Immortal Cultivator of Wizard Academy

Chapter 242 Young Master doesn’t want it

Chapter 242 Young Master doesn’t want it
Veins and blood vessels are visible on the pale skin. Very much like Elaine, but not.

"Who are you?" Liadrin asked with her eyes, reaching out and taking off the other person's hood.

What came into view was a black-haired girl whose beauty was almost unreal.

"Tai'an, help me reshape my body." Oveska released the wave of thoughts.

Liadrin felt a familiar feeling, and her expression finally relaxed.

"I will introduce you to everyone now to avoid any trouble in the future..."

"Okay!" Oveska's thin lips opened slightly.

The two came downstairs.

Liadrin called everyone, and the butlers and maids gathered around Oveska.

"Who is she!" Yinyue lay on the back of the sofa, looking up and down, and a sense of crisis flashed in her heart.

"Oveska! You should know each other." Liadrin introduced with a smile.

"Isn't Oveska the undead summoned by the young master?" Musophe scratched his head.

"Yes! The young master remade her body. Now she is the same as a human being, and her body still has temperature."

Liadrin telepathically signaled Oveska to shake hands with everyone.

Oveska slowly raised his hand, his movements very stiff.

Silver Moon was the first to go up and hold it. It does have the same body temperature as humans, crystal clear skin, and long and slender fingers, giving people a sense of a perfect work of art: "How come Xiao An's body is so beautiful?"

"Could it be that Miss Oveska was originally very beautiful?" Musophe had a different opinion.

"I'm very hungry." Oveska looked at the fruit plate on the coffee table and walked over with careful steps.

He bent down and picked up a bunch of grapes, picked one and put it in his mouth. Slightly sour and sweet taste.

She felt alive again. The movement froze for a moment.

"Miss Oveska still wants to eat?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"She should be a human now! She should be treated like a normal person." Liadrin warned everyone.

Since he had to go in and out of the laboratory frequently, he heard Tai'an proactively mention some issues about Oveska.

She is no ordinary undead, but the strongest fighting force under the young master! Must be respected.


For three days, Tai'an did not show up. Spend all day in the laboratory refining life potions.

Losing one-third of the blood is almost the limit of the normal state. Any more will exceed the scope of natural recovery and may permanently affect the foundation.

He raised his head and drank the perfect quality life potion that had just come out of the pot. Nowadays, the recovery effect of one bottle is less than 1%.

After drinking more than 30 bottles in three days, combined with absorbing a large amount of natural energy, the qi and blood were finally restored to 80% of the level in their heyday.

Taian plans to remain in retreat until she fully recovers.

Continuously refining the life potion, while increasing his experience, also gave him some different ideas.

The perfect quality life potion is already close to being semi-solid. Can it go further? Become the form of elixir?
Tried compression many times but failed.

Tai'an reflected on himself and thought that it was because his mental strength was too weak now.
The super-level mental power is already unimaginably good for someone of the same age, and you can't even find an opponent with a telescope.

However, he still couldn't even see the shadow of his current physical body. The gap widened by at least two stages.

He even sometimes had the feeling that he couldn't perfectly control his body.

There is a serious imbalance between the two.

Tai'an made up his mind to erase the inscriptions on his body, and his strength would inevitably decline significantly. I actually felt a lot more relaxed afterwards. It's like a mental weight has been lifted off.

He quickly caught up on his sleep.

In the dream, fragmented memory fragments awakened.

Those who cultivate martial arts, those who cultivate Taoism, those who cultivate immortality. Three extraordinary ways of existence on earth and stars. There doesn't seem to be much difference from Aolan Star.

Martial arts practitioners temper their bodies and strengthen their Qi and blood through various methods.

Ascetics need to be born with special talents, similar to spellcasters.

Immortal cultivators, dragons that see their heads but not their tail, are also legends on the earth and stars.

The biggest difference between the cultivation methods of immortal cultivators and the former two is the transformation of essence, energy and spirit.

The three elements of essence, energy, and spirit are: natural energy, vitality, and spiritual force.

By absorbing and adapting to natural energy through the innately strong mental power, one can obtain strong vitality. Finally, the strong vitality can be used to nurture mental power to recover and practice faster.

The three continue to complete the cycle, and the cultivation efficiency is much higher than simply practicing one way, let alone the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts with scattered energy.


The strong sunshine at noon in midsummer gives people an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Aglaya held Oveska's hand and went shopping together.

The young master readily approved a sum of funds without considering the expenses.

The two of them can enjoy all kinds of food and buy some favorite clothes.

Returned with a full load for three days in a row.

"Teacher, what do you think of this dress?" Aglaia took a fancy to a swordsman uniform. Pure white looks a bit stain-resistant.

Oveska thought for a moment and then replied: "Very good."

"Not bad!" The three-eyed crow clone that transformed into a shadow swam freely on the two beauties, and finally stood on Oveska's shoulders.

"Master, don't do bad things!" Aglaia's face turned slightly red. Wherever the shadow swam, it was like a cold hand.

"It's okay! Just get used to it." The three-eyed crow reappeared and swam along Aglaia's arm into the sleeve.

The girl's knees were pressed together, and her expression became increasingly uncomfortable.

"Master, don't..."

"You are bad!"

The three-eyed crow struggled a lot, then stood on Aglaia's shoulder with a piece of black hair in its mouth.

The Asian waiter packed the clothes and sent away the two guests.

The two beauties were walking on the street, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Aglaia endured the waves of chatters and jumped to the roof with Oveska.

After the two of them put on their cloaks to hide their faces, the surroundings became much quieter.

Even so, it still attracts obsessive gazes inadvertently.

"You two ladies, could you please get to know each other?" The well-dressed brown-haired young aristocratic man bowed slightly according to etiquette standards.

Unfortunately, Aglaia and Oveska were completely indifferent to this.

Released a faint warning of murderous intent, and then passed by this person.

The brown-haired young man was dripping with cold sweat from behind.

Compared to the state when he first gained flesh and blood, after three days of adaptation, Oveska's behavior was no different from that of a normal person. Walking and standing are all silky smooth, with no stiffness visible. It's still very difficult to speak. I often get stuck on a word and it takes me a long time to pronounce it correctly.

The body, which is as fragile as paper, gradually regains some sense of strength through constant eating.

Of course, food will also produce residues in the body, which will be excreted by the living.

Until this moment, Oveska truly confirmed that he was alive.

(End of this chapter)

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