The exile team rested for one night in Gaojia Village and continued on the road early the next morning.

If nothing else, this was the trip it should have been.

However, something unexpected happened. When Xiong Jiushan led the team to set off, there was a loud bang in the mountains to the west of Gaojia Village!
The sound was like thunder, and it rolled over, and everyone felt the ground beneath their feet shaking slightly.

"The earth dragon has turned over!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

In a state of panic, he swayed lightly for a moment, then calmed down again, as if nothing had happened just now.

The faces of everyone present, whether they were official prisoners or the villagers of Gaojia Village, all turned pale.

Something happened in Xishan! ! !
Seeing that the exile team was about to leave, Gao Shusheng was still thinking of a way to successfully keep them for another day, which would also give the villagers some time to invite Sister-in-law Sophora Huahua down the mountain.

Xiong Jiushan seemed to be aware of their intentions. During the conversation, he only said that his errands were important and he could not waste time.

Within a certain period of time, the team must leave the customs as early as possible.

Otherwise, it will be very dangerous to go north again next month when the weather is freezing.

When the people of Gaojia Village were discussing the method in the ancestral hall last night, the worst way was to "forcibly" keep them. Several clan elders who spoke with weight asked the man: "What is the method of force?"

The man said: "They must drink the well water in the village."

The faces of those present changed greatly, "This method is absolutely unacceptable. The government is on a business trip and we cannot tamper with the food. This is against the laws of nature."

"Then just ask the officials to be accommodating?"

"Didn't the exiled Mr. Xie just be labeled as a monster by the public? Even the officials wouldn't agree to it. If the news spreads, they will lose their official clothes."

After everyone discussed it, we found a solution.

Send people from the village to lead the way for the officials, passing between Xishan and Beishan. There is a shortcut that can go around and go directly to the official post station in front of Panlong Ridge.

If the team travels faster, it can shorten the time by nearly half a day, and at the same time, it can avoid the places where bandits in the mountains often cause trouble when they wander down the mountain.

From the west of Gaojia Village, they walked not far from the foot of Xishan Mountain and turned north. It took less than an hour. This time was enough for them to invite Sister Huaihua down to the bottom of the mountain. By then, both parties would be traveling within a radius of 500 miles of Xishan Mountain. Worked in Gaojia Village.

It doesn’t count as leaving Gaojiacun.

Others are not sure whether there is a "noble person" in the team. Sister-in-law Huaihua, who is blind in one eye, will definitely be able to see it!

Gao Li was waiting for others to discuss and make preparations.

It doesn't matter if you give them a good reception, say more nice things, and take a day or two of extra rest. Besides, the gangsters in Panlongling in front have been making trouble in the past few months. It's better to get over safely when the news is quiet.

The second is to tell Xiong Jiushan and other officials that there is a road in Xishan, which can be used by people, vehicles, cattle and horses, which can save physical energy.

Obviously, the first method does not work for Xiong Jiushan.

Their officers and soldiers were ordered to escort the prisoners. How many of them were bold enough to go down the mountain to stop and cause trouble?
After Gao Lizheng and others looked at each other, they could only come up with the second plan and go around the foot of the West Mountain. Within half a day, all they stepped on was the land of Gaojia Village.

It is much better than the long march directly to the official road after passing the village.

But Gao Shusheng didn't expect that as soon as he told Xiong Jiushan about the shortcut to Xishan, something happened on the Xishan side!

The faces of the people in Gaojia Village turned pale.

Their unusual reaction attracted the attention of the guards.

Xiong Jiushan's instinct told him to leave quickly!
So he immediately ordered everyone to set off immediately.

As for the route, Xiong Jiushan chose to go straight to the official road and make a big circle to the inn.

The people in Gaojia Village were also dumbfounded. Didn't they just agree to cross through the west of the village?
Passing by the village outside the eastern suburbs, that area soon no longer belonged to their village. So wouldn't Sister-in-law Huaihua's prediction back then be in vain?

But they didn't dare to persuade them any more. How could the adults' decisions be changed so easily? Some of the villagers hummed: "It's better to just pour the medicine and leave it for two or three days than what I suggested at the beginning. There's no need to go to such trouble." Everyone stared. He can't talk and shut up.

Unexpectedly, the team had just set off when the Western Mountains trembled and their feet swayed.

What the people of Gaojiacun are thinking at this moment: Is the disaster about to begin?
There was no sign at all, it came suddenly.

Today, like yesterday, Tu Hua realized the beauty of the colorful and exquisite treasure clothes and couldn't take them off.

The world was shaking at that moment. Although it was not obvious, she clearly felt that the hem of her skirt floated up instantly, and even the color of her colorful clothes changed, from clear to thick, with bright colors and shining light.

Xie Yuchuan stood on the left side of the team, smelling the rich aroma between his nose and looking at the top of the west mountain.

The faces of the people around were full of panic. This time, they didn't need to be urged by the police officers. They wanted to run away and leave the village quickly.

The elder said calmly: "The earth dragon turned over and traveled thousands of miles in an instant. Can your feet fly?"

Tu Hua, a certain family god who is invisible in the crowd and can indeed "fly": "..."

After Tu Hua put on the treasure clothes, she found that her perception was much enhanced.

For example, at this moment, outside Gaojia Village, there was the sound of horse hooves galloping towards Gaojia Village.

"Someone came on horseback from outside the village."

She mentioned it casually to Xie Yuchuan.

Xie Yuchuan heard the voice of the family god, and amidst the surprised eyes of others, he bent his knees and leaned his ears to the ground, tapping his palms on the ground, silently feeling the subtle changes coming from the land.

Xiong Jiushan accidentally saw Xie Yuchuan's strange behavior from a distance.

Since escorting the Xie family on the road, he has discovered that with the Xie family around, the journey of exile is always full of dangers and can catch people off guard.

There has never been such a puzzling tolerance.

Xiong Jiushan bent down and squatted down, pressing his palms flat on the ground like Xie Yuchuan.

Not long after, the two stood up almost at the same time.

The two looked at each other across dozens of heads.

The only advantage is that the two of them are tall and straight, and there is no obstruction to their line of sight.

They all saw the answer in each other's eyes.

Well-trained flying cavalry can only come from the government.

What kind of hornet's nest did you poke today?

"Hurry up and hit the road." Xiong Jiushan said with a dark expression.

Before the team could fully walk out, a group of officers and soldiers came galloping over on horseback!

A famous soldier in the lead glanced at the exiled team with cold eyes, tightened his reins, and shouted loudly to the officers on his horse: "Is there any Major General Xie Jia, Xie Yuchuan in the team?"

The officers and soldiers looked over one after another, and they all said to themselves that escorting the Xie family in such a large formation was a matter of course.

Xiong Jiushan couldn't figure out the other party's path and stepped forward, "I have met the captain! I am Xiong Jiushan, the escort officer this time. I don't know if you have any important orders."

The visitor, riding on a tall horse, turned in place, looked at Xiong Jiushan, and asked, "Is there Xie Yuchuan in the team?"

Of course there is.

But Xiong Jiushan didn't know the purpose of the other party's visit, so he hesitated for a moment. Seeing that the captain didn't have any explanation at all, he had to tell the truth.

"Back to your lord, Xie Yuchuan, the criminal minister in exile, is currently in exile."

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