of it, but that Jade Capital City needs such a place."

"Yujing City is very good, but for some people, it is not good enough."

"By refining the entire city into a huge magic weapon, the emperor can certainly control all the movements in the city, but for more people, this is too difficult."

"Stay here so they can breathe."

The envoy didn't make her words very clear, but Li Lang understood the meaning.

If you are poor, you can benefit yourself; if you are successful, you can help the world. People with such ideas and goals are of course great and worthy of everyone to learn and imitate.

But more people, when they gain power, status, and wealth, actually want the other extreme, which is to use the resources they have to step on the heads of similar people as much as possible and be ordinary people. Things you can’t do, dare not do, or can’t do.

What they want is not to benefit the world at the same time, but to have more power and wealth concentrated on them, and those who are stepped on by them are best to live under their feet forever.

When the threshold for obtaining happiness is continuously raised and simple enjoyment can no longer satisfy them, these people will want to obtain more despicable and disgusting happiness through methods that are more contrary to human nature, human heart, and morality.

And of course most of these are invisible.

This is something that is never allowed to appear or happen in Yujing City.

Therefore, a hidden city built deep underground among the ruins of the old capital of Chu has become a place for recreation and fun for many people.

The Queen knows it, but it is difficult to completely stop it, because it is the poison and evil in people's hearts.

Even if she has the determination to rebuild the universe and burn all the evil and sin with a fire, the ones that will grow back will still rot and stink at some point. "Life-and-death fights, beast fights, unrecognized human trafficking, the forcible harvesting of magical fruits from practitioners, assassination bounties... many shady things are carried out here. It is like the dark side of Yujing City."

"But Yujing City is indispensable for them."

"Because a lot of prosperity on the surface depends on the filth underground." Another female envoy also said in a tone that seemed to be accustomed to it.

Li Lang frowned: "So Your Majesty just ignored it and allowed it to grow in size?"

Evil may not be eradicated, but this is no reason to allow barbaric growth.

"Of course not! Your Majesty has blocked most of the entrances and imposed corresponding restrictions on a few entrances."

"Whether you are entering or exiting, certain records will be left. Once you cross the line, Your Majesty will settle the ledger with them." Tianshan Yue said.

Li Lang nodded and did not speak any more, but continued to look around.

He is a monk and cannot afford to have so much leisure time.

While chatting, the ship has docked.

There were more people on the left and right sides.

Li Lang found that his dress was not unique, it could even be said to be mainstream.

Many people here have wrapped themselves very tightly, hiding under gray or black cloaks.

Some people even use more subtle means to hide their true identities.

Obviously they absolutely don't want people to know their true identities.

It's very likely that they are all very capable and decent people on the ground.

But here, they took off their disguises and showed their truer selves.

"Clang clang clang!"

The sound of hammering iron came from a hole on one side.

A hoarse voice shouted: "One more stick of incense, and the once-a-month Bliss Meeting will begin. If you want to enter, please hurry up. Women are free to enter, and men need to pay one hundred taels of gold to purchase tickets."

While shouting, several men in black robes were seen walking quickly towards the entrance of the cave.

As the stone door opened, these people quickly stepped in and disappeared from sight.

Li Lang asked Tianshan Yue: "What is the meeting of bliss?"

Hearing this, Tianshan Yue's pretty face darkened and she didn't answer.

Instead, a female envoy said in a disdainful tone: "It's just some bored nobles and wealthy businessmen who covered their faces and got together to mess around. Among them were promiscuous women provided by the organizer, and some of them were willing to do so. Fallen aristocratic women, a few wealthy ladies seeking excitement, or some female monks who have practiced special techniques."

"Of course the last three are probably just gimmicks to make money."

"After His Majesty almost abolished the Jiaofang Department, there have been more and more similar gatherings underground."

"It seems that many dignitaries are very interested in the wives and ladies of their colleagues."

Li Lang was not surprised to hear this.

Isn't this thing just a masquerade?

Before time travel, similar gameplay was rare in the East. Even if it existed, the scale was not large, and it was just a showy operation in a small circle.

Someone also invited Li Lang, but he felt dirty and was afraid of being cheated, so he didn't go.

But in the West, there are many more.

And they are often entangled with some Xie religions.

'Eyes Wide Shut', starring Tom Cruise and his ex-wife Nicole Kidman, provides a rather shocking description.

It doesn't look like fiction, it should be real.

"I just don't know if this underground version of the masquerade in another world is similar. In fact, it has other purposes." Li Lang thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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