I'm an elf mayor in the real world

Chapter 258 Discovering a new elf plant

Everyone knew that it was already the second day when a new batch of elves were added to Langqi Breeding Farm.

The person in charge, Bai Jiangping, specially left the farmhouse project and rushed to the breeding farm. After confirming the specific number of budding deer and four-season deer, he applied for two new elf pens from Langqi Dairy.

In addition, the expansion of the pasture is also imminent.

Although the current area of ​​the pasture is more than enough to accommodate nearly a thousand elves, it is always better to take precautions before they happen. We cannot wait until the pasture capacity is insufficient before expanding.

The new pasture is planned to expand from the original 300 acres to 1000 acres.

In this pasture that stretches from Fenghuang Mountain in the north to Yanyun River in the south, in addition to planting the original alfalfa as pasture, Qi Zhensheng, who learned the news, also specially applied for a batch of fruit seeds and planned to plant a small tree in a corner of the pasture. Fruit trees.

This not only provides delicious tree fruits for the meadow elves, but also creates a shaded area.

It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

After learning about this group of elves that looked like sika deer, Chengming put down what he was doing and rushed down from the Ice Crown Snowfield.

"Brother Qi, has the district chief really subdued this magical elf?"

When Cheng Ming arrived, Qi Zhensheng was eating, but he still forced him to pull him to the pasture to observe the new group of elves.

The two rode Kentero to tour the pasture and the planned site for the new pasture.

On the way, Cheng Ming said enthusiastically: "According to the current types and numbers of elves in the breeding farm, we can definitely create a viewing spot here, which will not only increase the attraction of the special zone, but also add a little extra income to the breeding farm."

"If you say that, I'll get excited." Qi Zhensheng smiled, "I'll show you another piece of information, I think you'll be interested."

The information Qi Zhensheng gave him was obtained from Chen Xizhou, which was the elf entry information about the budding deer.

After a while, Cheng Ming handed the information back to Qi Zhensheng and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that there are such magical elves in this world that can actually change their form with the changes of the seasons."

Qi Zhensheng took out a steamed bun from nowhere and broke it open. He also took out a shrimp cake from somewhere and sandwiched it between two pieces of steamed bun. He covered it and took a bite.

While Qi Zhensheng was enjoying the delicious food, Cheng Ming suddenly pointed at something and shouted: "Brother Qi, look what that is!"

Qi Zhensheng thought he was blind, so he took off his glasses and rubbed them, but still didn't see anything special.

He could only shake his head, looked at Cheng Ming and said, "Are you dazzled? Why can't I see anything? There is no living thing over there?"

"Not a living thing!"

Cheng Ming jumped off Kentero, crossed a certain rock and came to the Yanshan River, and found that the bank was covered with small purple flowers?

Although these small flowers were completely different from alfalfa flowers in shape, Qi Zhensheng did not recognize them at first because they had the same purple color as alfalfa flowers.

For someone like Cheng Ming who has rich knowledge of plants and animals, this unique plant can immediately attract his attention.

This plant is definitely a new species.

Since it was a plant that he had never seen before, Chengming did not dare to put it in his mouth and taste it.

"I will contact Principal Lan and the others right now. I think they will be interested in this plant, maybe it is a new elf plant." Qi Zhensheng took out his phone and started calling.

Elf plants refer to the new-quality plants that appear together with elves and have various functions.

Such plants can generally affect elves.

For the current Langqi Special Zone, the purpose of such plants is to cooperate with the development of the elf industry. The more elf plants are discovered, the greater the help to the special zone. Chengming didn't have much contact with the people in the Elf Plant Research Team.

Regarding these unknown elves and elf plants, the information from Chen Xizhou convinced him even more.


District Governor's Office.

Chen Xizhou looked at the plants in front of him while listening to Cheng Ming tell what happened.

To be honest, even if he encountered an inconspicuous plant like this one growing on the roadside, he wouldn't react at all.

It can only be said that Cheng Ming is indeed a well-informed person.

Unable to decide whether to ask the system when something happened, Chen Xizhou opened the system to check out this possible elf plant.

【Cordyceps! 】

[Cordyceps: a weed that grows everywhere. Although it has medicinal properties, wild elves will not eat it because of its bitter taste. 】

Just as Chengming guessed, this small purple flower was indeed the fairy plant insecticide.

Although we don’t know how powerful the medicinal effect of cordyceps is, one thing we can confirm is that there are indeed such plants in the world that can disgust elves.

If research is done properly, it is not difficult to create drugs like snake repellent that can also repel elf.

Chen Xizhou pretended to recognize Cordyceps and its effects, wrote it on a note and handed it to Cheng Ming, saying to him: "Please help me pass this on to Principal Lan, I believe the content above can help them. "

With the research direction and approximate efficacy, I believe that with the ability of the elf plant research team, we can quickly develop a good product.

When Chengming returned to Langqi Breeding Farm, the elf food research team had already set up camp by the Yanshan River. Without a certain understanding, they did not dare to transplant these elf plants at will.

Principal Lan was communicating with Qi Zhensheng at this time: "General Manager Qi, our research on the dissolving solution of the trumpet bud family has made some progress. According to my opinion, this current research should be enough for the group to take over production."

The meaning of this sentence is very simple. The finished products of the dissolution solution research are ready to enter the market.

The first phase of Principal Lan’s team’s research on trumpet bud solution was focused on the biological solution for pest control. Now it has achieved effective results. This Class A solution is enough to keep insect elves away from fertilized plants.

Of course, in addition to this function of preventing the sea of ​​elves and insects, the solution of the trumpet sprout family also has many other functions.

Research by the Fairy Plant team continues.

"I will send someone to follow up later. Then I will ask Principal Lan to lend me a few people." Qi Zhensheng immediately made his request.

"It's not about borrowing a few people."

Principal Lan shook his head and continued: "There are several young people studying this area who want to have better development. I have discussed this matter with the district chief. What I mean is that these people can directly join the newly established For companies, set up your own R&D department.”

"This couldn't be better!"

Qi Zhensheng greatly admired Principal Lan. His skills not only helped the researchers in the team solve employment problems, but also increased the connection between the group and the research team to improve the group's R&D efficiency.

This was definitely a calculated move. (End of chapter)

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