Three Kingdoms: Heir of Wolong, my father-in-law is Guan Gong

Chapter 150: Northern Expedition Selecting Commander, Zhuge Discussing Soldiers

Chapter 150: Northern Expedition Selecting Commander, Zhuge Discussing Soldiers (Pursuit)

Competing with Zhuge Liang?

Guan Yu is in Xiangyang, Zhang Fei is in Langzhong, Wei Yan is in Nanzheng, Ma Chao is on patrol in Wudu but has not returned, and Fa Zheng has not returned in Yuexi.

There are generals such as Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Wu Ban and others present, let alone whether they can win in theory, even if they can really win, who would compete with Zhuge Liang at this time?
  Zhuge Qiao had just blocked Liu Bei's idea of ​​a personal expedition to the north. At this time, in order to prove that he was more powerful than Zhuge Liang, he wanted to compete with Zhuge Liang. Wouldn't that offend the public?

Liu Bei stared at Zhuge Qiao with his tiger eyes.

Zhuge Qiao was calm and calm: "Your Majesty, look. My father is expected to be the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition!"

Liu Bei stared at Zhuge Qiao for a moment, and wanted to say that he could let Zhang Fei take charge.

He also thought that Zhang Fei had always respected Zhuge Liang, so if Zhang Fei said, "I listen to the military advisor, and I will fully cooperate with the military advisor in the Northern Expedition, brother, just sit in Chengdu with peace of mind and wait for me and the military advisor to return.", then there would be no hope for a personal expedition.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei's tiger eyes softened and he looked at Zhuge Liang with a smile on his face: "It's okay to let the military advisor be the commander of the Northern Expedition. I wonder when the military advisor will make the Northern Expedition? I can choose an auspicious day and go on stage to pay homage to the general!"

Liu Bei had a wishful thinking in his mind: The military advisor certainly had never thought of being the commander of the Northern Expedition. As long as the military advisor refused, then I could only be the coach of the Northern Expedition.

Huang Quan did not speak in a hurry this time, but looked at Zhuge Qiao who was calm and calm, waiting for Zhuge Qiao's next words.

Zhuge Liang on the side looked up at the sky.

  Doesn't this put me on the fire?
  How do I know when the Northern Expedition is?
  I never thought about being the head coach of the Northern Expedition!

Zhuge Qiao didn't realize that he was cheating his father at all, and rushed to answer for Zhuge Liang: "As long as the king wants to go to the Northern Expedition, he can come to the stage today to pay homage to the general, and tomorrow my father can send troops to the Northern Expedition!"

Liu Bei narrowed his eyes: "Ah Qiao, you are not honest at all! Before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first. If the food and grass are not available, how can we send troops to the Northern Expedition tomorrow?"

Zhuge Qiao acted like a rogue: "My king, don't worry. Although the food and grass in the palace are poor now, with your king in Chengdu, it will be easy to raise the food and grass needed for the Northern Expedition."

"With your Majesty's guarantee of constant supplies of food and fodder for the Northern Expedition, my father will be able to lead his army to attack Chang'an City within a month and capture the traitor Meng Da alive!"

"Rescuing the Emperor and returning him to the old capital is just around the corner!"

Liu Bei's face turned dark.

Will the Northern Expedition continue to provide food and grass? Is it easy to raise food and grass?
  Without military advisors in Chengdu to help me raise food and grass, how could I ensure a constant supply of food and grass?

Just shout slogans, right?
  I was led into a ditch again by this boy Aqiao!

a long time.

Liu Bei sighed: "Ah Qiao and the military advisor will stay, and the rest will wait outside the mansion for the time being."

Huang Quan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhuge Qiao with a little more admiration.

As long as Liu Bei is willing to listen, that's a good thing!
  I'm afraid that Liu Bei will go his own way and use Yizhou's strength to fight for Guanzhong when the army and people are exhausted.

Wait until everyone retreats.

Liu Bei stared at Zhuge Qiao: "Ah Qiao, everyone was here just now. I know there is something hidden in the nonsense."

"There are only three of us here now, please make your words clear."

"With your intelligence, it's impossible not to understand why I am in such a hurry for the Northern Expedition."

Zhuge Qiao smiled lightly and handed over his hands: "Your Majesty, I am not opposed to the Northern Expedition; if the time comes, it would be okay for Your Majesty to do it himself."

"However, this is indeed not the best opportunity for the Northern Expedition."

"The king's top priority is not the Northern Expedition, but internal political cultivation, health and well-being, and hoarding food and training troops to prepare for changes in the world."

Liu Bei frowned: "Cao Cao is dead, can't it be regarded as a change in the world?"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head: "Although Cao Cao is dead, Cao Pi is still there, and the civil and military heroes left behind by Cao Cao are still there."

"Cao Pi used thunderous power to win over Cao Cao's old troops, and also seized Cao Zhang's military power, and his momentum was booming."

"Now we have deployed heavy troops in Sili and Yongliang, and have trusted Meng Da to supervise the troops in Chang'an. The purpose is to wait for the king to send troops to Qinchuan."

"Cao Pi first became king of Wei and urgently needed a victory to establish his prestige in the army."

"Mengda was in a high position when he first surrendered to Cao Pi. He also urgently needed a big victory to establish his prestige in the army."

"If your Majesty rushes to the north, he will fulfill the intentions of Cao Pi and Meng Da."

"There is a saying in the art of war: The enemy wants to fight hastily, but we will fight slowly. If we delay for a long time, his power will be exhausted."

Liu Bei frowned even more: "But by acting like this, doesn't it appear that I am afraid of Cao Pi and Meng Da?"

Zhuge Qiao smiled and said: "That's why I say that your Majesty is not suitable to be the head coach of the Northern Expedition."

Liu Bei sighed softly: "Ahqiao is very sharp-tongued, but I can't speak to you. But you want the military advisor to be the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition. The reason you just gave is not enough!"

Zhuge Qiao said calmly: "Your Majesty, do you still remember how Emperor Gaozu defeated Zhang Han, King Yong of Guanzhong?"

Liu Bei pondered for a while: "Gaozu adopted Zhang Liang's plan and burned the plank road to show that he would not return to Guanzhong, so as to paralyze Xiang Yu and the other princes."

"When Xiang Yu made a rebellion, Emperor Gaozu adopted Han Xin's plan and sent hundreds of soldiers to repair the plank road. He pretended to use the plank road to attack, but secretly attacked Chencang."

"Zhang Han was caught off guard and allowed Chencang to fall, and was eventually defeated by Gaozu."

"But things are different now. Zhang He, the current guard of Chencang, is a capable general who is well versed in the art of war. How could he not take precautions?"

Zhuge Qiao smiled and said: "There are no constant trends in military affairs, and secretly attacking Chencang is just one of the military strategies."

"What I want to say is that Emperor Nanzheng worshiped the general!"

"At that time, Zhang Han was a famous general in the late Qin Dynasty, while Han Xin was just a nobody. He was neither famous nor ever commanded an army."

"In Zhang Han's eyes, it was child's play for Emperor Gaozu to make Han Xin his general."

"There is a saying in the art of war: arrogant soldiers will be defeated. Underestimating Han Xin was the root cause of Zhang Han's defeat."

After a slight pause, Zhuge Qiao continued: "Since ancient times, those who can plan strategies must know military affairs."

"Longzhong's antithetical couplets, if he doesn't study military affairs deeply, how can he make the king stand three points?"

"In addition to talent, those who are good at fighting also value wisdom, general virtue, and luck."

"People with high intelligence, even if they don't spend their energy on military affairs, can reach the heights or even surpass ordinary people's lifetimes in three to five years if necessary."

"A person with general virtue is well versed in wisdom, trust, benevolence, courage, and strictness. He is resourceful and trustworthy in rewards and punishments. He also loves nurses and soldiers. He is brave and decisive, and he also maintains strict military discipline."

"A lucky person, even if he has never led an army, can still be appreciated and trusted by his benefactor, like a thousand-mile horse meeting Bole, or like Han Xin meeting the great ancestor."

"My father is well versed in the art of war and strategy, and is good at overall planning."

"The king is away on an expedition, while my father stays behind to supervise the rear. Whether it is dispatching officials or rewarding good and punishing evil, there is no mistake in all matters, big or small."

"Although there are differences in military and political affairs, they achieve the same goal by different routes: the core lies in the calculation and deployment of manpower and material resources."

"In terms of talent, my father and Han Xin have their own strengths. If we only talk about wisdom, general virtue and fortune, how similar are my father and Han Xin who met the great ancestor in Nanzheng in the past?"

"Great Ancestor can use Han Xin to rule the Three Qin Dynasties, why can't the king let my father leave Qinchuan?"

Liu Bei pondered deeply.

Zhuge Qiao added: "The king has been on campaign for many years, and his military style has been largely fixed. Meng Da has been under the king's command for a long time, and he knows the king and his generals quite well."

"Meng Da has resentment towards the king. Now he is guarding Chang'an for Cao Pi, so he will definitely take action."

"Your Majesty does not understand Meng Da's military style. Knowing yourself but not knowing the enemy is like violating a military taboo."

"But with my father as the head coach of the Northern Expedition, Mengda's advantage of knowing himself and his enemy was gone."

"Meng Da has always been proud of himself and always thought he could rival Le Yi. If he knew that my father was the head coach of the Northern Expedition, he would have looked down upon him."

"The Northern Expedition to the Central Plains will not be successful in just one battle in Guanzhong. I know very well that it is difficult for the king to have an opponent with his troops, but after the king, who can command the troops?"

Liu Bei suddenly understood.

With his current physical condition, even if he went on the Northern Expedition, he would only have to fight another battle for Guanzhong.

But after the battle for Guanzhong, who can take over the important task of the Northern Expedition?
  Although Zhuge Qiao had talent and luck, he still lacked wisdom and general virtue. He was too young, had too little experience, and lacked prestige.

If he wants to take over the task of the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Qiao needs time to grow up.

So before Zhuge Qiao grows up, Liu Bei still needs a Northern Expedition coach who he can absolutely trust, who can plan the overall situation and understands military affairs.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang: "Strategic Advisor, if I appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition, are you confident in capturing Guanzhong?"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment: "If your Majesty doesn't urge me to fight urgently, I will capture Guanzhong for your Majesty!"

Although Zhuge Liang had never thought about being the head coach of the Northern Expedition, and he had not even seriously considered the specific strategy of the Northern Expedition, but now that the arrow was on the line, Zhuge Liang was not allowed to hesitate for a moment.

If he did not take over this important task, Liu Bei would definitely go on the expedition himself, and he might even pursue a quick war because he had no successors for the Northern Expedition.

If you use your troops too hastily, you will easily be plotted by your enemy.

If an accident occurs, Liu Bei's royal industry will suffer a huge blow.

The most important thing at the moment is to completely give up the idea of ​​Liu Bei's personal expedition.

As long as Liu Bei is not in danger, Zhuge Liang firmly believes that it is only a matter of time before he takes Guanzhong.

As Zhuge Qiao said: A highly intelligent person will not show obvious military talents if he does not focus on military affairs. But once he studies military affairs with all his strength, in three to five years, he can reach the height of an ordinary person's lifetime or even surpass it.

Give Zhuge Liang time, and his military literacy will improve at a cross-domain speed.

"it is good!"

When Liu Bei saw Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Qiao, both father and son were calm and determined, and they were willing to give Zhuge Liang a chance: "I will send an order to the generals in Yizhou. In one month, I will go on stage in Nanzheng to pay homage to the generals and select the leader of the Northern Expedition."

Emperor Gaozu had the courage to make Han Xin, who had never commanded an army, a general, and Liu Bei also had the courage to make Zhuge Liang, who had never commanded an army, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition.

As for the lack of prestige in the military, lack of qualifications, disobedience of soldiers, etc., that is not what Liu Bei should worry about.

Liu Bei would not blindly listen to Zhuge Qiao's praise of Zhuge Liang, but he would not arbitrarily deny Zhuge Liang's talents.

Liu Bei has the simplest and most effective way to test: practice brings true knowledge.

If Zhuge Liang is given a month to prepare, but he still cannot make the proud soldiers in the army bow and obey orders on the day he takes the stage to pay homage, then Zhuge Liang is not qualified to be the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition!
  After Liu Bei's order was issued, Huang Quan hurriedly found Zhuge Qiao and said, "Bosong, why does the king still want to expedition to the north?"

Zhuge Qiao put his hands behind his back and smiled: "Huang Zhizhong, it is not that the king wants the Northern Expedition, but that the king wants to choose the leader of the Northern Expedition."

"The Northern Expedition has always been the King's ambition. It cannot be stopped if you insist on stopping it. We can only follow the King's ideas and delay the specific time of the Northern Expedition as much as possible."

"If the king gets impatient and insists on conquering it himself, can Huang Zhizhong persuade him?"

Huang Quan was silent for a moment: "How long can it be delayed?"

Zhuge Qiao silently calculated the time: "If there is no accident, it can be delayed for a year."

"One year?" Huang Quan's eyes widened: "Can you really delay it for so long?"

Zhuge Qiao said with a smile: "The mountain man only has a clever plan! If I say it can, then it can be done!" It is May now, and the generals will be delayed for a month. The five tribes of Qingqiang in South China are migrating, and the autumn harvest is delayed. The Changsha Free Trade Zone's purchase of grain from Jiangdong, transportation of grain to Hanzhong, etc. have been delayed for a long time, and it can be delayed until November.

In November, as soon as Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, Liu Bei had to follow suit.

However, when Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, he could not proclaim himself emperor immediately. In order to respect the ancient etiquette, he had to be persuaded by his ministers and made concessions three times before he could ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. All these small and big things added up.

Liu Bei's pledge to commit the Northern Expedition will be delayed until at least May next year.

By then, money and food will be sufficient, the plank roads will be smooth, and Zhuge Liang will have enough time to train new soldiers and establish military regulations.

In addition, Liu Bei had the right to proclaim himself emperor, and the right time, place, people, and people were all available, which was the real beginning of the Northern Expedition.

However, Zhuge Qiao would not explain these words to Huang Quan.

Seeing that Zhuge Qiao believed in his words, Huang Quan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If the soldiers and people of Yizhou can really rest and recuperate for another year, you, Bo Song, will take the greatest credit."

Zhuge Qiao smiled and said: "Huang Zhizhong has been praised too much. It is all the credit of everyone. How can I dare to take credit?"

Return to the office.

Zhuge Liang's face suddenly became a little more sad: "Bosong, you are setting your father up on the fire. In terms of actual combat command, my father is not as good as you, Bosong."

Zhuge Qiao said with a smile on his face: "Father, please don't belittle yourself! I just took advantage of going to Jingzhou and experiencing actual combat. How can I compare to my father in terms of wisdom?"

"At most half a month, my father will be able to surpass my son in actual combat command."

"What's more, the child's performance in the Battle of Xiangfan and the defensive battle of Jiangling was largely due to luck."

"If my father arranged it, he would not be as careless as a child."

"Father, in my heart, you are comparable to the three outstanding figures of Han Dynasty."

"It can be like Zhang Liang: he can strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away; he can also be like Xiao He: he can control the country, care for the people, provide food and wages, and never run out of food; or he can be like Han Xin: even with a million troops, he can win the battle. , if you attack, you will take it."

Zhuge Liang scolded: "Don't talk nonsense. If you want outsiders to hear this, you can't say that your father is arrogant."

Zhuge Qiao's smile continued: "When father compared himself to Guan Zhong Leyi in the past, why weren't you afraid of people saying you were arrogant?"

When Zhuge Liang saw Zhuge Qiao mentioning the past events, he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "How can the past events be compared with today's events?"

"That's all, it's a foregone conclusion now, and there's no point in blaming you. My father has to review the military strategy recently, and it's hard to be distracted."

"You have reviewed all the official documents from the office for me, right?"

Zhuge Qiao's smile froze: "All?"

Zhuge Liang nodded, patted Zhuge Qiao's shoulder gently, and encouraged: "Nature is everything!"

"Bosong, my father is very busy. If you ask for more things for me, you will naturally have to do more for me."

"Don't underestimate yourself. In my father's heart, you are an unparalleled talent. You can be said to be Xiao He's alive and Guan Zhong's reborn."

"With your talent and knowledge, you will definitely be able to finish reviewing these official documents before dawn."

"I will ask Yinping to prepare your favorite meal and then send it to the office for you."

Zhuge Qiao stood stunned on the spot.

Finished reviewing before dawn?

When Xiao He is still alive, Guan Zhong is reborn?

Father, you have to have a limit when you praise others!

Not a family, don't enter the same door. Zhuge Qiao completely forgot how he praised Zhuge Liang just now.

Zhuge Liang went out leisurely: "Bosong, you must review it carefully! Otherwise, when a new official document is delivered tomorrow, you will have to review it until dawn."

There's still tomorrow! ? ?

Zhuge Qiao suddenly realized: "Oops! Governor Fa went to Jiangling first and then to Yuexi. The official affairs of Shangshuling have not yet been handed over, so there are many official documents in the general's office."

"Now that my father wants to focus on military affairs again, doesn't that mean that I will have to review all the official documents from the General's Office?"


Zhuge Qiao turned around and glanced at the mountain of official documents, and his whole body became stiff.

Time flies.

Sunset and moonrise.

In the office, a mountain of official documents was piled up from the left to the right. Looking at the endless official documents, Zhuge Qiao felt his stomach growl.

"Whoever dares to say that a time traveler can get drunk and lie down on the lap of a beautiful woman in the future and wake up to take over the world, I will fight with him."

"Unless you become a fool or a playboy, the pressure of this job is no less than that of future generations!"

"I won't die young too, right?"

Thinking that Zhuge Qiao only lived twenty-four years old in history, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but shudder.

While he was distressed, a fragrant breeze came from outside the door. It was Guan Feng who came to deliver the meal.

"Husband, let's take some time off from business. Let's eat first. It won't taste good when it gets cold later." Guan Yinping took the food out of the basket and thoughtfully prepared drinking water for Zhuge.

Zhuge Qiao was shocked and poked his head out of the bamboo slip: "What are you doing today?"

Guan Feng bit her lip and said hesitantly: "Probably, they are all husband's favorite food."

"Should it?" Zhuge Qiao looked at Guan Feng suspiciously, and then at the food on the table.

They were all Zhuge Qiao's favorite foods, but something felt wrong.

"Indeed, they are all my favorite food." Zhuge Qiao didn't think much about it. The only son was already cooing from hunger, and he had other thoughts.

However, as soon as the meal was in his mouth, Zhuge Qiao realized something was wrong.

This is not Huang Yueying’s cooking skills!
  Nor is it the cooking skills of a chef in a military advisor general's mansion!
  "Husband, does this food taste good?" Guan Feng looked at Zhuge Qiao expectantly. There was a faint blush on her pretty face, and her plump chest was also rising and falling. It was obvious that she was not very calm inside.

When Zhuge Qiao saw Guan Feng's appearance, he guessed what was going on and praised: "Did the chef change in the mansion today? This chef's cooking skills are much better than the previous chef."

Guan Feng said with joy: "Really?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded: "Definitely! Tonight's meal is full of poetic and artistic flavor, as if the bride poured her longing for her husband into the meal. It's an endless aftertaste!"

Guan Feng's face turned red with embarrassment: "I used to practice martial arts a lot and seldom practiced cooking. Today I did it with my mother."

Zhuge Qiao ate up the food as if he was swallowing a meal: "In the next time, I have to sleep and eat at the office, so Yinping has to run around a lot."

When Guan Yinping saw Zhuge Qiao sweeping away the food, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and advised: "Husband, although there are many official documents, you should not forget to sleep and eat."

Zhuge Qiao buried his head in the official document on the bamboo slips and said, "I will pay attention to it."

For the next ten days, Zhuge Qiao ate and slept at the office. In addition to Guan Feng delivering meals every day, Zhuge Liang would also come occasionally.

It's just that when Zhuge Liang came, he only came to get some official documents for review, and did not ask about Zhuge Qiao's specific review of the official documents.

During this period, the news that Liu Bei was going to pay homage to the generals in Hanzhong quickly spread among the generals in Yizhou.

General Zuo's Mansion.

Ma Dai looked at the burly man in front of him with great interest: "Brother, if the king is going to the stage in Hanzhong to pay homage to the general, it must be because the king is planning to take advantage of Cao Cao's new death to attack Yongliang."

"With my brother's prestige in Liangzhou, I must be the head coach of this Northern Expedition!"

Jin Machao of Xiliang, now Liu Bei's general of the left, was originally patrolling Wudu. After hearing the news that Liu Bei wanted to become a general, he hurried back to Chengdu to prepare.

Ma Chao's tone was also excited: "The traitor Cao slaughtered my entire family, I just wish I could eat his flesh raw."

"Now the King of Hanzhong is preparing to serve as general for the Northern Expedition. As the general of the left of the Han Dynasty, I naturally do my duty!"

"The hatred of the country and the family will be avenged together!"

"It's just that I heard that the right general Zhang Fei and the rear general Huang Zhong are also determined to be the commander of the Northern Expedition; even Wei Yan, the prefect of Hanzhong in Hanzhong, also wants to be the commander of the Northern Expedition."

"If I want to compete with these three people, I don't have much advantage."

Ma Dai smiled and said: "How can the later general Huang Zhong be the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition because he is old and frail? Although Wei Yan, the prefect of Hanzhong, has bravery and strategy, how can he compare with his elder brother in terms of status?"

"Only the right general Zhang Fei is my brother's strong rival in the competition to be the head coach of the Northern Expedition. But the right general is not from Liangzhou after all. The Northern Expedition will lead to Qinchuan to seize the land of Yongliang."

"Only you, brother, are qualified!"

Ma Chao nodded: "Having said that, we can't be careless. You and I have recently studied the situation in Yongliang. If we want to send troops, how should we do it."

"The commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition is the most important person in the three armies. The King of Hanzhong will definitely not accept him as a general easily."

"Whether I can avenge my family or not depends on this time."


Zhang Fei threw the wine jar to the ground and laughed loudly: "I can finally be the head coach of one side!"

"Second brother killed Pang De in Fancheng, defeated Cao Ren and captured him in prison. He shocked China and made me envious!"

"Now that my brother is preparing to go on stage in Nanzheng to pay homage to the general, isn't it specially prepared for me?"

"Brother, it's too troublesome. If you want me to be the head coach, just tell me directly. You have to go on stage to worship the general. It's too troublesome."

Zhang Bao grinned: "Father, maybe the king wants to make someone else his general. Don't be too happy too early."

Zhang Fei glared: "You kid, you're itching, aren't you! My elder brother wants to stay in Chengdu, and my second brother is in Jingzhou. Who else is qualified to coach the Northern Expedition besides me?"

Zhang Bao subconsciously took a step back and said with a smile: "Father, please calm down. My son is also discussing matters. For example, Wei Yan, the prefect of Hanzhong, Huang Zhong, the rear general, Ma Chao, the left general, and Uncle Zhao, the general of the Ling Army, can all be the commanders of the Northern Expedition."

Zhang Fei snorted coldly: "Zilong is my brother, and he never likes to compete for credit. If I want to be the head coach of the Northern Expedition, Zilong must be humble."

"Huang Hansheng killed Xia Houyuan and made great achievements. He has the nerve to rob me again?"

"As for Wei Yan, Hanzhong is an important place. How can the prefect leave it lightly?"

"In other words, Ma Mengqi is a strong enemy. He is from Liangzhou and is familiar with the terrain, customs and customs of Liangzhou."

"Hey, the more I think about this, the more wrong it becomes. It's really possible for my brother to let Ma Mengqi be the head coach of the Northern Expedition."

"No! This Northern Expedition coach can only be mine, no one else can steal it!"

"Baoer, go to the army immediately and ask who is from Yongliang. If there is anyone who is familiar with the terrain of Yongliang, you will be rewarded!"

"I don't believe it anymore. I still can't win the Northern Expedition coach?"

Zhang Fei is gearing up, his eyes full of determination to win.

(End of this chapter)

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