I'm an elf mayor in the real world

Chapter 122 The Elf in the Foggy Valley Forest

Chapter 122 The Elf in the Foggy Valley Forest
The rain on the Tianjie Street is as crisp as the grass, but the grass color is far away but not close.

These two poems very aptly describe the scenery of the new tree fruit planting area.

The continuous drizzle in the past few days has allowed the germinated tree species to sprout from the ground into small saplings in just a few days with the blessing of the green grass field.

Although it doesn't feel like anything up close, if you look from a distance, you will see a light green.

This is new life and hope.

The smooth launch of the fruit planting project gave Chen Xizhou a sense of accomplishment.

As this livelihood project continues, the lives of villagers in these natural villages in Langqi Town will only get better and better.

At least after Meng Yongle's elf ration processing plant is built, there will be no need to worry about not being able to sell the fruit.

When Chen Xizhou continued to pay attention to the new tree fruit planting area, Wang Peijin and Zhong Chongwu found him with a map.

This is a map of Langqi Island, with several places marked on the map.

"Mayor, these are some of the locations we have selected that are more suitable for Bulbasaur to live in. Would you like to take a look and choose a specific location?"

Chen Xizhou took the map handed over by Wang Peijin and looked through it carefully...

The next day, Chen Xizhou followed Wang Peijin and Zhong Chongwu to the most suitable location for an on-site inspection.

This is a valley area.

There is a dense primeval forest among the surrounding peaks that reach hundreds of feet into the clouds.

What is a virgin forest?
A virgin forest refers to a forest that has reached a very long age without significant disturbance and thus exhibits unique ecological characteristics.

To put it bluntly, there is no uninhabited forest.

After the drastic changes in the New Calendar, various mysterious landscapes, large and small, appeared all over the world.

And many environments that originally existed, such as forests and lakes, have become places where humans cannot set foot because of the appearance of elves.

This forest has no human activities before and after the New Year, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a virgin forest.

The dense virgin forest in front of us seems to be blocked by the mountains from the sunlight, as if the entire forest is immersed in thick fog.

It gives people the feeling that once they enter, they can never come out.

Several people took their elves with them and followed the stream into the primeval forest named after Foggy Valley.

In this seemingly harmonious forest world, ancient trees hold up the sky, and dense shrubs and grass grow sparsely at their feet.

"Is it a little too humid and dark in here?"

Wang Peijin squatted down and squeezed the ground hard, and found that there was too much water in the soil.

This is a sign of long-term lack of light.

Plants need water and sunlight. If Foggy Valley Forest can only meet one condition, it will not be a suitable habitat for the Bulbasaur family.

"I think we can look further forward."

Chen Xizhou carefully recalled the height of the surrounding mountains and the sunshine environment before entering the valley. He did not know that this valley only had such an environment.


Just as a few people continued to walk forward, several sharp leaves suddenly shot out from the bushes in the distance.

The one who reacted fastest was King Dude, who had been protecting Chen Xizhou.

The gem on its forehead instantly lit up with red light, and the mysterious light in its eyes also lit up.

The sharp leaves that were shot at extremely fast speeds were stopped in mid-air by the King of Slow, and then fell to the ground feebly.

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, he shot out a few scattered leaves from the bushes. However, their strength and numbers were far inferior to the first sneak attack.

"Sister Mizui!"

In this case, it is best to test with remote attacks.

Compared with Zhong Chongwu's single scabbard that is not very good at long-range attacks, Wang Peijin's heterochromatic sister is obviously more suitable for the current situation.

Elf: Sister Mizui
Gender: Female

Attributes: ice system, super power system
Characteristics: Slowness (Because of the slowness of senses, it will not become obsessed or provoked. It is also unwavering against intimidation.)
Props: none
Skills: Angel's Kiss, Fine Snow, Imitation, Telekinesis, Singing, Fake Crying, Freeze Punch, Mental Power
Taught Skill: Freezing Ray
Genetic Skill: Prayer
Sister Mi Lun's movements are only one beat slower than King Dude's.

It swayed its plump body rhythmically while raising its hands toward the bushes.

In the blink of an eye, a mysterious ice-blue beam of light, exuding an extremely cold chill, shot toward the bush that was attacking everyone.

Zhong Chongwu was also holding the scabbard of his single sword at this moment, standing behind the two of them and preparing to guard against possible sneak attacks from other directions.


"Come on!"

As the freezing beam successfully hit, a noisy sound sounded from behind the bushes, followed by a burst of chickens and dogs jumping around.

When he looked again, the few elves who had launched a sneak attack had jumped out of the bushes.

The leader is a green elf that looks like a trumpet.

Its yellow trumpet head and the trumpet used as a mouth look very big, and there are two big round eyes on the yellow trumpet flower.

In addition to these distinctive features, it has a brown tail hook and two leaves growing on either side of the yellow morning glory.

【Stupid mouth! 】

[Silly-mouthed: Fly Catching Elf]

[At night, the mouth-shaped flower will hang on a branch with its tail hook to sleep. If it is not sleeping well, it will easily fall to the ground. 】

[The mouth of Kuduhua will spit out corrosive liquid that can dissolve most objects, and it can also secrete liquid that makes the dissolving liquid ineffective, so it will not be dissolved. 】

[The Kouduhua will first spray poisonous powder at prey that is approaching inadvertently, causing the opponent to stop moving, and then use the dissolving liquid to kill the opponent. 】

[When the Silly Flower is hungry, it will shoot sharp leaves wildly to chop up prey larger than its mouth. If it is unlucky enough to be touched, it will directly turn into food, and then it will be eaten without leaving a trace. 】

Entry keywords: dissolve, highly toxic, swallow
Chen Xizhou couldn't help but smile a little when he looked at the dull entry introduction.

Regardless of the entry information or entry keywords, this guy has a sense of déjà vu as a villain.

The three elves following Kou Dai Hua are its initial form. They are the trumpet buds of the elf database serial number No. 0069.

【Trumpet bud! 】

[Trumpet Bud: Flower Elf]

[Trumpet buds like places with high temperatures and a certain amount of humidity. 】

[The trumpet bud will extend its legs deep into the ground to replenish water, but if it is attacked at this time, it will be unable to escape. 】

[The trumpet bud uses the vines on its body to catch small insects and eat them. As long as there is something moving around, it will react immediately and stretch out the thin vines at any time. 】

[Although Trumpet Bud is thin in size, it moves very quickly when it extends its vines to capture prey, so fast that it cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye. 】

[Trumpet Bud will spit out liquid from its mouth that can melt even iron. No matter how strong the attack is, it can evade it by bending its slender and soft body. 】

Entry keywords: likes warmth and moisture, agility, softness
(End of this chapter)

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