Chapter 153 Ma Chao returns home (asking for monthly votes to pursue)

Huang Zhong hesitated.

In his heart, Huang Zhong really liked Huo Yi.

Not only because Huo Yi is Huo Jun's only son, but also because of Huo Yi's loyal and filial character.

Forging a master-disciple relationship is tantamount to treating Huo Yi as a nephew and younger brother, and one must devote one's efforts to Huo Yi's future.


When recruiting a disciple, the first priority is character, followed by talent.

However, Huang Zhong is over seventy years old.

Huang Zhong himself didn't know how long he could live. In addition, Liu Bei wanted to go to the Northern Expedition this time, so Huang Zhong also enthusiastically supported it.

Huo Yi was too young and could not be taken to the army. This meant that he only had the title of master and apprentice but no real master and apprentice. Huang Zhong did not want to take advantage of Huo Yi.

"Those vulgar rituals are unnecessary. I only want to say one thing. You only have one year. Within one year, I will teach you everything you have. But how much you can learn can only depend on your understanding."

Zhuge Qiao laughed, turned and left the Hou General's Mansion.

Huang Zhong was awe-inspiring and understood Liu Bei's intention: "Don't worry, Bosong, I won't let the king down."

Huang Zhong waved to Huo Yi again.

Huang Zhong was shocked: "Your Majesty gave up the Northern Expedition? But your Majesty did not cancel the plan to worship the generals in Nanzheng?"

"Brother, go ahead. I will study seriously with the teacher." Liu Chan replied seriously, his eyes becoming calmer.

In Zhuge Qiao's view, Liu Chan was just a bit playful, but his mind and wisdom were far superior to ordinary people.

Huo Yi was overjoyed and said, "Disciple Huo Yi, please follow your teacher's teachings."

Liu Chan was generally reluctant to learn martial arts before Tathagata. Liu Chan was deeply touched by the bow he made to the old soldier at the door and the heroic attitude of Huang Zhong when he and Zhuge Qiao were talking about the Northern Expedition.

"Bosong, you know that the king is going to take the stage in Nanzheng to pay his respects to the general, and I don't have the energy to teach my disciples." Huang Zhong's tone became serious.

Zhuge Qiao said goodbye: "Old General, I have other important matters, so I won't stay here. Adou, Gedi, you two stay here and study seriously with the old general."

Just like the tragedy of a strong man gone and never coming back, Liu Chan suddenly lost a little bit of playfulness.

"I would like to advise your Majesty, the loyal and loyal old general should not die in despair on his bed, but should bravely take the lead in fighting for the Han Dynasty. Even if he dies on the battlefield and is wrapped in horse leather, he will still live in history and have no regrets in this life."

Huo Yi accepted the order.

Huang Zhong looked at Huo Yi, and the more he looked at him, the more he liked him. He seemed to be seeing his eldest son Huang Xu, who had died of illness in the past: "Huo Yi, from today on, you are my disciple."

"We delayed it again, and after the king calmed down, we explained the pros and cons. This made the king suspend the idea of ​​the Northern Expedition."

"I will tell the military advisor all the victories and defeats in the battles of commanding troops in this life. I hope it will help the military advisor have a deeper understanding of how to command troops."

Zhuge Qiao said solemnly: "Old general, let me be honest with you. Yizhou has been in war for years and the people are exhausted. They need to rest their troops to nourish the people and recuperate."

"Remember not to forget the time. Prince Xu said that you have to go back."

Huang Zhong only gave Huo Yi one year, which means that after one year, Huang Zhong will not return to Chengdu.

"The end of the old general's life is not in Chengdu, but in Chang'an!"

Zhuge Qiao also smiled and said: "I heard that the old general has been hiding his illness and avoiding medical treatment recently, and his daily meals have been decreasing day by day. I thought this was not a good thing. The old general must take good care of his body, otherwise when the time comes for the Northern Expedition, I am worried that the old general will not be able to draw his bow. .”

Huang Zhong was very happy: "How could I not know about Bo Song's good intentions? From now on, I will not only not hide my illness and avoid medical treatment, but will also often ask famous doctors for consultation. Bo Song, you can't deceive me. If I let me die in depression during the Northern Expedition, I won’t spare you!”

Seeing that Huang Zhong was about to speak, Zhuge Qiao lowered his hand and signaled: "Old general, don't worry. Your Majesty is worried that the old general is old and infirm, and cannot bear to have an accident happen to the old general on the battlefield."

Zhuge Qiao shook his head: "Old General, you have misunderstood. Your Majesty will not make the Northern Expedition for at least a year. Even if you grab the Pioneer Seal, you will not be able to leave Qinchuan."

Zhuge Qiao asked Liu Chan and Huo Yi to stay away for the time being: "Old General, I am here today. In addition to asking the old general to recruit disciples, I am also here to persuade the old general to give up competing for the Northern Expedition coach."

"Old general, you must not refuse. This is the king's wish."

Zhuge Qiao called Liu Chan again: "Old general, the king has a command, and I hope that Adou will also become your teacher. You don't need to teach Adou too advanced, just let Adou strengthen his body and lose this extra fat."

Huang Zhong stroked his palm: "I also admire the military advisor! The military advisor is a genius in the world. Although he has never been in battle, he is cautious, methodical, humble and eager to learn."

Zhuge Qiao laughed: "Old general, as long as you support my father as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition, I will never break my promise today!"

"I can promise the old general that during the Northern Expedition in the future, I will allow the old general to fight with great vigor. I will never let the old general commit suicide because he got lost like the former flying general Li Guang."

Huang Zhong stood up, snapping the case, his eyes widened: "Bosong, are you serious about this? Can you really let me board Chang'an City?"

Zhuge Qiao bowed again: "I am here to thank the old general on behalf of my father."

"The King is stubborn. He not only wants to conduct the Northern Expedition, but also wants to conquer it himself. Therefore, I designed my father to compete for the position of the Northern Expedition coach to dispel the idea of ​​the King's own expedition."

Zhuge Qiao nodded seriously: "If the old general has great blessings, I hope that the old general can build the city of Luoyang again."

"The son of a military advisor is really a genius in the world!" Huang Zhong looked at the back of Zhuge Qiao who was laughing and walking away, and he was filled with emotion in his heart.

As long as you guide them well, you will surely amaze the world in the future.

Huang Zhong laughed loudly: "If I can ascend to Chang'an City, I will have no regrets in this life, so why bother to be greedy for Luoyang City."

Huo Yi approached happily and said, "Old General."

Huang Zhong smiled and said: "Actually, I also know that I can't be the head coach of the Northern Expedition. I can't be the head coach of the Northern Expedition, but I can win over the vanguard of the Northern Expedition."

Ordinary people would not say to Huang Zhong, "You shouldn't die in bed in despair", "In the future Northern Expedition, I will let the old general fight a vigorous battle", "The end of the old general's life is not in Chengdu, but in Chang'an!" Such words.

Most people would only say, "Old general, you are old and should rest in Chengdu", "Wouldn't it be a pity if the old general had an accident", etc. Some of them are out of concern, and some are out of their own reputation.

If the news spread that the outstanding general died on the battlefield, even if Huang Zhong himself agreed with this ending of his life, the officials would criticize Zhuge Qiao.

This has a great impact on Zhuge Qiao's reputation!

However, Zhuge Qiao didn't care about these common names, and told Huang Zhong frankly that he would not let Huang Zhong die on the bed because of his old age, but would let Huang Zhong fight vigorously.

"A scholar will die for his confidant!"

"Zhuge Qiao, I am so lucky to get to know you in my twilight years!"

Huang Zhong took a deep breath and looked at Huo Yi and Liu Chan again, his eyes shining brightly.

Especially the existence of Huo Yi gave Huang Zhong an extra spiritual sustenance.

General Zuo's Mansion.

Ma Chao was studying the map of Yongliang with Ma Dai when they suddenly heard that Zhuge Qiao, the son of the military advisor general, asked for a visit.

"The eldest son of the military advisor? I have no friendship with him. Why did he come to see me?" Ma Chao was suddenly confused. He suddenly thought of the recent rumors and couldn't help but feel a little more nervous: "It is rumored that the military advisor will also participate in the selection of the Northern Expedition commander. Is it because of this?"

Ma Dai said: "Brother, there is no use in guessing. Let's meet Zhuge Qiao first and then think about it."

Ma Chao pondered for a moment, then stood up to greet him.

"I heard that General Zuo has the habit of collecting good swords. I recently got a new good sword and gave it to General Zuo." Zhuge Qiao came with enthusiasm and handed the good sword in his hand to Ma Chao.

Ma Chao didn't know Zhuge Qiao's real intention, but he didn't clarify it. He just drew his sword out of its sheath and flicked it.

"The sword is good, Bo Song is determined." Ma Chao sheathed the sword, invited Zhuge Qiao to sit inside, and asked, "Bo Song came to see me today, what's the important matter?"

Zhuge Qiao said frankly: "Of course I came here to select a commander for the Northern Expedition."

Ma Chao couldn't help but feel nervous: "So, the rumor that the military advisor is running for the Northern Expedition coach is true?"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head: "It's not a campaign, it's an unofficial decision!"

Ma Chao suddenly stood up, his eyes instantly filled with bloodshot eyes, and his breathing became rapid: "Decided? You said the Northern Expedition coach has been confirmed? This is impossible!"

A stale breath filled his throat again, and Ma Chao clenched his hands into fists: "Are you here to show off to me today?"

Seeing this, Ma Dai quickly approached and advised: "Brother, you have old wounds, don't get angry again."

Zhuge Qiao smiled slowly: "General Zuo, why are you angry? If I came here to show off, why would I give a sword to General Zuo?"

"I know that General Zuo wants to avenge his family, but this revenge must be carefully planned. Otherwise, if the Northern Expedition fails, General Zuo will not be able to repay the king's kindness, and he will not be able to avenge his family. How can he stand in the world?"

Ma Dai also advised in a low voice: "Brother, I don't think Zhuge Qiao has any ill intentions. It's better to find out first."

Ma Chao exhaled the turbid air in his throat and took a deep breath: "Bosong, please tell me your intention."

Zhuge Qiao saw that Ma Chao's breath had become calmer and said: "I made a bet with the king. As long as my father can win the support of the generals when he is conferred a title of lord and general, the king will not personally go to the Northern Expedition."

"General Zuo should know very well that the king wants to go to the north more than anyone else. But after all, the king is in Jingyi's important position, and now he is old and can no longer go out easily."

"Your Majesty cannot conduct the Northern Expedition himself, so he can only choose another general for the important task of the Northern Expedition."

"The former general should have been the first choice for the Northern Expedition, but Sun Quan's ambition in Jiangdong did not die, so the former general could only sit in Jingzhou."

"The right general has an impatient character. Although he has the courage to defeat thousands of people, the road leading north from Qinchuan is difficult and dangerous, and Cao Pi has stationed 100,000 people in Guanzhong. Victory cannot be won by bravery."

"General Hou is old, and the governor of Hanzhong cannot convince the people. Only General Zuo can connect the hearts of the Qiang and Hu and help him to support the Northern Expedition to Yongliang."

"General Zuo should have been the most suitable commander for the Northern Expedition, but General Zuo killed too many people in Yongliang. If the people of Yongliang knew that General Zuo was leading the army, they would fight to the death with all their strength."

"This is not because the king does not trust the generals, but because of the current situation, Yongliang must be determined. Attacking the heart is the top priority, attacking the city is the next priority, fighting with the heart is the top priority, and fighting with soldiers is the bottom priority."

"I know that General Zuo is eager for revenge, but Yizhou has been using troops for many years, and the soldiers and people are already exhausted. The top priority is to cultivate internal political principles and rest the troops to support the people."

Ma Chao's tone became a little more urgent: "How long will the truce be?"

Zhuge Qiao raised a finger: "One year! My father needs one year to learn the art of commanding troops; and Yizhou also needs one year to store enough money, silk, grain and grass for the Northern Expedition."

Ma Chao was silent.

The appointment of the unofficial head coach and a year's time made Ma Chao's enthusiasm as if it had been doused by a basin of cold water.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qiao said again: "General Zuo, I heard that you are suffering from vomiting blood, and you often have stagnation in your heart, whether you are angry or angry, sad or resentful, and you even have fear and suspicion of the king.

"With so many thoughts every day, can you survive until next year's Northern Expedition?"

Ma Dai's expression changed: "Zhuge Qiao, what do you mean? My brother has never offended you before."

Zhuge Qiao chuckled a few times.

Ma Chao's tone became deeper: "Bosong, why are you laughing?"

Zhuge Qiao's tone remained the same: "I just laughed at General Zuo. He has lived stupidly for decades, but he has not understood anything." "General Zuo wants to use the king's power to avenge his family, but he is afraid of being suspected by the king, so he is always cautious and treats The king also concealed something when he spoke.”

"You are mistaking the king for Cao Cao."

Ma Chao's expression changed: "Bosong, I have never said that!"

Zhuge Qiao sighed softly: "General Zuo, you still don't understand. You are a general who leads the army, not a scheming scribe like Peng Yi."

"The more cautious you are in front of the king, guarding your words and deeds so that the king cannot hear your most sincere words, the less likely the king will trust you and use you."

"Whether it is the former general, the right general, the latter general, or the Hanzhong prefect, they all confide in the king. Only you, the left general, are always afraid of danger."

"You are of a straightforward nature. Just because you were betrayed by Han Sui and suspected by Cao Cao and Zhang Lu, you cannot think that all the lords in this world will be suspicious of you."

"You could have been honest and honest with the king, but now you have to be cautious in your words and deeds."

"Shedding her roots for the sake of the bottom, I, an outsider, am worried for you!"

A few words awakened the dreamer.

Ma Chao was stunned on the spot and could not speak for a long time.

a long time.

Ma Chao stood up and saluted Zhuge Qiao: "Please Bo Song teach me!"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head: "General Zuo, to untie the bell you must tie the bell. If I teach you, wouldn't you still be playing tricks with the king?"

Ma Chao was stunned again, his mind a little confused for a moment.

Asking Zhuge Qiao is just scheming, but I don’t know how to confide in the king without asking him?

Just now.

Two children approached the door and looked timidly into the room.

Zhuge Qiao waved, and the two children looked at each other, but did not dare to enter.

Ma Chao was in a irritable mood at the moment. After seeing these two children, his temper also got a little heated. Just when Ma Chao was about to reprimand him, Zhuge Qiao spoke first: "General Zuo's children are really amazing among people. Can you summon them? Nearby?"

Ma Chao swallowed back his scolding words and called the two children closer: "Bosong is too complimentary. These are my youngest son Ma Cheng and my youngest daughter Chongli."

Zhuge Qiao praised: "A tiger father has no dog sons. I think that your son, with his physique, will definitely be a tiger general in the future; your daughter is smart, with eyes as black as ink, and looks rich and noble. She is worthy of being the legitimate wife of the king's second son, Liu Lixiangzhong."

When Ma Chao heard that "the tiger father has no dog sons", he was just a little happy when he suddenly heard that "the king is the legitimate wife of the second son Liu Lixiangzhong" and couldn't help but be surprised: "Bosong, what did you just say?"

Zhuge Qiao sighed: "The king intends to let his second son Liu Li marry General Zuo's daughter, but he is worried that General Zuo will misunderstand that the king is suspicious."

"So let me ask General Zuo for his opinion. If General Zuo is willing, from now on Liu Li's legitimate wife will be your daughter Congli."

"General Zuo, there is no need for me to do this kind of trivial matter. The king only needs to mention it to you face to face, but your cautious words and deeds make the king have to consider the method, for fear that you will misunderstand."


Zhuge Qiao stood up and said: "General Zuo, I can't teach you how to confide in the king. I can only tell you that the king is going to Nanzheng in the near future."

"If the king leaves Chengdu, General Zuo, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to be honest with the king for the rest of your life."

"That's all, General Zuo, please think carefully!"

Zhuge Qiao bowed to Ma Chao, then patted Ma Cheng on the shoulder: "If a jade is not carved, it will not become a useful tool. Even if it is a tiger general, someone has to carve it."

"Xiao Ma Cheng, you must remember that your father is General Shenwei Tian, ​​and you must be proud of him!"

Ma Cheng nodded: "I remember, my father is General Shenweitian! From now on, I will be like my father!"

"It's too quiet, your father can't hear you." Zhuge Qiao reminded in a low voice.

Ma Cheng plucked up the courage and shouted loudly: "I remember that my father is General Shenweitian! From now on, I will be like my father!"

Ma Chao felt as if his ears were being electrocuted. All the past events were echoing in his mind, and he was awakened like an enlightenment.

The father-son relationship between Ma Teng and Ma Chao is quite bad.

This is why, when faced with a life or death decision, Ma Chao would disregard Ma Teng's life or death.


Hearing Ma Cheng's childlike voice, Ma Chao's memory returned to his childhood.

Ma Teng was very fond of Ma Chao at the beginning, but Ma Chao became more and more naughty and often caused trouble to Ma Teng, which led to the worsening relationship between father and son.

Ma Teng is also a typical strict father who produces filial sons under the stick. He will either beat or scold Ma Chao when he makes mistakes.

This trick was fine against Ma Ti and Ma Xiu, but it was counterproductive to the brave Ma Chao.

Humans are very strange.

The adoration of children for their parents will make parents feel a lot of emotions in an instant, especially when they are under great pressure and almost collapse, hearing the sincere words of adoration from their children seems to have a magical power in their limbs. Distribute.

Ma Chao felt like this at this moment.

For a moment, Ma Chao seemed to understand everything, and his tone became a little more relaxed: "Bosong, I understand what to do. When we get to Nanzheng, I will support the military advisor to be the head coach of the Northern Expedition."

Zhuge Qiao clapped his hands and laughed: "Congratulations, General Zuo."

Ma Chao's temperament was also gradually changing, and he invited: "Bosong, why don't you stay and drink a few bottles with me?"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head and chuckled: "General Zuo, I'm very busy. I just went to persuade General Hou, and then came to persuade General Zuo. I guess I will have to stay up all night to review official documents tonight."

Ma Chao bowed his hand and said, "In that case, I won't keep it. Does the sword you gave me have a name?"

Zhuge Qiao said without hesitation: "This sword has no name, General Zuo can name it himself."

"I have heard that a general will have five virtues: intelligence to make plans, trust to reward and punish, benevolence to follow the crowd, courage to be decisive, and strictness to establish authority."

"If General Zuo thinks that his five virtues are insufficient, he will name it after the one virtue he lacks, and keep it with him to keep him alert at all times."

"With General Zuo's bravery and the five virtues, he will become a famous general in the world and be respected by thousands of people."


Zhuge Qiao saluted Ma Chao solemnly and left with a big smile.

"If Cheng'er could be half as talented as Bo Song, I would have no regrets." Ma Chao watched Zhuge Qiao leave, then looked at Ma Cheng, who was fearful and hopeful, with a smile that he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Cheng'er, do you want to see your father dance with a sword?"

"miss you!"

"Take Lingli with you, and my father will dance the sword for you two today!"

Ma Dai was still in shock at this moment.

Ma Chao's sudden change made Ma Dai a little unbelievable.

Ma Dai has never seen Ma Chao really smile since Ma Chao rebelled against Cao eight years ago. In these years, he has been either angry or angry, sad or resentful.

But now, Ma Dai actually saw a real smile from Ma Chao.

"Brother is relieved!"

"I was relieved just because of Zhuge Qiao's words!"

"Zhuge Qiao just said that he just went to persuade the general."

“It’s amazing!”

"No wonder he can shine in Jingzhou at the age of fifteen. Zhuge Qiao is truly a genius in the world."

Looking at Ma Chao dancing with his sword in the courtyard, Ma Dai had more feelings in his heart.

In the past few years, Ma Chao has been running around like a headless fly, completely unable to find a direction in life.

But now Ma Chao has once again regained the frivolous willfulness of his youth, as well as the self-confidence and composure that stands out from the crowd!


Ma Dai became more worried: "Can the king really tolerate his brother who has relieved his heart and regained his confidence?"

Thinking of Cao Cao in the past, Ma Teng moved his family to Yecheng. Cao Cao was still suspicious of Ma Chao, and finally used a false plan to destroy Guo to build momentum to force Han Sui to rebel against Ma Chao.

Ma Dai was even more worried.

After a while.

After Ma Chao's sword dance ended, he patted Ma Cheng and Ma Lingli's heads, let the two children play by themselves, sheathed his sword and returned to the inner hall.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Ma Dai looked worried.

When Ma Chao saw Ma Dai acting like this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Brother Dai, in the past it was you who advised me to worry less, but today it is I who advise you."

"Don't worry, I already know where I went wrong in the past few years, and I also know why the king dare not trust me."

"Go find the king and invite him to come to the mansion tonight. My wife, Cheng'er, and Lingli will entertain you together."

Ma Dai was awe-inspiring.

In an ordinary banquet, the wife and children will not be allowed to attend the banquet. If the wife and children are allowed to attend, it is entertaining the closest and most trusted people, also called a family banquet.

"I'm going to deliver the invitation to the king!" Ma Dai accepted the order and looked at the sword in Ma Chao's hand: "Brother, what are you going to name this sword?"

Ma Chao raised the long sword in his hand and said calmly: "There will be five virtues. I lack benevolence the most, so I will name it the sword of benevolence."

Hanzhong Palace.

Zhuge Qiao reported to Liu Bei in detail the process of meeting Huang Zhong and Ma Chao.

Talking room.

People reported that Ma Dai had sent an invitation.

Liu Bei laughed when he heard this: "Meng Qi finally figured it out! Bo Song, this is all your fault!"

(End of this chapter)

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