I will practice more in the United States

Chapter 116 The Ultimate Championship Competition

Chapter 116 The Ultimate Championship Competition

Faced with such a player who was slapped with 60% of his own strength and was still fine, Li Ang nodded slightly, which was regarded as recognition of his strength.

This is enough to prove that he is already a level above those in front of him.

And Li Ang's opponent, the red-necked uncle, was even more horrified.

He expected that Li Ang was very powerful, but he was not worried about this because what he was best at was defense.

But he still didn't predict that Li Ang's attack would be so heavy.

You must have used all your strength this time, right? Now that the decisive battle has come, there is no need to hold back.

The red-necked uncle took a deep breath, first adjusted his feet to the most comfortable distance, then pushed his right foot on the ground, turned his hips, twisted his waist, and then concentrated all his strength on his palms.

This method of exerting force was not something he learned, but something he learned when he used an ax to chop down trees. It was also a way to bring out all the strength in his body.


This sound was almost as loud as Li Ang's previous slaps.

The two players who had just been defeated by the red-necked man were a little unconvinced at first, but now they saw his true strength and suddenly felt a little happy.

If he had used such force just now, he and the others would probably be lying down.

But what surprised them even more was that after Li Ang received such a powerful slap, his reaction was not much different from before. He still just shook his head and recovered.

"This palm must be 70% strong."

Li Ang secretly thought to himself that although the slap just made him feel a little dizzy, it was still far from making him faint.

One of the daily iron-tou skills training is to hit the wall with your head. Compared with that impact, the impact of this slap is not nearly as strong.

As Li Ang's slap hit his opponent's face, the red-necked man just had time to widen his eyes and show a horrified expression, then immediately rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Winner, Li Ang!"

At this time, everyone woke up from a dream. In the welterweight ring, the final champion had been decided.

Perhaps because of Li Ang's existence, their group's time was much faster than that of other groups.

The winner's prize is fifty thousand US dollars, which is not too much, but definitely a lot. Counting other people's prize money together, it will cost nearly one million US dollars.

At the award ceremony, Dana White expressed words of encouragement to each champion.

"Leon, you are doing a very good job. I know that someone who Johnson would strongly recommend will definitely be good. In fact, I think you are also a good prospect to fight in the UFC. If you have related intentions, remember to contact me. "

Although Dana Bai only whispered beside Li Ang, everyone in the audience could see it, and only he stayed here the longest.

Considering Dana White's worth and status, compared to the $50,000, perhaps gaining his favor is a more valuable thing.

At the end of the award ceremony, except for the usual remarks, Dana White announced another big news.

In order to enhance the viewing experience and the cruelty of competition, the ultimate championship competition will be held one month later. This competition will have no restrictions on nationality, gender, age, and weight. At the same time, the limit of three rounds for each competition will be cancelled. Extend it to five rounds.

In this competition and the previous competition, the top three players in each weight class will directly enter the top 100 if they participate in the competition, and the remaining places will be selected by audition.

The purpose of this competition is to determine the strongest human being on the face of the earth.

The top 30 players in the final ranking will receive huge bonuses, with a total amount of up to five million US dollars. As soon as the news came out, almost everyone present became excited.

For the audience, they have more exciting games to watch.

For the players, huge bonuses are waving towards them, not to mention the extension of the round, which is actually a good thing for those players who are not strong enough.

Because this will allow some strong players to consume more energy and have the opportunity to make mistakes.

As soon as the rules were announced, Li Ang had already imagined the cruelty of the game.

If in the end only the champion gets a bonus of 5 million, then many people may be self-aware and have no idea of ​​participating in the competition.

But now the more places there are to win, the more people will feel that they might be the lucky one and want to give it a try.

The more people participate in the competition, the more popular it will become. You won’t be afraid that you won’t be able to earn back these millions by then.

For Li Ang, this is also an opportunity, not only because of the prize money, but also for the huge influence of this competition.

However, this is all a matter later. What Li Ang is most concerned about now is how many [Limit Breaking Points] he has obtained.

Opening the attribute panel, Li Ang found that his [Breaking Limit Points] had increased directly to 7 points, which meant that he had gained 2.5 points in the past two days of competition.

Among the many games he has participated in, this is the one in which he has gained the most points.

The video of Li Ang winning the welterweight championship caused a huge response not long after it was posted online.

The main reason is that Li Ang's skin color is really eye-catching among all the white players.

Not to mention that Li Ang's weight is almost a whole level lower than other players in the same group, which makes people have to think about whether the players in his group are too low.

Due to the influence of some racists, even several white players who were in the same group as Li Ang were subjected to online violence, claiming that they had lost their glory.

The higher the popularity of this matter, the more opportunities for all accounts of Leon and Katina to be exposed. In less than a day, the number increased by tens of thousands.

After the video was moved to China, it caused even more uproar.

Domestic netizens originally believed that Li Ang was just trying to get traffic, and as for winning or losing, not that many people really cared.

If he can defeat one person, he is not at a loss. If he can defeat two, it means that he is very lucky. He was the first to attack both times.

But in addition to Li Ang's attack power being as powerful as they imagined, they were also surprised to find that Li Ang's ability to resist attacks was also unmatched by ordinary people.

"No, I'm planning on cracking down on those who fake martial arts. Can you show me this?"

"Brothers, do you know how precious it is to see such a yellow-skinned person among so many white people?"

"Stop bragging about Tongbei Fist. It's obvious from the first glance that he has practiced more than just this martial art. Otherwise, you can ask 'Pigeon Martial Arts' to come up and give it a try."

"Grandmaster, this is definitely the realm of a Tongbei Fist master."

[Gewuyuan] When I saw Li Ang’s video, I was a little excited and speechless.

He even had the bold idea of ​​going to the United States to visit the young master.

(End of this chapter)

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