Immortal Cultivator of Wizard Academy

Chapter 104 The Night Watch is dispatched

Chapter 104 The Night Watch is dispatched

You can always trust the Night Watch.

They are aliens who do not integrate into the mainstream and are excluded. I would rather wander around late at night and take greater risks than walk in the sun and wear a mask of hypocrisy.

Refuse to socialize, refuse to be bribed by any nobles, and resolutely enforce justice, just like the light walking in the darkness.

There is not only evil in the world, but also justice. However, in today's difficult world, justice is but a weak flame. Most people prefer grayish chaos.

"Beautiful lady, can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Aglaia, and I am a follower of the Blue Rose family."

"Oh! It's an honor to meet you. My name is Gawain. Can you give me a ride?"

"No, please don't follow me, otherwise I will suspect you of having evil intentions."

At this point, Gawain had no choice but to stand on the roadside and watch Aglaia leave. The bleak wind blew the hem of his clothes. The calm inner lake was stirred up by the girl.

"There are undead people in her car, and there may be stolen goods." The female night watchman who had a crush on Gawain stood beside him and reminded him.

"I know!" Gawain said calmly: "What I admire is that she would rather risk conflict than send people over. Human life is more important in her eyes than wealth."

Not only is the appearance beautiful, but the beauty of the soul is even rarer, a trace of obsession flashed in Gawain's eyes.

Splendid Years Club.

The all-night carnival came to an end, leaving only a mess on the floor and the lingering smell of alcohol.

Ye Zi followed the girls absentmindedly and came to the backstage to line up to wash off the paint on their bodies.

Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself.

The clothes in the paintings are lifelike and look exactly like the real thing. The complex patterns and bright colors make it look like a gorgeous dress.

"You all performed well today! You are welcome to continue participating in next Saturday's event."

The short steward in a suit and red bow tie carried a bag and gave each girl two golden dragons. He looked around with his eyes and dishonest hands touching their backs one by one.

Ye Zi couldn't help but get excited. Soon, it was her turn to clean herself. The girl tightly held the Jinlong in her hand and let the warm water wash away the paint on her body.

The fake gorgeous dress on her body turned into turbid water and flowed into the drainage outlet at her feet. Suddenly I remembered that I should squeeze in some cleaning fluid. Just after applying it, there was an urging sound outside the door.

The steward roughly opened the door of the compartment: "Time's up, please come next."

Looking around with sarcastic eyes, several thugs with malicious intentions stood aside, talking and laughing.

Ye Zi suddenly noticed their undisguised greedy gaze.


She seems to have forgotten the last and most important step, how to take away the golden dragon in her hand!
Most of the girls will be greeted by their families, or they may take the initiative to hand over half of the bribe to the thugs before they can leave. The law of the jungle and the strong applies everywhere!

Ye Zi put on her clothes silently, tied her shoelaces carefully, and then left without anyone trying to stop her. At the corner of the stairway, she suddenly quickened her pace. Instead of going outside, he ran upstairs.

As expected, several thugs behind him followed in a hurry.

"You dare to play tricks!"

"Follow me directly!"

"Don't let her go!"

Listening to the cursing voices going away, Ye Zi cautiously poked his head around the corner of the stairs.

The second floor is a VIP private room.

Voices came from the dark corridor.

"Master Lesser, the undead will in your body is too strong. It's best to remove it as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome." "There is nothing you can do?"

"I'm sorry that I can't do anything. I suggest you go to the Spellcasters Association or the Holy Monastery to seek help."

The old spellcaster with gray hair and a beard is Dunn, the priest hired by the Belland family. He is over a hundred years old, and his apparent strength is at the elite level.

Lesser smelled danger and frowned: "Stay with me! Protect my safety..."

"Yes!" Dunn responded.

"You should be able to clear the mental coordinates of ordinary super-powerful people..." Lesser asked.

"It will take some effort, but it's not a big problem." Dunn silently prepared the transformation spell for himself.

To live to be more than a hundred years old requires not only survival, but also various life-saving means.

Hearing footsteps coming from the corridor, Ye Zi, who was hiding in the nearest private room, did not dare to move and held his breath nervously.

Dunn's steps paused slightly, and under his mental perception, everything was invisible.

The life magnetic field is very weak, so he must be a thief who steals things?

The old mage thought for a while and felt that there was no need to remind Lesser.

With the Belland family's methods, the thief's fate would be even more miserable than death. There is no need to take a life because of your words.

Dunn was not prepared to take the blame for the fallen nobleman, so he turned a blind eye and walked away.

Ye Zi's heart was beating thumpingly, thumpingly, and it never calmed down for a long time...

On the long street, a group of night watchmen blocked Lesser's way. Several thugs who had just run out knelt in a row on the roadside with their heads in their hands, and their wrists had structural shackles with shining inscriptions.

"Watchmen, what do you mean?"

"We have received reports from multiple victims. The Belland family is suspected of kidnapping people, gathering people for prostitution, and illegal harm. Now you will follow us back to the station for investigation."

"Very well, I ask you to ensure my personal safety and remove the spiritual coordinates from my body."

Lesser showed cooperation. Because of his noble status, he was not punished, and the same was true for the old mage Dunn next to him. The rest of the club's staff were not so lucky, and nearly all the men were taken away.

The night is long.

Aglaia drove on Bell Street and learned some basic skills from Millie. To shake the reins is to start, to rein in the horse's neck is to stop, and to command and control the horse's left and right sides.

The key is why does the horse listen to you?

Generally, grooms are responsible for feeding and nurturing their pets, including daily care. Wash the body, trim the horse's hooves, etc.

With Oveska by his side, there is no need for too much trouble. He can directly communicate with his mind and use the will of the undead to suppress him.

How dare ordinary domestic animals disobey?

The horse's hooves made a clicking sound on the ground, and the alley ahead was difficult to pass visually.

Aglaia jumped out of the car: "I'll go back, you stay and look at the loot."

"My main responsibility is to protect your safety!" Oveska released his telepathic voice.

"My home is not far away, about a hundred meters away. I'm only going there for a while." Aglaia hoped that Oveska could be a little more flexible. Although she is an undead creature, she shouldn't be too rigid in dealing with things.

"Go ahead…"

Oveska's figure slowly floated into the sky, standing under the blue moon, wearing a dark cloak.

(End of this chapter)

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