Immortal Cultivator of Wizard Academy

Chapter 106 Liadrin’s new life

Chapter 106 Liadrin’s new life
"If you are really worried, you can consider persuading your family to move to the north. I will arrange their work and life in the family's castle. The people there are of pure origin, and the Belland family has no way to attack them."

Aglaia lowered her eyes: "Do we have to separate?"

"You have to understand that even if you move to an urban area, you are not necessarily 100% safe. It just means that there are less low-level means of harassment by gangsters and gangsters, and you can't guard against some slightly more powerful professionals. There is a saying that you are not afraid of thieves. If you steal, you are afraid that the thief will remember you. If you had been more decisive and not exposed your identity, you would not have such trouble now. "

"Master, I would like to ask Oveska to accompany me back every night." Aglaia raised her eyes and looked forward.

"What should I do during the day?"

Aglaia clenched her fists and remained silent.

"The best solution is actually to gamble!"

Directly dispatch the Orvis Gardan sweepers to give the fallen nobles a death warning. If they still care about their lives, they wouldn't dare to attack Aglaia's family. A sharp look flashed in Tai'an's eyes.

In the early morning, the sun gradually rises from the horizon.

In the waking Squirrel Alley, there are noisy sounds coming from the neighbors. The sound of footsteps, voices, and furniture being bumped against each other. There was a long line of water at the well near Gus's house.

"Yi Zi, where were you last night? Your brother is looking for you everywhere..."

The little sisters who were usually close friends deliberately raised their voices.

Soon, his father, Finn, who was about to go out to work, opened the door and grabbed Ye Zi's arm with a gloomy expression.

The wooden door slammed shut with a bang.

Soon afterwards, people all over the street heard the girl's cries of pain.

Give him a beating first, then listen to the explanation!
Finn put down the belt in his hand: "Give you three minutes, tell me clearly what you were doing last night?"

Ye Zi gasped in pain and defended with a trembling voice.

"Dad, I didn't mean not to come back. I just encountered some accidents. My friends and I went out to do odd jobs and settle the wages for the day. When we were about to leave, we encountered a group of gangsters following us. I had an idea and went upstairs at the corner of the corridor to get rid of them. , hiding in the private room on the second floor for one night."

"What kind of job do you do?"

"The waiter at the club."

"You better tell the truth!"

Finn still had to go to work, so there wasn't much time to lose. Morning chores are very important. Missing regular customers will not only affect the day's income, but also cause the loss of customer orders.

He fastened his belt and hurriedly pushed open the door.

Her mother, Bai Sha, suspected that Ye Zi was doing some illegal work, so she unceremoniously pulled her daughter into the bedroom. After a careful inspection, she breathed a sigh of relief with a thankful expression. Fortunately, the purity is still intact.

"Mom, can you give me a little trust?"

"If you were like my sister, I would never have any doubts."

If a girl's family loses her virginity, it will be difficult for her to find a suitable family in the future, and she is likely to embark on a path of perdition and depravity.

Baisha will never allow her daughter to become a young lady sitting on the stage.

Outside the door, Gus held a toothbrush in his mouth and watched the whole process with Xiaoyu.

"Yi Zi, if you are short of money, you can ask me for it!"

"I don't!"

Ye Zi asked Gus in a sharp tone: "You work for the nobles and use the blood and sweat earned from exploiting the working people. Do you ever feel at ease?"

"There are good and bad nobles, just like ordinary people. There are always noble people and inferior people in any class or profession." Gus retorted solemnly.

"Don't talk nonsense to me. When an avalanche occurs, not a single snowflake is innocent." Ye Zi snorted contemptuously.

"Talk to your brother!" Her mother, Bai Sha, slapped her hard.

Nine o'clock in the morning, the scheduled haircut time. Yinyue brought someone to visit on time: "Xiao An! Open the door! Xiao An, open the door quickly..."

"Come in by yourself, aren't you very good at climbing over walls every time?" Tai'an's lazy voice appeared in the laboratory upstairs.

"I won't allow you to slander ladies." The silver-haired goblin shouted angrily.

Musophi took the initiative to welcome him out. The lock sensor sensed that the person holding the key was nearby and no longer issued an alarm.

"Miss Yinyue, please come in quickly."

The bearings of the iron fence door rotated and made a tooth-aching sound.

The silver-haired loli waved her arms aggressively, preparing to go upstairs to settle the score with Shota.

A tall, gorgeously dressed green-haired elf beauty, carrying a dark brown toolbox in her hand, followed Yinyue into the living room.

"My name is Fina, a stylist from Yilan Tishi. Please prepare a quiet room for me, preferably with a chair and a wide mirror."

"Is the bathroom available?" Musophi asked kindly.

The green-haired elf nodded implicitly: "No problem."

Liadrin was watching the morning news in the living room. She was more concerned about whether her disappearance would attract widespread public attention.

The result was calm.

There was no mention of her in the news reports. Perhaps it is because the time is short and cannot be determined.

"That's okay!"

Liadrin silently applied a layer of light distortion to her face and followed the hairdresser Fina upstairs.

"Ma'am, with all due respect, your hairstyle is perfect enough, there is not much room for modification."

Fina felt Liadrin's long, silky golden hair carefully as if she had found a treasure. It is simply the best of the best, a gift from the gods.

"I want short black hair." Liadrin said in an unquestionable tone.

"Of course I can meet your request, but I feel it's a bit of a pity." Fina bent down to open the tool box she carried with her, took out the scarf and tied it around Liadrin's neck. She sprayed some water on her dry hair first: " Regarding changing hair color, I suggest that the best way is to use transformation. As long as you get started with it, you can change any color at will. You are a spell caster, so you should be able to do it easily..."

The green-haired elf picked up a pair of small silver scissors from the tool box and gestured at Liadrin's back. At the end of the day, he couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure?"


Liadrin closed her eyes, feeling the strands of hair fall. All the sorrows and troubles of the past disappeared.

From then on, welcome a new life.

Tai'an refines the life potion in the laboratory.

Since the process is already so practiced, a little distraction doesn't hurt. While refining medicine, reading a book, or dealing with loli.

"Xiao An, you can refine so much at once!"

Yinyue put her hands behind her back and looked around the bronze cauldron. The weight of one pot was dozens of times that of an ordinary crucible.

"Don't cause trouble!"

Tai'an warned with a cold face, feeling that the little goblin's wandering around would be a hindrance and interfere with his next step.

"I didn't expect you to be quite annoying." The silver-haired Loli said in a tsk-tsk tone: "Would you like me to teach you how to refine magic potion? The teacher didn't mention it in class."

"You know how?" Tai'an's eyes were full of suspicion.

"Of course, I am a very powerful potion master!" Yinyue smiled proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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