Chapter 212 Thor vs. Neptune (first update)

A huge gong sounded, and an angel appeared wearing sunglasses.

Amid the cheers of hundreds of thousands of spectators, he cleared his throat and began to shout loudly:
"Dear viewers, let us all wait for a long time, the official competition of the World's No. 1 Superpowers Conference is about to begin.

In the qualifiers, contestants from all over the world were eliminated through fierce competition, and twenty-six winners were born.

In the next few days, these twenty-six winners will compete in pairs through drawing lots.

Who is the strongest challenger in the end, who can challenge our strongest hero, win tens of millions of bonuses, luxury cars, and villas, and let us realize a wish for him? "

"Iron Man must win, come on Thor, I love you Loki"

Fans of the top 26 cheered crazily for their players.

"This competition has no time limit and will continue until the winner is determined. Anyone who falls outside the competition ring, falls to the ground for ten seconds, or admits defeat will be deemed to have surrendered.

Well, the exciting competition of this conference is about to begin.

First, let’s invite Thor, who calls himself Thor, and Namor, who calls himself Aquaman, to have their first duel! "

Amid the angel's passionate hosting voice and the cheers of the audience, Thor, who was wearing silver armor and a red cape, and Namor, who was wearing a cool Atlantis outfit, walked side by side to the ring.

"The first game is always worth watching."

Hawking, who was sitting on the high platform, slowly stood up and flew to the sky above the ring. The gong sounded again, and the game officially began.

The referee of the official match was naturally Hawking, but this time he did not use a wooden clone, but took the field in person.

The reason why he chose Thor and Namor for the first game was because he felt that as the first game of the official game, if it was not of a certain level, it would not have a warm-up effect.

Namor is not weak, and Thor is the strongest among the twenty-six. The battle between the two should not be too boring.

It happens to be king versus king, god versus god, the future king of Asgard versus the current king of Atlantis, Thor versus Quetzalcoatl.

"Human, you are no match for me!"

"Human, you are no match for me!"

The gong sounded, Thor and Namor raised their hammers and spears at the same time, and spoke harsh words to each other.

However, their harsh words were exactly the same.

Obviously, both of them regard each other as a superhuman being.

"How dare you imitate me!"

"How dare you imitate me!"

Both of them had angry looks on their faces and said the same thing again.

They think the other person is teasing them and deliberately imitating their own speech.

Ever since, the two gods, feeling humiliated, rushed towards each other at the same time.


Thor's hammer and vibranium spear collided hard, and the powerful force caused slight cracks in the solid wooden escape arena.

However, when Hawking raised his hand slightly, it was immediately restored to its original state.

"Get out of my way, my king!"

Thor roared angrily and knocked Namor away with a hammer.

Obviously, in terms of pure strength, Thor is more than one step ahead of Namor.

However, Namor obviously had a lot of fighting experience. The moment he was smashed away, the two pairs of small wings under his feet flapped wildly. His body actually circled to Thor's back in a weird arc, and stabbed him like lightning.

Thor quickly turned around to block, but because he was not careful, he was actually stabbed and took several steps back before he stabilized himself.

But Namor didn't stop at all. He stabbed the vibranium spears in a series, so fast that it seemed as if hundreds of spears were attacking Thor at the same time. Thor's millennium of combat experience was not incompetent. He quickly reacted and steadily blocked every spear attack with Thor's hammer.

At the same time, Namor relied on his strength advantage to counterattack, making Namor's arms begin to tremble slightly during the constant collisions.

So he had to rely on flexible movement to attack Thor from all directions in the air.

The two of them were fighting back and forth, and the fight was quite fierce. It seemed that they would be stabbed in the heart and smashed in the head. The audience watching was also excited and screaming.

Compared with the previous battles, this battle now truly made them feel what it means to be powerful.

Because the two of them were sometimes so fast, if it weren't for some slow-motion shots on the big screen and the constantly broken and repaired arena, they would only be able to see some afterimages.

"A mere human being is actually so strong!"

"A mere human being is actually so strong!"

The two separated again, their eyes becoming serious.

Judging from their surprised expressions, Hawking knew that neither of them expected that the other party could fight with him to this extent.

Indeed it is the same.

Thor did not expect that there were masters with such strength among mortals. He originally just had a fun attitude and accompanied his brother Loki to Midgard to participate in this competition.

I never thought that there were such strong people among mortals.

Moreover, he did go very smoothly in the previous qualifiers, and no one could catch his three hits.

Those wind, fire and other abilities looked gorgeous, but in fact they were not lethal to him at all.

Even the organizer of this conference, the strongest superhero who created this city, didn't think he was that powerful.

Those are just magic methods like Loki's, and they may not be able to withstand a few of his hammers in a real fight.

The same is true for Namor. He didn't expect that in his first official match, he would encounter such an opponent that put him under great pressure.

He felt that he was playing very hard and was even at a disadvantage all the time. He relied on his ability to move flexibly in the air to survive.

If the top twenty-six were all strong men of this level, he really felt that Atlantis had better not think about destroying mankind. It would be impossible for them to defeat them.

"In that case, I won't be polite!"

Seeing that he could not win the opponent in close combat, Thor's eyes were filled with lightning, the power of Thor surged in his body, and he slowly raised Mjolnir.

Yes, he's going big.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Bolts of thunder flew out of the dark clouds and struck Namor in the air.

Namor felt bad when he saw this, and the strong sense of crisis in his heart made him dare not hold back any longer. He also raised the vibranium spear and activated the defense device on it.

An energy shield rose from the vibranium spear, protecting it.

This vibranium spear looks like just a metal spear on the outside, but in fact it contains the most advanced technological achievements of Atlantis.

Not only can it launch energy attacks, it can also create an energy defense shield to protect the holder.

Unfortunately, after all, Thor's thunder was more powerful. After a series of lightning strikes, the energy defense shield shattered, and Namor could only barely stay in mid-air after being struck by lightning.

"I forgot to tell you, I can fly too, it's over!"

Thor swung Mjolnir and flew to Namor, knocking him out of the field with a hammer.

"The winner of the first game, Thor!"

(End of this chapter)

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