Zhutian: My skills are not serious

Chapter 117 I want you to be the most handsome boy on Yellow River Road

Chapter 117 I want you to be the most handsome boy on Yellow River Road


This was the first time she heard this word, and it took her a while to realize that it was not a good word.

"Where did it come from at 13 o'clock that you are a scumbag? Mr. Wei, where did you meet such a rude guy?"

Wang Mingzhu almost rolled her eyes and muttered in a low voice: "We really have the same odor."

"What about you and Lingzi? Two flies buzzing around a piece of rotten meat?" Chu Pingsheng said sarcastically: "If you have the ability, let him make a choice between the two of you. See who he chooses? He clearly loves you in his heart. He is in love with another woman, but he is constantly caring, ambiguous, and considerate towards you, never rejects outright, and maintains an inseparable relationship. If he considers himself a villain and pursues a life surrounded by women, I will praise him. He’s honest, but he still looks like a passionate gentleman, isn’t he a scumbag?”

"Hmph, who are you, who have the right to judge Mr. Bao?" Wang Mingzhu was really angry this time, because the other party made rude remarks and insulted her and the man she liked, and because of the above words... she was unable to refute.

"Get out of my box, now, right now!"

"Hey, Miss Wang, it's wrong for you to talk like this."

Wei Hongqing wanted to reason with her. He just wanted to vacate the box. There was no need to curse, but he was stopped by Chu Pingsheng mid-sentence. He pointed to the front and left first.

"Just leave, no matter how airy you are."

The rich second generation glared at the future Section Chief Wang, confidently told his younger brothers to change to a larger site, and quickly caught up with Chu Pingsheng.

"Brother Cao, where are we going?"


"Lobby?" Wei Hongqing opened his eyes, feeling very embarrassed.

He thought Brother Cao had managed to get Li Li, the owner of Zhizhenyuan, to give them a larger box, but he didn't expect it to be the lobby.

It’s too cheap, it’s really too cheap.

Chu Pingsheng glanced at him from the corner of his eye: "Do you have any objections?"

"No, no objection. Let's eat in the lobby. His boss can eat fried beef in the kitchen, and I, Mr. Wei, can eat yellow croaker noodles in the lobby." Wei Hongqing said with great enthusiasm.

Yin Xiao is the most competent younger brother. He reacts very quickly and delivers the flattery very smoothly: "Because Mr. Wei is so down-to-earth, Mr. Wei must be the number one young man on Huanghe Road."

"Yes, yes, follow Mr. Wei and become popular and drink spicy food from now on."

"Mr. Bao, Mr. Bao, what qualifications does Song Abao have to compare with Mr. Wei?"


Wei Hongqing enjoys this kind of life of being surrounded by people in front and behind him very much, and he feels a little unsteady when he walks.

Several people moved from the private room on the second floor to the lobby on the first floor, and then sat down at the dining table covered with a bright red tablecloth. Minmin walked forward with two bundles hanging in her hands.

"Mr. Wei, why are you in the lobby?"

"Ah, the lobby is spacious, and it's bright and spacious to eat here."

"Then...yellow croaker noodles are still available?"

"Come on, why don't you come up? Just bring it over here. I want everyone to see. This Zhizhen Garden not only has fried beef river, but also has amazing yellow croaker noodles."

Should I say it or not, Chu Pingsheng still admired Mr. Wei in terms of his shamelessness.

"Okay Mr. Wei, I'll ask someone to serve the food right now."

Minmin left with the smell of Burberry perfume. Soon, the waitress in black overalls brought bone china sea bowls to the table one by one. She opened the lid and the delicious smell of fish soup suddenly spread in the lobby, annoying those nearby. Passing guests looked sideways.

While Wei Hongqing was slurping noodles, he was facing the eyes of all kinds of people while promoting: "Zhizhenyuan's yellow croaker noodles are very good, do you want to have a bowl to try?"

This is a talent.

Chu Pingsheng gave a compliment and moved to the side, as far away from Mr. Wei as possible.

At this moment, he seemed to realize something. He looked up to the second floor and saw Li Li, the proprietress of Zhizhenyuan, wearing a strapless evening dress with a mink fur shawl on top. She looked over with an expressionless face. The two people's eyes met in mid-air, and there seemed to be a shock wave that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Wei? How can someone with Mr. Wei's status eat in the lobby? This is too cheap."

A strange voice interrupted the confrontation between the two people. Chu Pingsheng turned around and saw Wang Mingzhu coming down the stairs leading to the second floor.

It was obvious that she was angry about what happened just now and deliberately came to the lobby to make trouble.

Look what this says...

Those who had just walked in, those who had just come downstairs, and those who were exchanging cups and boasting in the corner, many people looked over to watch the excitement.

Wei Hongqing tapped the rim of the bowl with his chopsticks: "What do you know? What street snacks want is fireworks."

"Who is Mr. Cao?"

The receptionist at the door came in with two men.

Chu Pingsheng raised his arm and waved: "Here."

The two men stepped forward and placed the items in their hands on the table in front of Wei Hongqing.

"Mr. Cao, the things were delivered safely."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

The two of them replied that it wasn't hard, turned around and left.

Wei Hongqing looked at the red gift box on the dining table: "What's inside?"

"Celebration ceremony."

"Celebration ceremony?"

Wei Hongqing thought for a moment, smiled playfully, and tapped Chu Pingsheng with his finger: "Brother Cao is interested."

He thought that the gift box contained a big treasure that would allow him to defeat Mr. Bao, who was famous on Yellow River Road. He rubbed his hands, pulled the brocade ribbon on the red gift box expectantly, and picked up the lid.

But when he saw what was inside, he was stunned.

A twelve-inch cream cake with a circle of candles on it, "Surprise" written in English in the middle, and a music box with a crystal ball.

At this time, Yin Xiao also opened another gift box. Inside was an identical cream cake with a full circle of candles, but there was no crystal ball music box.


The guests who saw this scene had strange expressions on their faces, thinking that Mr. Wei really had good taste.

"Hey, Brother Cao, I gave birth to a baby in the summer, and it's only February now. It's a bit early to eat this..."

Wei Hongqing didn't understand what he was going to do. Cutting cakes at the company's opening was a normal operation, but the two cakes in front of him were clearly birthday cakes.

"Hey, is it possible that Mr. Wei has his birthday today? Are you eating noodles and ordering cakes?" Wang Mingzhu continued to be angry and said: "Mr. Wei, why are you still standing there? Share your points with everyone, don't let down your Cao Cao. The kindness of a brother.”

"Yin Xiao, stop staring and light the candle for Mr. Wei."

Chu Pingsheng ignored her, gave an order, and looked up at the second floor.

Li Li hadn't left yet, and even took a step forward. Through the handrail, she could see black high heels and a pair of looming shoulders.

Yin Xiao was Wei Hongqing's younger brother, but he knew even more clearly that Mr. Cao was someone he couldn't afford to offend. He quickly called on his fellow noodle eaters and lit the candles in a hurry.

Celebrating a birthday and lighting candles in a lobby with bright lights and noisy people, there is really no atmosphere at all. It looks very cheap and super low.

This makes Wei Hongqing look like a clown.

(End of this chapter)

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