Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 102 The Art of Hao!

Chapter 102 The art of hundreds of heroes! (Wan Geng please subscribe monthly ticket)

After the Big Eater temporarily ranked first, Shuichi Hoshita put most of his energy into developing new techniques with Tsunade.

It would be best if it could be developed this year without the 'Eureka', so Shuichi Hoshishita can use the once-a-year 'Eureka' elsewhere.

For example, comprehend the spells given by the half entry tree on Tiancong Dao.

Or it can be used to study four-tailed melting, or even eight-tailed tail clones and substitutes.

There are too many places that are needed, but they only come once a year, so save when you can.

Sometimes time is very valuable, but sometimes it is not.

Of course, although Tsunade is busy, there are shadow clones responsible for the training of many ninjutsu.

Time just flashed to December of the 42nd year of Konoha.

Hoshita Shuichi's vacation is over.

But then he smiled again: "There should be no particularly important missions this year, so let's act as the bodyguard of the Third Hokage for the time being!"

So a new mission began, and the three came to the Hokage Building to garrison.

At present, Tsunade's development of new techniques has reached a critical moment. Participating in the development of this technique is not only helping Tsunade, but also a process of exploring his own talents and enriching his experience.

Quite laid back!

It's so cute...

When Sarutobi Hiruzen wasn't going out, Hoshita Shuichi and the others were at the Hokage Building. What they usually had to do was run errands for Sarutobi Hiruzen and call people.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shook his head: "Not yet. Next, we will form a team of three to carry out the mission."

In a blink of an eye, it was noon. Hoshita Shuichi started cooking by himself. Tsunade leaned against the door with an apple and looked at it: "It looks pretty good!"

Hoshixia Shuichi pointed to his face.

Xingxia Xiuyi smiled and said: "That's natural, I've been practicing it since I was a child."

Shizune was in Konoha Hospital, so Tsunade was the only one at home.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen went out for a stroll, they followed him relatively secretly.

After saying that, he got up and went to wash up.

With Tsunade's temper, she would probably hunt him down for a hundred streets.

"Because it's an easy task, I can be lazy."

Evil thoughts popped up in his heart, but Hoshita Shuichi suppressed them immediately.

"But I will grow up sooner or later, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade pouted: "You are still just a brat now."

On this day, he returned to ANBU. After entering the locker room and waiting for a while, he only saw Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro. He suddenly had a premonition in his heart.

"But in front of me, he is still a brat."

Tsunade nodded helplessly, and then began to collect the scrolls scattered everywhere.

Xingxia Xiu nodded: "Understood, then we will have to trouble the captain and Sister Xun next!"

"First sort out all the previous results and then talk about it."

"Tsunade-sama, here..."

So Hoshita Shuichi was ordered to be lazy and leave a shadow clone behind, while the real body came to the Senju ancestral home.

When she came back, Tsunade had regained her energy and asked, "Any ideas?"

Hoshita Shuichi sat across from her, then took a closer look, and suddenly thought: Should I poke her face with my hand?

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye. Tsunade woke up and was startled when she saw Hoshita Shuichi: "Hey, aren't you going to perform a mission?"

Hoshita Shuichi was speechless: "Tsunade-sama, I am a genius, but not a god."

Hoshita Shuichi raised his head as he spoke, and then couldn't help laughing.

But Hoshita Shuichi discovered that she... fell asleep!
At this moment, Tsunade was lying on the table, not knowing what sweet dream she was having, but her mouth was drooling.

Sure enough, the next moment Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "Shika and Kokoro have exited the ANBU system."

Because Tsunade, who still had a lazy air, had writing on her cheeks.

This was indeed good news for him.

Qianxun also smiled and said: "I heard that you have been busy experimenting and developing new techniques recently. You should use shadow clones when the time comes."

Xingxia Xiu nodded, and then asked: "Will there be new people coming in next?"

Tsunade wiped it and blushed a little, but then said nonchalantly: "I stayed up too late last night."

Shuichi Hoshita reorganized and sorted out his thoughts, then took out a new scroll and began to write spells and revise them.

Basically, they are all incomplete techniques, some are purely Tsunade's handiwork, and some are in which he has participated.

"The Third Hokage will basically not leave the village at the moment."

Shaking his head, Hoshita Shuichi did not wake up Tsunade, but packed up the scroll next to him and looked through the records.

There was so much noise and lunch was finished before I knew it.

After cleaning up, the two continued to work.

I spent the next two days sorting out the previous results and then continued to advance step by step.

Suddenly 10 days passed.

On this day, the technique was initially formed, and Tsunade started trying it directly.

She formed a seal with her hands. When the seal was completed, with the Yin seal on her forehead as the core, the curse seal immediately began to spread and intersect throughout her body.

Immediately afterwards, the Yin seal was released!

The next moment, Hoshita Shuichi felt a huge surge of chakra.

In his induction, Tsunade had become a huge collection of chakra.

But Tsunade herself frowned slightly: "The circulation of chakra is not stable enough, and the control is not precise enough."

After hearing this, Shuichi Hoshita smiled and said: "Then continue to revise. At this point, it has actually been successful, isn't it?"

"All right!"

Tsunade nodded slightly dissatisfied, and then the traces of the curse seal on her body disappeared, and the chakra poured back into the Yin Seal and sealed it again.

What follows is a long period of improvement, trying, and improving again.

Little by little, the technique was adjusted, constantly moving towards the expectations of Shuichi Hoshita and Tsunade.

Konoha 42, April 12th.

In the Senju ancestral home, next to the stove, Hoshita Shuichi wrote the last stroke to completely complete this complex technique. Hoshita Shuichi raised his head and looked at Tsunade opposite: "Tsunade-sama, please name this technique!"

Yes, before the New Year has come, the new technique has finally been finalized.

Tsunade looked at the technique on the scroll, nodded and said: "Let's call it the Jutsu of Hundred Hao!"

Hoshita Shuichi immediately wrote down the name of the technique.

Then, he took out another blank scroll and continued writing.

Tsunade looked at it with some doubts, then raised her eyebrows after a moment: "You want to use three hundred powerful techniques?"

"Even if you set a Yin seal on your forehead, heart, and abdomen, there is no need to use three hundred techniques, right?"

"Even if you set up a curse seal spell in advance, it still requires energy to maintain, which will increase your mental pressure."

Hoshita Shuichi continued writing and said with a smile: "But we must also consider what happens if the curse seal technique is destroyed."

Tsunade hummed: "The core of Baihao's art is between the forehead and the eyebrows. If it is destroyed, the person will die..."

The voice suddenly stopped, and Tsunade frowned in thought: "You want to know that even if the head is hit, or the brain is hit, the coma technique can also work to treat fatal injuries to the brain."

Tsunade said with some surprise: "Did you take this into consideration when you considered adding the Bagua seal?"

You know, when a person dies or loses consciousness, the technique will disappear, such as the shadow clone.

But before developing the Hyakuha no Jutsu, Shuichi Hoshishita suggested using the heart and abdomen as two other hierarchical and hierarchical control cores to create two shadow clone-like chakra control cores to share the control pressure and reduce the difficulty of control.

But if a person suffers a severe head injury and loses consciousness, these two control cores will also lose their function, and the Yi Ruying clone will disappear.

But adding the Bagua seal is different. It will play a protective role. This part of the control core still has a separate thinking consciousness.

This is the magical effect of sealing!

It’s also a wonderful use of chakra!

Chakra can carry people's thinking consciousness and even soul.

This is also the reason why the clone of the clone technique has a separate consciousness.

In the original work, Namikaze Minato sealed the remaining chakra of himself and Kushina Uzumaki in the Bagua seal. When Naruto was influenced by the Nine-Tails and wanted to lift the Nine-Tails seal, he was revived and interrupted.

And when Naruto was practicing the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, Uzumaki Kushina also appeared to help.

The sealing technique is omnipotent!


Seeing that Tsunade understood, Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said: "Although we still don't know what kind of healing ninjutsu can be developed, at least it can be Muji healing and regeneration."

"If the brain is severely injured and loses consciousness, it can still be brought back to life as long as the brain cells are cured before large-scale rapid death."

"Three cores need to be destroyed before we lose the ability to heal."

"Although it is not complete, it can be said that the head and heart, two vulnerable parts that are quickly fatal, have become less weak points and less lethal to a certain extent."

Tsunade nodded solemnly and felt pressure in her heart: "It seems that we must devote all our energy to developing this secret medical technique, otherwise we will be looked down upon by this brat."

Next, she needs to develop a medical secret that heals quickly enough to match Hoshita Shuichi's idea.

Otherwise, the three healing cores are just decorations, mere chakra storage places.

With these thoughts, Tsunade thought of her grandfather, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

"Grandpa's Muyin Healing, even if I can't reach that level, I can't go too far behind!"


Looking at Tsunade's solemn look, Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said, "Tsunade-sama doesn't need to be under so much pressure. We still have plenty of time."

Tsunade's Baihao Jutsu is used to assist medical treatment, to maintain appearance, and to extend life.

But his hundreds of skills can be used to assist in combat.

The fire escape chakra mode can finally be turned on!


After writing the new technique, Hoshita Shuichi laid the scroll on the floor, then took off the forehead protector and took off his shirt, revealing his muscular upper body.

Then he sat cross-legged on the scroll and clasped his hands under Tsunade's gaze.

The next moment, the spells on the scroll came to life, and the tadpole-like spells quickly climbed onto Xiuyi Xingxia's body, gathering on his forehead, heart, and abdomen under the navel, and combined with the Yin seals and Bagua seals that had been arranged long ago. Together.

When the technique was completed, Hoshita Shuichi said softly: "Open!"

The next moment, under Tsunade's gaze, Hoshita Shuichi's originally smooth forehead bloomed with blue light.

It was a round shape that was different from the diamond shape of the seal on her forehead, like a circular light spot.

Obviously this has a lot to do with the Bagua seal.

However, what surprised Tsunade was that she clearly sensed Shuichi Hoshita releasing the Hyakuha no Jutsu, but no curse seal appeared.

But Hoshita Shuichi's chakra has quickly filled the entire head and emerged on the surface of the body, rendering the entire head with a layer of blue chakra.

"Is this the benefit of using the Bagua Seal? Chakra control can be maximized."


Tsunade's eyes narrowed: "This is... fire escape chakra!"

At this time, the chakra on Shuichi Hoshita's head quickly converged and returned to his forehead, and then the blue light spot on his forehead also disappeared.

But then, Tsunade saw a blue light spot also light up in the heart of Shuichi Hoshita, and then blue chakra quickly covered the surrounding area.

Go up to your neck, then your entire chest, and your arms.

Tsunade looked at it and couldn't help but secretly thought: "The three cores can be opened separately, just like Yin Healing and Injury Destruction. This can indeed save chakra and avoid over-healing."

At this time, Shuichi Hoshita had completed his attempt at the art of hundreds of heroes on the heart.

Next is the abdomen. The scope of this operation is the abdomen and the lower part of the abdomen, including the legs and feet.

In other words, he divided his body into three areas.

The trouble is a little troublesome, but it also has many other benefits.

Moreover, for spells that have been arranged in advance, they can be activated with just one thought or seal, and there is no waste of time.

Of course, the three cores can cover the whole body, not just a part.

Everything was perfect, Hoshixia Xiuyi immediately stood up and put on his shirt.

As for the ninja forehead protector, he thought about it and tied it around his neck instead of his forehead.

Tsunade asked at this time: "Hey, is there another use for Baihao no Jutsu?"

(End of this chapter)

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