1990Rage Flag Soldier

Chapter 138 Treasures of the Century

Chapter 138 Treasures of the Century (Updates added with monthly tickets)
"Zhang Sheng, sit down and taste the spring tea sent by our friends from the mainland."

Zheng Yutong's smile was like spring breeze, and entertaining Zhang Ziwen was like facing an old friend.

Supporting Riot Games the year before last has become the most successful investment he has made since establishing New World Group.

The return will be higher than acquiring Lisboa shares.

Zhang Ziwen was naturally not polite, took the tea, tasted it, and asked with a smile: "Dahongpao?"

"Good work."

Zheng Yutong praised him, then picked up the phone and called his secretary: "Ah Liang, bring a box of Dahongpao to give to Zhang Sheng."

"Zhang Sheng, I like to take it home and pay it back slowly."

Zheng Yutong said very proudly.

Zhang Ziwen said with a smile: "Thank you very much, Director Zheng. I won't be polite."

"There is a diamond here, is Zheng Dong interested?"

"Thirty million, that's 210 million Hong Kong dollars."

Zhang Ziwen was not careless and said bluntly: "Thirty million US dollars, one hand money, one hand delivery."

His eyes widened, he quickly put down the cup, took the photo and exclaimed: "What's the background, where is the goods?"

This 777-carat rough diamond is no longer an ordinary commercial product. It can be used for collections and exhibitions as well as for political transactions.

Generally, diamonds weighing hundreds of carats are ultra-luxury treasures. They have a name, a surname, and an origin. They can easily fetch millions of dollars in auction houses.

And regardless of whether the item was already in hand, he directly started negotiating the price with Zhang Ziwen, as if he had already decided on the item.

Zheng Yutong pondered for a long time and then said: "Awen, there is cash for settlement in Hong Kong dollars, but New World cannot get it for settlement in US dollars."

Zhang Ziwen finished the pot of tea with great care and chatted calmly. When talking about Chow Tai Fook's expansion to 100 stores in the mainland, he praised: "Director Zheng is decisive and will conquer the mainland market in a few years."

He was really discerning when he originally set his sights on the Congo mining area. There was a 700-carat cargo in the South African mining area, and it was impossible for the news to reach Hong Kong Island.

Zheng Yutong helped him refill his tea, and his eyes fell on the photo: "Oh, how many carats is it?"

Zheng Yutong sighed and looked at Zhang Ziwen as if he were a lucky star. He was thinking about it when he put down the photo: "777 carats, the external clarity reaches F grade, and the internal clarity is definitely E grade or even flawless D grade. How much does Zhang Sheng plan to do?" Money?"

Being able to print out individual photos into a book was definitely not an ordinary piece of junk, but he still didn't expect the weight of the cargo. With the sound of the 777-carat rough diamond, the hand holding the justice cup trembled slightly.

"Come, have some tea."

Diamonds weighing more than 500 grams are even rarer. They are hidden in royal families of various countries and are of great significance. There are no more than 20 diamonds in the world.

"Newly discovered"

Sometimes when people interact with each other to a certain extent, they need to put their interests aside, relax and keep their distance, and come and go frequently.

Zheng Yutong didn't care about the purpose of Zhang Ziwen's visit, and continued to play with the tea set, as if Zhang Ziwen could come and drink tea at his leisure, showing his cordiality.

It's as high as the sky, but it's worthy of the value of a 700-carat rough diamond.

Don’t even ask about the price!

Zhang Ziwen replied: "In Congo, it has a clean origin and not many people know about it so far."

This is not because the New World is short of money, but because U.S. dollars have been used to settle international transactions. A lot of gold, jewelry, and jade have to be imported from abroad, so the New World can only trade in U.S. dollars.

Although the Hong Kong dollar is directly linked to the U.S. dollar, it is difficult for companies to exchange large amounts of money at banks when going to the bank.

If you shell out $30 million, your New World Dollar account will be tight.

Zhang Ziwen is also doing international business, so it is naturally valuable to ask for U.S. dollars: "Director Zheng, Hong Kong dollars are still not as convenient to spend as U.S. dollars, and many places don't like to accept them."

"In this way, if you pay two thousand US dollars in cash, the Renaissance Harbor View Hotel will be worth ten million US dollars. After a while, if you have the cash, you can buy the hotel." Zheng Yutong said: "It's up to you whether to sell it or not, but the price will not be less than ten million US dollars." U.S. dollars." Renaissance Harbor View Hotel just opened in 89. It is the best hotel under the New World Group. Although it does not have land, it is better because it is new. It can easily be worth million U.S. dollars.

Zheng Yutong wants to buy a Kowloon building directly for 30 million, but despite the booming property market in Hong Kong Island, the turnover rate of buildings is high, and they often make hundreds of millions by changing hands. But for people who are not keen on property speculation, there is really no hotel in the building. benefits.

After all, the building is completely subject to market trends and is full of speculative risks. The rent collected is not enough to earn money from the principal loan.

The hotel is a real business, with a lot of profits every year.

Zhang Ziwen lit a cigar and did not agree hastily.

A hotel looks good, but it cannot be exchanged for weapons. Holding a license is equivalent to depositing 10 million US dollars in funds. It is hard to say that it will suffer a loss, but it is really not as profitable as taking cash.

Where can I find a hotel licensed by a security company?

But considering that the hotel has already opened, the management team is complete, and it is just a business to collect rent, and there is a buy-back commitment from Director Zheng, there is no problem in selling a favor to Director Zheng.

If you want to find a second jeweler in Hong Kong, you can't afford 30 million Hong Kong dollars. Unless you take the diamonds and sell them abroad, 30 million US dollars is easy, but is it worth losing a big brother like Director Zheng?

"No problem, Director Zheng."

Zhang Ziwen agreed.

Zheng Yutong smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm going to make this difficult for you, Awen."

"No, after all, Director Zheng didn't bargain." Zhang Ziwen smiled broadly.

"Hahaha, you kid." Zheng Yutong also laughed loudly, stepped forward and put his arms around his shoulders: "Be careful, this diamond is very important to me."


Zhang Ziwen nodded.

Although the diamond industry once became the most profitable business of New World Group, its brands have no international influence and only rely on bulk shipments to make money.

One of the biggest reasons is the lack of a world-famous treasure and a mining area of ​​its own.
Zheng Yutong did not mobilize the power of the industry and chose to eat the top products alone. There is no doubt that he wants to play a big game and push the new world to another peak. Considering that once diamonds are released, De Beer may revoke its license.

"The next step is to plan a mining area?"

Zhang Ziwen secretly complained that Zheng Zheng really took one step and looked at three steps. He didn't know what he would do with the diamond after getting the rough diamond.

"Boss, Director Zheng."

Zhou Minghua was drinking tea in the lounge with his legs crossed. When he saw the big boss and Director Zheng coming out, he quickly got up to say hello. From the expression on Director Zheng's face, he knew that the business was settled, and he couldn't help but smile.



This business is so profitable.

To put it bluntly, the one-carat bits and pieces are all based on marketing and have no value in themselves. Indeed, the amount of that stuff is like sand.

But diamonds weighing tens of grams or hundreds of carats have real value without marketing, because people just like them!

It can be used as a symbol of power, just like the one on the Queen's scepter.

It is like a national treasure.

Zhang Ziwen explained the transaction price to Zhou Minghua and immediately ordered: "Let the entire field department be prepared and all fly to the Congo as quickly as possible."

"Yes, boss."

Zhou Minghua sat in the car, gearing up, and his excitement was palpable.

(End of this chapter)

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