Three Kingdoms: Heir of Wolong, my father-in-law is Guan Gong

Chapter 139 Zhuge Qiao takes Jingnan and Sun Quan destroys Lukou Stronghold

Chapter 139 Zhuge Qiao takes back Jingnan, Sun Quan destroys Lukou Stronghold (Pursuit)

With Mi Fang's promise of money and food, Yu Jin's more than 20,000 surrendered soldiers all responded to Liu Bei's call.

Liu Bei is the leader, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Qiao, Su Fei, Mi Zhu, and Ma Liang are the deputies, Huang Quan, Wu Ban, Feng Xi, Zhang Nan, Chen Shi, Fu Kuang, Xiang Chong, Zhao Rong, Du Lu, Fu Wei, Zong Yu, Wang Ping, Samoko and other dozens of Jingyi generals divided the waterway and commanded an army of more than 50,000 people.

Appearing at Lukou with a majestic attitude of decisive battle.

Warships were crossing the river, with flags standing everywhere, and ships of all sizes were strict and orderly.

The sound of war drums and shouts rose and fell, as if breaking through the sky.

Lu Meng, Sun Jiao, Lu Xun, Pan Zhang and other Lukou Wu generals all changed their faces. No one dared to be careless. They relied on the water stronghold and lined up their warships to be cautious.

Lu Meng's eyes became solemn: "Guan Yu is not here, but there are still people in Jiangling City who can arrange the warships like this."

Lu Xun also spoke solemnly: "Guan Yu's main naval force is in Fancheng. There can't be so many naval forces in Jiangling City."

"Most of them are probably from the nearly 30,000 soldiers who were captured during the ban."

"Only Liu Bei can organize these tens of thousands of miscellaneous soldiers to this level in just a few days!"

"Captain, we were careless."

"Although Yizhou soldiers are too exhausted to fight, Liu Bei can lead generals into Jingzhou."

"Give the Supreme Lord ten days, not because Liu Bei is guilty, but because Liu Bei needs these ten days to organize his army!"

Lu Meng gritted his teeth and said nothing, and his chest began to hurt again.

After Liu Bei sent people to declare a challenge, both Lu Meng and Lu Xun thought Liu Bei was bluffing. No one expected that Liu Bei could organize the scattered soldiers into an army in just ten days.

Pan Zhang was angry in his heart: "No matter how we organize the army, it is just a mixed army. The Supreme Being has not arrived yet, so why not lead the army to break the formation and give Liu Bei a show of strength."

"Let Liu Bei understand that this is Lukou, the governor's Lukou, not Guan Yu's Jiangling!"

Lu Meng shook his head: "Wen Gui, don't stir up trouble. The matter is over. Let's wait until the Supreme One comes to discuss peace."

"General Zhenglu is here. If you go to fight, no matter you win or lose, you will be punished in the future."

Pan Zhang pressed the hilt of the sword tightly: "It's so frustrating!"

The mood of the generals also became extremely heavy, and Shiren on the side also had complicated thoughts.

"If I guard the police for a few days, I will definitely be able to follow the king and show off my power outside Lukou Stronghold."

"I have followed the king for decades. From the time when I was a small soldier in Youzhou to today, I have survived many deadly battles. But when I got old, I lost my integrity."

"With my old skills, if the king can revive the Han Dynasty, I will definitely be able to grant the title of Hou Yinzi in the future."

"I could have died in office with honor, and my heirs would have been descendants of generals, instead of just being hunters in Guangyang County."

"Now I have to die in obscurity."

"I'm really unwilling!"

Looking at Lu Meng in front of him who was wrapped in a turban, Shiren felt cold again in his heart: If it weren't for Lu Meng, how could I, Shiren, be where I am today!

While thinking.

Several warships arrived from the lower reaches, with a large flag with the word Wu on the bow, which was Sun Quan's general flag.

Sun Jiao led the boat out of the stronghold and welcomed Sun Quan into the water stronghold.

Lu Meng, Lu Xun and other generals came forward one after another to pay homage: "I will finally see you, Your Majesty."

Sun Quan did not nod as usual, but bowed and bowed in return: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers, and generals must not lose their spirit because of this."

"The defeat at Jiangling was not caused by war, but because we underestimated the enemy and were too proud of ourselves."

"From today on, you can no longer call me Supreme. Just call me Wu Hou."

"In the past, Gou Jian lay down on the firewood and tasted courage. He knew his shame and then became brave. Today I also humbly follow his example. I hope all the generals will encourage me!"

The generals were shocked.

Lu Meng was shocked in his heart. He closed his eyes and took a breath, bowed his head and said: "The Lord Wu lowered his honor to encourage the generals, but this should not invalidate Jiangdong's laws."

"The guilty general Lü Meng is at the mercy of the Marquis of Wu."

Pan Zhang was in a hurry and was about to plead for mercy, but was repelled by Lu Meng's eyes.

Sun Quan laughed when he saw this: "To be a general, you must not only know the soldiers and be good at fighting, but also have the courage to take responsibility. Zi Ming's crime will be discussed later."

"King of Hanzhong Chen Bing Lukou, I have to go say hello to the King of Hanzhong first and resolve the misunderstanding between the two sides."

"Bo Yan, Zhong Xiang, you two will go with me, the rest will stay in the water stronghold and cannot move without orders."

After Lu Xun and Yu Fan left with Sun Quan, Pan Zhang asked urgently: "Commander, the Marquis of Wu has already said that it was a crime other than war, why do you still want to take the blame?"

Lu Meng's eyes were indifferent: "Wen Gui, have you noticed that Wu Hou is different today?"

Pan Zhang was stunned: "The Marquis of Wu is the Marquis of Wu, what's the difference?"

Lu Meng smiled calmly: "Today's Wu Hou reminds me of the general who rebelled against me."

The rebel general is Sun Ce.

Compared to Sun Ce, Sun Quan was always suspicious of the generals who commanded the army.

This is certainly related to the rebellion of Lujiang prefect Li Shu after Sun Ce's death, the clan Sun Fu's secret liaison with Cao Cao, Sun Hao's attempt to seize power, the deaths of Sun Yi and Sun He because of Gui Lan and Dai Yuan, and other military generals' rebellion.

It's also related to the fact that Sun Quan's weapons are not as good as Sun Ce's.

But now, Lu Meng saw the shadow of Sun Ce in Sun Quan.

If you don’t have humility and trust in the generals who command the troops, how can you gain the love and trust of the generals in charge?
  Just because some of the generals in charge of the army have rebelled, and they have no trust in all the generals in charge of the army, how can they lead the Jiangdong soldiers to fight decisively between the two formations and fight for balance in the world?

"Although I am defeated, Marquis Wu still wins." Lu Meng took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said softly.

Pan Zhang scratched his head, completely unable to understand Lu Meng's words.

Defeat is defeat, how can there be victory?
  And on the other side.

Liu Bei, Zhuge Qiao and Ma Liang stood on the bow of the ship wearing armor.

Looking at the Lukou Stronghold not far away, Liu Bei frowned: "If the Lukou Stronghold is not removed, Jiangling City will always face threats from Jiangdong. However, this stronghold is strong and easy to defend but difficult to attack."

Although he issued a letter of challenge to Sun Quan, Liu Bei was not sure of victory.

When it comes to land battles, Liu Bei can defeat Sun Quan with one hand; when it comes to water battles, neither Liu Bei nor Cao Cao is as good as Sun Quan in water battles.

This is not self-effacement, nor is it emboldening the enemy's ambitions to destroy one's own prestige, but a clear understanding of reality!

Zhuge Qiao said without hesitation: "No matter how strong the city is, it cannot withstand internal damage. Although the Lukou stronghold is easy to defend and difficult to attack, when Sun Quan had to abandon Lukou, destroying the water stronghold would only be a matter of fire." .”

Liu Bei smiled knowingly: "It is not easy for Sun Quan to burn down the Lukou stronghold that he has been operating for many years."

Zhuge Qiao chuckled: "Lukou Stronghold poses too great a threat to Jiangling City. It is impossible for the peace talks to continue without destroying Lukou Stronghold."

Ma Liang slightly twirled his short beard: "Although Lü Meng has been defeated for a while, it is not easy for the king to compete with Lü Meng at Lukou."

"I thought Sun Quan wouldn't be so stupid. Burning Lukou Stronghold would be like cutting off an arm."

Zhuge Qiao sneered: "Sun Quan has no choice! One Lukou stronghold is exchanged for more than 6,000 Jiangdong soldiers. No matter what, it is a loss for the king. I think Sun Quan must be allowed to return Guiyang and Changsha."

Ma Liang was shocked and said: "Ah Qiao, if the asking price is too harsh, it will be difficult to negotiate."

Zhuge Qiao raised his lips and said, "If you ask for a price, sit down and pay back. If you don't want to be harsh, how can Sun Quan counter-offer?"
  Liu Bei laughed: "Ah Qiao has an idea, so this time the peace talks with Sun Quan will be led by Ah Qiao."

Zhuge Qiao clasped his fists and accepted the order.

During the discussion, it was reported that Sun Quan had arrived.

Liu Bei then ordered the big ship to come forward, and connected with Sun Quan's two ships. They were fixed with iron chains and covered with wooden planks, like a chain ship.

Liu Bei took Zhuge Qiao Ma Liang, Zhao Yunchen and others to guard him; Sun Quan took Lu Xun and Yu Fan to guard him, and Zhou Tai and Xu Sheng guarded him on his left and right sides.

"Marquis Wu has come a long way, and I have missed my welcome. Please forgive me."

"The King of Hanzhong is too polite. It's because I failed to fulfill my duty as a landlord."

As soon as they met, Liu Bei and Sun Quan exchanged words, expressing the same meaning to each other: This piece of water is mine!

Liu Bei then ordered Chen Dao to place the chessboard and invited him, "Wuhou, if you are interested, play a game of chess with me."

Sun Quan laughed: "The King of Hanzhong invites me, how can I be timid? Please!"

Liu Bei and Sun Quan fought on the chessboard, and tacitly agreed to give up the peace talks to Zhuge, Qiao, Ma Liang, Lu Xun, and Yu Fan.

"Let's get straight to the point."

"The Xiangshui Treaty is invalid. You will cede the occupied Changsha, Guiyang and other places, and at the same time cede the southern part of Jiangxia County to express your sincerity of non-aggression."

"The grudges in this battle can be resolved. From now on, the two sides will help each other and fight against Cao's thieves together."

Zhuge Qiao opened his mouth with a bang, which not only shocked Lu Xun and Yu Fan, but Sun Quan, who was playing chess, couldn't help but shake his hands and almost dropped the black chess piece between his fingers.

Ma Liang was also surprised.

Before the negotiation, they only said that Changsha, Guiyang and other places would be returned and Lukou Stronghold would be burned down. During the negotiation, they even wanted the southern part of Jiangxia County?
  The sky-high asking price is too outrageous.

Hearing Zhuge Qiao's arrogance, Yu Fan immediately shouted: "You are just talking nonsense!"

Zhuge Qiao smiled and said: "Whether I am a fool or not, let's not mention it for now. Let me hear your terms first."

Yu Fan glared and said: "The Xiangshui Treaty maintains the status quo and returns the detained Jiangdong soldiers. We will lead troops to attack Jiangxia Wenpin to help your side in Fancheng."

Zhuge Qiao laughed loudly: "Guan Junhou defeated Cao Ren in Fancheng and was imprisoned. Why do you need your help to build momentum?"

"If you hadn't betrayed your alliance and attacked Jiangling secretly, Guan Junhou would have taken Fancheng long ago."

"Wenpin is just a sleepy dog ​​in Jiangxia, nothing to worry about!"

"As the saying goes: Taking without asking is stealing. Come when you say it, and leave when you say it. Could it be that what you are doing is like stealing like a rat?"

Yu Fan shouted: "It was your side who took the rice from Xiangguan without permission. Governor Lu just went to Jiangling City to get back the rice that was taken without permission."

"Not only did you not return it, you also detained Jiangdong's soldiers without authorization. If you said you were stealing like a rat, you would be following your example."

Zhuge Qiao took out the silk book from his arms and spread it out on the desk: "Why take Xiangguan rice without permission? This is obviously borrowing!"

"It is jointly signed by your Xiangguan guard and more than 20 Jiangdong businessmen present, agreeing to return it after one year."

"Now that the one-year period has not expired, we have not breached the contract."

Without waiting for Yu Fan to refute, Zhuge Qiao took out a second silk document: "This is the document commonly used by Lu Meng's more than seventy merchant ships. It is clearly written on it that seventy-four ships of grain and rice are to be sold to Mi Fang, the governor of Nanjun."

"This proves that Lu Meng did not come to Jiangling City to take back Xiangguan rice, but came to Jiangling City to do business."

"When Lu Meng arrived at Jiangling City, he not only failed to deliver the seventy-four shiploads of grain and rice as promised, but also seized the public security city and sent troops to attack Jiangling City." "I did not ask you to compensate for the seventy-four shiploads of grain according to this document. The loss of 500,000 meters has been considered for the sake of allies on both sides.”

Yu Fan said weakly: "That's because Governor Lu is making his own decisions. The Marquis of Wu will severely punish Governor Lu and give you an explanation."

"Captain Lu also said that he is willing to accept any punishment, even if it means death."

Zhuge Qiao narrowed his eyes and smiled: "We are allies. If you are unkind, we cannot be unjust. If you kill Lu Meng, wouldn't it only make the two sides more hostile?"

"We will take a step back and don't need the southern part of Jiangxia County; the Xiangshui Treaty is invalidated, and Changsha, Guiyang and other places as well as this Lukou stronghold will be returned to us."

Yu Fan glared like an ox: "Impossible! Nanjun was originally borrowed by you from us, and the Xiangshui Covenant also agreed that the two parties will not argue about the ownership of Jingzhou in the future."

"It's okay to give Changsha Guiyang to you, then return Nanjun."

Zhuge Qiao's tone also improved by three points: "If you want to care about it like this, it's better to go back to the beginning."

"We will return Nanjun, and you will return Xiakou and Fankou."

"Other matters such as our borrowing rice from Xiangguan and your Lü Meng's attack on Jiangling City will not be discussed."

"From now on, the ownership of Jingzhou will depend on their own abilities."

Yu Fan suddenly choked up in anger.

At this time, return Xiakou and Fankou, and when Liu Bei captures Xiangfan, Nanjun will be like a turtle in a urn, under Liu Bei's military power at all times.

From now on, who will belong to Jingzhou will depend on their own abilities?
  Wouldn't that be equivalent to taking Xiakou and Fankou, then turning around and attacking Nanjun?
  So what's the difference between returning and not returning?
  Seeing Yu Fan's defeat, Lu Xun said, "When I was in Jiangdong, I had a deep friendship with your father, Zhuge Jin. I thought there was no need for the two sides to be so tit-for-tat."

"How about we each take a step back, and we return Changsha, and you return the more than 6,000 Jiangdong soldiers who were detained?"

"After all, we are a family, so why make things unpleasant."

When Zhuge Qiao saw Lu Xun mentioning Zhuge Jin, he laughed and said, "The King of Hanzhong and the Marquis of Wu are also related by marriage. I have also stayed in Jiangdong for more than ten years. I really shouldn't have made such an unpleasant scene."

"Then we will take a step back. We don't need Lukou Stronghold, but you can't station troops either."

Lu Xun’s eyes were slightly stern.

I guessed the core of Zhuge Qiao's negotiation: Lukou Village poses too great a threat to Jiangling City!
  Lu Xun said slowly: "Lukou Village has been run by Governor Lu for many years and has cost a lot of money. It would be a pity if it were abandoned."

"This time Wu Hou has brought the King of Hanzhong's wife. If there is another conflict, wouldn't it be unfair to Wu Hou?"

Ma Liang was taken aback.

Mrs. Wang of Hanzhong, Sun Quan’s sister?
  Ma Liang couldn't help but glance at Liu Bei and Sun Quan, but saw the two chatting and laughing while playing chess, as if they had not heard the negotiation between Zhuge Qiao and Yu Fan Lu Xun.

Seeing that he could not hide it from Lu Xun, Zhuge Qiao said bluntly: "It seems that you also understand that the core of the conflict between the two parties lies in Lukou Stronghold."

"Since Marquis Wu has brought Mrs. Wang of Hanzhong, if we cannot show sincerity, you will also be dissatisfied."

"Then we will take a step back."

"You will return Changsha, and we will return the more than 6,000 Jiangdong soldiers we detained."

"You burned down Lukou Village and turned Changsha into a free economic and trade zone."

"Neither you nor we are allowed to station troops in Changsha, nor are we allowed to set up checkpoints in Changsha. Both parties agree on Changsha's business policy and make it public in legislation, and only send business officials to manage daily affairs and business disputes."

"With Changsha as a buffer, we don't have to worry about you attacking Jiangling again, and you don't have to worry about us waiting for an opportunity to retaliate."

"We will also return the Xiangguan rice as promised and invalidate the documents of the seventy-four ships of grain and rice, and will not mention your old sneak attack on Jiangling as compensation for burning down the Lukou stronghold."

"This is a win-win strategy. If you are willing to accept it, we can sign the contract now."

"If you cannot accept it, then we and you will have to meet on the battlefield."

"Once the war starts, there will be no room for maneuver. There can only be one prince south of the Yangtze River!"

As soon as Zhuge Qiao's plan to "use Changsha as an economic free trade zone" came out, Liu Bei and Sun Quan, who were playing chess, couldn't help but look at Zhuge Qiao.

Yu Fan looked at Zhuge Qiao in shock, obviously not expecting that Zhuge Qiao would finalize the solution to the conflict between the two parties by building a business zone.

After destroying Lukou Stronghold and not allowing both sides to station troops in Changsha, there will be a large blank space between the forces of Sun Quan and Liu Bei.

With Changsha as a free trade zone, a large number of businessmen will be stationed in Changsha.

When Changsha's free trade zone takes shape, Sun Quan will have to consider the ideas of the wealthy businessmen stationed in Changsha if he dares to start a war in Nanjun again.

In the non-capital era, those who could become wealthy businessmen were almost all from wealthy families.

This is equivalent to a double-edged sword hanging over both Liu Bei and Sun Quan's heads. If they win, it will be fine, but if they lose, they will have to face the accountability of the wealthy family.

"This son must be eliminated!"

"Otherwise Jiangdong will have endless troubles!"

Lu Xun thought further than Yu Fan.

Since Zhuge Qiao could come up with such a plan, he must be better at using blame than Jiang Dong.

Liu Bei had already guessed Zhuge Qiao's intention.

There is Shu Brocade in Xichuan!
  Nowadays, the five-baht currency system has long since collapsed, but Shu brocade is loved by the people of various states.

Jiangdong is also rich in grain and rice.

Once this free trade zone becomes a climate, Xichuan will be able to exchange a large amount of Shu brocade for grain and rice from Jiangdong.

Although Sun Quan was the lord of Jiangdong, he could not stop the people of Jiangdong from exchanging grain and rice for Shu brocade.

For Liu Bei, who was eager for the Northern Expedition, this was tantamount to giving timely help.

Liu Bei's forces had a small population. On the premise of satisfying the farming labor force, they also had to raise tens of thousands of soldiers and horses and support the Northern Expedition. This put great pressure on Liu Bei.

Grain and rice cannot appear out of thin air. It requires manpower to cultivate it.

If the forced expropriation of grain and rice from aristocratic families goes too far, it will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of the aristocratic families.

Sun Quan is not stupid either.

What Liu Bei could think of, Sun Quan could also think of.

Once the private free trade economy becomes a climate, it will be beyond the control of Liu Bei and Sun Quan.

Yizhou trades mostly handicrafts, while Jiangdong trades mostly fish and rice, one for pleasure and the other for survival.

It’s self-evident which one is more beneficial.

"King of Hanzhong, you have found a good talent." Although Sun Quan was very reluctant in his heart, he had no way to object at this moment.

The one who is violent is afraid of being stunned, and the one who is stunned is afraid of losing his life. Now Sun Quan does not have the consciousness to fight Liu Bei for life and death.

Liu Bei smiled and said, "I heard that Aqiao's brother Zhuge Ke is known as a child prodigy in Jiangdong. Why doesn't Marquis Wu train him well?"

"From now on, if we work together on the Northern Expedition, why worry about Cao Cao's thieves not being wiped out!"

Sun Quan laughed and said, "The King of Hanzhong's words are right. There are many talented people in the Zhuge family. If we don't make good use of them, won't people mistakenly think that the pearls and jade are in front of me but I don't know them?"

"Since the King of Hanzhong believes that this plan is feasible, he will reorganize Jingzhou according to this plan and renew the alliance to fight against Cao Cao."

Liu Bei couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Sun Quan's straightforward answer: "Wu Hou will not consider it anymore?"

Sun Quan shook his head: "I was deceived by Cao Pi and instigated by villains. I recklessly raised weapons and led to today's disaster."

"I am extremely ashamed that the King of Hanzhong can care about the alliance."

"Cao Pi transferred Zhang Liao from Huainan to Fancheng. Huainan was empty. I just sent troops to Huainan to teach Cao Pi a lesson."

"My little sister was ignorant before and offended the King of Hanzhong many times. After returning to Jiangdong for several years, she has worked hard to practice morality and is no longer the coquettish and unruly girl she used to be."

"This time, it is my younger sister who actively hopes to return to the King of Hanzhong. I also ask the King of Hanzhong not to blame my younger sister for being rude in the past."

Liu Bei smiled and said: "How can I blame my wife? It's just that I have given the title of princess. If my sister comes, I will only wrong her."


Liu Bei and Sun Quan signed a new contract on issues such as the ownership of Jingzhou. Witnessed by Ma Liang, Zhuge Qiao, Lu Xun, and Yu Fan, Liu Bei and Sun Quan signed an oath, in duplicate, which each kept.

When Sun Quan's warship went away, Liu Bei's expression became solemn: "Sun Quan is becoming more and more heroic. Although he suffered a big loss this time, he has become more calm and open-minded."

"A strong enemy!"

"Adou is young and Feng'er is not good at scheming. How can we compare?"

Zhuge Qiao saw through Liu Bei's worries and approached and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. Although brother Gongzhong is not good at scheming, he is brave and good at fighting. Now he is also willing to fight for Adou."

"Although Adou is young, he has a gentle temperament and is generous to others. In the future, he will be able to win over heroes like a great king."

"Although Sun Quan realized his shame due to defeat and wanted to work hard, the heroes in Jiangdong are getting old one after another. How can he compare with the heroes under the king's command?"

Liu Bei was just sighing for a moment, but after listening to Zhuge Qiao's advice, he became more heroic in his heart: "What A Qiao said makes sense. I have all the heroes under my command, so why be afraid of Sun Quan!"

"After Sun Quan's trouble, Cao Cao's reinforcements are about to arrive in Fancheng. Yun Chang has few troops in Fancheng, and we still need to go to help."

"When Sun Quan burns Lukou Stronghold, he will send his troops to Fancheng."

"As soon as I said goodbye to Hanzhong, I heard that Cao Cao was seriously ill. I was very concerned about him. I had to go and see him off at any rate."

the other side.

Sun Quan returned to Lukou Village and showed the new treaty signed with Liu Bei to everyone.

"Burning down Lukou Village? How is this possible?" Pan Zhang was shocked when he heard this.

Lu Meng remained silent.

This Lukou Village has been run for many years, and Lu Meng has put all his efforts into it. Now that it is about to be burned down, Lu Meng cannot say that it is impossible not to feel heartbroken.

A mouthful of blood came to him, and Lu Meng resisted the urge to vomit blood, and then suffocated the blood for a while, and his energy became a little weaker.

Sun Jiao hesitated to speak, but saw Sun Quan's expression and swallowed his words.

Seeing the anger of the generals, Sun Quan said calmly: "It's just a Lukou stronghold. If it burns down, it can be rebuilt."

"Victory and defeat are common things in military affairs. We can make a comeback if we have the opportunity in the future. Don't let others underestimate our ability."

"Ziming, you are the governor of Lukou. It is up to you to light the fire of this Lukou stronghold."

"If Liu Bei had not seen Lukou destroyed with his own eyes, he would not have gone to Fancheng."

"The rest of the people, follow me to Ruxukou immediately, take advantage of the emptiness in Huainan, and take Hefei in one go!"

"Since Cao Pi dares to betray me, he must also learn a lesson."

 Although Lu Meng is not dead, with the burning of Lukou stronghold, he is not far from death, so he can be considered dead. Happy New Year, please read and subscribe in full
  (End of this chapter)

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