I'm an elf mayor in the real world

Chapter 125 The Elf Statue on the Rock Hill

Chapter 125 The Elf Statue on the Rock Hill
The unreliability of the giant eating flower made Chen Xizhou and others look at each other in shock.

Everyone had a tacit understanding not to disturb the giant food flower. In addition to respecting its powerful strength, it also reflected the Chinese people's respect for the elderly and love for the young in a certain sense.

Chen Xizhou and his companions were willing to give a certain amount of respect to this giant flower that had lived for who knows how many years.

Chen Xizhou threw out a few orange fruits again.

Seeing Da Shihua quickly accept it, Chen Xizhou asked, "Can we look around?"

Cannibals are soft and short.

At this time, Da Shihua was already happily enjoying the delicious food, and naturally agreed to all Chen Xizhou's requests, not to mention that it was not a big deal.

A powerful but unreliable leader of the tribe, and a greedy and clever second-in-command, Chen Xizhou has gained a little more confidence in conquering the Xiaoya Ya tribe.

Regarding the question of what value this clan can create for Langqi Town, the first thing that Chen Xizhou thought of was the solution of the Kouduhua and Dashihua.

The image of the giant flower is similar to the pitcher plant in the plant world.

The juice of pitcher plants can be used to treat malaria, burns and scalds, etc. It has antibacterial, heat-clearing and detoxifying effects. Their lysate can also be used to develop biological lysates for pest control.

In addition, there are various other functions to be developed.

As for whether the dissolving solution of grass elves has this kind of effect and whether the effect is better than that of pitcher plants, this requires a professional team.

There happens to be such a team in Langqi Town.

On the eighth day of the second year of the New Year, the research team of Rong Agricultural University, originally led by President Lan Mengjianlan, and the team of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, led by Dr. Gui Baisuigui, were officially merged.

They jointly established a research team on Langqi grass elves and plants.

Regarding the fact that the other party has completely taken root in Langqi Town, Chen Xizhou feels that he must make a good expression.

How to express?

Chen Xizhou believes that there is nothing more satisfying than bringing a new elf group and a new research direction to these scientific researchers.

"Mayor, come and take a look!"

It was Wang Peijin who shouted, and he seemed to have discovered something.

After Chen Xizhou heard this, he looked at Wang Dadai and quickly went to Wang Peijin's location.

It was a small rock hill backed by towering old trees.

The rock mounds, like the moss rocks under the trees, were covered with tiny flowers and grasses dotting the surroundings of the rock mounds.

On a beautiful rocky hill stands a short but majestic colorful statue.

It is not difficult to see that the prototype of the statue should be an elf.

There is a huge dark green bud shaped like a crown on the top of the elf's head. There are purple patterns on the top of the bud. Several silver-gray tentacle-like things hold the bud and extend to the smaller head.

"It is the King of Legends, the King of Fertility, and also my benefactor." An old voice sounded from behind everyone.

It can be said that except King Slow, everyone was shocked.

The giant food flower didn't know when it woke up, and it didn't know when it appeared behind everyone. The most shocking thing was that it could actually speak human words like the Slow King.

At this moment, Chen Xizhou suddenly found that he could actually see the entry information of the statue:

【Lei Guan Wang! 】

[King Lei Guan: King Elf (Legendary Elf)]

[King Lei Guan is a legendary king who once ruled a certain area in ancient times. 】

[Although King Lei Guan has a petite and slender appearance, his behavior is always elegant and full of majesty. He is highly intelligent and is said to be able to see clearly everything in the past, present and future. 】

[King Lei Guan is also known as the King of Fertility. He has the ability to heal the soul and make plants sprout. He is an elf with a loving heart. 】

[It is said that when King Lei Guan waves his right hand, flowers will bloom and the grass will become green. When it waves its left hand, the fields will be fertile and the crops will be harvested. 】

[King Lei Guan has a special ability to absorb faith and gain strength, but if it loses faith, its power will become weaker. 】

[The legend of the Crown Snowfield...]——Expand the 327-word introduction﹀
Entry keywords: King of legend, King of fertility, majesty, wisdom

"King Lei Guan?" Chen Xizhou muttered to himself.

The sound fell into the ears of the giant food flower, and it looked at Chen Xizhou in surprise: "Human, I didn't expect you to know the king's name."

Yeah, how do I know?
Chen Xizhou suddenly reacted and looked at the statue on the hill in disbelief. When the system first appeared, he had confirmed that unless he saw it in person, he would not be able to view the entry information of any elf that appeared in the form of a photo or clay sculpture.

Does this mean that this colorful statue is actually King Lei Guan?

Chen Xizhou who came to the conclusion did not say anything, but quietly opened King Lei Guan's elf information panel:

Elf: King Lei Guan (sealed state)
Gender: no gender
Attributes: super power type, grass type

Characteristics: Tension (makes the opponent nervous and unable to eat the fruit.)
Items: Reins

Skills: Life Drop, Ultimate Absorption, Mental Power, Green Grass Field, Mental Field, Future Prediction, Solar Beam, Healing Wave

Skills taught: Grass Knot Tying, Energy Ball, Meditation, Flying Leaf Storm, Wide Area Combat Power
Genetic Skills: None

This is the first time Chen Xizhou has seen elves with status on the elf information panel.

In this way, this Leiguan King is indeed a living elf, but it has been temporarily sealed.

As for whether to rescue King Lei Guan, how to rescue King Lei Guan, and what problems will arise after the solution, Chen Xizhou feels that these are not things he should consider at the moment.

The strength of this giant flower-eating flower has already stretched Langqi Town, let alone adding a legendary elf who can be analyzed from the entry information to be extremely powerful.

Which elf from a good family can be introduced by the system as both a "king" and a "legendary elf"?

However, in order to establish a good relationship with the giant food flower, Chen Xizhou felt that in addition to enough food, his entry point could also be a little borrowed from the Lei Guanwang.

"Yes, King Lei Guan has always been a legendary elf that I like and respect very much."

Chen Xizhou answered the question about the giant eating flower seriously, with a pious and solemn expression that could not help but be believed.

Not to mention the huge big food flower with a simple mind.

Hearing Chen Xizhou's answer, the huge flower was very excited to find a fellow.

It told Chen Xizhou about King Lei Guan's kindness to him.

Many years ago, it was an old trumpet bud that was about to come to an end.

Just because of King Leiguan's random help, Old Trumpet Bud regained its vitality, lived out its second spring, and gained amazing potential, and it became the huge giant flower with championship level strength today.

The grace of saving life and rebuilding is something that the giant flower can never repay.

That's why he picked up the statue of King Lei Guan one day and has been standing on the rock hill to guard it silently.

The Trumpet Bud clan has always believed in King Lei Guan.

But they are all the descendants of the Giant Flower-Eating Flower, and they are all elves who grew up listening to the stories of King Lei Guan. The Giant Flower Flower always feels a bit uninterested in the followers of King Lei Guan that he has cultivated.

Now there is an outsider who says that he also believes in King Lei Guan, and he can also tell many legends about King Lei Guan.

This made the giant flower that had been empty for countless years ecstatic.

In the description of the giant eating flower, Chen Xizhou keenly captured a key message.

The entire Trumpet Bud clan believes in King Lei Guan.

Chen Xizhou suddenly thought of something. He needed to confirm: "Chief Dashihua, has this statue of King Leiguan always looked like this, or has there been some changes, such as color changes?"

The giant flower was very surprised by Chen Xizhou's question. It didn't understand how an outside human could know.

This statue of King Lei Guan has indeed undergone changes.

When it first picked up the statue, the statue of King Lei Guan was still a gray-brown rock statue. However, as time passed, the original gray-brown rock statue gradually developed various colors.

To this day, the color of the statue of King Lei Guan is almost the same as that of King Lei Guan.

This is also the reason why the Trumpet Bud family can still unswervingly believe in King Lei Guan after such a long period of reproduction.

So, can faith unblock King Lei Guan?

With all the information obtained, Chen Xizhou made this bold guess.

"If possible, I hope that the grass-type elves in Langqi Town can also live in this valley forest and believe in King Lei Guan together with the Trumpet Ya clan."

Chen Xizhou's words were like a bombshell, hitting the huge food flower's ears deeply, and exploded violently.

The old man was so excited that he couldn't help himself...

(End of this chapter)

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