I am a fairy in the world of mortals

Chapter 123: Put on this golden hoop and you will never be a mortal again

Chapter 123: Put on this golden hoop and you will never be a mortal again (more updates with monthly ticket)

Li Lang took the simple headband condensed with his divine veins in his hand and looked at it carefully.

This thing is half virtual and half real, and is called a 'divine treasure'.

How about the feel!

It has no weight, but it feels tactile, which is very weird.

If you simply stimulate it with your true energy, it won't have any reaction.

But when activated with magical powers, it emits a faint golden light.

This is not its complete state, and can be further developed as Li Lang improves his practice of divine veins.

The final state will depend on how many divine veins Li Lang has cultivated and how many magical powers he possesses.

Although the total number of acupuncture points in the human body is countless.

However, practicing Ding Qiao martial arts and condensing magical powers and supernatural powers are theoretically unlimited.

Because different qi are not in the same dimension in essence, multiple types of qi can coexist at the same time in the same acupoint, with almost no interference with each other.

Unless there is some inherent connection between two or more martial arts, they belong to the same source.

An orifice that is fixed by a kind of martial arts qi can only support the flow of the qi of one longevity skill. If there are other longevity skills that want to pass through this acupoint, you must practice another kind of orifice-fixing martial arts. Target this acupoint again.

Such a complicated and magical setting actually puzzled Li Lang.

It's like there are some kind of hidden constraints and regulations that force practitioners to master as many killing martial arts as possible. For this reason, heaven and earth will even reward successful practitioners by giving them magical fruits to assist them. Longevity Gong practice.

In the practice of Longevity Kung, there are many restrictions and you can't let go, as if you are deliberately limiting the number of immortals.

When we think of the Supreme Secret, it is easy not to think too much about it.

However, at this moment, Li Lang was not too entangled in what was going on. He was just trying to figure out the essence and inner story of his practice. He was like a young bird thinking about how to manage time by riding on multiple boats before eating meat. Just as outrageous.

The headband condensed with divine veins is certainly not an ordinary thing.

Wearing this headband, Li Lang can use two magical powers at the same time, and he can superimpose more powers at once.

Not only that, Li Lang can wear this thing himself or give it to others.

If you wear it on someone else's head, you can temporarily bless others with some of your own magical powers and miraculous powers through the headband.

The effects can be positive or negative.

As for the specific performance, Li Lang still needs to find someone to cooperate with him to test it.

He did what he thought of, and Li Lang opened the door: "Elder brother! Come here and help me!"

When good things happen, of course one cannot forget the good brother Xue Qing.

Hearing this, Xue Qing glanced at the plain-looking headband in Li Lang's hand: "Are you done?"

"Try the quality!" As he said this, four divine veins flew out from behind Xue Qing, and in an instant they condensed into a handful of wooden fish.

This is Xue Qing’s divine treasure.

The divine treasure is not only a further sublimation of the practitioner's ability in the divine vein stage, but also a guide to the true and complete divine map.

The success of the divine plan in the future must be closely related to the divine treasure condensed now.

For example, Li Lang condensed the golden hoop divine treasure, and his future image of the divine image will definitely be closer to the one who defeated the Buddha.

Just like the black-clothed Guanyin of the bandit leader Yoshihara and the white-bone Buddha of Master Xueyu, their sacred images are also taken from mythology, but they retain their own marks.

In fact, it is the projection of the mythical side of one's own heart.

Connected with myths at the top and oneself at the bottom, myths are gradually brought into reality. The unity of humans and myths is the state of "deification" after the divine map. In the state of deification, humans have gradually become less than human, revealing all kinds of gods. Such a vision. The Queen is like this. Wherever she goes, darkness creates light, and she herself seems to have turned into a luminous body with soft light.

"There's no rush to fight. You can try it on first!" Li Lang handed the headband to Xue Qing.

Xue Qing was stunned: "You can lend your abilities to others?"

Li Lang was also stunned: "Can't you do it?"

Xue Qing blushed when she heard this, and instinctively wanted to refute, but the facts were like this, and it seemed that there was no way to refute.

"This mine is an offensive divine treasure, which has the effect of strengthening magical powers and supernatural powers."

"You... are very unique! As far as I know, magical treasures that can temporarily transfer abilities are very rare. If your ability is advertised, more people will come to you to make friends. ." Xue Qing thought for a while and could only choose to avoid the facts and speak truthfully.

After Xue Qing finished speaking, she was about to put the headband on her head. She was obviously unprepared for Li Lang.

Li Lang looked at Xue Qing's smooth head and couldn't help but said: "I want to remind you again, if you wear this golden hoop, you will no longer be a mortal. You can't have any more lust in the world, otherwise the golden hoop will be It will get tighter and tighter, and it will be unbearable. What else do you have to say before putting on this golden hoop?"

Xue Qing's hands trembled and she immediately paused: "Yes! I want to ask, is what you said true?"

Li Lang: "Monks don't lie!"

Seeing Xue Qing about to throw the headband back, Li Lang continued: "But the above abilities are just my ideas about it, and they have not been fully realized yet."

"Bah! You scared me!" Xue Qing snapped and put on the headband.

The next moment, there was a subtle connection between Li Lang and Xue Qing through this headband.

They seemed to have a sense of 'connection'.

For a moment, both bald heads shuddered.

"Try my Sound Flame Dance first!" Li Lang passed on a message, and then immediately started experimenting without anyone thinking more about it.

Otherwise, in this state, if some social thoughts pop up, it will be difficult for this brother to continue working.

There was no ready-made recording stone on hand, but it didn't matter. Li Lang took out a tambourine and started beating it.

He also had an idea that he wanted to confirm.

"The past is gone and the present will never come back. The red fallen leaves are buried in the dust. The beginning and the end are always the same. You in the sky are drifting beyond the white clouds~!" Beating the tambourine, Li Lang sang 'The Love of My Life'.

Xue Qing: "No! What are you singing? I can't understand it!"

Cantonese songs!

He is a native of another world, so of course he can’t understand it!
"However, it feels so strange. I seem to be a little sad, and then I am full of strength. As long as the sadder I am, the stronger the strength will be. The stronger the strength, the sadder I will be."

"Is your Dance of Sound and Flame so effective?" Xue Qing's eyes, already full of sadness, also revealed surprise.

Xue Qing and Li Lang had competed against each other many times in Qingyang Temple, and they already knew some of Li Lang's magical powers very well.

Especially the Dance of Sound Flame which Li Lang uses almost every time.

In his original understanding, this was a magical power that could enhance all-round combat through music and flames.

Very practical.

But it's still within the 'reasonable' category.

But why, when this song is played, the power seems to be endless.

And...why does my head hurt?
As he thought of Bai Moli because of music, and thought of having to separate from Bai Moli due to his own destiny, pain followed. No matter how strong his strength was, the pain in his head also increased, just like The headband is slowly tightening.

(End of this chapter)

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