Chapter 16 Danger Songjiang Town

After passing the Huaiting entrance and heading north for about twenty miles, you will find Songjiang Town, which is under the jurisdiction of Jingwei Prefecture.

The exile team will arrive at the border of Songjiang tonight when the lights are on.

Songjiang Town is neither big nor small, but it is a necessary place for the intersection of north and south. Therefore, the market and commerce are relatively prosperous, and the geographical location is not too far from the capital. Most of the merchants who come and go to sell goods will be in the town if they are not in a hurry. Find a comfortable and clean inn to stay at.

First, to find out what is popular among the dignitaries in the capital recently; secondly, to exchange news from various places in Songjiang Town, a thoroughfare, with merchants from all over the world.

Therefore, in Songjiang City, the identities of people from three religions and nine schools are complex, and many things are not surprising to everyone here. Many people in strange clothes and even mysterious looks occasionally pass by the city, and no one pays much attention to them.

They are all people running for a living, who still pays attention to those complicated etiquette.

After the guests had finished their busy work during the day, as soon as it got dark, many people rested in the open street shops along the road, had a bowl of tea and listened to a book, just to comfort themselves after a long day.

The small bowl tea shop is located on Laiyun Street between the north and south city gates. Four bamboo poles raise an oilcloth to cover the roof. There are five or six tables under the canopy, and long wooden benches are placed on the left and right for guests to rest.

In the first place, there is a long case. On the case, there are the storyteller's teapot and wake wood.

The time for the next storytelling session has not yet come, and the storyteller has not yet arrived.

People came into the shop in twos and threes. Some sat down to rest for a while, drank a bowl of water and then left. Some had tea to satisfy their stomachs and asked the shopkeeper about the content of today's story.

"Is what you said today still the same as before?"

The shopkeeper smiled mysteriously and said: "My lord, you are lucky this time. What the storyteller said today is fresh and hot. It seems to be related to the strange things that happened in the capital a while ago. People will be here soon. I will give you a few words first." Would you like some food?"

After hearing this, the merchant became interested.

He directly invited his other companions to sit down together, took a few pieces of silver from the store, and said, "I'd like to thank the shopkeeper for some good tea and delicious food."

It wasn't a big meeting, and several tables around were full of guests.

At the beginning of the Youshi period, the sky is getting dark, and lanterns are hung on the four corners of the tea shop.

A gray figure slowly walked out of the shop and stood in front of the storytelling desk.

Under the dim light, the storyteller's face was bearded and thin, silent and silent, but it was actually a bit legendary.

"Sir, what are you talking about today?" A guest in the hall shouted impatiently.

Upon hearing this, the storyteller smiled, raised his arms and clasped his fists, bowed to the left and right, and said loudly: "Don't be in a hurry, book. First, I wish you peace, gentlemen!"

It starts with a one-stop process to warm up the place first. The shopkeeper and the waiters shuttle around to make tea and water for everyone. When the old gentleman lifts his robe and sinks his face, everyone knows that a good show is about to begin!

As soon as he knocked on the wood, the storyteller opened his voice and started talking about the rain that fell out of thin air in the capital a few days ago...

"The Xie family in the northwest was defeated, and everyone in the family could not escape disaster. However, on the day of the raid, the Xie family's ancestral hall accidentally flooded. When the fire was raging, in the clear sky and white sun, heavy rain fell over the ancestral hall! The dark clouds were very strange, and they were all right and wrong. It was placed over the Xie family's ancestral hall, and the fire in the palace was extinguished by the rain, but the ancestral hall remained intact. The judges are beginning to wonder, how come the Xie family has such a good life?"

"Sir, don't be too pretentious, tell me quickly!"

The old gentleman stroked his beard and smiled, and said calmly: "Don't think that I am talking nonsense here. It is not surprising that such a strange thing happened to the Xie family, because there is a family god tablet in the Xie family ancestral hall, which has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is still there today. It’s been more than a hundred years.”

"I know about the Xie family's gods. The government offices have posted notices. Isn't the Xie family's gods fake? They haven't even appeared!" Someone laughed.

A guest next to him answered: "Who said there was no magic? Didn't the gentleman say that the fire was extinguished by the heavy rain on the day the house was ransacked?" "Really or falsely?"

"I just came out of the capital. Someone in the city said that they saw the wonders of the palace that day."

Everyone's curiosity was aroused and they all asked Mr. to continue.

"To say whether the Xie family has worshiped gods for hundreds of years or not, we have to start with the fact that before the Xie family's ancestors died, they unexpectedly received mercy from the gods. After they came back from the dead, they moved 800 miles away to save the emperor. I started talking about my ancestor’s amazing things.”

In the tea shop, the guests heard with great interest that Mr. Shu wanted to know the legend of the Xie family. From time to time, someone occasionally interrupted and mentioned the Xie family's downfall, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

Now that the family god has protected him, how could such a large palace fall?
The storyteller smiled and said: "There is a way in heaven and earth, and there is a law in the world. Everything depends on chance. Gods do not care about mortal affairs, and mortals should not talk about gods. Back then, the Xie family had the protection of the gods, and the Taizu had the help of the men of the Xie family, and the army was Route from west to east, attack cities and fortresses, sweep across the Central Plains, and lay the foundation for the great foundation. From then on, the Xie family gods returned to the heavenly palace to practice and did not appear again for a hundred years."

"Someone may ask, why is it that the gods appear again now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because the Xie family's bloodline has reached the point of life and death! The gods could not bear to cut off the Xie family's descendants, so they appeared in the world again to save the Xie family's elders from danger. The Holy Spirit was generous and commuted to death penalty and was exiled. Counting the days, this exiled team is probably We are about to pass by our Songjiang Town."

As soon as the old gentleman finished speaking, everyone heard someone outside the shop talking about the exiled prisoners who had just come in from Nanchengkou.

Everyone had just heard the strange story about the Xie family, and now they all turned to look south. After waiting for a long time, they finally saw a group of officers and soldiers with swords coming in from the opposite street, pressing down the prisoners who were being sent to exile.

Xie Yuchuan had met You Zhan since noon. He spent the whole afternoon repeatedly recalling everything that happened when the war in the northwest was intense, especially regarding Xie Yuheng's reaction. After repeated deliberation, he did not find anything wrong with the third brother, let alone anyone around him. What a wandering woman.

You Zhan spoke with certainty, not like lying.

However, the bodies of his father and brother had been carried back to the countryside for burial in coffins. No matter how unhappy Xiahou Jie was with his family, he would not make a fuss about such posthumous matters.

He was seriously injured and fell into coma, and was escorted all the way back to Beijing. You Zhan was right about one thing, except that he did not see the third brother's body with his own eyes.

Xie Yuchuan's thoughts were completely immersed in the news brought by You Zhan. Other family members saw that he was silent all the way and seemed to be thinking about something, so they did not dare to disturb him. Occasionally, they would give him some food and drink when they took a short rest along the way.

Running all the way, everyone was exhausted and weak. By the time he realized that it was getting late, the exile team had already entered Songjiang City.

A mighty group of special men and horses passed through Songjiang Town. Xie Yuchuan's eyes flashed around, and a dark light inadvertently hid in his eyes.

He slowed down and looked carefully at the floating shadows. There were many unexplained sights around him.

Xie Wuying has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he always has some inexplicable intuition about abnormalities. As soon as he entered Songjiang Town, he always felt that something was not right. As he was walking, he noticed that he bumped into Xie Yuchuan who was slowing down in front of him.

"Brother Six, why do I feel like something's not right? Maybe I'm overthinking."

Xie Yuchuan said: "Don't think too much, let Huaizhang and the others be more energetic."

Xie Wuying was instantly alert: "Okay!"

The team walked past a small tea shop. Xie Yuchuan walked forward in shackles. When he raised his eyes, he met a pair of familiar eyes.

 Save up and do more, and strive for more on a stable basis.

(End of this chapter)

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