Immortal Cultivator of Wizard Academy

Chapter 134 I will solve the problem in my own way

Chapter 134 I will solve the problem in my own way
In the eyes of ordinary people, contact with undead creatures is a taboo thing. The unintentional spillage of negative energy from them can easily affect the physical and mental state of the living.

Aglaia herself didn't care, she was mainly worried about her mother and sister, and stood in tangle at the door of her house.

As a mentor and savior, Oveska should not be treated indifferently.

After getting along for a period of time, Aglaia has already determined that Oveska has thinking and judgment abilities comparable to those of a normal person, and is definitely not a manipulated puppet. He actively asks the other party what he thinks.

Oveska made it clear that the small space of the house was not conducive to investigation and strength display.

The two reached an agreement.

Aglaia allowed Oveska to roam the neighborhood freely at night.

A long night in the eyes of mortals is only a short moment to the immortals whose lifespan is almost eternal.

A glimmer of light gradually appeared in the deep night.

Outside the door of the wizard branch, the two sisters passed the time talking and laughing softly.

The journey here has been smooth.

Although Alia was not a student of Violet College, the old gatekeeper readily let her in as she was a member of the Blue Rose family on her student certificate. The reason for registration was that she was a family member of the student.

The two sisters walked hand in hand in the middle of the college road. Alia is like a curious baby, asking all kinds of questions.

Aglaia answered patiently.

"It would be great if I could come to Violet Academy to study in the future..." Alya expressed her expectation very simply.

Aglaia couldn't bear to break her sister's vision: "Perhaps, there will always be a chance."

In fact, not at all. Alia, who had been frail since childhood, had no chance of becoming a professional.

Even if he takes the exact same path as Aglaia, he still won't be able to recreate it.

Same parents, different fate. Alia's eyes were undisguisedly lonely.

Aglaia didn't know how to comfort her and was thinking hard about a solution to the problem.

The only option before her was to tell her sister about the Blue Rose family's recruitment of maids.

It was originally considered that she was still too young and might have difficulty adapting to work.

After all, Alya is only ten years old!
"Become a maid? Can you work with your sister?"

"Maybe! There will be more opportunities to meet in the future. I think you are still too young and it is not suitable now."

"No! I think it's very suitable. Many people become maids at a younger age than me. I am over ten years old! When the contract expires in ten years, twenty years old will still be young."

Alia finally convinced her sister.

The sky was getting brighter and brighter, and the three-eyed crow Gargamel jumped from the shrine to the top of the evil ghost statue, overlooking the three figures waiting in front of the gate.

"I've seen you! Aglaia, right? What's going on with the little girl next to you?"

"Lord Gargamel, she is my sister and a family member of a student. She will not come here often in the future. Please forgive me!"

"Okay! Who told me to be in a good mood today, quack..."

The three-eyed crow shook its head and moved its body angrily.

The family members of a wizard's servant are not a reason for release. It was so that the little girl wouldn't cause any trouble.

In general, Arya is no more powerful than a pet kept by a wizard.

Although Aglaia had described the internal situation of the wizard branch to her sister in advance with few words, Aglaia still felt deeply shocked and frightened when she witnessed it with her own eyes.

The Skeleton Guard's tall body silently released a sense of oppression, and his eyes burning with soul fire were filled with indifference to all living things.

"Close your eyes and don't look."

Alya held her sister's hand tremblingly, her palms covered with sweat. He didn't open his eyes again until he was far away from the chill behind him. The two walked slowly and arrived at the end of the trip, Dormitory No. 17, Pale Courtyard.

"Good morning! Aglaia..."

"Good morning, Mr. Butler."

When Musophi learned that the two sisters had not eaten, he immediately went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I just bought the Inscription oven and made a batch of white bread last night. I heated it up with the milk, two cuckoo eggs and a steak.

For a nobleman, it was not very rich. However, Alia had not eaten so satisfactorily for a long time.

White bread filled with butter, as well as cheese and honey fillings, can only be eaten during holidays. Common people generally only have hard black bread and mashed potatoes as their staple food.

"Are you Aglaia's sister?" The panda man sat opposite the little girl, resting his chin on his furry paws.

"Yes! Mr. Bear!" The tea-haired Lolita smiled sweetly on her little face.

"My name is Musophi! Please call me Mr. Butler." Pandaren emphasized.

"Alia! You must listen to Mr. Butler!" Aglaia patted her sister on the head.

It's bound to be a busy day.

Hua Yun took a leave of absence for the first time in a long time and promised to help the children of the nunnery be discharged from the hospital.

Rush to the appointed time and wait in the corridor of the inpatient department.

The black-haired lady looked gloomy, silently thinking about the moment of her confession yesterday.

I don't know why, as if possessed by a demon, he was carried away by a kind of power and said extremely shameful words. Every time I think about it, I can't help but scratch the ground with my toes. It can be called the most unforgettable black history in life.

However, the matter has come to this, and there is no more regret medicine to take.

She had to admit that she was attracted, momentarily attracted.

The so-called lofty righteousness and dedication to self-sacrifice for others are probably just a way to hide good feelings.

Ask yourself, if it were another man, would it be possible for you to be so proactive?
The answer is, no!
However, her burning emotions were not responded to.

Shota acted like a bucket of cold water was poured on his head, and said indifferently: "I will solve the problem in my own way."

What is your own way? Not willing means unwilling?
Hua Yun felt aggrieved and felt that her charm could not match the reality after all.

The price of more than two thousand gold dragons is indeed too high! A reasonable man would be forgiven for refusing.

At least Koshota is not a mindless womanizer.

Hua Yun felt disappointed in her heart.

She was once recognized as one of the four beauties in the academy, with many suitors behind her, and her charm has been proven time and time again.

Many noble young masters are currently launching a strong offensive. Hua Yun has never been attracted to anyone.

Calculated, she is almost 20 years old this year, and her family members believe that her marriage should not continue to be postponed.

Hua Yun has serious thoughts and considerations.

You should choose a partner who you can get along with for a long time and who is not resentful, rather than simply looking at power and status.

The high-quality suitors who are still surrounding him include the 27-year-old Barov, heir to a marquis-level noble family.

He is loyal and devoted to his feelings, and there has never been any scandal around him. She has confessed her love many times and promised to marry her as a real wife.

Unfortunately, the appearance is too rough, and Hua Yun doesn't like the image of a tough guy with a bald head and beard at all. Even thinking about it makes my body instinctively reject it.

(End of this chapter)

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